Site Planning and Design

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Site Planning and Design



The previous discussion was intended to provide a background for the heart of this text. Just as there is a legal requirement for a
comprehensive plan as the basis for land use controls, so there is a theoretical requirement for comprehensive planning as the basis for
sound site design. By virtue of its name, comprehensive land use planning suggests a broad approach to the process of new development
or expansion of existing development within the environment on the basis of a range of considerations including economic, social and
physical factors among others. It certainly implies planning within a larger context beyond the individual site.

In practice however, this may often not be the case. Steiner criticizes Lynch’s site planning model (See ensuing section for an
explanation of this model), stating that “design is not part of the broader planning concerns, except in its response to government
restrictions, nor is the site linked to its larger context” (Steiner 208). Simonds acknowledges that in traditional land planning
“(s)ometimes the effects on the neighboring lands and waters were considered. Sometimes they were not. In our emerging environmental
and land use ethic it is believed that they should and must be” (Simonds 118).

In fact, comprehensive land use planning is a complementary process. “An understanding of landscape at the regional scale is an
essential prerequisite to smaller scale site planning and detailed landscape design... . Conversely many of the criteria for land use in
regional land use planning should be based on an understanding of construction and grading techniques used in site planning” (Laurie
117). The essence of this discussion is the importance of planning and design within a context rather than in a vacuum.

A. Site Planning / Design Process

Planning and design occur as a process, by which we mean that they follow a logical sequence of actions or events that must be carried
out to arrive at a viable solution. It is a multi-disciplinary problem-solving operation often involving architects, landscape architects and
engineers, and frequently may require input from physical scientists as well to address environmental issues. It requires a logical
objectivity for some steps, but also allows room for subjective design interpretation at others.

There are several notable models from which we can draw to understand the basic components of the site planning and design process.
Kevin Lynch outlines an eight-stage site planning cycle (see Fig. 1) that includes:

1. Defining the problem

2. Programming and the analysis of site and user
3. Schematic design and the preliminary cost estimate
4. Developed design and detailed costing
5. Contract documents
6. Bidding and contracting
7. Construction
8. Occupation and management (Lynch 11)

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Site Planning and Design

John Simonds outlines a six-phase planning-design process that applies to architecture, landscape architecture, and engineering. This
process, (see Fig. 2), is organized as follows:

1. Commission
2. Research
3. Analysis
4. Synthesis
5. Construction
6. Operation (Simonds 128-129)

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Site Planning and Design

There are many variations on these models. They differ essentially in the breakdown of component phases and some, such as Simonds,
extend the process to include preliminary contractual agreement and post-construction operations. However, most discussions of this
process agree that it is not linear (including Simonds’, despite its appearance) but rather loops back on itself. “Knowledge of a later phase
influences conduct of an earlier one, and early decisions are later reworked” (Lynch 11).

Secondly, no matter how many subparts are included, most process models can be divided into three general activities: Research
(Program Development, Site Inventory); Analysis (Site Analysis); Synthesis (Conceptual Design, Preliminary Design, and Site Plan/Master
Plan). For this discussion, we will look at the planning and design process under this general breakdown. We will begin with the program
and conclude with the site plan or master plan. We will then look at the implementation of the design in terms of construction drawings
and specifications. We will conclude this segment with a look at design guidelines, which relate to the post-construction
operational/management issues.

1. Research and Analysis Phases

The entire process begins with the determination of a problem to be solved. Obviously, it is land use related, frequently initiated by a
client contacting a planner to design a particular facility, often for a predetermined site. Program development is a good example of the
cyclical nature of the design process. We begin with the client’s wishes – what sort of development is he/she looking for? What are the
client’s expressed goals and objectives? The answers to these questions put the planner into an appropriate mindset to begin the process.
But, to develop the maximum site potential he/she does not want to restrict his/her ideas only to these uses or facilities. So, we use these
responses as the initial determination of a program and will return to this issue a bit later in the process.

