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Functional Morphology of the Andean Climbing

Catfishes (Astroblepidae, Siluriformes): Alternative
Ways of Respiration, Adhesion, and Locomotion
using the Mouth
Wannes De Crop,1* Elin Pauwels,2 Luc Van Hoorebeke,2 and Tom Geerinckx1
Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates, Ghent University–UGent, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
UGCT, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University–UGent, Proeftuinstraat 86, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

ABSTRACT Astroblepidae or “climbing catfishes” structure is heavily influenced by the presence

encompass a single genus of species living in high and configuration of the available anatomical ele-
altitude rivers in the Andes of South America. They ments. This becomes especially interesting when
are characterized by a specialized head morphology comparing the attachment mechanisms in closely
closely resembling their better known, widely radiated
related families with common ancestral morpholo-
sister family Loricariidae, or armored suckermouth
catfishes. Existent data show that even though both gies. Loricariidae and Astroblepidae are sister
families share important traits, there are some striking families in the basal siluriform clade Loricarioidea
differences as well. Albeit poorly known, Astroblepus (Sullivan et al., 2006). At first sight, their
species possess a duplicated gill opening, and have the morphology is similar: bodies are dorsoventrally
ability to climb vertical rocks or waterfalls. In this flattened, the paired fins are positioned ventrally,
study, morphological and kinematic data are combined and the ventral mouth with expanded lips forms a
to yield insights into the functions of the mobile suction disk. Both are benthic feeders, with lori-
elements of the astroblepid head, and to compare head cariids feeding mainly on plant material whereas
morphology and biomechanics with those of Loricarii- astroblepids are omnivorous (Pouilly et al., 2006).
dae. We found that, even though there is substantial
These sister families inhabit fast flowing rivers in
similarity in head structure of both families, there are
major differences in functionally important structures. South American basins, with some overlap in
These include a different lower lip muscle configura- spatial niche occupation. Astroblepids, however,
tion, an alternative oral valve system, and an incurrent are restricted to the higher altitude Andean
gill opening only found in astroblepids. Kinematic anal- waters (Nelson, 2006).
yses confirm that the astroblepid suckermouth, freed In contrast to Loricariidae, the largest of the
from its inhalatory function, offers advantages for siluriform families and quite diverse in body
climbing in the high-altitude environment, and is used shapes and sizes, sister group Astroblepidae is a
alternately with the extremely mobile pelvic girdle, in more modest family, including about 54 species in
a crawling, nonundulatory motion. J. Morphol. the single genus Astroblepus (Schaefer et al.,
000:000–000, 2013. VC 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2011). They are known for their amazing ability to
KEY WORDS: respiration; locomotion; head morphology; climb along vertical rock faces of waterfalls using
kinematics their mouth and pelvic fins in an alternating
pattern (Johnson, 1912). Although astroblepid
ecology, especially in relation to conservation, has
INTRODUCTION been studied in the past (Rom an-Valencia, 2001;

Various taxa of benthic rheophilic fishes have

acquired anatomical modifications allowing them
Contract grant sponsor: Ghent University; Grant number: GOA
to maintain position in fast flowing riverine envi- 01G01008.
ronments. Examples of these structures include a
dorsoventrally flattened body, ventral odontodes *Correspondence to: Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates,
directed backward (Hora, 1930), and attachment Ghent University–UGent, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, Ghent 9000,
structures formed by the fins or the mouth (Nelson, Belgium. E-mail:
2006; Gerstner, 2007). Among catfishes, a ventrally
placed suckermouth evolved independently within Received 7 December 2012; Revised 8 April 2013;
Accepted 26 April 2013.
the paleotropical family Mochokidae and in the
neotropical families Astroblepidae and Loricariidae. Published online in
The outcome of evolutionary transformations of Wiley Online Library (
the ancestral morphology toward an adhering DOI 10.1002/jmor.20169



Fig. 1. The head and pectoral fins of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (MUSM 46925 nr. 1, 106-mm SL) during the inhalation phase while
being attached. A: Dorsal view. Note that the incurrent gill openings (indicated by arrows) are opened and the excurrent gill open-
ings are closed; B: Ventral view. Scale bars 5 1 cm. Points of interest: a, medioventral point representing hyoid bar; b, suspensorium;
c, first pectoral fin ray; d, caudal tip of opercular; e, valve closing the dorsal incurrent gill slit; f, caudalmost point of branchiostegal
membrane; g, upper jaw; h, lower jaw; i, lower lip; j, upper oral valve.

Velez-Espino, 2003a,b,2004, 2006; Ortega et al., indicate that these specimens most probably belong to morpho-
2007; Schaefer and Arroyave, 2010), many aspects species F as described by Schaefer et al. (2011). In total, 29-
numbered specimens were collected and will be referred to as
of their biology remain unknown. A handful of Astroblepus sp. “Peru.” Twenty-specimens are deposited in the
articles comprise most of what is known about the Museo de Historia Natural of the Universidad Nacional Mayor
cranial morphology of astroblepid catfishes, even de San Marcos, Lima, Peru (lot MUSM 46925), while nine are
though their main focus lies elsewhere (Howes, kept at the research group Evolutionary Morphology of Verte-
brates at Ghent University (further abbreviated as EVM).
1983; Schaefer and Lauder, 1986, 1996; Schaefer, Apart from the main study on these specimens from Peru, a
1988, 1990; Arratia, 1990). limited comparative osteological study was performed on one
Many characters of the astroblepid-loricariid specimen from Bolivia (Astroblepus sp. “Bolivia”; Zoological
clade evolved before the two families separated Museum Amsterdam (ZMA) 119.552; Rio Espıritu Santo near
(e.g., Schaefer and Lauder, 1986; Schaefer, 1988). Cochabamba) and one from Colombia (Astroblepus cf. longifilis;
ZMA 111.43; Est. Caldas, Cecilia).
Astroblepids lack some muscular specializations
High-speed recordings (at 120 frames per second) of Astroble-
found in Loricariidae (Howes, 1983); they also pus sp. “Peru” (nr. 1, 106 mm-standard length (SL); nr. 3, 147-
lack the bony armour of loricariids. They do, how- mm SL; nr. 5, 123-mm SL of MUSM 46925; and nr. 13, 136-mm
ever, possess a duplicated gill opening (Fig. 1A; SL at EVM) were performed using an aquarium setup and a
Johnson, 1912), which in turn does not occur in Casio Exilim EX-FH100 high-speed camera at the Instituto del
Bien Com un, Oxapampa, Peru. Individuals were recorded from
loricariids. In this study, we investigate how the different angles during two main modes of respiration. The first
presence of the novel incurrent gill opening in mode involved respiration with suckermouth attachment on the
astroblepids relates to a new functional mecha- aquarium floor or wall. The second mode involved unattached
nism of respiration during adhesion, which might respiration, with the specimens resting on the aquarium floor
facilitate climbing. To achieve this, a thorough without attachment of the suckermouth. Water inflow and out-
flow was visualized by the motion of minute suspended par-
examination of the astroblepid morphology is ticles in the water. Additional recordings allowed analysis of
essential to fill a gap in siluriform comparative crawling locomotion.
knowledge and deliver a solid comparison between The main anatomical points of interest (Fig. 1) are a medio-
both families. Because no electromyography or cin- ventral point representing the hyoid bar, the lateral and dorsal
eradiography was performed, inferences on muscle side of the suspensorium, the first pectoral fin ray, the caudal
tip of the opercular, the medial edge of the valve closing the
functions remain hypothetical. Still, the performed dorsal incurrent gill slit, the caudalmost point of the branchios-
kinematic analysis allows us to propose functional tegal membrane, upper and lower jaws, the lower lip and the
theories regarding astroblepid respiration and midline of the upper oral valve, with two additional reference
attachment mechanisms. points on the neurocranium. These points were digitized in the
first of every two frames using a marker tracking and direct
linear transformation program (Hedrick, 2008) in Matlab
MATERIAL AND METHODS R2011b (The Mathworks). Data were filtered using a fourth
order zero-phase shift butterworth low-pass data noise filter
Astroblepus sp. specimens were collected at night using a with a cut-off frequency of 7 Hz (add-in for Excel written by
cast net in the Rıo Acuzaz
u, a tributary of Rıo Chorobamba in Sam Van Wassenbergh; procedure in Erer, 2007). Statistical dif-
the community of Santa Clara (10 310 4.658400 S, 75 240 56.030400 ferences between inhalation and expiration phase durations
W, ca. 1800 m altitude), Pasco, Peru. Attempts of identification were tested using PopTools 3.2 (Monte-Carlo Analysis, 10,000

