Different Usage of Semen in Different Culture

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Semen has been associated with various cultural beliefs and practices from ancient times.

Semen in Chinese history

Qigong and Chinese medicine have a special place for semen. They believe in a form of energy called pinyin. It is believed to be “essence” that a
person attempts to accumulate in life.

"Jing" is sexual energy and this reduces each time a person has an ejaculation and is thus called an "energy suicide". The Qigong theory suggests
that there are many pathways that transfer the energy into the sexual organs and an ejaculation leads to loss of this energy.

The earliest records of Qigong come from the jin wen (writings on bronzes) from the Zhou dynasty (ca. 1100 —221 BC).

Semen in Ancient Greece

In Ancient Greece, Aristotle wrote on the importance of semen. He said that there existed a connection between blood and semen. He believed
that semen was produced from blood using body heat.

Aristotle said semen can be ejaculated by the male alone since the males alone have the body heat that converts semen from blood. He also
suggested a direct connection between food and sperm and semen. He believed that too early initiation of sexual activity may mean loss of semen
and a loss of valuable and much-needed nourishment. He suggested that sexual activity in males should start when there is no longer abundant

Aristotle added that the region round the eyes was the region that carried the best seeds or sperm. Pythagoreans believed that semen is actually a
drop of the brain.

Sacred semen

In Papua New Guinea some communities believe that semen provides sexual maturation to the younger men of the tribe. The tribes believe the
semen of older men can bestow manliness and wisdom to the younger men and for this the men need to fellate their elders to receive their
authority and powers.

In ancient eastern cultures gemstones are believed to be drops of divine semen. Chinese believe jade is the dried semen of the celestial dragon.

Semen has long been revered by Buddhist and Daoist traditions as well. Dew was once thought to be a sort of rain that fertilized the earth and, in
time, became a metaphor for semen.

In traditional Russian medicine and the Vital Force theory of Herbert Nowell, semen is considered to be a product of a complex interaction between
a man and a woman rather than man alone.

Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is an organic fluid that may contain spermatozoa. It is secreted by the gonads (sexual glands) and other sexual
organs of male or hermaphroditic animals and can fertilize female ova. In humans, seminal fluid contains several components besides
spermatozoa: proteolytic and other enzymes as well as fructose are elements of seminal fluid which promote the survival of spermatozoa, and
provide a medium through which they can move or "swim". Semen is produced and originates from the seminal vesicle, which is located in the
pelvis. The process that results in the discharge of semen is called ejaculation. Semen is also a form of genetic material. In animals, semen has been
collected for cryoconservation. Cryoconservation of animal genetic resources is a practice that calls for the collection of genetic material in efforts
for conservation of a particular breed.


Qigong and Chinese medicine place huge emphasis on a form of energy called 精 (pinyin: jīng, also a morpheme denoting "essence" or "spirit")[23]
[24] – which one attempts to develop and accumulate. "Jing" is sexual energy and is considered to dissipate with ejaculation so masturbation is
considered "energy suicide" amongst those who practice this art. According to Qigong theory, energy from many pathways/meridians becomes
diverted and transfers itself to the sexual organs during sexual excitement. The ensuing orgasm and ejaculation will then finally expel the energy
from the system completely. The Chinese proverb 一滴精,十滴血 (pinyin: yì dī jīng, shí dī xuè, literally: a drop of semen is equal to ten drops of
blood) illustrates this point.

The scientific term for semen in Chinese is 精液 (pinyin: jīng yè, literally: fluid of essence/jing) and the term for sperm is 精子 (pinyin: jīng zǐ,
literally: basic element of essence/jing), two modern terms with classical referents.

Greek philosophy

In Ancient Greece, Aristotle remarked on the importance of semen: "For Aristotle, semen is the residue derived from nourishment, that is of blood,
that has been highly concocted to the optimum temperature and substance. This can only be emitted by the male as only the male, by nature of his
very being, has the requisite heat to concoct blood into semen."[25] According to Aristotle, there is a direct connection between food and semen:
"Sperms are the excretion of our food, or to put it more clearly, as the most perfect component of our food."[26]

The connection between food and physical growth, on the one hand, and semen, on the other, allows Aristotle to warn against "engag[ing] in
sexual activity at too early an age ... [since] this will affect the growth of their bodies. Nourishment that would otherwise make the body grow is
diverted to the production of semen. Aristotle is saying that at this stage the body is still growing; it is best for sexual activity to begin when its
growth is 'no longer abundant', for when the body is more or less at full height, the transformation of nourishment into semen does not drain the
body of needed material."

