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SMTP Error Codes - Uniflow Page 1 of 2

June 25,2018

Product :
uniFLO W

Title :
SM TP ErrorCodes - UniFLO W

Q uestion :
W hatare these SM TP errorcodes listed w hile checking outdiagnostic logs in uniFLO W regarding em ail?

A nsw er :
The SM TP Errorcode m atrix is found as partofthe N T-W are w hite paper:Escalation Requirem ents (M O M KB-245).

These errorcodes appearin the uniFLO W Techsupportand SM TP logs (w hen enabled). 

Inform ation on how to enable SM TP logging: 12/6/2019
SMTP Error Codes - Uniflow Page 2 of 2

The uniFLO W techsupportlogs can be reached via the follow ing URLs:  
• U N IFLO W :http(s):/uniflow serverIP/pw server/techsupport.asp
• RPS:http(s):/RPS IP:8000/techsupport.asp

Canon USA,Inc.Engineering Services & Solutions D ivision 12/6/2019

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