Journal of Morphology
replicates, Greg Hood, Australia) on Excel 2010 (Microsoft). mediosagittal ridge. More posteriorly the skull is
This approach uses a randomized permutation procedure with broader and is composed out of the sphenotic and
the null hypothesis stating that the distance (difference)
between two groups of variables (phase durations) does not parieto-supraoccipital dorsally and the prootic,
differ from the distance between any pair of groups with parasphenoid, basioccipital, and exoccipital ven-
random inclusion of the variables. The P-value (the relative trally. In addition the compound pterotic (see
number of times the distance is in the upper 0.975 percentile of Geerinckx et al., 2007) makes up a large part of
replicates; Collyer et al., 2007) can then be calculated from the
result. Since it was not possible to follow the exact same point
the caudolateral skull.
on a particular anatomical element in different film fragments Splanchnocranium. The medial process of
(due to recording angle, shade or specimen coloration), absolute the upper jaw or premaxilla (Figs. 2 and 3)
measurements of excursion amplitudes of these structures were articulates with the rostral tip of the mesethmoid
not compared between different movie sequences. via the mesethmoid-premaxillary cartilage, a
For the study of anatomy, Astroblepus sp. “Peru” specimens
meniscus-like structure. Additional ligaments con-
were first anesthetized in a MS 222 solution (ethyl 3-
aminobenzoic acid methanesulfonate salt, Sigma Chemical), tribute to the connection between the premaxilla
and then euthanized by MS 222 overdose. Specimens were fixed and the mesethmoid. Left and right premaxillae
using a 4% buffered formalin solution (at neutral pH), followed are connected medially by a small meniscus-like
by 70% ethanol for later storage. Dissections were performed cartilage. The premaxilla is located ventrally to
on Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 8, 89-mm SL; nr. 16, 83-mm SL;
nr. 17, 69-mm SL; nr. 19, 105-mm SL; nr. 29, 100-mm SL, at the autopalatine head. This cartilaginous autopa-
EVM), using an Olympus SZX 9 stereo microscope. Serial sec- latine head articulates with the basis of the elon-
tions (5 mm) of the head of one Astroblepus sp. “Peru” specimen gated maxilla (Figs. 2 and 3), which supports the
(nr. 14, 57-mm SL at EVM) were made with a Leica SM2500 maxillary cartilages. Caudally, the autopalatine
sliding microtome, and examined with a Reichert-Jung Polyvar
light microscope. One Astroblepus sp. “Peru” specimen (nr. 19,
(Figs. 2 and 3B) bears two processes ventral to the
105-mm SL at EVM) was used for in toto clearing and staining articulation facet with the lateral ethmoid.
(protocol based on Taylor and Van Dyke, 1985). The modular In the lower jaw (Figs. 2 and 3A), the proximal
micro-CT setup at the “Centre for X-ray Tomography” of the anguloarticular and distal dento-mentomeckelium
Ghent University (UGCT; Masschaele et al., 2007) was used for are connected by the remnant of Meckel’s cartilage
a CT scan of the head of a specimen of Astroblepus sp. “Peru”
(nr. 15, 89-mm SL at EVM). The specimen was scanned using a caudally, and suture and partly overlap more
dual-head X-ray tube from Feinfocus (FXE 160) with a direc- rostrally. Both bones contribute to a plate-like
tional high-power head, at 100-kV tube voltage. The detector coronoid process. No symphysis is present; left and
was an aSi flat panel (PerkinElmer XRD 1620 CN3 CS) with a right lower jaws are separated by a cartilaginous
CsI scintillator. A number of 1,441 projection images of 1,648
plug. Laterally, the anguloarticular of the
by 2008 pixels were recorded, covering 360 , with a total expo-
sure time of 2 s per projection. The isotropic voxel size of the lower jaw articulates with the quadrate of the
sample was 183 mm3. The raw data were processed and recon- suspensorium.
structed using the CT software Octopus (Vlassenbroeck et al., On the upper jaw, a first row of large, predomi-
2007) and rendered using VGStudio Max 2.0 (Volume Graphics, nantly unicuspid teeth (Fig. 3A) is followed by
Germany). Osteological data were extracted from these three-
dimensional scans. Both Astroblepus sp. “Bolivia” (ZMA smaller bicuspid teeth. In the lower jaw, the large
119.552, 66-mm SL) and Astroblepus cf. longifilis (ZMA 111.43, teeth and posterior smaller teeth are all bicuspid,
159-mm SL) were scanned with similar settings. the large ones asymmetrically so. The jaws
bear incompletely mineralized replacement teeth
RESULTS of each tooth type. Additional unicuspid teeth are
present on the pharyngeal jaws, formed by the
Anatomical elements described herein are paired fifth branchial arch.
unless mentioned otherwise. Only those structures The suspensorium (Figs. 2 and 3B) is formed by
relevant to the functioning of the feeding, respira- the quadrate, hyomandibular, and metapterygoid.
tion, or climbing apparatus will be described in These bones are centrally connected by narrow
detail. All results, tables, and figures are based on strips of symplectic cartilage. The autopalatine-
Peruvian specimens. metapterygoid ligament connects the metaptery-
goid and quadrate to the autopalatine and the
Osteology lateral ethmoid. Laterally, the preopercular firmly
Neurocranium. The neurocranium (Figs. 2 attaches to the hyomandibular and the quadrate,
and 3) is horizontally flattened, resulting in a adding rigidity to the suspensorium. The hyoman-
broad skull. Anteriorly, the single mesethmoid dibular articulates with the neurocranium at the
bears a ventral protuberance, to which the upper junction of pterosphenoid, sphenotic, and prootic.
jaws connect. The frontal forms a large part of the The hyoid (Figs. 2B and 3A) is composed of
skull roof, flanked by the lateral ethmoid, which three paired elements, being the hypohyal, ante-
provides a prominently broad articulation facet for rior ceratohyal and posterior ceratohyal, synchon-
the autopalatine, and forms part of the skull floor drally contacting each other. On their ventral side
and wall, along with the orbitosphenoid and the latter two bones share a cartilaginous process
pterosphenoid. The medial portion of the skull articulating with four branchiostegal rays support-
floor is formed by the unpaired, toothless pre- ing the branchiostegal membrane. Dorsally the
vomer and parasphenoid, both exhibiting a ventral posterior ceratohyal is also connected with the

