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We would like to express our gratitude for the completion of

our project.

We would like to thank to Mrs. Dhada B. Remo our subject

teacher for guiding us to do our project properly and clearly.

To our parents for giving us something that we need then

also for giving what we need to use. The people helped us to

secure information we would thank them so much for they good


I thank you and that’s all…

Chapter I
Chapter II

a. Background of the Study

It is important to us. If we study very well we will
succeed in our life. And if we conduct it, our work will easy
to finish. Our goals will come true because we study very

b. Statement of the problem

The topic is about “how to make coffee from
Malunggay?” and the problem was “What are the
procedures on your topic. The specific question reference

c. Significance of the study

By pair, we helped each other by halfing questions and
we think how do it properly. If we half the questions, our
work will finish easier and we will not difficulty to do it
because we helped it by pair. We do our best to finish all

d. Scope and Limitations of the Study

The aspects were covered was the procedures of our
topic. But the other study were not cover because we study
it. 1 week or above, if enough 1 week it will be 10 days
above or below.


a. Review of Literature
In our topic that reference with materials were we will
cheap to buy and malunggay gives substance to our body.
The knowledge that we find are how to do our work easier.
It will be good to know how to do it easier.

b. Conceptual Framework
I notice that even it is not about to our topic it is also
related but a little similar only. The key variables is how it
related in the topic. We listen to the discussion of the
subject teacher to now how to do it properly.

c. Hypothesis
The specific relationship that we believe between two
variables are the topic is related also but a little only. The
relationship could be a possible explanation is the believing
of two variables that are related to it.

d. Definition of terms
In our study, we interpreted the technical terms
because we need it also for knowing the terms of it. It helps
to learn more from our study.

Malunggay: The malunggay leaves contains vitamins and

minerals that give energy to our body. It can also be medicine to
cancer, fever and many others. That’s why we encourage
everyone to eat vegetable for us to be healthy.

Coffee Grinder: Grind is the reducing to fine particles. We grind

the malunggay to became powder like coffee.

Conduct: It is a personal behavior or management. To lead or

guiding. May refer to behavior, action and a musical ensemble.

Specific: Pertaining to designating or constituting a species. A

remedy which exerts a special action in the cure of a disease. A
cure or therapy for a specific illness.

Aspects: A feature that is unliked to many parts of a program,

but which is not necessarily the primary function of the program.

Reference: Is the intensional use of one thing.

Topic: It may refer to what is being talked about.

Procedure: Is a specified series of action or operations which

have to be executed in the same manner in order to always
obtain the same result under the same circumstances. It usually
induces a change.


I and my partner present data by using the diagrams but we

didn’t write it in our answer sheet. But we understand by reading
our work and analyze it carefully.

Analyzing is good to learn much and by listening to the

discussion of the teacher for being excellent and learn more
information and find out more informations.

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