Additionally, "Aristotle tells us that the region round the eyes was the region of the head most fruitful of seed ("most seedy" σπερματικώτατος),
pointing to generally recognised effects upon the eyes of sexual indulgence and to practices which imply that seed comes from liquid in the region
of the eyes." This may be explained by the belief of the Pythagoreans that "semen is a drop of the brain [τὸ δε σπέρμα εἶναι σταγόνα ἐγκέφαλου]."

Greek Stoic philosophy conceived of the Logos spermatikos ("seminal word") as the principle of active reason that fecundated passive matter. The
Jewish philosopher Philo similarly spoke in sexual terms of the Logos as the masculine principle of reason that sowed seeds of virtue in the
feminine soul.
The Christian Platonist Clement of Alexandria likened the Logos to physical blood as the "substance of the soul", and noted that some held "that
the animal semen is substantially foam of its blood". Clement reflected an early Christian view that "the seed ought not be wasted nor scattered
thoughtlessly nor sown in a way it cannot grow."

Women were believed to have their own version, which was stored in the womb and released during climax. Retention was believed to
cause female hysteria.[36]

In ancient Greek religion as a whole, semen is considered a form of miasma, and ritual purification was to be practised after its discharge.

Sacred semen

In some pre-industrial societies, semen and other body fluids were revered because they were believed to be magical. Blood is an example of such
a fluid, but semen was also widely believed to be of supernatural origin and effect and was, as a result, considered holy or sacred. The
ancient Sumerians believed that semen was "a divine substance, endowed on humanity by Enki", the god of water. The semen of a god was
believed to have magical generative powers.:49 In Sumerian mythology, when Enki's seed was planted in the ground, it caused the spontaneous
growth of eight previously-nonexistent plants. Enki was believed to have created the Tigris and Euphrates rivers by masturbating and ejaculating
into their empty riverbeds. The Sumerians believed that rain was the semen of the sky-god An, which fell from the heavens to inseminate his
consort, the earth-goddess Ki, causing her to give birth to all the plants of the earth.

Dew was once thought to be a sort of rain that fertilized the earth and, in time, became a metaphor for semen. The Bible employs the term "dew"
in this sense in such verses as Song of Solomon 5:2 and Psalm 110:3, declaring, in the latter verse, for example, that the people should follow only a
king who was virile enough to be full of the "dew" of youth.

The orchid's twin bulbs were thought to resemble the testicles, which is the etymology of the disease orchiditis. There was an ancient Roman belief
that the flower sprang from the spilled semen of copulating satyrs.

In a number of mythologies around the world, semen is often considered analogous to breast milk. In the traditions of Bali, it is considered to be
the returning or refunding of the milk of the mother in an alimentary metaphor. The wife feeds her husband who returns to her his semen, the milk
of human kindness, as it were.

Semen in espionage

Semen stain on carpet observed with and without ultraviolet light

When the British Secret Intelligence Service discovered that semen made a good invisible ink, Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming noted of his
agents that "Every man (is) his own stylo

