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 Golden circle : is the essance of aiesec consist of the WHY, HOW,WHAT.

WHY is
we talk about our vission which is we want to strive to achieve peace and fulfillment
of humandkinds potential, HOW yaitu gmn cra kita nge achieve our WHY td? Yaitu
kita percaya bahwa leadership is the fundamental solution and it can be developed in
anyone and we place our confidence in youth as the key to unlock a better future and
about WHAT, like what we do , what we want to bring to the world? Yaitu dg cara
kita enable young people to develop their leadership through learning from practical
experiences in challenging environtments.
 AIESEC WAY, describes us as an organisation, and makes us unique. consist of the
WHY, HOW,WHAT. WHY is we talk about our vission which is we want to strive to
achieve peace and fulfillment of humandkinds potential, HOW yaitu gmn cra kita nge
achieve our WHY td? Yaitu kita percaya bahwa leadership is the fundamental
solution and it can be developed in anyone and we place our confidence in youth as
the key to unlock a better future and about WHAT, like what we do , what we want to
bring to the world? Yaitu dg cara kita enable young people to develop their leadership
through learning from practical experiences in challenging environtments.
 AIESEC VALUE, is a set of core values that we live by everyday and it consist of 6
parts, which are Striving for excellent, enjoying participation, living diversity,
activating leadership, demonstrating integrity, acting sustainably.
1. Striving for Excellence, We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in
everything we do.

2. Enjoying Participation, We create dynamic and welcoming environments

which stimulate active and enthusiastic participation by our members.

3. Living Diversity, we respects and seek to learn from the different way of life
and others opinion

4. Activating Leadership, We lead by example and inspire leadership through

action and results.

5. Demonstrating integrity, We are consistent and transparent in our decisions

and actions
6. Acting Sustainably, We act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation
and society.