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 2. The skull of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 8, 89-mm SL at EVM). A: Dorsal view. B: Lateral view. Scale bars 5 1 mm. comp-pt,
compound pterotic bone; o-aa, os anguloarticulare; o-apal, os autopalatinum; o-cb, os ceratobranchiale; o-ch-a, os ceratohyale anterior;
o-ch-p, os ceratohyale posterior; o-cl, os cleithrum; o-den-m, os dentomentomeckelium; o-fr, os frontale; o-hh, os hypohyale; o-hm, os
hyomandibulare; o-int-h, os interhyale; o-int-op, os interoperculare; o-leth, os latero-ethmoideum; o-mes, os mesethmoideum; o-mpt,
os metapterygoideum; o-mx, os maxillare; o-nas, os nasale; o-op, os operculare; o-osph, os orbitosphenoideum; o-para, os parasphenoi-
deum; o-par-soc, os parieto-supraoccipitale; o-pmx, os praemaxillare; o-pop, os praeoperculare; o-psph, os pterosphenoideum; o-pvm,
os praevomerale; o-q, os quadratum; o-sph, os sphenoticum; r-br-I–IV, radius branchiostegus I–IV; tr-pr-c-v, transverse process of
complex vertebra.

ventral side of the preopercular and the quadrate articulation facet of the opercular connects to the
through a ligament (laterally) and a cartilaginous hyomandibular. No relevant osteological differen-
articulation (medially). Medially, both hypohyals ces were observed between Astroblepus sp. “Peru”
are connected by their ligamentous contact to the and the examined specimens of Astroblepus cf.
unpaired parurohyal. This sesamoid bone bears longifilis and Astroblepus sp. “Bolivia.”
two rostral processes, each fitting in a circular
cavity of a hypohyal. Myology
The opercular series (Fig. 2B) comprises the Jaw and maxillary barbel musculature.
opercular, preopercular, and two subopercular The adductor mandibulae (Figs. 4 and 5A) originates
elements. Of these, the dorsal one is probably on the dorsal face of the hyomandibular and preoper-
homologous with the interopercular; the ventral cular. A relatively small medial bundle stretches
one probably is homologous with the interhyal forward and inserts on the dorsocaudal face of the
(Schaefer, 1988). The latter bone articulates anguloarticular and dento-mentomeckelium. It is
with the posterior ceratohyal. A medioventral covered by a larger, dorsolateral bundle inserting on

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 3. The skull of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 8, 89-mm SL at EVM). A: Ventral view. B: Ventral view of the neurocranium, the
suspensorium, the opercular, the autopalatine and the maxilla. Scale bars 5 1 mm. comp-pt, compound pterotic bone; o-aa, os angu-
loarticulare; o-apal, os autopalatinum; o-boc, os basioccipitale; o-cb, os ceratobranchiale; o-ch-a, os ceratohyale anterior; o-ch-p, os
ceratohyale posterior; o-cl, os cleithrum; o-den-m, os dentomentomeckelium; o-exoc, os exoccipitale; o-hh, os hypohyale; o-hm, os
hyomandibulare; o-int-h, os interhyale; o-int-op, os interoperculare; o-leth, os latero-ethmoideum; o-mes, os mesethmoideum; o-mpt,
os metapterygoideum; o-mx, os maxillare; o-op, os operculare; o-osph, os orbitosphenoideum; o-para, os parasphenoideum; o-pmx, os
praemaxillare; o-pop, os praeoperculare; o-prot, os prooticum; o-puh, os parurohyale; o-pvm, os praevomerale; o-q, os quadratum;
r-br-I–IV, radius branchiostegus I–IV; tr-pr-c-v, transverse process of complex vertebra.

the coronoid process. Manipulation of the adductor More medially the retractor premaxillae (Figs. 4
mandibulae, by experimentally pulling it during and 5C) originates on the hyomandibular and
dissection (before specimen fixation), results in an metapterygoid and inserts upon the dorsolateral
upward and rotating motion of the lower jaw, pivot- premaxillary process with a tendon that continues
ing the tooth-bearing part anteriorly, in the direction as a ventromedial aponeurosis in the anterior
of the mouth cavity. portion of the muscle. When manipulated, the

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 4. Dorsal view of the cranial musculature of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (based on dissections) drawn upon CT images of Astroble-
pus sp. “Peru” (nr. 8, 89-mm SL at EVM). A: left: all superficial muscles; right: m-add-md and m-lev-tt are removed. B: left: m-add-
md-e and m-lev-tt are removed; right: m-add-md, m-lev-tt and m-rt-pmx are removed. Red 5 muscle tissue; Green 5 tendon. Not
shown: m-add-hh. Dashed circles indicate the position of the eyes. Scale bars 5 1mm. m-add-apal-d, musculus adductor arcus palatini
pars dorsalis; m-add-md, musculus adductor mandibulae; m-add-md-e, external part of musculus adductor mandibulae; m-add-md-i,
internal part of musculus adductor mandibulae; m-add-op, musculus adductor operculi; m-dil-op, musculus dilatator operculi; m-ext-
tt-l, musculus extensor tentaculi pars lateralis; m-intm-p-d, musculus intermandibularis posterior pars dentalis; m-lev-apal, musculus
levator arcus palatini; m-lev-op, musculus levator operculi; m-lev-tt, musculus levator tentaculi; m-rt-pmx, musculus retractor

premaxilla is rotated posteriorly, pivoting the teeth the levator tentaculi in most related families
inwards. (except Loricariidae), its innervation has been
From the lateral ethmoid, the levator tentaculi examined. The branchlet innervating this muscle
(Figs. 4A and 5A) stretches toward the proximal fuses with that of the retractor premaxillae and
part of the maxilla. It bifurcates near its anterior then with the other branchlets innervating the
end. The medial bundle inserts dorsally upon the adductor mandibulae. The whole branch then joins
base of the maxilla, whereas the lateral bundle the complex formed by the buccomaxillary and
inserts on the more ventrally placed basal process. mandibular nerve branches.
Manipulating this muscle pulls the maxillary bone The extensor tentaculi is divided in two separate
in a dorsocaudal direction. Given the absence of elements. Laterally, the pennate extensor tentaculi

