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Quiz 003


Dashboard / My courses / GE6101 / Week 6 - 9: Controversies and Conflicting Views in Philippine History / Quiz 003

Question 1

Marked out of 1.00

Magellan's expedition sighted a high land named ZAMAL Island which was some ______ leagues westward of Ladrones Island.

Select one:
a. 800

b. 500

c. None of the choices

d. 300


Question 2

Marked out of 1.00

In 1913, ____________ book "Las AntiguasLeyendas de la Isla de Negros" recognized the code to historical fiction.

Select one:
a. Jose E. Marco

b. Jose Maria Pavon

c. None of the choices

d. Jose P. Rizal


Question 3


Marked out of 1.00

Primo viaggiointorno al mondomeans ________.

Select one:
a. None of the choices

b. The First Tour Around The World

c. Prime Tour In The World

d. First Voyage Around The World


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Quiz 003

Question 4

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It must be considered that in Albo's Version, the location of Mazava fits the location of the island of Limasawa, at the southern tip of Leyte,

Select one:
a. 10°54'N

b. 9°54'N

c. None of the choices

d. 8°53'N


Question 5

Marked out of 1.00

Ceylon was the island of _______.

Select one:
a. None of the choices

b. Leyte

c. Bohol

d. Cebu


Question 6

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Sailing southwards along the coast of that large island of Seilani, they turned southwest to a small island called _______.

Select one:
a. Mazava

b. Acquada

c. None of the choices

d. Ceylon


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Quiz 003

Question 7

Marked out of 1.00

On the ___________, as they sailed in a westerly course from Ladrones, as they saw land towards the northwest; but owing to many shallow
places they did not approach it.

Select one:
a. March 16, 1521

b. March 15, 1521

c. March 21, 1521

d. None of the choices


Question 8

Marked out of 1.00

Magellan remained __________ on Mazaua Island.

Select one:
a. 7 days

b. 5 days

c. 10 days

d. None of the choices


Question 9

Marked out of 1.00

Article ____ stated, "All these shall be exposed to ants for half a day: who kill black cats during a new moon; or steal anything from the chiefs or
agorangs, however small the object may be.

Select one:
a. None of the choices

b. Article XIII

c. Article X

d. Article XVI


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Quiz 003

Question 10

Marked out of 1.00

Article ____ stated, "You shall not kill, neither shall you steal, neither shall you do harm to the aged, lest you incur the danger of death. All those
who infringe this order shall be condemned to death by being drowned in the river, or in boiling water".

Select one:
a. Article I

b. None of the choices

c. Article V

d. Article II


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