 Leadership Development Model consist of 3 parts which are leadership quality,

inner and outer journey and standards & satisfaction. Pertama leadership quality, ini
menjelaskan ttg outcomes dari leadership development journey yg sdh kita provide
ke customers kita, kedua inner n outer journey, ini menjelaskan ttg personal mwpn
pforessional journey yg sdh dilewati oleh customers kita melalui exchange, in order to
develop our leadreship quality, dan yg terakhir adalah standards n satisfaction
(SNS), ini menjelaskan tentang aktivitas sehari2 yg perlu dilakukan kpd our
 Leadership development model, Consist of 3 parts which are leadership quality,
inner and outer journey and standards & satisfaction. Pada intinya LDM ini
menguraikan ttg hal2 yg perlu kita deliver, facilitate and develop to our customers.
 Clarity of Who Blue man (aiesecer) it could be team member/ team leader. Tapi aku
ibaratkan si blue man ini adalah TL (Team Leader). Jadi we as team leader punya
resposibility untuk ngedelivers TS (Team Standards) to our members dan kebalikan si
team member juga punya hak ngereceive TS dari TL nya dan TL dalam ngedeliver TS
nya harus follow the blue code book. After that during the time that our member
recieve the TS, it will enable them to learn competence and living aiesec values. After
that they will connect to experience and go trough inner and outer journey dan
terakhir barulah leadership quality mereka (team member) terdevelop. Sebaliknya
untuk TL ketika sudah menjalankan kewajibannya dalam ngedeliver TS sampai team
membernya get leadership quality maka secara langsung TL tsb connect dengan
statement A2025.
 Clarity of Who explain about how we develop leadership in our member and the way
members know who they are as an individual and as an organization by understand
and living aiesec value.
1. Jadi kalo kalian biasa liat itu ada blue people anggaplah blue people ini adalah
member kita. Nah we as team leader ngedeliver TS ke member kita dan
sebaliknya member kt receive dr TS yg sdh di deliver oleh TL kita td.
2. And then during the time that our member receive TS, it enable them to learn
competence and understand how lives in aiesec value
3. dan melalui learn competence n living aiesec values they connect to
experience and go trough inner n outer journey dan barulah terakhir develop
leadership quality
 Team Standards adalah panduan untuk team leader to create good team
experience.Team standards ini terdiri dari 3 phase yaitu pertama phase BUILDING,
di fase ini bener2 first stage of your team karena disini kalian bkl ngecreate team
kalian bareng2, set purpose, goals, nge planning dll. Terus ada fase PERFORMING,
nah setelah kalian create team kalian mw seperti apa maka difase ini waktunya kalian
ngerunning apa yg sdh kalian set, terus utk team leader kalian jg bisa liat progress
team kalian gmn. Terus yg terakhir ada CLOSING, nah ini adalah last stage of your
team, di fase ini kalian bakal ngereport apa yg sdh kalian lakukan selama term itu
berlangsung dan jg difase ini kita bisa nge evaluate apa aja yg perlu di improve utk
 Blue Code adalah book of team leader to create their good team experience, simply
nya blue code ini adalah kitab untuk team leader, karena isinya membahas dengan
detail ttg gmn cara deliver team standards, enable the understanding n living aiesec
values dan development core competence.
 Competence model :
1. Mind (sbg core competence) , dmn core competence ini akan tertanam dlm
setiap tindakan dan pikiran kalian yang nnti nya akan mendorong seluruh
kegiatan km di aiesec
2. Heart (sbg self reflection) , disini tentang bgmn km sbg individu bs introspeksi
dan belajar ttg values,strenght and passion
3. Hand (functional skill), disini memungkinkan kalian bs lgsg take actions to
achieve organizational goals
 Inner and outer journey, Kalo kalian sering liat gambarnya mereka ini saling
berhubungan satu sm lain. Dmn The inner journey describes how the leader learns
through reflection, mentoring and practice. Terus kalo The outer journey describes
their experience in which leadership mencakup challange yang mereka hadapi, risk
and the edge of the system.
 Leadership Quality(LDQ), element2 yang aiesec percaya bisa mendevelop
leadership seseorg, yg terdiri dari 4 hal yaitu Self aware : kita sadar akan kelebihan
dan kekurangan kita Solution Oriented : kita dituntut utk menjadi ssorg yg pintar dlm
menjadi solusi Empowering others : Kita bisa ngasih pengaruh yg baik ke org sekitar
kita dan nge trigger mereka utk melakukan hal baik World citizen : kita aware dan
care terhadap isu2 di dunia.
 GET, kita sbg TM punya responsible dlm hal mencari talent yg
cocok/possible utk aiesec.
 DEVELOP, prosess ini nge ensure member itu aware terhadap current
performance nya dan jg tau what should be improved as well as what to
 KEEP, prosess ini lebih ke memelihara our talent to be perform more dan jg
be more satisfied sm team experience nya dan punya long term career plan
 REPORT pada prosess ini kita sbt TM itu hrs keep track all performance
indicator supaya kita tau dan ngerti bottlenecks di TM itu sendiri dlm ensuring
members achieving their goals.
 Talent process implementation : Di fase ini kita ada yg namanya talent
recruitment process, jd simple nya talent recruitment process ini adalah step2 yg hrs
kita lakuin utk mendapatkan calon member yg kita inginkan. Nah ada apa aja?
1. Pertama Persona building fase dmn kt menentukan personal org2 seperti apa
yg mw kt recruit
2. Talent planning, setelah kt tau persona spt apa yg mw kita recruit, maka next
ny kt ngeplanning sbrp byk talent yg kt butuhkan misal kt pen staff board
fulfill 20 org.
3. Talent attraction : gmn cara kt ngeattract member spy apply
4. Talent sellection n allocation : selection dsn kaya LGD, interview.
allocationny: kt allocate mereka bener2 put the right man, at the right place, in