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 5. Lateral view of the left cranial musculature of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (based on dissections) drawn upon CT images
of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 8, 89-mm SL at EVM). A: All superficial muscles. B: m-add-md, m-lev-tt and m-rt-pmx are removed.
C: m-intm-a-l and m-hh-add-br are shown (not in A and B), m-add-md, m-lev-tt and intm-p-d are removed; Red 5 muscle tissue;
Green 5 tendon. Not shown: m-hh-abd, m-hh-inf and all muscles on the right. Dashed circles indicate the position of the eyes. Scale
bars 5 1mm. m-add-apal-d, musculus adductor arcus palatini pars dorsalis; m-add-md, musculus adductor mandibulae; m-add-md-e,
external part of musculus adductor mandibulae; m-add-op, musculus adductor operculi; m-dil-op, musculus dilatator operculi;
m-ext-tt-l, musculus extensor tentaculi pars lateralis; m-ext-tt-m, musculus extensor tentaculi pars medialis; m-hh-add, musculus
hyohyoidei adductores (attached to branchiostegal rays and opercular); m-hh-add-br, part of musculus hyohyoidei adductores in bran-
chiostegal membrane edge; m-intm-a-d, musculus intermandibularis anterior pars dentalis; m-intm-a-l, musculus intermandibularis
anterior pars labialis; m-intm-p-d, musculus intermandibularis posterior pars dentalis; m-intm-p-l, musculus intermandibularis
posterior pars labialis; m-lev-apal, musculus levator arcus palatini; m-lev-op, musculus levator operculi; m-lev-tt, musculus levator
tentaculi; m-rt-pmx, musculus retractor premaxillae.

pars lateralis (Figs. 4, 5B, and 6C) originates on Manipulation forces the anterior tip of the autopa-
the lateral side of the lateral ethmoid and inserts latine in a lateroventral direction. The extensor
on the ventrolateral process of the autopalatine. tentaculi pars medialis (Fig. 6C) originates on the

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 6. Ventral view of the cranial musculature (and m-hypaxialis and m-pr-ischii) of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (based on dissections)
drawn upon CT images of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 8, 89-mm SL at EVM). A: m-ext-tt-m not shown; left: m-intm-a-d is removed;
right: Mouth disk and m-intm-a-d are shown. B: m-ext-tt-m not shown; left: m-intm-a-d, m-hh-inf, m-hh-abd and m-hypaxialis are
removed; right: m-hh-inf is removed, mouth disk is shown. C: Only m-ext-tt-l, m-ext-tt-m, m-add-apal-d, m-add-apal-v and m-add-op
are shown with their insertions on the neurocranium, suspensorium, operculum and autopalatine; left: m-add-apal-v is removed;
right: m-add-apal-v is shown. Red 5 muscle tissue; Green 5 tendon; Blue 5 cartilage plug. Not shown: m-intm-a-l, m-hh-add and
m-hh-add-br. Dashed lines indicate position underneath bone or mouth disk. Scale bars 5 1mm. crt-p, cartilage plug; m-add-apal-d,
musculus adductor arcus palatini pars dorsalis; m-add-apal-v, musculus adductor arcus palatini pars ventralis; m-add-md-e, external
part of musculus adductor mandibulae; m-add-op, musculus adductor operculi; m-ext-tt-l, musculus extensor tentaculi pars lateralis;
m-ext-tt-m, musculus extensor tentaculi pars medialis; m-hh-abd, musculus hyohyoideus abductor; m-hh-inf, musculus hyohyoideus
inferior; m-hypaxialis, musculus hypaxialis; m-intm-a-d, musculus intermandibularis anterior pars dentalis; m-intm-p-d, musculus
intermandibularis posterior pars dentalis; m-intm-p-l, musculus intermandibularis posterior pars labialis; m-lev-tt, musculus levator
tentaculi; m-pr-ischii, musculus protractor ischii; m-rt-pmx, musculus retractor premaxillae; m-stern, musculus sternohyoideus.

Journal of Morphology
ventral side of the lateral ethmoid, the orbitosphe- of the posterior ceratohyal. The pars dentalis runs
noid and the parasphenoid ridge and anteriorly forward toward the lower jaw, attaching on the
attaches onto the ventromedial process of the dento-mentomeckelium. Manipulation results in
autopalatine, with a broad, ventral tendon. This rotation and caudal movement of the lower jaw,
muscle is hard to manipulate, but its orientation consequently directing the teeth outwards. The
strongly suggests that contraction would swing intermandibularis posterior pars labialis firmly
the anterior tip of the autopalatine medioventrally. inserts into the lower lip tissue. When the muscle
Suspensorial musculature. The adductor is pulled on, the base of the lower lip is drawn in
arcus palatini (Figs. 5B and 6C) is subdivided in a caudolateral direction.
two parts. The upper part originates on the lateral The ventral faces of left and right anterior and
ethmoid and orbitosphenoid, while the lower part posterior ceratohyals are interconnected by the
originates ventrally on the parasphenoid. Both broad hyohyoideus inferior (Fig. 6A). Medially
parts insert upon the suspensorium; however, the both halves of this muscle meet and form a raphe.
upper part inserts on the medial edge of both the Manipulation of this muscle is hard and has little
metapterygoid and the hyomandibular, whereas visible effect.
the lower part inserts on the ventral side of the The sternohyoideus (Fig. 6B) connects the dorsal
hyomandibular. While neither of the two can be side of the cleithrum of the pectoral girdle with
manipulated, the only probable outcome of con- the parurohyal of the hyoid. Manipulation is hard,
traction is adduction of the suspensorium to a and has no clear effect.
more medial position. The hyohyoidei adductores (Fig. 5) form the
Dorsally on the head, the levator arcus palatini musculature of the branchiostegal membrane and
(Fig. 4) reaches from the frontal, pterosphenoid its supporting structures. Only the lateralmost
and sphenotic toward the mediocaudal process on two rays are interconnected by three small muscle
the hyomandibular. Manipulation of this muscle bundles. From the lateral ray, two muscles run
has no visible effect. upwards to the opercular. Embedded in the soft
Opercular musculature. The dilatator oper- tissue of the branchiostegal membrane itself, an
culi (Fig. 4) originates on the sphenotic. Its narrow additional muscle runs along the entire edge of
tendon inserts on the opercular, anterior to the the membrane. It is probably derived from the
articulation with the hyomandibular. Due to its hyohyoidei adductores. Dorsally it embeds into the
small size, this muscle is hard to manipulate. basal tissue of the valve closing the incurrent gill
The adductor operculi (Figs. 4 and 6C) connects opening. Manipulation of any of these muscle bun-
the medioventral face of the opercular to the com- dles is not possible.
pound pterotic of the neurocranium. Its only possi- From the medialmost branchiostegal ray, the
ble action thus is a medial motion of the opercular. hyohyoideus abductor (Fig. 6B) runs in a medio-
Interestingly, some of its (posterior) fibers are rostral direction and contacts the ventral face of
somewhat curved around the dorsal incurrent gill the sternohyoideus where it is continuous with the
opening. A small group of dorsal fibers, inserting hypaxial muscles. When the hyohyoideus abductor
marginally more dorsally, probably corresponds to is manipulated, the branchiostegal membrane is
a (remnant of) the levator operculi. closed.
Ventral musculature. The ventrally placed The protractor pectoralis connects the compound
intermandibularis muscles are divided in an ante- pterotic of the neurocranium to the cleithrum of
rior and posterior group, each containing two parts. the pectoral girdle, caudolateral to the insertion of
In the anterior group the intermandibularis ante- the sternohyoideus.
rior pars labialis (Fig. 5C) is located within the dor- Two pelvic muscles are prominently visible
sal side of the posteriorly expanded lower lip, just (Fig. 7) through the ventral skin. The protractor
underneath the dermis. The muscle has a fan-like ischii (Figs. 6B and 7A) is round in cross-section,
appearance, with fibers spreading out centrifugally with fibers in a spiraling orientation. It connects
to the peripheral rim of the lower lip disk. the lateral process of the basipterygium to the
Medially, the contralateral muscles are completely cleithrum of the pectoral girdle. When contracted
separated from each other. The intermandibularis it pulls the pelvic girdle anteriorly. The retractor
anterior pars dentalis (Figs. 6A,B) connects the ischii (Fig. 7B) connects the external process of the
dorsal side of the lower lip to the cartilage plug basipterygium to the basal elements of the anal fin
between both lower jaws. Just posterior to the skeleton and the surrounding body musculature.
plug, both contralateral muscles also interconnect Its fibers are not spiraled. Contraction results in a
in a raphe. The muscle also partly connects to the caudal displacement of the pelvic girdle.
intermandibularis anterior pars labialis.
More posteriorly, both the intermandibularis
posterior pars dentalis (Figs. 5A,B, 6A, and B) Oral Valves and Gill Slit
and the intermandibularis posterior pars labialis Two oral valves (Fig. 8) are present, directly
(Figs. 5C, 6A, and B) originate on the ventral side posterior to both upper and lower jaws. They are

