Student Registration System Abstract

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Student Registration System

The aim of this project is to build a student registration system that will completely
automate the process of new student registration in a university. The system will handle the
document submission, testing process and registration of new students.
The system will be web based and will have two implementations i.e. client side
(student) and server side (university). The server side implementation can only be accessed
over the university intranet while the client side can be accessed over the internet.
The process begins when prospective students wish to enrol in the university. If they
express interest in any course they will be required to visit the university and can create a user
account at the administration block. This is the only part of the system where every user has to
have human interaction, this is intended as a security measure to prevent the creation of false
user IDs. After verification of any nationally approved photo ID proof a user account will be
created and a scanned copy of the ID proof will be uploaded into the profile. After this the user
can upload all necessary documents on the portal from the convenience of their home. The
system will automatically validate all the documents and the prospective student will be able to
schedule a test date after successful validation. The test will be conducted on the premises of
the university or at regional test centres and will require the authentication of user credentials.
The test results will be normalised and a score will be immediately published. After the
completion of all tests the system will automatically publish a merit list to indicate which
students have gained admission.
Students will be able to accept or decline offers of admission using this portal. After
accepting admission the documents uploaded will be scrutinized by university authorities and
any discrepancies notified. After all error flags are cleared the student will be able to make the
first fee payment via internet banking through the system, following which the system will
assign the student a unique roll number and register them as a student of the university. This
system will automatically update the new student details into the university student database.

Existing System
The existing system of registration requires many documents and application forms to
be filled out. Data has to be repeatedly entered at each stage of the process and multiple files
are made for each student. Documents are verified with multiple copies made for record and
the testing process is conducted independently which again compounds the paperwork
required. The amount of data processing required for each stage of the process ensures that
the process of new student admission takes a long time.

Proposed System
The proposed system will eliminate the paper trail required for the completion of
various formalities. The entire process of prospective student registration till new student
registration can be handled by this system. The testing process can be done entirely on the
system and results can be quickly judged and shared. The presence of this system will remove
ambiguity in the process that can confuse tense prospective students.

Admin: The admin will be able to create prospective student profiles after verification of
nationally approved photo IDs of the user. The admin will be able to cancel student accounts if
irregularities are detected.
Prospect: The prospective student will use this module to upload documents and schedule test
dates. The rank list can also be accessed through this module.
Testing: The testing module can be used by the student during the testing phase. A total score
will be displayed at the end of the test and results will be stored centrally.
New registration: Once a prospective student achieves an acceptable rank and accepts the
offer of admission they will be shifted to the new registration module and allotted a unique roll
number. The admin will scrutinize the documents of users in the new registration module and
notify them about discrepancies. The new student will be able to pay initial fees through this
module and will be notified about the next process through this module. This module will
automatically update the student database with the details of the new student.

Software Requirements
 Windows XP
 Apache Tomcat Web Server
 Oracle

Technology Used
 Java
 J2EE

Hardware Requirements
 Hard Disk – 2 GB
 RAM – 1 GB
 Processor – Dual Core or Above
 Mouse
 Keyboard
 Monitor
 Printer

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