Spiritual practices
The Borborites, also known as the Phibionites, were an early Christian Gnostic sect during the late fourth century AD whose alleged practices
involving sacred semen are described by the early Christian heretic-hunter Epiphanius of Salamis in his Panarion.[47][48][49][50][51] Epiphanius claims that
the Borborites had a sacred text called the Greater Questions of Mary, which contained an episode in which, during a post-resurrection
appearance, Jesus took Mary Magdalene to the top of a mountain, where he pulled a woman out of his side and engaged in sexual intercourse with
her.[48][47][50] Then, upon ejaculating, Jesus drank his own semen and told Mary, "Thus we must do, that we may live." [48][47][50] Upon hearing this, Mary
instantly fainted, to which Jesus responded by helping her up and telling her, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" [48][50] This story
was supposedly the basis for the Borborite Eucharist ritual, in which they allegedly engaged in orgies and drank semen and menstrual blood as the
"body and blood of Christ" respectively.Bart D. Ehrman, a scholar of early Christianity, casts doubt on the accuracy of Epiphanius's summary,
commenting that "the details of Epiphanius's description sound very much like what you can find in the ancient rumor mill about secret societies in
the ancient world".
In some cultures, semen is considered to have special properties associated with masculinity. Several tribes of Papua New Guinea, including
the Sambia and the Etoro, believe that semen promotes sexual maturation among the younger men of their tribe. To them, semen possesses the
manly nature of the tribal elders, and in order to pass down their authority and powers, younger men of their next generation must fellate their
elders and ingest their semen. Prepubescent and postpubescent males are required to engage in this practice. [52][53] This act may also be associated
with the culturally active homosexuality throughout these and other tribes.
Semen ingestion has had central importance in some cultures around the world. In Baruya culture, there is a secret ritual in which boys give fellatio
to young males and drink their semen, to "re-engender themselves before marriage".
Sexual practices
There are several sexual practices involving the ingestion of semen. The most common of them is simply ingesting it during fellatio. They can be
done with one or more partners, like snowballing, felching and creampie eating, or with multiple partners, like the practices
of bukkake and gokkun, which originate from Japan.
A huge variety of euphemisms and dysphemisms have been invented to describe semen. For a complete list of terms, see sexual slang.
Slang terms for semen include cum, jizz, spunk (primarily British English), spooge and/or splooge, load, nut, and less commonly, love juice.[56]
 The term cum sometimes also refers to an orgasm, while load is derived from the phrase blowing a load, referring to an ejaculation.
A History Of Male Orgasm And Masturbation, Because Attitudes Towards Sperm Sure Have Changed

Compared to the female orgasm, the male big O seems completely non-mysterious. Sex, orgasm, ejaculation, boom, we're done, where's my
sandwich. Not quite: the male orgasm has a very interesting history throughout human civilization, filled with religious intrigue, peculiar
scientific theories, moral arguments and ... Kelloggs conflakes. The wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am of modern pornography, where orgasm is a
one-style-only shower of fluid all over everybody, is a pretty new creation. The  history of the male orgasm itself actually gets a bit, um, sticky.

Sperm, orgasm, and their role in everything from fertility to myth have had a huge role in many societies. The  ancient Mesopotamian god
Enki, literally the lord of semen, was seen as the source of water, plants, and other gods via his emissions, while the Indian creator god
Brahma formed himself out of his own semen, and went on to create the world. But beyond creation, the male orgasm has had a lot of other
roles — and it hasn't always been a smooth ride.
So in case you're feeling like your dude's orgasm routine is getting a bit stale, give this a read and put it in historical perspective. At least
nobody's claimingthat he's going to go insane if he masturbates?

Ancient Egypt: Semen Battles

Semen and ejaculation are actually a strong part of ancient Egyptian god myths: there's an extended episode in which Set and Horus, two
male gods, have what's essentially a semen-battle. Set tries to seduce Horus, but Horus throws Set's semen in the river, and then tricks him
into eating lettuce smeared with Horus's semen. When the other gods try to figure out who "won" this particular fight, they summon both
bits of sperm, and Horus wins, because he got Set to "swallow". Horus's semen becomes a lovely gold disc of shame around Set's head.
In general, however, Egyptian ideas about where semen came from were a bit confused — they believed that it originated from  a divinely
blessed section of the vertebrae, and that impotence could be traced to back injuries.
Ancient China: Orgasm As 'Energy Suicide'
A common theme in the history of male orgasms is the idea of ejaculation as losing "power" or vigor. The ancient Chinese liked this idea: they
believed that every orgasm represented an "energy suicide," a leakage of the body's innate strength.
Taoism today continues this belief:  male ejaculation is meant to be controlled as much as possible, otherwise the man is left vulnerable to
disease, old age, and general bad health. However, one doctrine has an "out" — life force can be renewed by having as much sex as possible,
provided that you limit your orgasms. Convenient.

Ancient Greece: Menstrual Blood Is Clearly Impure Sperm

The Greeks also thought that a man having an orgasm represented some kind of primal loss of power. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher,
thought that too much sexual activity at a young age could stunt your growth by leaching out your energy. Plato  described the penis as "an
independent creature, like a living being heedless of reasoning" — like having an eel waving around under your toga.

