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Lesson 1: How does the reality of death define our lives? What shall I do before I die?

What makes me happy?


Go to a quiet place, sit back and recall what had happened in your life. What
moments brought you joy, what moments brought you sadness? List those moments below
and make a reflection on how it shaped you into who you are today.
Nothing lasts forever (walang forever). The cycle of being born, growing up and
growing old and dying is a reality. We have limited time here on earth and whether we like
it or not, we are bound to die. Death is real. It is a part of our being. Death is commonly
understood as the end of bodily functions. It also refers to the separation of body and spirit.
Everything that exists in this universe comes to an end and we humans are not exempted.
The acceptance of being a temporary individual in this world gives us a clearer vision on
how to live life to the fullest and understand the meaning of our existence. We have the
freedom to choose a well-lived life; doing good and doing what is right.
What makes us happy? Happiness is a state of being (over all physical condition of a
person), not just only an emotion or a decision. We do not choose happiness because we
feel it, we do not choose happiness because we need it but happiness is the totality of who
we are as human beings.
As an embodied spirit, we must consider also the goods or sources of our happiness.
Kinds of Good
Noble good is one which is pursued for its own sake, example is love and friendship.
Useful good is found only from what it can provide, example, money is good as it can buy
you something.
Pleasurable good is good so long as it provides some form of pleasure, though it does not
have to be physical.
Whatever the source of our happiness right now, let us see to it that it is real and

Activity 2. HAPPINESS IS…

Based on the concepts in Lesson 1, produce a video clip on the things which make
you happy. Present it by the time you are scheduled to meet your teacher.
To the teacher/facilitator: Use this rubric to evaluate the output of Activity 2. (Rubric
may be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the

Why do we suffer?

Activity 1. SUFFERING IS…

When was the last time you were in a very problematic situation? What was the
reason behind it? How did you overcome it? Can you share your experiences by writing
them in the space below?
Suffering is generally viewed as a state of feeling discomfort or pain. It can come in
the form of physical suffering when one experiences bodily pain, example, injury or it may
be a mental suffering when it involves our minds and emotions, such as depression or
loneliness. Humans as we are, we normally experience pain and we often view it as
necessary to help as grow and become a strong person and find the deepest meaning of our
lives. In life, we experience both happiness and suffering. Whatever experiences we have, let
us make it sure that it helps us lived the life worth remembering; that we could be a better
version of ourselves. Life is a gift, live it.

Activity 2. TAKE AWAY, NO WAY

 Reflect on this. What thing you want which equals to your life?
 Share your thoughts to your teacher during the meeting.

Activity 3. FROM ME TO YOU

Based on what you have learned about happiness, suffering, death and the meaning
of life, what piece of advice can you give to the following people in various situations?
You are to choose only one (1) situation.
Write your answer in your reflection notebook.
To the teacher/facilitator. Use the rubric below to evaluate the output of Activity 3. (Rubric
may be changed depending on the agreement between the teacher/facilitator and the
Your brother is an overachiever. Being on top of the class is what makes him feel
fulfilled. However, for this quarter, he got grades lower than what is expected. He is
extremely saddened by this.
Your best friend is dating a married woman. Despite his family’s disapproval, he does
not want to break up with her. He says that she is the only one who makes him very happy.
Your cousin is suffering from a brain cancer. She has a loving and helpful support
system comprised of family and friends, yet her fear of dying is getting worse. She feels
depressed and loses sleep over the idea of passing away soon.


 Human is temporary. Nothing is forever.
 We have to exercise our freedom in a positive way.
 We should always remember to do good rather than bad.
 Real happiness can be found in a more lasting and important things.
 Suffering takes place when we feel pain. It can be experienced physically or mentally.
It is generally viewed as an undesirable condition, and that we naturally seek
pleasure and avoid pain. Humans as we are, we normally experience pain and we
often view it as necessary to help as grow and become a strong person and find the
deepest meaning of our lives.
 We experience both happiness and suffering. These two are not really meant to be
extreme opposites, for they can also enrich one another.
 As intersubjective beings who have a tendency to form bonds with others, it is only
natural that the meaning of life can be found when we open ourselves to others. This
means that although we will eventually die, we have an opportunity to enrich our
lives as well as the lives of others.

Reflection: Write your answer in your reflection notebook.

If you are to leave a legacy (pamana or mana) in this world before you die, what
would it be? (Outputs can be done by students, based on their track. Example, EIM can
make lampshade, SMAW can make plantholders, other strands can make an album, poem,
song to express their hopes and dreams and they can share their thoughts about why they
came up with that output.)

ASSESSMENT- Test I. Multiple Choice. Write your answer.

1. It refers to the separation of the soul and body.
a. happiness c. sadness
b. life d. death
2. It means that our lives are temporary.
a. temporality c. body
b. permanent d. spirit
3. It is a kind of good that provides form of pleasure.
a. noble good c. useful good
b. pleasurable good d. permanently good
4. It is a kind of good that is pursued for its own sake.
a. permanently good c. noble good
b. useful good d. pleasurable good
5. It is a kind of good that is found only on what it can provide.
a. useful good c. permanently good
b. pleasurable good d. noble good
Test II. Match
Colum A Column B
6. It takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, A. Mental suffering
discomfort and pain.
7. It is a kind of suffering that refers to discomfort, hunger, stress, B. Injury
and pain.
8. It is a kind of suffering that includes depression, anxiety, fear, C. Sadness caused by
loneliness, and grief. death of a loved one
9. One of the causes of physical suffering. D. Physical suffering
10. One of the causes of mental suffering. E. Suffering

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