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Enterprise based Vocational Education

Technical Module

Electric Advance




Enterprise based Vocational Education

Module: electric 2


Electrical Power-Engineering AC (Alternating Current)

The student knows different types of electric elements
Electric motors
And understands how they behave in alternating electric circuits

Knows different types of electric motors and their characteristics

Knows how to use the CO.

Can identify different types of motor-mountings

Understands the different degree of protection against Water and foreign bodies
Understands the different Motor-protection (balanced current/fault current / overload / over-

Knows different seed-regulation-systems of electric Engines and its different characteristics

(torque-speed, power-speed, current-speed)

Material required:

different coils
different transformers
Lab-motor single phase/triple phase
different motors

Please remember:

Before connecting a circuit to a voltage-source

 Make sure that the equipment is properly isolated (tester)
 Cheque for appropriate load-resistance (no short circuit) with ohmmeter
 Uniform distribution of the load between each phase with ohmmeter
 Using the C.O. check before connecting the testers to its measure points, that
the voltage is never higher than 35V!
Answer the safety-questions and note the answers in your training-log-book

Exercise 1

To handle a CO cathode-ray-oscilloscope

Important when working with the Oscilloscope

The neutral clamp of the CO has always to be connected to neutral, and can never be connected to a
voltage more than 0V.
The maximal Voltage to be measured by the USB-Oscilloscope is 35V. Never connect the measure-
finger to a voltage-signal which is higher than 35V!!!

Make a circuit with a load of 40 W by light bulb in series with a 1Ω resistor

 Identify the hot end and the neutral end with the tester-screwdriver


 Connect it so that the resistor is directly on the neutral end

 Measure the Voltage across the resistor with the multi meter
 Produce a signal of the alternating Voltage on the screen of the CO and identify the
frequency and measure the voltage-output and compare it with the reading of the multi

Multimeter: 0,166 V
CO 0,472 V peak-peak 236 V

 Calculate the relation between reading and the voltage peak-peak (p-p)

 Explain why the difference

 Oscilloscope adalah alat alat yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan grafik tegangan
dan dapat melakukan pengukuran Vmax, Vmin , Vpp , Vrms , Vpeak , Vmean , yang disajikan
dalam grafikgelombang
 Perbedaan pengukuran pada oscilloscope dan multitester di karenakan hasil
pengukuran lebih akurat multitester yang pada dasar nya digunakan untuk mengukur
sedangkan oscilloscope digunakan untuk mengamati dan menganalisa bentuk
Exercise 2


 Connect 3 lamps in star to the 3x380 V supply

 Connect the star point M to neutral
 Measure the voltage from phase to phase U (R-S) = 364 V
U (S-T) = 362 V
U (T-R) = 369 V
 Measure voltage from phase to star-point U (R-M) = 213 V
U (S-M) = 206 V
U (T-M) = 213 V
 Connect 3 resistors of 1Ω in series to the lamps to the middle-point and
 Measure with the CO the voltage-signal across the resistors with the 2 channels of the
CO and compare the phases. What can you observe?
How much delay has phase R compared with phase S: 6,8 ms

If one complete sine-wave signal is considered as 360 o How many degrees (o) is the
difference of the phases? 120o

Check it with the other phase? ……………………………..

How much is voltage measured over the resistor VR = 0,194 V

VS = 0,201 V
VT = 0,207 V

Calculate the current in each phase IR = 0,160 A

IS = 0,167 A
IT = 0,172 A

What did you find out?


Frekuensi adalah banyaknya gelombang dalam 1 detik

Terjadi delay 120 o dikarenakan pada generator yang mempunyai 3 winding dan jarak
tiap winding adalah 120 o yang mana tiap winding akan terkena induksi

Perbedaan sudut antar Phase pada gelombang tersebut adalah 120o

Tegangan antar phase adalah 380V

Karena sudut antar fase yaitu 120o, maka delay pada fase tersebut bernilai 1/3 dari
Exercise 3
(You can not use the CO, as voltage is too high
and in Delta-connection there is no neutral point!!)
 Connect the frequency-converter 3x220V to an electric 3 phase motor

 Measure the Voltage from Phase to Phase U (R-S) = ….. V

U (S-T) = …. V
U (T-R) = ….. V
 Measure Voltage from phase to star-point U (R-M) = …. V
U (S-M) = ….. V
U (T-M) = ….. V
 Measure the voltage with the Multimeter and also with the Voltage function of the
 Measure the RPM in function of the frequency and draw the diagram

rpm = rpm (f)

Exercise 4

A single diode in a single phase alternating circuit with a load resistor R of 1000Ω,
470 k Ω and 100Ω CO

220V 12V R

How the signal looks like?