The examples used to illustrate the first part of the design process for this text have been taken from a West Virginia University
Landscape Architecture Senior Project completed by R.M. Lilly and W.S. Loll during the spring 1999 semester. The project client wished
to expand and diversify the operation of a beef cattle production enterprise on a site partially undergoing surface mining activities. The
initial program statement referred to the application of land management practices to multiple uses including wildlife management,
outdoor recreation and natural resource utilization. This very general expression provided guidance in the first phase of the design

At this point in the process, the designer can use this general goal statement plus the identification of the site to begin collecting
information relevant to the site and the surrounding area and compiling it in a form in which it can be mapped. This data is then analyzed
in terms of its implications for development of the site for the stated purpose. These are in fact two distinct steps, inventory or research
and analysis. We first need to identify the factors (inventory) and then analyze each factor’s potential impact upon the proposed
development. Most of the considerations in this phase of site planning have economic as well as environmental implications. The end
objective relates to the efficient establishment of the proposed development while being sensitive to the environmental characteristics of
the site and its surroundings. As Laurie points out, inventory and analysis of a selected parcel’s characteristics, as well as its relationship
with adjacent land uses, will ”provide determinants of form, constraints, and opportunities for the location of buildings [and other site
facilities] and the conservation of amenities” (Laurie 118). In the interest of efficiency as well as clarity we are going to identify the major
components and discuss their implications simultaneously.

a. Site Location – The site must be placed within its proper geographical, political, and functional context. This fixes the

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site in relation to adjacent land uses, community transportation patterns, utility and infrastructure availability, employment,
commercial, cultural and recreational centers. Each of these has a bearing on the site development potential. For example,
the adjacent land use patterns will determine the appropriate land use for a proposed site based upon the comprehensive plan.
The availability of roads, and in some cases mass transit may have a significant influence on if, and for what, a site is suitable
in terms of access. The presence of water, sewers, and other utilities can also dictate the suitability of a site as a target for
expansion. And of course the proximity to work, jobs, and schools are a factor in real estate suitability.

b. Existing Conditions – Depending upon the size and complexity of the site, this may be one or a series of base plans or
maps that delineates and evaluates the physical attributes and constraints for the parcel of land. It will cover such items as:

1) Topography and Slopes – Treatment of these factors requires base information in the form of contours and
elevations to a degree of accuracy appropriate to the proposed development. For general planning, topographic
information such as is available from U.S. Geological Survey quadrangle maps may be suitable. However, more
detailed site design requires more specific elevations from aerial or field surveys. Visually, as well as functionally,
the form of the landscape, its slopes and patterns are one of the most important categories to consider, no matter
what the proposed land use. The topographic map provides a considerable amount of information including
drainage patterns and problems, potential on-site and off-site views, erosion and sedimentation potential, as well
as potential for development. There are standards that establish categories of slopes related to suitability for
different uses and activities. These standards are somewhat regional. For example, the acceptable range of
slopes in the mid-West is apt to be more restricted than that used in western Pennsylvania or West Virginia where
steeper natural slopes are more prevalent. A typical slope breakdown might include:

0-2% - Most developable

2-8% - Easily accommodates most categories of development
8-16% - Some development restrictions; upper limits for roads and walks
16-24% - Significant restrictions to most development
24%+ - Generally restricted for development

The slope categories are also keyed to the proposed land use or types of facilities. Obviously slopes that are
suitable for certain activities may be restrictive for others. (See Fig. 3).

2) Geology and Soils – General information is available from U.S.Geological Survey quadrangle maps and
U.S.Department of Agriculture soil surveys. More explicit information may be required from core drillings and
specific soil testing. The subsurface geology is the basis for the visible landform discussed above. Other
implications are the engineering characteristics such as bearing capacity that determine suitable locations for
structures and other heavy elements. Conversely, shallow depth to bedrock may restrict certain construction
options on the basis of cost and impact of development. Similarly, a high water table may limit or restrict some
sanitary sewage options.

Closely related are the soils characteristics which are frequently a direct product of the underlying geology. The
soils may be important in terms of stability, suitability for structural foundations, erosion susceptibility, surface
drainage, and soil fertility to support plant growth. Again, the suitability of soils is very much dependent upon
the proposed uses. A site suitable for intensive structural development may be unsuitable for recreational
activities and vice-versa. (See Fig. 4)

3) Vegetation – The existing vegetation patterns and types can be obtained from aerial photographs and maps.
Detailed plant identification and location of specimen plants may require field study and measurement. The
significance of vegetative information relates to a range of development issues. The visual character and spatial
definition of a site is impacted by the amount and category of vegetation – from ground cover to canopy, from
new growth to mature stands of trees, etc. Vegetation can modify the climate by providing shade, protecting
potential development from winter winds or by channeling summer breezes. Plant coverage enhances soil
stability, provides an indication of soil conditions (e.g., wetlands) and relates to potential wildlife habitats.
Therefore, a site with extensive mature vegetation would be less suitable for high-density development from the
standpoint of environmental character. The presence of trees and other plants may on the other hand make a site
attractive for certain kinds of housing and/or for recreation facilities. (See Fig. 5)

