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Chapter 1: Offers & Suggestions

A. Introduction

Offer memiliki makna menawarkan suatu ide, sedangkan suggest bermakna menyarankan. Mari kita tilik lebih jauh lagi
penggunaannya. Kita mulai dari offer:

1. Offers
    Offers means  to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift or a trade. Offer can be given
in terms of food, money, solutions, friendship or a bargain. It can be taken or refused.

a. Untuk menawarkan bantuan kita dapat menggunakan ungkapan offer seperti berikut:

- May I help you?

- Can I help you?

- What can I do for you?

- Would you like me to ...?

- Can I lend you a hand with that?

b. Untuk menawarkan sesuatu kita juga dapat menggunakan ungkapan berikut:

- Would you like some ...?

- Would you like something to ...?

- Should I get you ...?

- What can I get for you?

Contoh kalimat menawarkan:

- Would you like some coffee?

    Apakah kamu mau kopi?

- Would you like a drink?

    Apakah kamu ingin meminum sesuatu?

- Should I get you a the file?

    Haruskah saya mengambilkan berkasnya untukmu?

Contoh percakapan offer:

Jean: Hello, Mike!

Mike: Hi!
Jean: You look tired. What's up?
Mike: I am working some project with my clients. I don't think I will be able to finish it.
Jean: Would you like any help?
Mike: Yes, please. I would really appreciate it!

2. Suggestions

- You ought to ...

- You should ...

- It's better for you to ...

- I suggest you ...

- I advise you to ...

- Why don't we/you ... ?

- How about ...?

- You had better ...

- Let's ...

Contoh kalimat saran:

- You should come early.

      Kamu sebaiknya datang lebih awal.

- How about drinking coffee there?

      Bagaimana kalau minum kopi di sana?

- Let's go to the library!

      Mari kita pergi ke perpustakaan!

Contoh percakapan suggestion:

George: Hi, John!

Ann: Hi, George. What are you doing?
George: Nothing much. Would you like to go to the movies?
Ann: I'd love to, but not right now.
George: How about this afternoon?
Ann: Great! What movies do you want to watch?
George: Let's watch "Impetigore!"
Ann: Okay! I'll be there at 4. See you!

B. Structure Review

    Setelah mempelajari contoh, mari kita pelajari struktur pada umumnya!

1. Offers

Making Accepting Declining

Offers Offer Offers
Can I help Yes, please. It’s okay. I
you? I really can do it
appreciate it. myself.
Shall I Thank you. No, thank
bring you It is very you.
some tea kind of you.
Would Yes, please. No, thanks.
you like That would I don’t want
another be lovely. another
helping of helping.
How Yes, please. Don’t
about I That would worry. I will
help you be very kind do it myself.
with this? of you.
Can I take Thank you. I That’s
you appreciate alright. I
home? your help. will manage
on my own.

Beberapa strukturnya menggunakan modal verb seperti contoh di bawah:

1. Would you look at my portofolio on this link?
2. Shall we take you home?
3. Could I offer you something?
4. Will you have a drink with me?

2. Suggestion

Making Accepting Declining

Suggestion Suggestions Suggestions
Let’s go to Yes, let’s No, thank
movies! go! you. I do not
feel like
Why don’t Alright. I Sorry. I
you do will. think I will
your go out first
homework and then do
before my
going out? homeworks.
How about Yes, let’s No, let’s
going to go. It’s a just go to
Anne’s good idea! the club.
place first
and then
go to the
I think you Okay, if you Sorry, I
should go say so. can’t.
and forgive

Beberapa strukturnya ada yang seperti contoh di bawah:

1. I suggest that he does his homework.
2. We recommend you to go to the new restaurant.
3. I propose that a report should be emailed now.
4. I put forward that we work together in this big project.
5. We advise that he work hard
6. I advocate that we support this system until we find another leader.

Vocabulary Builder

Recommend = merekomendasikan
Suggest = menyarankan
Advise = menasihati

Possible = mungkin
Refuse =menolak
Appreciate = menghargai
Bargain = menawar

Give me your hand please = Tolong bantu aku

Pick up = menjemput
Conversation = percakapan

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