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RBI Grade B Topic wise previous years’ descriptive paper for Management

This document contains descriptive questions relating to Management and

corporate governance portion. Since ethics has been newly added, we have

to prepare model questions and answers as per the syllabus only. Further,

many new topics have been added to the syllabus in case of management

itself and portion of HRM has been removed. Since many direct topics are

provided in the syllabus, it is more likely that direct questions will be asked

from those topics. So, instead of roaming here and there, better to focus

on syllabus only. Exact definitions of authors as introduction of your

answers will fetch you more marks than general introduction. You do not

have option of drawing diagram related to various theories, so name of

the thinkers, year in which the theories have been propounded,

examples of their uses by known corporates and present day

relevance, if any, will give you edge over others. Stay tuned and for more

updates join on telegram. And for any

suggestion please message at GyanKosh_Discussion on telegram. In

case of any difficulty you may message on +91-9784455007.


Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour:

Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought:

Scientific, Administrative, Human Relations and Systems approach

to management; Management functions and Managerial roles;

Nudge theory

2002 ”Planning and Control are two sides of the same coin”. Do you

agree? Why?

2002 What are the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization?

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RBI Grade B Topic wise previous years’ descriptive paper for Management

2003 What is a Learning Organisation? Suggest a model framework for

the same.

2004 “Planning is the basis of control; action is its essence; delegation

is its key and information its guide. Discuss.

2004 What is “policy”? Distinguish between (a) objectives and policies

and (b) policies and procedures.

2007 “Decentralisation is not necessarily good; nor centralisation

necessarily bad”. Discuss.

2007 What is control? What are the essentials of a good control


2007 “Management is development of people; not the direction of

things.” Disucss.

2008 “Delegation of authority is not loss of power; it is enhancement

of power”. Examine this statement critically.

2008 (a) What are the essentials of a good control system?

(b) What are the behavioural implications of control?

2009 Explain "organisation structure". What are the steps involved in

designing the organisation structure?

2009 What is directing? Explain the principles and techniques involved

in directing.

2010 “Planning is the bridge between the present and the future”.


2010 A. Explain the terms “centralisation” and “ decentralisation ”.

B. Explain the role of delegation of authority in making

decentralisation effective.

2010 2010. What is decision making? What is the role played by

Management Information System in decision making?

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RBI Grade B Topic wise previous years’ descriptive paper for Management

2011 “Sound organization is an essential prerequisite of efficient

management.” Explain.

2011 A. Explain the terms “authority” and “responsibility”.

B. What is delegation of authority? How can delegation be made


2012 (a) Explain the role of information Technology in Communication.

(b) Distinguish between Authority and Responsibility.

Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour;

Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big five model

of personality; concept of reinforcement

Perception: concept, perceptual errors.

Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories (Maslow’s need

theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of needs,

Herzberg’s two factor theory) & Process theories (Adams equity

theory, Vrooms expectancy theory).

2004. What is meant by morale How is it related to productivity? Explain

the factors contributing to morale.

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Mobile No: +91-9784455007
RBI Grade B Topic wise previous years’ descriptive paper for Management

Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency,

Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational Leadership

2002 Identify the skills required for a manager to be an effective leader

2003 Who is a successful leader? List out at least five important

attributes of successful leadership. How do delegation and

organisational culture play significant role in the leader’s success?

2004 What do you mean by “leadership style”? How would you

differentiate successful leadership from effective leadership?

2009 "Leaders are born; not made'. Comment.

2011 What are the major differences between autocratic, democratic

and abdicative styles of leadership?

2012 (a) Briefly discuss the different styles of leadership.

(b) Distinguish between a Manager and a Leader.

Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions.

Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis,

Johari Window;

Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Management of Conflict;

Organizational Change: Concept, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change;

Organizational Development (OD): Organisational Change,

Strategies for Change, Theories of Planned Change (Lewin’s change

model, Action research model, Positive model).

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Mobile No: +91-9784455007
RBI Grade B Topic wise previous years’ descriptive paper for Management

Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance;

Mechanisms of Corporate Governance

2003. Explain the failure of ‘Corporate Governance’ at Enron.

2008. Describe the salient features of the corporate governance in India.

2012. (a) Explain the terms ‘Corporate Governance’

Communication: Steps in the Communication Process;

Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication;

Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward, downward and

lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of

Information Technology.

2010. Discuss the role of communication in an organisation. What are the

barriers to effective communication?

2011. Discuss the role of communication in an organization. What are the

barriers to effective communication?

2012. (b)Explain in brief the concept of Control and Communication.

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Mobile No: +91-9784455007

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