What is the Voltage measured? VAC = ………………….. Vpp = …… V

A diode full bridge in an alternating circuit


- +
220V 12V R=

How the signal looks like?


- +
220V 12V C R

What is the Voltage measured? VAC = … VDC = ……..V V pp (CO) = ……. V

Connect a capacitor 5μF, 10µF and 20µF parallel to the resistor (according diagram
above) and check the signal
Change the resistor to 1 kΩ, 470 kΩ and check the signal. What happen? Calculate the
current over the capacitor and over the resistor in parallel. What do you find out?

R(Ω) IR(mA) C(µF) IC VDC(V) Vpp(V)

100 95,7 4,7 9,57 15
100 100,3 10 10,03 14,4
100 105,9 22 10,59 13,2
1000 11,8 4,7 11,18 12
1000 12,5 10 12,5 8
1000 14,36 22 14,36 4,4
470 K 30,85 µA 4,7 14,5 4,2
470 K 32,66 µA 10 15,35 1,8
470 K 43,62 µA 22 20,5 400 mV


 Dioda adalah komponen elektronika yang terdiri dari 2 kutub dan berfungsi
menyearahkan arus
 Cara kerja dioda adalah dioada hanya dapat mengalirkan arus listrik dalam satu arah
saja. Jika arus listrik datang dari arah dari arah berlawanan maka dioda akan
 Kapasitor adalah alat yang dapat menyimpan muatan listrik sehingga meskipun aliran
listrik sudah dicabut pada kapsitor masih terdapat muatan listrik.
 Semakin tinggi nilai kapasitor dengan resistor yang sama, maka Vdc akan meningkat
sedangkan Vpp akan menurun.
 Rangakain dioda full bridge digunakan untuk membalikkan arus litrik AC menyadi
searah semua.
 Dalam rangakain dioda full bridge Kapasitor berfungsi untuk memperhalus gelombang
yang dihasilkan sehingga gelombang semirip mungkin dengan gelombang arus listrik
Saat connect ke kapasitor

Exercise 5

Measuring the capacity of a Capacitor

Assemble a circuit according Tables for the Electric Trade page 42 (top)

Use a Resistor of 470 kΩ and use a Capacitor of 10 μF

Show the discharging diagram on the CO and measure T (time-constant) in sec: T = …..sec
Measure and calculate the Capacity of the Capacitor
T = RC C = T/R [As/V = F]

C= ……….. F or ……………. μF

Make the same with different Capacitors and different resistance

What did you find out?

R(Ω) C(µF) T
470 K 4,7 2,209
470 K 10 4,7
470 K 22 10,34
1000 4,7 0,0047
1000 10 0,01
1000 22 0,022
100 4,7 0,00047
100 10 0,001
100 22 0,00022
 Jika kapasitor dialiri arus DC maka akan timbul charging and discharging
 Semakin kecil resistor maka waktu charging atau discharging akan lebih cepat
 Charging and discharging tidak dipengaruhi oleh tegangan
 selama periode t = 1T kapasitor melakukan charging sebesar 63% dari maksimum
 selama periode t = 1T kapasitor melakukan discharging sebesar 37% dari volatge
yang diberikan
 waktu yang dibutuhkkan capacitor untuk pengisian penuh, t = 5T

Exercise 6
Resistor and Coil in series in an AC-circuit according Tables for the Electric Trade
page 42 (bottom)
Please use the 220V-coil of a transformer 1A 220V/12V as

R 1000 Ohm
UL 8,01 V
UR 8,09 V
Utot 12,63 V
L 3,15322 U R Henry
Calculate the reactive power in var

Diagram 3 R
220VAC 12VAC


Considering that a resistor and an inductive coil are connected in series, the current is the same in
both elements. But the voltage over the coil is by 90o delayed compared with the voltage over the
resistor R. So we are able to measure the inductivity L by measuring the two Voltage-signals by
multi-tester and/or the phase-angle with the CO.
Work with 12V AC (Transformer)

I = UR/R
I = UL/ωL L = I*ω/UL

Load UR UL UR+UL φ φ L
Ω description V V V ms ms Henry
Open Trafo 2A
Trafo 2A 220V 10,8 6,4 17,2
Trafo 1 A 220V

