The Wolf of Wall Street Movie (Reaction Paper)

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I think that the film was good and it was not uninteresting at all.

There were a
lot of risqué scenes – which I must admit were quite shocking – nonetheless, it did
not affect my viewing experience that much. At first, I did not know whether to
believe that what they were doing was real or not, but after reading some articles
about Jordan Belfort, my doubts immediately vanished.

It is through this movie that I realized the reason why people are into
investments and why some are afraid at the same time. It is easy to earn, but it is
also easy to have someone lie right onto your face. It was incredibly amazing and
terrifying to witness how Jordan was able to convince people to buy the penny
stocks. He knew the perfect words to say, and he knew when he would use them.
Oddly enough, despite his wrongdoings, I did kind of root for him. I was in awe
because of his skills that it made me wish I was as good as him when it comes to
talking, but of course, he is still a criminal, so I guess I’m good with the way I am.

I got so frustrated when he decided to stay in Stratton Oakmont. That was

utterly disappointing and annoying. I know I should not be surprised by his decision
because, well, he is Jordan Belfort after all, and greed is his middle name. That was
his chance for a new life. He would have been able to live a happier and simpler life
with his wife and children, but of course, he decided to blow that chance away just
for money. If only he had changed earlier, things would have been different.

The movie further proved to me that money is not the root of evil, but rather it
is greed that drives people to do things that are considered immoral. Another thing
that I learned is, we should learn how to be more cautious when it comes to serious
things like investing money, especially if we are going to risk most of what we have.
Investing is good, but we must be smart about it. We cannot just do it without
thinking about it carefully. Also, we should learn when to stop because too much of
everything will not do us any good.

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