4) Hydrology and Drainage – U.S. Geological Service quadrangle maps provide a good base of information for
this analysis, supplemented with flood data from the U.S. Corps of Engineers and local flood maps. Surface
hydrology is an integral part of the slopes and subsurface drainage systems. The kinds of information normally
indicated and analyzed include determination of watersheds (basically a system of ridge lines and valleys or
drainage patterns), duration and volume of flow, swales, streams, standing water, and flood plain definition.
Susceptibility to erosion and the problem of sedimentation to off-site water flow are also problems to be noted.
Generally it is advisable to avoid disturbing natural subsurface drainage patterns such as high water tables which
have implications for locations of structures or excavations. (See Fig. 6)

5) Microclimate – Information on general climatic factors such as seasonal temperature averages, amounts of
precipitation, etc. are available locally. Microclimatic factors refer to variations to the general climate such as
might be created by topography, plants and vegetation, exposure to winds, elevation above sea level, and
relationships to structural elements. These factors are important to design in terms of delineating the
“opportunities and constraints” of a particular site for development noted by Laurie (See earlier discussion).
Slopes are analyzed in relation to solar orientation to determine “warm” and “cool” slopes, based on sun
exposure. Shade and shadow patterns created by existing vegetation and structures are important to design in

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terms of potential positive or negative impacts for development. Plants may be used to ameliorate undesirable
conditions by providing windbreaks, shade, etc. (See Fig.7)

6) Views – A visual analysis is the most practical means of determining positive and negative on-site and off-site
views. This study is useful in determining the visual character of the site itself as viewed from the outside as well
as the visual impact of its surroundings upon potential on-site development. Factors to be examined include mass
and space definition from natural and man-made elements, off-site views to be accentuated or screened, and
on-site view opportunities or problems.

7) Existing Structures / Infrastructure – The availability of essential utilities – water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer,
gas, electric, telephone, etc. – is crucial to the potential for site development from both an economic and
environmental standpoint. If utilities are available to tap into directly adjacent to a site, the costs of development
may be significantly minimized. Environmentally, if storm and sanitary sewers are not available, the options for
land development may be severely restricted. Available municipal facilities may be at capacity or receiving
streams may be restricted to additional outflow by state and federal environmental regulations. Off-site systems
such as transportation networks (vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle) may also be the determining factor in the
suitability of a site for a particular land use. This relates to issues of accessibility, ranging from commuting
distances to work, to convenience and safety for pedestrians, to enhancement of recreation opportunities. (See
Fig. 8)

8) Legal Constraints – These may include legal property boundaries, easements , rights of way; restrictive
covenants, and deed restrictions. Local regulations such as zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations may
impose limitations upon what a developer is allowed to do on a given site and provide procedural requirements by
which development may move forward.

This information, in a totally objective format, is critical to the designer in terms of becoming familiar with the
site. It then serves as the basis for developing a sense of the opportunities and constraints provided by the site for
development. Thus, the next step after cataloging or mapping the above information is to analyze its implications
for development. This may be done on a separate set of maps (plans) or combined with the inventory
information on the same drawing.

In either case, the end product of the site analysis phase of the design process is a composite analysis map
(sometimes referred to as an opportunities and constraints sheet). This is developed through an overlay process
(similar to McHarg’s planning approach, although greatly simplified) delineating the most suitable and least
suitable areas of the site for each analysis factor.

Generally, these areas will reinforce one another. That is, steep slopes, poor soils, areas of vegetation to be
protected, etc. will fall in the same general locations, although what is suitable for one type of land use may be
unsuitable for another. This is why it is important to have some idea of the program prior to completing the site
analysis. The composite analysis map provides clear justification to the designer for where the most intensive
development should occur on a site with the minimum environmental impact. It also highlights particularly
positive elements of the site that should be accentuated in the subsequent design development. (See Fig.9)

2. Program Development

The development of the program is the bridging step between the analysis and the synthesis or design phases. Kevin Lynch defines the
program as composed of the four “P’s” – population, package, performance, and patterns. “Population” refers to the actual user who may
or may not be the client per se. “Packaging” involves the type and quantities of elements that will be provided in the design.
“Performance” standards set the quality of elements expected, whether in terms of materials or function. “Patterns” refer to general
physical relationships that should be achieved (Lynch 109).