Capacitor in an alternating circuit

Capacitor and resistor in series

R 1000 Ω Ohm
U 12 V
Uc 3,6 = I * 1/ωC V
UR 13,6 =I*R V
I 0,013 = UR/R A
C 22 µF = I * 1/(ω*Uc) F [As/V}
Phi 15 = arctan(Uc/UR)
Calculate the reactive power in var


Diagram 3 R C

220VAC 12VAC
Considering that a resistor and a capacitor in series in an AC-circuit produce a voltage-signal with
a advance over the capacitor of 90o or 5 ms, we are able to measure the capacity of a capacitor
by measuring the two Voltage-signals by multi-tester and/or the phase-angle with the CO. Draw
the Vector-diagram as we did for the inductivity
Work with 12V AC (Transformer)
Load UR UC UR+UC φ φ
Ω μF V V V ms
500 10 8,5 8,5 12,4 4 72


 Jika resistor dan induktif coil dipasang seri pada AC, maka tegangan pada coil
akan terlambat 90º dari tegangan resistor
 Jika resistor dan kapasitor di pasang seri pada rangkaian AC, maka tegangan
pada resistor akan terlambat 90º dari tegangan kapasitor
 Induktor dan kapasitor berbanding terbalik
 Parameter yang mempengaruhi beda fase antara arus dan tegangan pada
rankaian AC ialah impedansi yang terdiri dari induktansi dan kapasitansi.
 Pada rangkaian RLC yang bersifat induktif, sudut fasa antara arus dan tegangan
bernilai positif sehingga arus tertinggal dari tegangan. ( XL > XC )
 Pada rangkaian RLC yang bersifat kapasittif, sudut fasa antara arus dan tegangan
bernilai negative sehingga arus lebih dahulu dari tegangan. ( XL < XC )
 Pada rangkaian AC, Kapasitor memiliki fungsi Kompensasi sedangkan Induktor
akan menambah nilai hambatan rangkaian.

Rangkaian RC

Rangkaian RL

Exercise 7
 Install the lab-motor with 3 windings
 Connect each winding to 30V DC power supply and check with the compass-
needle. What happen when you get close to the iron-core of the coil?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………..
 Invert the poles of the DC-power-supply
 What happen?
 …………………………………………………………………………………….


1 b
r r 3 b

b r
b 6
2 r

2 pole connection in star

Rpm= 2830 ...... rpm

 Mark in the diagram above the connection-terminals U1, U2, V1, V2, W1 and W2 and connect
the different coils according the diagram
 Connect the 3 coils in star to a 3 phase source 380V and connect the star-point to the
neutral line
 The rotor is a short-circuit-rotor or squirrel catch rotor
 Run the motor
 Measure the voltage over the coil ……… V
 Measure the voltage phase to phase ……….V
 What happen
 ………………………………………………………………………………..
 Interchange two phases
 ………………………………………………………………………………..
 connect it in delta to the frequency-converter 3x220V
 The rotor is a short-circuit-rotor or squirrel catch rotor
 What happen when you connect to power?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………
 Invert two of the 3 phases
 What happen?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………..

V(R-S)= 359,1 V
V(R-T)= 360 V
V(S-T)= 361,6 V

VCoil 1= 212 V 4=209,5 V

2= 202 V 5= 202 V
3= 207 V 6= 208 V
1. Saat Rangkaian terpasang sesuai diagram, arah putaranya berlawanan arah jarum
jam, dan ketika terminal hubung antara “R” dan “S” ditukar, maka yang terjadi
adalah putaran motor menjadi searah jarum jam atau dengan kata lain putaran
motor menjadi berubah arah.

2. Penentuan kutub dapat dilakukan dengan kaidah tangan kanan. Selain itu apabila
dites dengan kompas maka kompas akan menunjukkan panahnya yang mengikuti
medan magnet.

3. Motor 2 pole memiliki kecepatan yang sinkron

4. Winding merupakan coil yang memperoleh daya dari satu sumber yang sama.
Contoh motor 3 fasa, berarti ada 3 winding dan coil adalah kelipatannya.

5. Coil merupakan lilitan kawat konduktor yang bila dialiri arus akan menyebabkan
medan magnet.

y y
r y
Exercise 8 Steinmetz-Circuit
y 6 r
2 r
5 Steinmetz-Circuit

2 pole connection in star

...... rpm
The Steinmetz-circuit allows to connect an asynchronous motor to a single-phase circuit,
by a capacitor, which delays the signal of 1 phase for the connection of the 3 rd coil.

