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Are You Franchisee Material?

Just as you're looking for the right franchise opportunity, franchise companies are looking for
prospective franchisees with the best chance for success. Though not all franchises require the
same qualities in a franchisee, there are a number of attributes common to successful
franchisees--any good franchisor will look for you to bring these to the table.

Here are attributes all franchise companies are seeking:

A Good Attitude. Do you have a positive and focused attitude? Are you results-oriented and
generally considered wonderful to work with toward a common goal? Franchisors will be watching
you during the research and investigation phase to see if you have this in you.

Smooth Operator. Successful franchisees are not "fly by the seat of their pants" entrepreneurs.
To catch the eye of the franchisor, you must portray yourself as a careful operator who wants a
system of operation that tells you the best way to run the business, avoid mistakes and reduce

General Skills and Experience. Franchisors are looking for franchisees who have developed
common characteristics during their prior business and life experiences, including strong
leadership skills, successful business experience and good communication abilities. Since, as a
franchisee, you'll be the "boss" of your new business, these general characteristics are
considered vital for success.

Risk Aversion. Communicate to the franchisor that you are risk averse and want whatever risk
you assume to be as small and controlled as possible. The franchisor is going to do everything
possible to eliminate the riverboat gamblers from consideration as new franchisees.

Coachability. Look for opportunities to learn from others in the franchise system. Constantly ask
advice of the franchisor support staff and other successful franchisees and follow the advice you
get. You must show the franchisor that you understand you don't know all the answers and are
willing to ask for help when you need it.

Affinity for Effort. Do you have a willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done? This
attitude will show in your every action--as a franchisee, you'll be putting in long hours and
handling multiple tasks. No matter what franchise you're interested in, you can be sure it's going
to take a lot of work to make it successful, and franchisors look for this type of diligence.

Strong People Skills. You must have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively
interact with employees and customers. You'll use these skills to create loyalty, value and trust.
Adequate Capital. Franchisors want to know you have the capital necessary to minimize the
financial risk associated with starting a new business. You may be required to source any
required financing prior to final approval as a franchisee.

Common Values. You should have a value system that fits with that of the franchisor. This
allows you to easily assimilate into the culture of the organization in a productive manner.

And, by the way, here's one attribute franchisors don't necessarily look for:

Specific Skills and Experience. It's a very common misconception that specific skills and
experience in the industry are a desirable attribute. In reality, most franchisors consider getting
you to unlearn specific skills that don't match their operating system much more difficult than just
having you start from scratch.

While these are certainly not all the attributes that franchise companies want, it's a great list to
start with. If, as you read through these, you see yourself, chances are you'll be an attractive
prospect to the franchise companies you look into.

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