the right time
5. Talent onboarding, difase ini lebih kaya fase penyesuaian member baru yg
ssdh kt recruit, dmn kalo utk newie biasanya kt kasih mereka education , terus
kita kasih probation jg utk ngeliat keseriusan mereka
 IXP stands for integrated experience and there are two types of IXP, first when our
member take a parts of our product dan kedua ketika ada ep returnee yg take role di
aiesec dan mnjdi active member.
 KNP HARUS IKUT IXP ? karena kita adalah aiesec ambassedor, karena you are the
one showcasing AIESEC values on daily base and bringing in new exchanges. like
how can you promote our product to others if you never experienced yourself?
MENJELASKAN AIESEC ITU SENDIRI ? we develop leadership trough practical
team experiences in a global environtment to improving your personal n professional
 GLE (Global Learning Environment) is the way we develop people in aiesec and
also ensure member agar lebih efektif to learn and grow. GLE ini mempunyai 6
elements :
1. Individual discovery and reflection
2. Team experience
3. Learning circles
4. Conference and seminar
5. Mentoring
6. Virtual spaces
 Exchange Standards, terdiri dari 16 parts, yg dmna tujuannya adalah untuk
menganalisis the quality of the experiences and exchanges.
 Finance standards¸agar finance dpt dikattakan sehat maka hrs memenuhi 6 parts ini
swhich are legality, accounting, reporting, budgeting, auditing, and suistainability
 Partner standards, dibuat dg purpose utk ngasih layanan / kepuasan ke partners kt
dan itu ada standard2 nya, consist of 8 step (expectations setting, selection process,
job description, working hours, partner preparation meeting, visa and work permit
support, experience evaluation and partner closing meeting)
 LOCCOM(local compedium) SM INTERPOL. Loccom itu kayak uu aiesec
sedangkan interpol itu kaya perpu aiesev
 CUSTOMER FLOW, A Customer Flow represents the movement of a customer
through the experience provided by the organization or company. Customer flow of
AIESEC is broken down into 5 stages: Attraction, Consideration, Preparation,
Experience, Post Experience. Directly linked to the customer journey, the customer
flow outlines the stages, statuses and activities that the person or organization goes
through when engaging as a customer.
 PARTNER FLOW , into 5 stages: Attraction, Consideration, Preparation,
Experience, Post Experience.
1. Global volunteer adalah program volunteer projek berdasarkan sdgs yang
dilaksanain 4-6 minggu
2. Global teacher adalah program mengajar selama 6-78 minggu
3. Global talent adalah program internship yg bisa diikutin pemuda umur 18-30 tahun
 AIESEC 2025 sebuah goals yg ingin dicapai 5 tahun kedepan oleh AIESEC di
seluruh dunia. Goals ini adalah perpanjangan dari A2020 kemarin karna memang
setiap 5 tahun sekali AIESEC punya goals yg ingin dicapai. A2025 consist of 3
statements yaitu (empowering youth leaders, building a long lasting aiesec and
developing pursposeful partnership)
 LEAD: Stand for learn, engagge, actived, develop , ini adalah program global yang
dmn tujuannya adalah untuk ngebuild ldq kita dan jg sebagai bentuk support untuk
nge empower member2 kita.
 PIPELINE Management
gmn cara kita membangung jenjang karir/role yg baik untuk member, kaya misal
pipeline yg bagus itu dari oc terus naik ke staff terus naik lg jd mmb.
 Retention rate: persentase org yg ikut journey di aiesec, biasanya dilihat pas akhir
term. Cara ngitungnya diliat seberpa byk perbedaan member take role diterm sblmnya
dan skrg
 Cara nerapin member efisiency ?
harus disesuaikan sm kebutuhan dan goals yang ingin kita capai untuk hasil yang
maksimal dan yang kedua balik lagi sinergi antar department
 Pipeline: gmn cara kt menyambung pipeline management yg bagus: msl dr role yg
kecil dan besar
 Exit interview itu adalah interview yg dikakukan oleh semua active member yg sdh
menyelesaikan role nya di aiesec guna memastikan apakah dia lanjut or di aiesec. di
exit interview pilihannya ada 2 yaitu mereka mau jd alumnae or innactive member.
 RnR stands for rewarnd and recognation. Adalah sebuah bentuk appresiasi kepada
member atas apa yg telah mereka achieve
 XPP (exchange program polies) aturan/kebijakan tentang exchange participant atau
 EXPA is a portal for what AIESEC members use to manage Eps dan member
 Exchange flow adalah tahapan EP mulai dari open-apply, apply-accepted, accepted-
approved, realized-finish dan terakhir finnish-completed
 Beda adhoc dan pbox kalo adhoc itu sustain tiap bln ada dan selalu open kalo pbox
itu project nya hanya di summer dan winter
 LDA, stand for leadership development assessment yg dmn tujuannya adalah buat
ngeliat apakah leadership quality kalian itu udah sesuai dg experience yg sdh kalian
selesaikan. Biasanya take LDA ini setiap awal – akhir thn buat ngeliat perbandingan
nya jg aapakah ada improvement ato tidak.
 What Indonesia Is A Home means to you? Indonesia is a home remind me to
always proud of being indonesian, like wherever you go in all over the world, you will
be thinking about Indonesia. Indonesia is my home, a place where i live and grow.
 What is your LC (in one sentence) to you? Explain why AIESEC is still relevant
in Palembang?AIESEC for me is a home a place where i live and grow, AIESEC in
UNSRI still relevant because AIESEC help young people in palembang to develop
their leadership trough cross-cultural exchanges & by creating the opportunity
 Empowering youth leadership :
 Build a long lasting aiesec: gmn kt as organization bs sustain, bs suatu resources for
years to come
 A2025 :
 OWN the present : apapun challange ny kt ga takud utk nemuin solusinya dan
brainstorming bareng2.
 Shape the future : kt percaya dg
 Lead the change : kt sbg agent of change kt tau apa yg hrs dilakukan, harapannya
adalah no matter role kalian kt bs achieve dream kt

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