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 7. Ventral view of freshly euthanized Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 29, 100-mm SL at EVM).
A: The pelvic girdle (dashed line) is in its caudalmost position. Arrows indicate the musculus
protractor ischii. B: The pelvic girdle (dashed line) is in its rostralmost position. Arrows indicate
the musculus retractor ischii. Scale bars 5 1 cm.

positioned in such a way that when both the upper is found, covered by a dorsal skin fold of the
and the lower jaw are adducted, the upper oral opercular.
valve overlaps the lower jaw and (to a lesser
extent) the lower oral valve, separating a preva- Kinematics
lvular cavity from a postvalvular cavity. The small Attached respiration. During attached respi-
prevalvular cavity is bordered by the tissue of the ration individuals are attached to the aquarium
lips and jaws, the oral valves and (when attached) wall or floor using their suckermouth, thereby
the substrate. The larger postvalvular cavity forms disconnecting the external environment from the
the main buccal cavity and is continuous with the prevalvular cavity, which is now a separate
gill chamber or opercular cavity. Dorsal to the compartment. The average duration (mean 6 s.d.)
excurrent gill slit an incurrent gill opening (Fig. 1) of one respiration cycle varies among individuals

Fig. 8. Mediosagittal view of the transected head of Astroblepus sp. “Peru” (nr. 17, 69-mm SL
at EVM). Note the presence of the upper and lower oral valves. Scale bar 5 1 mm. pov-c, post-
valvular cavity; prv-c, prevalvular cavity.

Journal of Morphology
TABLE 1. Average duration 6 standard deviation (in ms) of one respiration cycle, the inhalation and the expiration phase (during
attached and unattached respiration) of each Astroblepus sp. “Peru” specimen used in the digital kinematic analysis.
Specimen nr., SL (mm) Respiration mode Full cycle Inhalation phase Expiration phase
1 (MUSM 46925), 106 attached 317 6 28 (15) 193 6 56 (17) 134 6 15 (16)
5 (MUSM 46925), 106 attached 394 6 34 (11) 243 6 24 (12) 144 6 23 (13)
13 (EVM), 136 attached 500 6 26 (10) 308 6 39 (10) 186 6 34 (13)
3 (MUSM 46925), 147 attached 378 6 9 (3) 222 6 19 (3) 156 6 10 (3)
3 (MUSM 46925), 147 unattached 350 6 51 (20) 189 6 38 (22) 153 6 13 (25)

Sample size is shown in parentheses.

(383 6 76 ms), but also within individuals (Table 1). the hyoid (21 6 16 ms and 3 6 23 ms after the
During attached respiration the inhalation phase maximum depression and elevation of the hyoid,
(222 6 52 ms) lasts significantly longer (P < 0.005) respectively). The opercular moves more or less
than the expiration phase (167 6 38 ms). Elements together with the suspensorium, with its abduc-
inducing the volume changes during these phases tion and adduction maximum 14 6 30 ms and
are the suspensorium forming the buccal cavity 29 6 38 ms before those of the suspensorium,
wall, and the hyoid and pectoral girdle of the respectively. The dorsal incurrent gill opening
buccal cavity floor. (Fig. 9) is closed 76 6 23 ms and completely opened
During inhalation the hyoid depresses caudo- 32 6 19 ms after the abduction and adduction max-
ventrally, whereas it elevates rostrodorsally during imum of the suspensorium, respectively. The lat-
expiration. The lower jaw appears to be stationary: eral, excurrent gill slit (Fig. 9) opens and closes
no substantial movement could be detected. 5 6 19 ms and 13 6 10 ms after the suspensorium
The hyoid movements are synchronous to those of is most abducted and adducted, respectively.
the pectoral girdle, with both caudoventral and During attached respiration, no inflow of water
rostrodorsal peaks of the pectoral girdle occurring through the mouth is observed. The only inflow is
3 6 17 ms after the depression and elevation maxi- through the incurrent gill opening. In only one
mum of the hyoid, respectively (Table 2). The sus- movie sequence of one specimen the upper oral
pensorium (Fig. 9) moves near-synchronously with valve was sufficiently visible, as most specimens