There were also arguments about what sperm actually was. Aristotle held that it was converted from blood using male body heat; women
were seen as "colder," and their own conversion process resulted in menstrual blood, which was "impure" sperm. The medical thinker
Hippocrates, on the other hand, thought that both parents could produce "weak" or "strong" sperm, and that the intermingling of the two
determined the character of your kid.

Medieval Europe: You Can Die Without Orgasm

Medieval conceptions of sperm and the male orgasm were a weird mixed bag of hangovers from the classical period and Christian beliefs. All
sperm were not created equal: the "hotter" the man (in temperature, not in attractiveness), the more likely he was to have healthy sperm.
Too hot, and he'd start spurting semen all over the place — what we now call wet dreams.
There was a Christian undercurrent that condemned masturbation or ejaculation that wasn't to do with reproduction, particularly for monks.
A story from the 12th century tells of the meeting between a monk and the Devil, who asks him to  masturbate and give him some of his
semen as a drink. But ancient thinkers such as Galen, whose works were still followed as medical law, didn't believe it was such an evil: men
were commonly believed to be capable of dying if they didn't have sex for a while, so  Galen recommended masturbation so celibate men
didn't fall off the twig from sexual frustration.
The Victorian Era: Getting Mighty Shameful
This is the point where masturbation really became seen as a moral and potentially unhealthy problem. Known as "the solitary vice,"
masturbation was seen by the hyper-conservative Victorians as seriously dangerous. Warnings proliferated about the fact that it could drive
you insane, or, in the case of one doctor's treatise on "self-pollution," meaning you  reached adulthood beset by impotence or premature
ejaculation. Rubbing one out was not on the agenda. (Fun fact: Kellogg's cereals were invented in the 19th century in a plan by Kellogg
himself to discourage masturbation through diet.)
Ejaculation in sex, though, was fine — one French doctor advised that both parties  needed to try to come as hard as they could, because
whoever came hardest would dominate the temperament of the resulting child. Slang referred to sperm as a  "pearly shower" or "flood of
bliss," or even a "balsamic injection".
The First World War: Sperm As Secret Weapon
The First World War meant that sperm found a new outlet: as a writing tool for spies. British intelligence department MI6 (cousin to James
Bond's MI5) found in 1915 that sperm was actually a pretty efficient invisible ink if an agent was severely pressed for options. One
correspondent apparently needed to be reminded to keep the "ink" fresh, though, as his secret spy letters were giving off a peculiar and
suspicious smell.
The post-war period meant another debut happened, too. It was the beginning of the  donor sperm bank. Helena Wright, a famous and well-
respected English doctor, teamed up with a man named Derek to provide sperm to hundreds of English women. The shortage of men in post-
war England was acute, and those who remained couldn't always perform sexually due to injuries or shell shock. Derek stepped into the
breach, and was probably responsible for upwards of 500 happy British babies.
The Swinging '60s: Masters Of Sex
The first serious scientific description of the male orgasm came along in 1966, thanks to the studies of Masters and Johnson (whose
adventures are currently being played out on  Masters Of Sex). They laid out exactly what happens to the male body before, during, and after
orgasm,  and gave us an up-close view of something that was still faintly taboo. They tracked 0.8-second sphincter contractions, muscle
spasms and the fact that ejaculation wasn't always a necessary part of an orgasm.

Present Day: No Biggie

Lately, the focus has been, overwhelmingly, on female orgasm  — what it means, how we achieve it, whether the multiple orgasm is real or a
myth, and how orgasm might help reproduction or guide mating behavior. It's feminist, definitely required, and seriously overdue. But have
we really discovered everything there is to know about the male orgasm? Sperm itself might be the next big scientific frontier as we develop
gene therapy and enter the age of genetically modified children .

9 Proven Benefits of Semen that will Blow your Mind

Ah milk. The Dairy Council spends billions of dollars each year promoting the benefits of this cold, white drink. But have you ever wondered about
the benefits of man milk? Yes, you read that correctly, man milk, aka semen. 

