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Nama : Danang Setyo Ramadhan

No BP : 1910003510092
Kelas : 2A3


Anada kerjakan ke 3 (Tiga )tugas bacaan dbawah ini sesuai panduan materi ke-10 tentang
pemahami bacaan (Reading) dan bagai mana memahami / tangapan dari se buah bacaan
tersebut menurut anada .
Di bagian D yang harus anda jawab / tangapi secara mendalam sedangkan bagian B anda
jawab benar /salah dan C di jawab ya / tidak dan beri alasan tanggapan tersebut.
selamat berkerja.
Julio and Juanita dated for six months. But now, Juanita wants to break up with him. She
doesn’t love Julio anymore, and she wants to date other guys. She tried to break up with him
in person, but it was difficult. She feels guilty, and she doesn’t know what tosay. She doesn’t
want to hurt Julio’s feelings. Juanita thought about her problem. She decided to write Julio a
letter and tell him how she feels. Juanita’s mother and friends think Juanitashould talk to
Julio in person or call him on the phone. They think it’s wrong to break up with someone in a
letter. What do you think? Is it okay to break up with someone in a letter?
B. True or False
1. True Juanita feels guilty. 2. False Juanita and Julio are in love. 3. False Juanita wants to
hurt Julio’s feelings. 4. False In this storybreak up means that someone broke a bone. 5. True
Juanita and Julio dated for half a year.
C. Yes or No – Share Your Opinion
1.No It’s okay to break up with someone in a letter.
- a relationship starts well, so ends well. at least don't break up by sending a letter to your
partner. Meet him, discuss this problem with a cool head, at least make your partner
understand that you no longer love him, it's better. sending your partner a letter can make
your partner feel unappreciated and will become a hatred in the future.
2.Yes Juanita should tell Julio that she wants to see him and other guys.
- If the reason you want to end the relationship with the reason you don't love him is not a
problem, than you hurt your own feelings, it's better to say it honestly
D. Writing – Write the first two sentences of Juanita’s letter.
hi julio, it's me juanita.
it doesn't feel like we've been dating for 6 months.
there are many flaws in me, and often I hurt you.
and I'm sorry I want to break up with you, because I don't love you anymore.
hopefully you can get a better woman than me.

It is Saturday morning and Miguel and his friends are playing on the swing set in Miguel’s
backyard. Tomas is climbing up a rope, Anthony is swinging on a swing, Mario is standing
on a swing, and Miguel is hanging upside down from the top bar of the swing set. The boys
are talking, laughing, and having fun. Mario is a year older than the other boys, and he is the
leader of the group. He likes to make most of the decisions. Miguel is the funniest one. He
likes to make the other kids laugh. Tomas is the most athletic. He likesto run, climb, and
sweat. Anthony is the quiet one. He seldom speaks.
B. True or False
1. False Mario is hanging upside down. 2. True Tomas is climbing up a rope. 3. True Miguel,
Tomas, and Anthony are younger than Mario. 4. True Miguel likes to make the other kids
laugh. 5. True Anthony doesn’t talk very often. He is quiet.
C. Yes or No – Share Your Opinion
1. No I am athletic. I like to run, climb, and exercise.
- I am not the type that likes to run, climb, and exercise. I prefer to spend time sleeping,
because every day until Friday work so there is not enough time to sleep, so sleep is my
2.No When I am in a group, I like to be the leader.
- more precisely I do not “like”, but often appointed to be leader, I feel I have not been able
to become leader, but somehow I always appointed to be leader in a group
D. Writing – Describe your personality. Write three sentences.
my personality depends on who I am friends with, I can be a humorous person, sometimes
can be a religious person, can be an emotional person, very polite etc. I can bring myself to
the conditions that are around me. and I think that can be proud of, because I can put the
position where I should be.
Paula works in a school cafeteria. She starts work at 6:30 and finishes at 2:30. She prepares
food, serves meals, and cleans up at the end of her shift. She likes her job and she makes
good money, but the studentsare difficult to handle. Some of them try to cut ahead of the
other kids when they are standing in line. Some of them spill things on the floor, and Paula
has to mop up the mess. Others are slow and hold up the line. On the weekend, Paula likes to
cater parties. Last Sunday, she catered a wedding for thirty-five people. She charged $18 per
person, and had about $245 left after she paid all the bills. She is happy she made a profit.
B. True or False
1. True Paula works at a school. 2. True When students spill food on the floor, Paula cleansit
up. 3. True Her shift at the school is from 6:30 until 2:30. 4. False Paula charged $630 to
cater a wedding last Sunday. 5. True She had money left after she paid the bills from the
C. Yes or No – Share Your Opinion
1. No School lunches are nutritious.
- the food in the school cafe is rarely nutritious, usually a variety of fried foods available,
fried noodles, fried rice etc. but it might be different from rich people's schools, although I
also don't know for sure what their food is
2. No Eighteen dollars per person is a good price for food for a wedding.
- I do not know for sure for such a price in a foreign country, but if converted into rupiah,
that price is arguably expensive. if we buy Padang rice 15 thousand rupiah a pack, that price
can buy 16 packages of Padang rice.
D.Writing – What is your favorite meat? Favorite fruit? Favorite vegetable?
i like beef and chicken only that. for fruits I like all kinds of fruit. for vegetables I really like
vegetables except paprika and bitter gourd

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