TABLE 2. Relative timing averages 6 standard deviation (in ms) of some important movements during both respiration modes in
Astroblepus sp. “Peru.”
Attached respiration Unattached respiration
1 (MUSM 5 (MUSM 13 (EVM) 3 (MUSM 3 (MUSM
Specimen nr., SL (mm) 46925), 106 46925), 123 46925), 136 46925), 147 mean 46925), 147
Suspensorium abduction max. 18 6 11 (8) 24 6 9 (7) 21 6 25 (7) – 21 6 16 (22) 248 6 16 (13)
after hyoid depression max.
Suspensorium adduction max. 12 6 16 (7) 22 6 12 (7) 0 6 38 (6) – 3 6 23 (20) 243 6 14 (13)
after hyoid elevation max.
First pectoral fin ray caudal max. 2 6 14 (8) 5 6 13 (7) 22 6 19 (3) – 3 6 17 (18) 8 6 9 (10)
after hyoid depression max.
First pectoral fin ray rostral max. 2 6 6 (7) 29 6 9 (7) 33 6 1 (3) – 3 6 17 (17) 22 6 10 (9)
ray after hyoid elevation max.
Opercular abduction max. after 0 6 23 (4) 29 6 12 (2) 267 6 23 (2) 24 6 16 (4) 214 6 30 (12) 20 6 21 (11)
suspensorium abduction max.
Opercular adduction max. after 0 6 13 (4) 239 6 27 (6) 264 6 16 (6) 22 6 19 (3) 229 6 38 (19) 33 6 22 (14)
suspensorium adduction max.
Excurrent gill slit opened after 13 6 21 (4) 6 6 23 (6) 23 6 14 (5) – 5 6 19 (15) 2 6 19 (8)
suspensorium abduction max.
Expiratory gill slit closed after 0 6 0 (4) 17 6 1 (6) 17 6 10 (6) – 13 6 10 (16) 18 6 9 (10)
suspensorium adduction max.
Incurrent gill slit closed after 77 6 26 (11) 67 6 13 (4) – – 76 6 23 (15) 80 6 9 (4)
suspensorium abduction max.
Inhalatory gill slit opened after 32 6 21 (10) 34 6 1 (4) – – 32 6 19 (14) 22 6 10 (3)
suspensorium adduction max.
Upper oral valve closed after – – – – – 60 6 11 (13)
hyoid depression max.
Upper oral valve open after – – – – – 27 6 24 (13)
hyoid elevation max.
Sample size is shown in parentheses. For each of the four specimens included in the analysis of attached respiration separate tim-
ings are shown, as well as the average (mean) of these specimens together. Only MUSM 46925 nr. 3 (147-mm SL) was included in
the analysis of unattached respiration.

Journal of Morphology

Fig. 9. Graph showing movements of anatomical points of

interest in a 1,200 ms recording of Astroblepus sp. “Peru”
(MUSM 46925 nr. 1, 106-mm SL) in dorsal view during attached
respiration. Timing of the excurrent gill slit and the incurrent
gill slit being open are indicated by horizontal bars.
Fig. 10. Graph showing movements of anatomical points of
interest in a 1,200 ms recording of Astroblepus sp. “Peru”
tended to keep upper and lower jaw close together (MUSM 46925 nr. 3, 147-mm SL) in ventral view during unat-
tached respiration. Timing of the excurrent gill slit and the
during attached respiration. No movement of it upper oral valve being open are indicated by horizontal bars.
was observed.
Unattached respiration. In the aquarium, after abduction and adduction maximum of the
individuals tended to stay attached to the wall or suspensorium, respectively. The dorsal incurrent
floor and showed little initiative to rest on the opening (Fig. 10) is maximally appressed 80 6 9
aquarium floor unattached, swim substantial dis- ms and maximally opened 22 6 10 ms after the
tances, or climb. Only one specimen (MUSM abduction and adduction maximum of the suspen-
46925 nr. 3, 147-mm SL) could actually be sorium, respectively. The excurrent gill slit
recorded exhibiting both attached and unattached (Fig. 10) opens and closes 2 6 19 ms and 18 6 9 ms
respiration, and in this specific film fragment, not after the suspensorium is most abducted and
all points of interest are visible. Moreover, digital adducted, respectively. During unattached respira-
analysis of unattached respiration was only possi- tion water is inhaled via the dorsal gill opening as
ble on movie sequences of this individual. Due to well as via the mouth. In the expiration phase,
this limited amount of data, it is not possible to there seems to be little or no backflow through the
compare temporal data between attached and mouth. When the upper oral valve was visible
unattached respiration, as variations could just as inside the mouth, it could be observed moving ros-
well be the result of variation between specimens trally during hyoid depression and caudally during
rather than actual differences between respiration hyoid elevation (Table 2). In addition to its caudal
modes. movement, the valve appeared to bulge in a
During unattached respiration, the suckermouth ventral direction.
does not adhere to the substrate. The prevalvular
cavity is connected to the external environment as Mobility of the suckermouth, and locomo-
the mouth cannot be closed using the lips or jaws. tion. The expanded lower lip is a highly mobile
For the filmed and analyzed specimen, the average structure: it can flatten out completely or move its
duration of one respiration cycle is 338 6 35 ms peripheral rim ventrally, forming a cup-like struc-
(Table 1). As in attached respiration, the inhala- ture. Left and right lower jaws are able to move
tory phase (198 6 41 ms) takes longer (P < 0.005) back and forth quite substantially, and, appa-
than the expiration phase (158 6 9 ms). rently, independent from each other. They are not
The pectoral girdle also moves synchronously connected by a symphysis, and move slightly apart
with the hyoid, being at its most caudoventral when they are retracted. The upper jaws appear
point 8 6 9 ms after the hyoids depression maxi- less mobile than the lower jaws, with both pre-
mum and at its most rostrodorsal point 2 6 10 ms maxillas staying close together as well. Mobility of
before the hyoid reaches its most elevated position the upper lip is limited and it seems to be pas-
(Table 2). The lower jaw appears to be moved by sively following movements of the upper jaws and
the hyoid motion, but these movements are very maxillary barbels. When the barbels move down-
small in comparison. The suspensorium moves ward, as is the case when attachment to a sub-
slightly before the hyoid (abduction and adduction strate is initiated, the upper lip contributes to the
maximum 48 6 16 ms and 43 6 14 ms before the cup-like structure formed by the lower lip by mov-
depression and elevation maximum of the hyoid, ing slightly downward as well. During elevation of
respectively; Fig. 10). The opercular moves slightly the barbels the upper lip moves back dorsally.
after the suspensorium with its abduction and Crawling locomotion with aid of the sucker-
adduction maximum 20 6 21 ms and 33 6 32 ms mouth has been observed in all specimens. An