 Analyse the connection of this asynchronous motor-circuit

 Install the lab-motor with 3 windings as a single-phase squirrel catch motor with
capacitor of 10 μF and run it (Steinmetz-circuit)
 Measure current between the tree phases how they are balanced:
 Measure the voltage over the 3 coils

Measure voltage between the three phases R-T, R-S, S-T and compare

C = 10ηF C=20μF C=5μF

(2x10 μF in parallel) (2x10 μF in series)
Current in line R
Current in line S
Current in line T
Voltage 1-2
Voltage 2-3
Voltage 1-3
Connect the capacitor to the line R: what happen?......................................

Exercise 9
Identify in our plant 3 different electric motors and shoot a picture with the digital camera
of the rating plate and of the motor-installation. Answer the following questions for each

What for the motor is used?

What is the type of motor?
What is the voltage of the motor
How it is connected to the red
What is the power of the motor
What is the maximum Current
How it is cooled?
What is the cos phi
What is the isolation class?
What is the protection against foreign bodies and against water.
What is the mounting class?

Exercise 10 R
r 1 b b 4 r

r r

2 3
b b
b b
5 6
r r

2 pole connection
...... rpm

 Mark in the diagram above the connection-terminals U1, U2, V1, V2, W1 and W2 and connect the
different coils according the diagram
 Assemble the lab-motor with 6 windings as a 2 pole motor
 Connect it in delta to the power-source 3 x 380V

Please consider:
You can not use the CO because the voltage on any measure-point is higher than

Check the direction of the magnetisation of each coil with the needle of the compass and
a DC-power supply : the magnetism of the coil 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6 must attract the
same side of the compass-needle

Run the motor

Measure the RPM current and Voltage

Current R Current S Current T Power RPM

b 1 r b 4 r
Voltage over 1 coil: ………..V b
 Mark in the diagram the connection-terminals 2 3 U1, U2, V1, V2,
W1 and W2 and connect the different coils b r according the
diagram r b
 Connect the same motor with 6 windings as a 4 5 6 pole motor
according the following diagram and connect it to the power-
supply 3x380V b r
Measure the RPM, current and Voltage
Current R Current S Current T Power RPM

Voltage over each coil ……………V


1. Arus pada motor rangkaian 2 pole lebih besar daripada arus pada motor rangkaian 4

2. kecepatan putar (RPM) pada motor rangkaian 2 pole lebih besar daripada motor
dengan rangkaian 4 pole

3. Sedangkan tegangan coil pada motor rangkaian 2 pole dan motor rangkaian 4 pole
relatif sama.

4. Dan yang paling mempengaruhi dari percobaan diatas adalah jumlah pole pada suatu
motor dapat mmpengaruhi kecepatan putar motor.

Exercise 11 1 b

 Mark in the diagram the r r 3 b connection-terminals U1, U2, V1, V2, W1

and W2 and connect the different coils according the diagram
 connect the motor b
6 r with 6 windings in star with the
windings 1 and 4 2 r opposite, 3 and 6, 5 and 2 opposite
parallel as a 2 pole r

2 pole connection in star

...... rpm
Current R Current S Current T Power RPM

Voltage over each coil ……………V

 Connect the Motor with 6 windings in star with the winding 1 and 4 parallel, 2 and 5, 3 and 6
parallel as 4 pole motor
 Mark in the diagram the connection-terminals U1, U2, V1, V2, W1 and W2 and connect the
different coils according the diagram


r b
b3 r

b 6 r
2 b
r 5

4 pole connection
...... rpm

Current R Current S Current T Power RPM

Voltage over each coil ……………V


 Arus dan Daya pada rangkaian delta lebih kecil dari arus pada rangkaian star
sedangkan Tegangan pada rangkaian delta lebih besar daripada tegangan pada
rangkaian star.
 Pada 2 pole dipasang 1 kutub dan pada 4 pole dipasang 2 kutub.
 Putaran motor akan besar ketika winding 1 dikoneksikan secara berlawanan dengan
winding 4 (dipasang secara parallel), winding 2 dikoneksikan dengan winding 5 secara
berlawanan dan diparalel, serta winding 3 dengan winding 6 dikoneksikan secara
berlawanan (dipasang secara parallel)
 Putaran Motor akan pelan Ketika winding 1 dengan winding 4 dikoneksikan secara
sama, winding 2 dengan winding 5 dikoneksikan sama, serta winding 3 dengan
winding 6 dikoneksikan sama pula dan saling parallel