As Simonds explains, in developing the program the designer responds to the client’s initial statement of intent, modified on the basis of
what he/she has learned at the end of the analysis phase. That is why there is no clear distinction between these “steps” in the design
process. While the analysis is based upon a basic program concept, the potential of the site for development influences the planner’s
ultimate program recommendations. The program should include:

a. A statement of goals that the project should achieve.

b. A list of project objectives by which these goals will be accomplished.
c. A list of project elements that will be included and a description or analysis of their interrelationships.

In summary, the program is a guide for the designer to accomplish his/her task. It must be explicit enough to provide direction, but
flexible enough to allow new ideas and directions to emerge as the design evolves. (Fig.10 illustrates the program resolved by Lilly and
Loll as part of the design process for the Crooked Run Farm project).


Goal Statement

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To create diverse post mining land uses for Crooked Run Farm that will include farming, forestry, outdoor recreation, and wildlife habitat enhancement to improve
economic development. The reclaimed site will serve as a model for multiple use areas on surface mined sites in the Appalachian region.


1. To revegetate areas previously disturbed by mining practices by introducing plant succession:

a. establishing forest communities of native species.

b. utilizing plant densities that offer a compromise between timber production and wildlife habitat.
c. incorporating forest cover into areas of streamside management zones (SMZ’s).

2. To create viable aquatic and wetland environments:

a. establishing variety in water depth and soil saturation levels.

b. utilizing natural filters for adjacent farming activities.
c. developing habitats for wildlife.

3. To maximize farm production and increase herd capacity:

a. developing areas that exhibit the best combination of site factors for cropland and pasture lands.
b. meeting the demands of cattle production.
c. utilizing a “gateless” fencing concept.

4. To accommodate the public needs for diverse outdoor recreation opportunities:

a. incorporating facilities for extended stays.

b. utilizing wildlife habitats for hunting and fishing activities when appropriate.
c. incorporating archery and firearms range facilities
d. adhering to barrier free design standards throughout the site.

Program Elements

Pasture Crops
Fencing Cattle Feed
Hay Storage Wildlife Forage
Mineral Stations
Forage Woodlands
Shade Wildlife Habitat
Watering Troughs Vegetation
Fallow Areas Hunting
Wildlife Habitat Recreational Trails
Recreation Trails Ponds
Hunting Watering Troughs
Fish Habitat
Recreation Facilities Wetlands
Lodge Wildlife Habitat
Rental Cabins Fencing
Cart Barn Vegetation
Drop-off Area Hunting
Parking Fishing
Hunting Areas Docks
Trails Blinds
Fishing Areas
(Lilly and Loll 12-13)

3. Synthesis (Design Phase)

a. Conceptual Design

The actual design manipulation begins at this point now that we have developed a program that delineates the project. Conceptual
design begins with functional diagrams in which we explore the relationships of program elements and activities. This is first done as
“ideal” or non-site related diagrams to establish the best abstract relationships among the various components of the project program. This
is essentially a diagrammatic exploration in which the designer may move through a series of alternative arrangements until he/she
achieves a solution which maximizes the positive relationships and minimizes the number of conflicts.

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The resultant ideal functional diagram is then applied to the site, responding to the summary of the site analysis phase. As Lynch says,
“design consists of imagining patterns of activity, circulation, and physical form, as they will occur in some place” (9). It is absolutely
critical that the designer integrates the project facilities into the site, highlighting the positive character of the site, while protecting
sensitive elements. Simonds echoes the significance of the design concept, which he refers to as the site-structure diagram from which
“the planning process becomes one of integration of proposed uses, structures, and site” (123). Again, the designer explores a series of
alternative arrangements, evaluating each in terms of suitability with natural site features, adjacent existing land uses and proposed
development. The result is a series of site-related diagrams or concepts. (See Fig.11)

b. Preliminary Design

The conceptual plans are presented to the client to ensure his/her general acceptance of the basic program and design response. The
selected concept is then refined into a preliminary design, resolving each program element into a physical component, suggesting basic
form, size, and materials to be used. A design style appropriate to the site and client’s needs or tastes is selected. This is presented to the
client, user groups, and perhaps public entities by means of an overall plan and supplemental drawings to convey the proposed facility in a
form understandable to the lay person. It also allows the designer to develop a preliminary cost estimate. Together, this provides
sufficient information for those responsible to determine if the project is to go ahead, be abandoned or be revised, based upon the
particular relevant selection criteria. (See Fig.12)