Journal of Morphology
individual is able to move forward on the sub- active contribution of adductor operculi and antag-
strate in a crawling way by the alternating use of onistic dilatator operculi is possible, especially
its sucker-like mouth and pelvic girdle, without during observations of extra wide opercular abduc-
undulatory body movements. The pelvic girdle tion from time to time. Direct observations of
moves in a caudal direction while the mouth is adductor operculi contraction through the thin
unattached, resulting in the forward movement of skin imply a default action of this muscle during
the fish. Then the mouth attaches to the substrate respiration. No separate levator operculi was
and the pelvic girdle is pulled to a rostral position. found in this study, although Howes (1983) found
This rostrocaudal mobility of the pelvic girdle is it in Astroblepus grixalvii and A. cf. praeliorum.
extreme and must be caused by the protractor The levator operculi, being rudimentary in Astro-
ischii and retractor ischii (Fig. 7). The ventral sur- blepidae, has been found to be larger in represen-
face of each principal pelvic fin ray is broadened tatives of Callichthyidae (Huysentruyt et al., 2007)
and has a rough skin functioning as a backward and Loricariidae (Howes, 1983; Geerinckx et al.,
antislip mat. 2007), where it is assumed to be a synergist of the
dilatator operculi. Its near-absence might well be
related to the incurrent gill opening situated at
DISCUSSION exactly that location.
The Buccal Pump
In Astroblepus, buccal cavity volume is mediated
by the lateral suspensorium, opercular and bran-
chiostegal membrane, and the ventral lower jaws, The Paradox of Simultaneous Attachment
hyoid and pectoral girdle. Using both lateral and and Respiration—A System of Valves
ventral buccal walls for constriction and expansion Using the mouth as a sucker device raises some
can be linked to a moderately dorsoventrally flat- important constraints related to respiration. One
tened skull (Alexander, 1970). An important con- obvious problem is the fact that the sucker
tribution of the lower jaws, and mainly the hyoid capacity of the mouth is expected to be reduced
and pectoral girdle, is common in catfishes, includ- dramatically by water inflow through the mouth
ing the related Callichthyidae (e.g., Van Wassen- during inhalation. In Astroblepus, the solution to
bergh et al., 2009). Astroblepidae do not share the this problem is unique within the order of cat-
loss of the involvement of the pectoral girdle in fishes. An incurrent gill opening replaces the
respiration, as has been observed in sister family mouth as an inhalation device in an efficient way,
Loricariidae, where the pectoral girdle is virtually allowing astroblepids to sustain adhesion, without
immobile (Geerinckx et al., 2007). Compared to any need for inhalation through the mouth. The
the hyoid and pectoral girdle, the contribution of valve closing this opening seems to be largely pas-
the lower jaws is low in astroblepids, and higher sively controlled by the pressure differences
in loricariids (Geerinckx et al., 2011). Apart from between the gill chamber and the surrounding
the pectoral girdle, the opercular of Loricariidae environment. During expiration, when the pres-
also has been decoupled from respiration, leaving sure inside the gill chamber is higher than out-
them with a prominent role for the lower jaws and side, the valve is pressed in dorsal direction,
hyoid. The loricariid suspensorium has limited closing off the opening and preventing water com-
mobility, and is often firmly attached to the bony ing from the buccal cavity to bypass the gills when
plates covering the skull (Howes, 1983; Geerinckx exiting. When the pressure difference is reversed
and Adriaens, 2006; Geerinckx et al., 2007, 2011). at the onset of the inhalation phase, the valve
The astroblepid suspensorium, being very moves back in ventral direction, allowing the
mobile, lacks the adductor hyomandibulae, which inflow of water through the incurrent opening.
is found (but is small) in both the related Callich- During that phase, the valve rests on the underly-
thyidae and Loricariidae (Huysentruyt et al., ing gill arches, preventing water to flow directly
2007; Geerinckx et al., 2007). Adductive power into the opercular cavity and probably forcing it to
thus can only come from the large adductor arcus flow in a medial direction toward the middle of the
palatini. Given the fact that the levator arcus buccal cavity instead, then back laterally through
palatini is minute, the resting position of the sus- the gills, into the opercular cavity. As such, the
pensorium presumably is the abducted position, possibility of a continuous ventilation of the gills
analogous to the loricariid situation (Geerinckx exists (but could not be proven). This is quite dif-
et al., 2007). ferent from the mechanism found in Loricariidae.
In Astroblepidae, the opercular and large During respiration with suckermouth attachment,
branchiostegal membrane contributes to the loricariids sustain adhesion via the mouth while
volume changes of the branchial cavity. Opposed allowing water inflow through a furrow created in
to the majority of the operculo-branchiostegal the lateral lip tissue by slightly elevating the
wall, the loose posterior edge operates as a valve maxillary barbel (Alexander, 1965; Geerinckx
preventing water inflow during inhalation. An et al., 2011). This action has been ascribed to the

Journal of Morphology
levator tentaculi muscle (Geerinckx et al., 2007, lower lip (Geerinckx and Adriaens, 2007;
2009, 2011). Geerinckx et al., 2007). The intermandibularis
A second problem is that any water flowing posterior muscles are very similar in astroblepids
anteriorly into the suction cup during compression and loricariids and the intermandibularis posterior
of the postvalvular (or buccal) cavity would pars labialis serves as the antagonist of the inter-
strongly impair the sucker capacity of the mouth. mandibularis anterior muscles, stretching (flatten-
Moreover, as jaws nor lips can be closed, backflow ing) the lower lip, in both astroblepids and
during unattached respiration would be problem- loricariids (Geerinckx et al., 2007).
atic as this backflowing water can not be used to Since no muscles insert directly into the tissue
oxygenate the gills. In Astroblepus, this appears to of the upper lip it is less mobile and is mainly con-
be solved by the presence of two oral valves. Their trolled by movements of the upper jaw and the
position (directly caudal to the tooth-bearing parts maxillary barbel. The retractor premaxillae
of the upper and lower jaws) suggests that, when retracts the upper jaw, in turn pulling the upper
both jaws are adducted, and thus closer to each lip along. Howes (1983) stated that the lower por-
other, the valves will close off the prevalvular cav- tion of the retractor premaxillae is not completely
ity. During compression of the postvalvular cavity, separated from the outer adductor mandibulae
the increasing pressure might help push both complex in Astroblepidae. Such a muscular con-
valves even harder onto each other. The upper and nection was not observed in the present study. The
lower jaws are kept close together during attached antagonist of the retractor premaxillae is the
respiration, enabling the valves to completely extensor tentaculi pars medialis, which, based on
close, relative to the situation in unattached respi- its orientation, appears to displace the autopala-
ration, supporting this hypothesis. During unat- tine in a ventromedial direction, causing its carti-
tached breathing, upper and lower jaws are laginous head to push down against the
generally held further away from each other, but dorsomedial process of the premaxilla, forcing the
nevertheless they approach each other during upper jaw to rotate rostrally. This in turn pushes
expiration. This astroblepid mechanism is differ- the upper lip forward. The extensor tentaculi pars
ent from the one found in loricariids: these possess lateralis is involved in movements of the maxillary
only one oral valve, located on the roof of the barbel, as its action swings the autopalatine in a
mouth. However, this valve is actively pulled ventrolateral direction, which results in a similar
dorsocaudally by the retractor veli muscle, thereby displacement of the maxillary, pushing the barbel
closing the entrance to the postvalvular cavity and lateral parts of the lip towards the substrate.
during expiration (Gradwell, 1971; Geerinckx The idea that the extensor tentaculi controls the
et al., 2007, 2009, 2011). ventral movements of the autopalatine is sup-
ported by the fact that this mechanism occurs in
other, related taxa as well and would have origi-
Function of the Lips and Suckermouth nated from a modified siluriform maxillary mecha-
Evidently, the lips of the suckermouth are of nism (Gosline, 1975; Geerinckx et al., 2007). These
great importance for attachment, especially the two parts of the extensor tentaculi are completely
mobile lower lip, moved by the labial parts of the separated from one another, as they are in loricar-
intermandibular muscles. Even though the inter- iids (Howes, 1983; Geerinckx et al., 2007). This
mandibularis anterior muscles differ significantly contradicts the findings of Howes (1983), Schaefer
between astroblepids and loricariids, they are sub- and Lauder (1986), and Schaefer (1990) suggesting
divided in two parts in both families and appear to that the extensor tentaculi is a single element in
be involved in the ventral pursing of the lower lip. Astroblepidae and that its subdivision is a unique
The morphological difference is most obvious in trait of Loricariidae. Diogo (2005) also noted the
the labial part, in which left and right contralat- subdivision of this muscle in Astroblepidae. The
eral muscles do not touch medially and have a fan- medial part of the extensor tentaculi might previ-
ning appearance in Astroblepus. In Loricariidae, ously have been overlooked because of its position,
the labial part is attached to both sides of the covered laterally by the extensor tentaculi
inner lower lip tissue and where both contralateral pars lateralis and ventrolaterally by the adductor
muscles meet medially, some fibers cross the mid- arcus palatini, making it less apparent during
line (Howes, 1983; Geerinckx and Adriaens, 2007; dissections.
Geerinckx et al., 2007). In Astroblepus, contralat- The antagonist of the lateral part of the exten-
eral parts of the pars dentalis originate laterally sor tentaculi is the levator tentaculi, which causes
in the lip tissue caudal to the lower jaws. They a caudodorsal elevation of the maxillary barbel
each insert medially, on the cartilage plug anteri- and the upper lip when contracted. This muscle
orly, and on a shared raphe posteriorly. In loricar- was described by Howes (1983) and Schaefer and
iids, the dental part connects the posterior faces of Lauder (1986) as being the homologue of the
the lower jaws and both halves meet medially in a retractor tentaculi found in Callichthyidae, which
slim raphe, connected to the medial tissue of the has its origin shifted from the suspensorium to the