As crazy as it sounds, semen has a multitude of benefits stemming from the minerals and nutrients it contains, and those seminal benefits can be
passed directly on to you. That’s right; we did the research and now we’re here to present you with the facts.
Perhaps you’ve recently swallowed some baby gravy, or you enjoy drinking that man milk routinely. Regardless, you’re looking to find out if this
creamy substance will provide you with anything more than a slightly sour stomach and a faint acidic aftertaste. So let’s take a dive into this sticky
subject, and see the benefits that it offers.

Vaginal/Anal Intake

The vaginal and rectal linings are very absorbent, so either one is a viable route for soaking up the nutrients in your man’s spunk sauce.


Semen contains quite a few components that have been studied to show anti-depressant qualities. One of these is nerve growth factor. Its primary
responsibility in semen is to help relax the female so that the sperm can achieve its reproductive objective. It’s also been shown to be a vital
hormone missing in the brains of those who suffer from Major Depressive Disorder. This means that increasing nerve growth factor would only
prove to make people happier. Additionally, nerve growth factor has been found to be an anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant.


Semen contains mood-enhancing compounds like oxytocin, progesterone, estrone, serotonin, and melatonin. Oxytocin is also known as the “cuddle

hormone” because, when released, it makes people feel more affectionate and connected. Progesterone has been shown to have anti-anxiety
characteristics. Estrone piggybacks on serotonin to help enhance moods, and melatonin helps relaxation occur.

Mood Enhancement

A study backed by the SUNY institute found that female college students who received baby batter on a regular basis were happier and less suicidal
than those who didn’t. Researchers chalked this up to the mood-enhancing benefits of semen, however, they didn’t take into account any other
factors, like a happy home life, being successful in school, or, I don’t know, getting raw D on the reg. Sounds like a pretty good place to be in life,
and it sounds a little irresponsible to claim that the happiness of these women was directly dependent upon getting 20 ccs of white gold injected
into them without taking any other factors into account. But what do I know? I’m no scientist. I’m just a chick writing a blog post about the benefits
of man mayo.


The amount of Google searches for “eating cum” is astounding: a little under 10,000 for the past month, to be exact. In fact, this may have been the
route you were thinking of when you initially clicked on this blog post. Lucky for you, we’ve got what you were looking for. Swallowing semen is the
quickest way to get all of the benefits of your man’s baby juice, and think, he might even enjoy it too.


We know this might be hard to swallow, but yes, semen can make you live longer. Spermidine (originally isolated from sperm, hence the name),
when ingested, has been proven to dramatically increase the lifespan of animals by as much as 25 percent. In the same study, it was also found to
prevent liver disease as well as liver cancer.

Cognitive Functioning

Nerve growth factor does a lot for the body. In addition to being an antidepressant, an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant, it’s also known to
help stop the brain from aging. Nerve growth factor, which is very abundant in semen, is vital for maintaining the brain’s neurons. Neurons process
and transmit information; they’re what make your brain work. Survival of these neurons is essential for you to have a working brain! Who knew
that giving brain could affect your brain in such a positive way?

Nutritional Benefits

Have you recently taken a vitamin deficiency test (maybe on HealthLabs.com), and found that you were lacking in a few vital nutrients? Well get a
spoon and ask your man for a plate of some nut butter, because semen is chock full of zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and citrate. The
nutrients get absorbed in your body like a less expensive vitamin shot (see ya later, Jamba Juice).


This might come as a surprise to you, but semen not only benefits the inside of your body but the outside as well. That’s right, with the amounts
of zinc, vitamin c, and spermidine in your dude’s jizz, you could open up your own skincare line (this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA).


Looking for an alternative, all-natural teeth whitening solution? Forget the charcoal; check out your man’s chubby. Although it’s not the white
paste you’re used to putting on your toothbrush, semen has loads of zinc in it, which is a natural teeth whitener. Zinc’s seminal job is to aid the
sperm’s survival. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t also aid the survival of your pearly whites.


Have you heard of a keratin treatment? Basically, you pay someone hundreds of dollars to put protein in your hair to make it stronger. Well, did
you know that there’s a source of protein that you probably haven’t considered? Semen has over 200 different kinds of protein in it which can give
your hair the strength and shine that it so desperately needs.
Semen also contains spermidine, which, when used on human scalps, has been shown to promote shaft elongation (LOL) as well as prolonged hair
growth. Even though semen may be the one thing that you’ve actively tried to keep out of your hair, go ahead and consider this DIY hair treatment
the next time you want to give your hair some life (get it?).