c. Site Plan / Master Plan

Presuming that the project is to go forward, the designer refines the development of the preliminary plan, giving precise form, dimension
and indication of materials to the proposed elements. In other words, he/she precisely locates buildings and paved surfaces, delineates
ground forms and planted areas, and indicates necessary utilities. The plan is frequently supplemented with a series of supporting
drawings. These, which may include enlarged plan views of certain areas or components of a design, elevations and/or cross-sections of
key elements, or three-dimensional views of the site design, are intended to clarify the client’s understanding of the design. They show
information that may be difficult to indicate in plan view such as vertical relationships, materials, and character of the proposed
development. Together this information provides the basis by which a more precise estimate of the cost for the project can be
determined. The site or master plan is submitted to the client for final approval. (See Fig. 13)

Supporting drawings indicating suggested views of areas from the master plan are shown in Figures 13a-e:

Figure 13a. Wetland habitat

Figure 13b. Aquatic habitat
Figure 13c. Upland habitat
Figure 13d. Skeet range, etc.
Figure 13e. Structure and furnishings

B. Design Implementation

Based upon the approved site plan or master plan, the designer is ready to begin the implementation phase of the design process. This is
a series of drawings and written information referred to as the construction or contract documents. Together these will serve as the basis
for contractors to prepare bids and for government officials to verify compliance with engineering standards and regulations. The actual
construction documents required may vary on any given project, but generally will include: a layout plan, precisely locating structural
elements to the site; a grading plan, establishing the relative elevations of program elements and the ground contour; a planting plan,
locating and identifying all proposed vegetation; construction details and specifications, indicating materials, dimensions, and construction
requirements of site furniture and structural elements.

The following examples that have been selected to illustrate the implementation of the design process are being used with permission of
LUTHERCARE, the owner of the project and Derck & Edson Associates, LLP, designers for the project. This project is the extension of
an existing retirement community. It will provide independent living cottage units and assisted living units in a three-story structure as
well as related outdoor facilities. The overall plan for this phase of the development may be seen on Fig. 14.

1. Layout Plan – (See Fig.15) The layout plan is the drawing on which all of the structural elements of a proposed
site development are accurately dimensioned and located such that they may be staked out on the site. Included
in order of priority are:

Fixed elements include such items as property lines, road centerlines, and structures. Roads and property lines are located with
survey bearings and distances and horizontal curve data. Buildings may be dimensioned from a known reference such as a survey
monument or an existing structural element.
Semi-fixed elements are those dimensioned from a fixed element such as a building set back line or a right of way line.
Approximate elements are those which require slightly less accuracy such as informal paths, utility lines, or planting edges.

2. Grading Plan – (See Fig.16) The grading plan indicates the relative vertical relationships of all of the proposed elements on a site and
the relationship of the proposed development to the existing ground form. Existing contours are indicated with dashed lines and proposed
grades are shown with solid lines and intermediate spot elevations to indicate tops and bottoms of slopes, changes in steepness, and
building and structural elevations. Drainage swales and storm drain systems are also included. The grading plan is frequently
accompanied by cross sections to illustrate these relationships. 3. Planting Plan – (See Fig.17) The planting plan provides a layout of all
of the proposed plantings on the site. The plan itself indicates placement of plant materials relative to structural elements as well as
spacing requirements with other plants. In addition, the plan includes a list of quantities, sizes, and planting conditions for each proposed

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plant. It also provides planting details to specify any particular soil or staking requirements.

4. Construction Details and Specifications – (See Fig.18) Construction details and specifications are each a critical component of the
design implementation package. The details specify the materials, dimensions, and construction techniques for the various design
components of the site plan. Construction specifications are written directions of procedures and descriptions of the materials necessary
to construct the elements of a site design project. They include detailed information relating to quality of materials, methods of measuring,
mixing, safety requirements, etc. These are based on industrial and/or government standards. This information, along with the plan is
legally binding for the contractor. Together, they provide a level of quality control for a project by indicating not only how a particular
item is to be constructed but how it relates to adjoining items or materials as well. They also provide the basis for the contractor to
develop an accurate cost estimate for a project.