Journal of Morphology
lateral ethmoid in loricariids and astroblepids. A gill opening has played a major role in the astro-
more recent study by Geerinckx et al. (2009), blepid evolution toward climbing, supposing that
observing the ontogenetic origin of this muscle stronger suction is required to withstand the
alongside the extensor tentaculi bundles, well forces imposed on a climbing fish by falling water
away from the adductor mandibulae complex, in a and gravity than by a more horizontally flowing
loricariid, however, proposed homology between river. The extra gill opening is a nice example of
the dorsolateral part of the callichthyid extensor convergent evolution, as it is also present in the
tentaculi and the loricariid “retractor tentaculi,” unrelated Gyrinocheilidae (Smith, 1945). Being a
renaming the latter “levator tentaculi.” Even popular fish in aquarium trade, Gyrinocheilus
though myological data from this study are largely aymonieri is the most well-known representative
in line with this hypothesis, the innervation pat- of this Asian cypriniform family. It occurs in rela-
tern of the levator tentaculi does not support it. In tively large rivers and flooded plains, attaching
loricariids, the muscle is innervated by a branchlet itself on flat surfaces using its specialized mouth
of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve, while an incurrent gill opening allows the fish to
entering it via its ventral surface (Howes, 1983). continue breathing (Nelson, 2006). Loricariidae
This ventral innervation is also observed in (and some African Mochikidae) have the remark-
Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Geerinckx et al., 2009) able ability to use the mouth as an attachment
and Astroblepus sp. “Peru.” Geerinckx et al. (2009) structure while inhaling through the mouth. The
state that in the loricariid Ancistrus the nerve to lack of an incurrent gill opening might explain
the levator tentaculi originate from the anasto- why most loricariids are unable to climb, and con-
mosed buccomaxillary branch and can only be sequently occur more downstream than astroble-
traced back to the point where the mandibular pids. Representatives of one loricariid genus,
branch forms part of the nerve. In Astroblepus, Lithogenes, are known to climb in a similar way
however, the branchlet to the levator tentaculi as Astroblepidae (Schaefer, 2003; Schaefer and
first fuses with the branchlet that innervates the Provenzano, 2008). Whether there is a similar
retractor premaxillae before joining the buccomax- incurrent gill opening as in astroblepids is not
illary and mandibular branches. This contrasts mentioned in literature; further research on this
with the supposed homology between at least the topic may well yield interesting results.
astroblepid levator tentaculi and the dorsolateral
part of the callichthyid extensor tentaculi. The ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
fact that the branchlets innervating the levator
tentaculi and retractor premaxillae fuse, rather The authors are grateful to Hern an Ortega
supports the idea of Howes (1983) and Schaefer Torres (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
and Lauder (1986) about homology between the Marcos, Lima), for essential support in organizing
astroblepid (and loricariid) levator tentaculi and the sampling. Authors also thank Denıs Orinhuela
the callichthyid retractor tentaculi. Thus, because and Yajaira Preising for making the collection a
of these contrasting observations, the evolutionary success, and Edgardo Castro and the Instituto
origin of the levator tentaculi muscle remains del Bien Com un in Oxapampa, for kindly provid-
enigmatic. ing logistics for the aquarium and recording
setup. The authors wish to thank Scott Schaefer
(American Museum of Natural History, New York)
Locomotion using Suckermouth for aid in the identification of the specimens.
and Pelvic Fins Ronald Vonk and Hielke Praagman of the ZMA
Actual near-vertical climbing out of the main are acknowledged for the loan of specimens.
water body was not recorded, but it is likely to be Finally we would like to thank Gert Van Goethem
similar to crawling locomotion that was observed for his contribution to the quality of the myological
in all specimens on flat surfaces out of the water, images. T.G. is a postdoctoral researcher of the
and on the aquarium walls in the water, during fund for scientific research Flanders, Belgium
which the suckermouth and pelvic girdle are used (FWO-Vl).
in an alternating fashion in order to move forward.
This unique form of locomotion is made possible in LITERATURE CITED
Astroblepidae by two well-developed muscles, the
retractor ischii and the protractor ischii. Although Alexander RMcN. 1965. Structure and function in the catfish.
these muscles occur in the direct relatives of J Zool (Lond) 148:88–152.
astroblepids, they are much less pronounced in Alexander RMcN. 1970. Mechanics of the feeding of various
teleost fishes. J Zool (Lond) 162:145–156.
Loricariidae and Callichthyidae. In these two
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Journal of Morphology

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