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Animal Farm Socratic Seminar Questions

Directions:  Copy and paste the following questions into a Google Doc.  Answer each one
thoroughly, making sure to properly cite the text.

1. How is Animal Farm an allegory for the Soviet Revolution of the 20 century?  Cite at least

two pieces of textual evidence to demonstrate the historical relevance that support this
2. How is Animal Farm an allegory for any hierarchical power structure (whether the US
government or Schaumburg High School or a clique in any high school)?  Cite evidence to
3. In what way does Animal Farm exemplify the theme that “power corrupts, but absolute
power corrupts absolutely”?  Cite evidence to support.
4. What does “Orwellian” mean?  What examples from the novel support this meaning?
(Hint:  Think about how the text deals with power, democracy, truth). Cite evidence to
5. What does the text seem to suggest about leaders (political, social, professional; elected,
appointed, or otherwise) and how people should go about following them?  Cite evidence to
6. According to Animal Farm, how is “truth” perceived and what influences it? Cite evidence to
7. In your lives today, which is more powerful: your personal freedoms or the authority over
your freedoms?  Explain.  Is your response in line with the themes of Animal Farm or does it
contradict the themes?  Cite evidence to support.

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