Spermidine is back, baby! In addition to increasing longevity and aiding in healthy hair, spermidine is an antioxidant and is great for the skin. It’s
believed to smooth skin, lessen wrinkles, and even diminish acne. In fact, companies sell spermidine-derived facial cream for upwards of $200! If
you’re not looking to spend that money, a money shot would be a cheaper and more natural alternative. 😉


Let’s say you’re a man reading this blog post, and your partner doesn’t have a penis, or your penis-wielding partner isn’t willing to give you a nice,
cold glass of man milk, so the only readily available source of semen is your own. You should be able to get some seminal rewards too! Sure, go
ahead and smear it on your face and in your hair, but does the thought of drinking your own kool-aid or shooting it up your butt disgust and terrify
you in ways that you’ve never felt before? Not to fear! There’s a way for you to utilize your own love juice, and it involves loving yourself.

Injaculation, or “retrograde ejaculation” is the process of releasing your semen inside your own body. When nearing close to an ejaculation, instead
of allowing the splooge and all of its benefits land on an ungrateful sock, you release it in retrograde, or back inside of your body. It may sound
painful or unnatural, but it’s not. Taoists have practiced injaculating for thousands of years, as well as certain sects of Buddhism, Hinduism, and
even ancient Egyptians! So go on, show yourself some love.

(Deuteronomio 23:10, 11) Dapat niyang maunawaan na ang paglalabas ng madulas na likido, kung minsan kapag
siya’y nananaginip, ay paraan lamang ng katawan ng paglalabas ng naipong tamód.

Ang pangmalas ng Bibliya ay masusumpungan sa Levitico 18:20, na nagsasabi: “Huwag mong ibibigay ang iyong
inilabas na tamod sa asawa ng iyong kapuwa na magpaparumi sa kaniya.”