Exercise 12 Star– delta start system

Please use as power-source the frequency-converter 3 x 220V (phase to

Do not use the lab-motor for this exercise but a normal asynchronous motor
which is connected in star to 3x380V and in delta to 3x220V and make a star-
delta drive up
 Find first the points U1, V1, W1 and U2, V2, W2 and mark it into the following
 Make a Star-Delta starting circuit for this system according Tables for the
electric trade page 242 with 3 contactors and 2 push-button (star / stop) and 1



K1 Start

K1 K2 K3

switch K2

W1 W2 K2 K3
V1 V2
U1 M U2
K1 K3 K2

starting circuit 18.2.2006

Use the frequency-converter 1x220V input / 3x220 V output

Calculate: how much Voltage do you measure over each coil in star-connection, if you
apply a power-source of 3 x 220V

Voltage over coil U is ………………V


• Fungsi rangkaian star adalah untuk menurunkan arus sehingga daya yang dibutuhkan
• Rangkaian delta digunakan pada saat rpm motor sudah stabil.
• Fungsi rangkaian delta adalah menstabilkan arus pada motor.
• Koneksi star diunakan untuk beban yang membutuhkan daya kecil, sedangkan koneksi
delta digunakan untuk beban yang membutuhkan daya besar.
• Prinsip pada rangkaian ini adalah mengubah koneksi rangkaian dari star ke delta atau
sebaliknya menggunakan kontaktor dan push botton.
• Kontaktor digunakan untuk mengatur line U-V-W yang akan disambung ke Star atau
Exercise 13 Dahlander-circuit with our lab-motor
Take the table book and search for the Dahlander-circuit on page 94.

Consider the circuit from exercise 10 (4 pole) as the first circuit in Delta.

b 6 r b 3 r

r b

1 2
b r

r b
4 5
b r

Consider the circuit from exercise 11 (2 pole) as the circuit in star


1 b
r r 3 b

b r
b 6
2 r

2 pole connection in star

...... rpm
Marque the points U1, U2 V1, V2, W1, W2 in the diagram.
Make the connections of the coils to the points U1 ……W2
Find the control-circuit on page 240 (lower) for the Dahlander-circuit.
Use 3 relays K1, K2, K3 and connect it according the diagram in the table, using thermal
breaker F3 (2A) and F4 (2A) and the Pushbutton
S0 for stop
S1 for 4 pole run (slow)
S2 for 2 pole run (fast)
Compare the following diagrams with the 2 diagrams above and make sure that they are

W1 6 3 V1 W1 6 3
b r b r b r b r V1
line line

U2 U2
r b r b
…pole circuit 1 rpmmeasured 2 I measured 1
Powercalculated2 P Torquecalculated T
b W2 r
A b W2 W r Nm
2 r b r b

4 4 5 4 5

P = U * I * √3 b r b r

P = T * ω = rpm * U1 U1
2π / 60
..............rpm ........................rpm

Poles I u1 I v1 I w1 I u2 I v2 I w2 Rpm
2 0,35 A 0,31 A 0,36 A 0,68 A 0,67 A 0,67 A 2871
4 0,47 A 0,47 A 0,49 A 0,006 A 0,007 A 0,007 A 1266


 Motor Dahlander adalah motor induksi rotor sangkar 3 fasa yang mempunyai lilitan
untuk dua kecepatan. Motor ini mempunyai lilitan yang disusun demikian rupa
sehingga jumlah kutub dapat diubah dengan membalik arus pada lilitannya
 Rangkaian yang digunakan untuk mengganti kecepatan motor, hal tersebut
disebabkan adanya perubaha rangkaian dari star ke delta dan jumlah pole secara
elektrik dengan system control.

 Saat menggunakan rangkaian delta 4 pole akan menghasilkan torsi besar dan
kecepatan lambat, serta pada rangkaian star 2 pole menghasilkan torsi yang kecil dan
kecepatan yang cepat

 Perbedaan rangkaian 2 pole dengan rangkaian 4 pole.

a. Rangkaian 2 pole terdiri dari 1 pasang kutub. Sedangkan pada rangkaian 4

pole terdiri atas 2 pasang kutub

b. Pada rangkaian 4 pole digunakan saat start dikarenakan membutuhkan energi

yang lebih tinggi. Sedangkan pada rangkaian 2 pole digunakan untuk motor
yang dalam posisi berputar.

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