After the awarding of a contract, the designer frequently has some form of supervisory capacity to clarify information provided and to
ensure that construction proceeds in a timely fashion and to the standards specified. As indicated at the beginning of this section, some
models of the design/planning process also include management/operation facets as part of the overall process. This suggests that the level
of management available for the facility after construction be considered as the design developed. It also relates to post-occupancy
evaluation in which the designer can benefit from observing how the site is used to evaluate the quality of the design and how well
materials and relationships work "on the ground."

C. Professional Office Management and the Design Process

We have examined the design process in considerable detail in terms of theory. It might be instructive to now look at it briefly from the
standpoint of the management of the professional design office. This may provide some insight as to its significance for actual site design
application or implementation. Derck & Edson Associates, LLP have developed a model that we can look at as an example(See Fig. 19).
We can see that their management framework really follows the design process as we have outlined it quite closely, delineating five
primary phases:

I. Schematic Design, II. Design Development, III. Construction Drawings,

IV. Bidding Negotiations, and V. Construction.

Phase I encompasses two major components, pre-design and sketch plan activities. Pre-design includes activities such as initial client
contact, preliminary program definition and basic site inventory and analysis. These are carried out simultaneously with contractual
negotiation and staff assignments. Sketch planning covers use relationship studies with client and interdisciplinary consultant review. The
end product of this phase is an agreement of the design scope and concept.

Phase II, Design Development, is where the design is essentially fleshed out. The landscape architect refines conceptual designs,
integrating architectural building design with site design elements, including consideration of roads and utilities, layout, earthwork and
grading, and environmental issues such as wetland or floodplain restrictions. The preliminary design is resolved to sufficient detail to
evaluate costs, phasing, and other issues resulting from consultant and client review. Any conflicts or problems should be resolved
through revisions, resulting in design acceptance and submission for approval by pertinent regulatory agencies.

Phase III, Construction Drawings, essentially involves preparation and development of the final layout, grading, and planting plans.
These are supplemented with construction details and specifications.

Phases IV and V include the bidding process by which the contractors are selected and the actual construction takes place. The
designer is involved to various degrees on different projects in supervision and approval as the project is built. There may or may not be
post-construction evaluation as well.

It is interesting to see how the planning/design office can utilize this process in two distinct, but complementary ways. First of all, it
allows the firm to propose land use development that is responsive to the client’s needs as well as to environmental issues. At the same
time, the design process provides an orderly sequence by which an office can organize its work force and administer the development of a
project in a logical, organized, cost efficient manner.

D. Design Guidelines

As the conclusion to the previous section suggests, the design process does not really end. We are dealing with a “living” entity – a
work in progress – involving natural, growing elements in the environment into which we are proposing to introduce man-made structural
elements. This requires an understanding of how these potentially conflicting components may be integrated. We also are dealing with
human clientele, both client and site users, who are subject to changing needs and attitudes. Assuming that the designed physical
environment is a setting for some form of human behavior, the use of design guidelines may facilitate the opportunities for certain
activities to take place. Consequently, the design might include a series of guidelines or standards to provide some direction to maintain
the quality of the development as it matures or evolves over the life of the facility.

By nature, design guidelines are best provided as specifications of expected character or performance. The intention is to provide a
desired character that may be continued with a minimum of restrictions. They “consist of a diagram of land use, circulation, landscaping,
patterns, rules, and illustrative details that will guide the form of future growth” (Lynch 340).

Essentially such guidelines address particular issues that we might organize under three categories:

1. Functional Suitability – This may be stated very simply as concern that the form relates to the intended purpose. For
example, pedestrian walkways are intended to facilitate foot traffic onto and around a site. Some of the physical form
characteristics of concern are:

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- Widths – minimum for anticipated volume and character of use.

- Slopes – minimum limit for positive surface drainage; maximum “desirable” and “acceptable” limits for certain
- Surface Materials – for climate, intensity of use, other conditions.

2. Compatibility of Form, Material, and Finish – In the example of walkways, compatibility relates to appearance and
function. The design guidelines will relate to how well the walks fit in:

- With the intended use or uses

- With the character of the setting – historic, naturalistic, etc.
- With other design elements. E.g., of a particular architectural style or of certain materials or colors.

3. Durability – This issue focuses on selection of materials and/or configuration appropriate for various criteria such as the
climate, the intensity of use, or the maintenance capabilities.
Ideally design guidelines are provided in the form of recommendations for a particular effect. On the other hand, rather than
strictly advisory, they may provide the criteria for review and approval of a project. In composite on a given project they may
significantly influence the physical form, character and density of the development. They are potentially very useful to the
planner as references for the design of the next facility of a similar land use as well.

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