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IB Discord

English Language
& Literature
N20 Sessions

Archive - M20 Sessions

English Language & Welcome!

Your hosts: mythic_fci#1141 & jv#0180
Chinese Language & Session Time: Friday April 3, 15:00 GMT
What We Covered:
English Literature
General tools for tackling P1 & P2
Geography Devices & techniques + practice with finding them

History Exam strategies for P1

Exam strategies for P2 specifically

Breaking down exemplar responses



Physics Session Recording

The session recording can be found here. (Apologies for the glitchy audio in some parts).
Archive - M19 Sessions
General Tools (TAPDANCE, PETAL, Outlining): beginning-00:19:39 (slides 1-8)

Elements of Language begins at: 00:19:41

Stylistic Devices begins at 00:20:00 (slides 10-16)

Conventions of Literature begins at 00:37:48 (slides 17-20)

Text-Specific Features of Verse begins at 00:48:26 (slides 21-26)

Text-Specific Features of Graphic Novels begins at 01:05:25 (slides 27-31)

Text-Specific Features of Plays begins at 01:33:09 (slides 32-33)

Exam Strategies: 01:57:15 (slides 34-41)

Exemplar Responses: 02:24:20-end (slides 42-47)

Presentation Slides

Paper 1 & 2 Exemplar Responses

Please click the top right button below to open the folder.


*P1 HL Exemplar mythic.pdf 4/3/20 Jon F

*P1 SL Response Jordyn.pdf 4/3/20 Jon F

*P2 HL Exemplar Jordyn.pdf 4/3/20 Jon F

*P2 HL Exemplar mythic.pdf 4/3/20 Jon F

P1 HL Exemplar Inthinking.pdf 4/2/20 Jon F

P1 HL Exemplar Jordyn.pdf 4/2/20 Jon F

P2 Exemplar InThinking 1.pdf 4/2/20 Jon F

P2 Exemplar InThinking 2.pdf 4/2/20 Jon F

Useful Resources
Official IB rubrics: Paper 1 SL, Paper 1 HL, Paper 2 SL, Paper 2 HL

Paper 2 Past Question Bank — A bank of questions from real past Paper 2s from 2013-2018, broken down into 3 key categories.

Examples of Specific Rhetorical Appeals — Specific types of rhetorical appeals beyond the main four (logos, pathos, kairos, ethos).

Graphic Novel Conventions — Various conventions & formal elements common to graphic novels.

Literary Devices — A website with a comprehensive list of stylistic/literary devices and their definitions.

Poetic Devices — Common stylistic/literary devices seen in poetry and verse texts in general.

Rhythm & Meter in English Poetry — An overview of rhythm & meter as used in poems.

Graphic Novel Conventions — Various conventions & formal elements common to graphic novels.

Literary Devices — A website with a comprehensive list of stylistic/literary devices and their definitions.

The only requirement to join the revision sessions is to be on this discord server and to fill in this google form.

Slide 6

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