late 14c., from Latin semen "seed of plants, animals, or men; race, inborn characteristic; posterity, progeny, offspring,"
figuratively "origin, essence, principle, cause," from PIE *semen- "seed," suffixed form of root *sē- "to sow."
Latin semen comes from sero, "to sow", which in turn comes from the Proto-Indo-European *sē(i)-, "to sow". (The
Latin r is from reduplication and rhotacism between vowels, in that order. The reduplication happened in Proto-Indo-
The Latin suffix -men is related to Greek -ma as in comma, stigma, telegram[ma], etc.. It is quite common in Latin,
as in limen, gen. liminis (English sub-lime), omen, nomen. It probably existed in Proto-Indo-European already, since
it also exists in Germanic and Slavic; the ancestor of semen was probably formed in Proto-Indo-European, not in
Unless we could prove that Hebrew borrowed it from Latin or Proto-Indo-European, or that Hebrew had the same
morphemes, I think it is safest to assume that this is a coincidence, as it is usually the case with resemblances across
different linguistic families.
Sino ako at para sa anong layunin ako umiiral? Paano tayo lumitaw dito at saan tayo pupunta? Posible bang
nanggaling na tayo sa mundong ito dati? Malalaman ba natin ang ating sarili at ang sansinukob? Bakit ang tao
magdusa at posible bang maiwasan ang pagdurusa? Paano matagpuan ng tao ang kapayapaan, kasiyahan, at
kasaganaan? Paano natin matatamo ang katiwasayan, katuparan, at kaligayahan?
Maraming tao sa bawa't henerasyon ang nagsubok na matagpuan ang mga sagot sa mga paulit-ulit, hindi
makali-kalimutang mga katanungang ito, at ang mismong katotohanan na ito ay nangyayari sa bawa't
henerasyon ay nagpapatunay na hindi pa natin natagpuan ang nakasisiyang mga kasagutan. Sa pag-aaral ng
kalikasan at ng sansinukob, ating nakikita na lahat na nakapaligid sa atin ay umiiral at tumatakbo ayon sa
mahigpit, puno ng layuning mga batas. Patungkol sa atin na tugatog ng paglikha ng kalikasan, ating makita na
ang sangkatauhan ay parang nasa labas ng sistema. Halimbawa, sa pagtingin sa prudente at rasonableng
paraan na nilikha ng kalikasan ang bawa't bahagi ng ating organismo, sa pagtingin sa tumpak na layunin sa
pagtakbo ng bawa't selula ng katawan, hindi natin masasagot ang tanong: ano ang layunin nitong buong
buhay na organismo?
Lahat na nakapaligid sa atin ay tinagusan ng ugnayang dahilan at epekto, ibig sabihin na walang bagay na
nilikha na walang layunin. Sa mundo ng mga katawang pisikal, ay umiiral ang malinaw na mga batas ng
mosyon, dinamika, at pag-ikot. Ang kaparehong lohika ay umiiral sa kaharian ng halaman at hayop. Pero ang
pangunahing tanong, i.e. para sa anong layunin ang lahat na ito umiiral, iyon nga, hindi lang sa ating sarili
kundi sa buong nakapaligid na mundo din na nakapaligid sa atin - ay nanatili pa ring walang sagot. Mayroon
bang tao sa mundo na hindi kailanman, kahit minsan sa kanyang buhay, ay nag-alala sa katanungang ito? Ang
umiiral na siyentipikong mga teyoriya ay nanindigan na ang mundo ay pinamahalaan ng hindi nagbabagong
mga pisikal na batas, na siyang wala tayong kakayahang impluwensyahan. Ang nag-iisa nating layunin ay
binubuo ng prudenteng paggamit ng mga batas na iyon para mabuhay,  ang iba 70 hanggang 120 taon ng
ating buhay, inihanda ang lupa, sa literal na kahulugan at patalinghaga, para sa darating ng mga henerasyon.
Pero para sa anong kapakanan? "Ang sangkatauhan ba ay nag-dibelop sa pamamagitan ng ebolusyon ng
mga pinakasimpleng anyo?" o "Ang buhay ba ay dinala mula sa ibang mga planeta?"
Mayroong dalawang petsa - pagsilang at kamatayan, at ang mangyayari sa pagitan nila ay bukod-tangi at,
kaya nga, mahalaga. O bise bersa: ang buhay ay walang kabuluhan kung pagkapos nito ay mayroong wakas,
kadiliman, at bangin? Nasaan ang prudente, kitang-lahat, makatwiran na Kalikasan na hindi lumilikha ng bagay
na palpak? O, mayroon bang umiiral na mga batas at layunin na hindi pa nadiskubre? Ang pag-aaral natin ng
mundo ay sa katuturan pag-aaral lamang ng reaksyon ng mundo sa ating mga galaw, na ating mahuhulo sa
ating limang pandama: hipo, amoy, tingin, pandinig, at lasa, o sa mga instrumentong nagdadagdag ng
kanilang saklaw. Lahat na lampas sa ating pag-aaral ay hindi natin mahulo kailanman, hindi ito umiiral
hanggang sa abot sa ating pag-alala. Sa karagdagan, wala tayong kakayahang magmimintis sa pandamang
kulang, sa paraang hindi tayo magmimintis sa pang-anim na daliri, o sa paraang imposibleng ipaliwanag ang
paningin sa taong isinilang na bulag. Sa dahilang ito, hindi madidiskubrehan kailanman ng tao ang mga
nakatagong anyo ng kalikasan sa mga pamamaraang nasa kanyang kapangyarihan.
Ayon sa Kabala, ang mundong espiritwal ay umiiral pero hindi mahulo sa ating mga organong pandama; ang
ating Sansinukob ay munting bahagi ng mundong ito na matagpuan sa sentro at ang ating planeta, ang Earth,
ay ang kanyang panloob na sentro. Ang mundong ito ng impormasyon, isip at damdamin, na makaka-apekto
sa atin sa pamamagitan ng mga materyal na batas ng (napapansin) kalikasan at pagkakataon, na naglagay sa
atin sa tiyak na mga kalagayan na nagpasya ng pamamaraan ng ating pagkilos. Wala tayong impluwensya sa
mga bagay tulad ng panahon at lugar ng ating pagsilang, o sino tayo maging, sino ang makasalamuha natin sa
ating buhay, at ano ang mga kinalabasan ng mga pagkilos na magkakaroon tayo.

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