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Global Volunteer

Customer Persona
The Travel Enthusiast
Global Volunteer | Customer Persona Youth

Background Challenges
Feild of education: Primary challenge:
- Business & management (marketing, economics, tourism); - Parents permission (budget);
- Engineering; - Fear of tolerance of another culture.
- Law and Political Science; Secondary challenge:
- Psychology and Sociology. - Time, University, Language barrier.
Year of Education: - Low self-confidence;
- From 1-st to 3-rd year of education - Confusion;
- Fear of project organization and Logistic
- Knows more then one language.

About Goals
Behaviors: Primary goal:
- Self-driven; Explore new culture;
- Seeking for self-development; travel and meet new people.
- Young traveler.
Secondary goal:
Motivators: Personal development;
Personal development; knowledge; changing and improving myself.
Family relatives and close friends;
Changing the country and the world. Wishlist:
Expand network of people;
Communication preferences: Explore famous places.
WhatsApp, Messenger, Email.

Demographics Common objections

Gender: Female/Male - University timeline;
Age: 18-23 - Parents will not allow going;
- Lack of information.
Development Seeker
Global Volunteer | Customer Persona Youth

Background Challenges
Feild of education: Primary challenge:
- Business and management (marketing, economics, tourism); - Parents permission (budget);
- Computer sciences and Engineering;
- Law and Political Science; Secondary challenge:
- Linguistics, education and Journalism. - Fit exchange to the university timeline.

Year of Education: Frustrations:

From 1-st to 4-th year of education. - Low self-confidence;
- Fear of being alone in another country;
Expertise: - Fear of project organization and logistic.
Knows more then one language;
Have a basic level of professional skills .
Primary goal:
Behaviors: Explore new culture;
-Self-driven, travel and meet new people.
-Seeking for self-development and improvement;
-Want to get additional knowledge. Secondary goal:
Personal development;
Motivators: knowledge; changing and improving myself.
-Personal development;
-Career and university studies; Wishlist:
-Family, relatives, and close friends. Expand network of people;
Explore famous places.
Communication preferences:
WhatsApp, Messenger, Email (low).
Common objections
- University timeline;
Gender: Female - Parents will not allow going;
Age: 18-22 - Lack of information.
Contribute to the world/Be a Volunteer
Global Volunteer | Customer Persona Youth:

Background Challenges
Feild of education: Primary challenge:
- Business and management (marketing, economics, tourism); - Parents permission (budget);
- Engineering;
- Philosophy and Education Secondary challenge:
- Fit exchange to the university timeline.
Year of Education:
From 1-st to 4-th year of education. Frustrations:
- Can’t see real impact by the work they do
Knows more then one language.

About Primary goal:
- Changing the country/world;
- Helping others and volunteering
- Positive, open and outgoing;
- Contribute to something big.
- Passionate and enthusiastic,
- Empathetic.
Secondary goal:
- Personal development;
Motivators: - Additional knowledge;
- Changing the world, volunteering; - Changing and improving myself.
- Helping others, contribute to something big;
- Family, relatives, and close friends.
-Meet new people;
Communication preferences: -Explore new places and travel.
WhatsApp, Messenger, Email (low).

Demographics Common objections

Gender: Female/Male - University timeline;
Age: 18-24 - Parents will not allow going;
- Lack of information.
NGO Project Manager
Global Volunteer | Customer Persona Partners

Background Challenges
Education: Primary challenge:
Social studies and history in college. Not enough funds coming from the donations to
the NGO.
Project management. Secondary challenge:
Government not proving fund to the NGO for the
Job: last 6 months.
Project management NGO.
Not enough money to invest in new activities but
more maintenance of the NGO.

Likes to read history and literature. Primary goal:
To lead successful and impactful projects in the
Motivators: NGO.
To make an impact in her society/countryrelatives.
and close friends; Wishlist:
To travel and interact with a diverse set of people.
Communication preferences:
Email for work, Uses Facebook and Instagram
to connect with friends.

Common objections
Demographics - Payment before value delivery;
- Prior lousy experience with AIESEC based on bad
Gender: Female or Male
delivery or Word of mouth from others
Age: 25-30
- No budget;
Income: Average
- No food and accommodation to provide to interns.
NGO Founder
Global Volunteer | Customer Persona Partners:

Background Challenges
Education: Primary challenge:
Not graduated, only Secondary Education. Not enough funds coming from the donations to
the NGO.
Expertise: Education and School
Management, 20 years experience working with Secondary challenge:
Government not proving fund to the NGO for the
Job: Part-time work in the NGO and par-time last 6 months.

Not enough money to invest in new activities but

more maintenance of the NGO.

Big heart, very supportive and willing to help; tough Primary goal: Improve the education of the kids in
work, solve all the problems; very respected in the the community and more young people joining
community. university.

Motivators: Secondary goal: Young people/Kids from the

Provide better education/activities for the kids/young community to have extra activities in the counter
people from the community. turn of the school.

Communication preferences: Wishlist: Young people from the community being

Doesn't use WhatsApp or email, prefer calls. able to find a job and study.

Demographics Common objections

Gender: Female or Male - I have more priorities than focusing on this process;
Age: 27-45 - I can not offer accommodation.
Income: Avarege
School director
Global Volunteer | Customer Persona Partners

Background Challenges
Education: Masters in education/psychology. Primary challenge:
- Not enough school fund;
Job: - A lot of priorities and stakeholders.
- Director of primary/secondary school education;
- Teacher, school manager; Frustrations:
- School administrative. - Everybody complains about the school services.

About Goals
Behaviors: Primary goal: Make extra curriculum programs
Bossy, performance oriented, focus on details, more attractive.
Motivators: Add more value to the school.
Timprove the school ranking (image).
Wishlist: Have more extra curriculum courses for
Workflow: the school, have the school in a better ranking.
- Lead a lot of people;
- PR; arranged meetings;
- Phone calls.

Demographics Common objections

Gender: Female - I have more priorities than focusing on this process;
Age: 35-45 - I can not offer accommodation.
Income: medium/hign

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