Solved Why Is The New Classical Theory Associated With The Word

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(SOLVED) Why is the new classical theory associated with

the word
Why is the new classical theory associated with the word Why is the new classical theory
associated with the word “classical”? Why has it been said that classical theory failed where
new classical theory succeeds, —-because the former could not explain the business cycle (the
ups and downs of the […]

The policy ineffectiveness proposition connected with new classical theory does The policy
ineffectiveness proposition (connected with new classical theory) does not eliminate
policymakers’ ability to reduce unemployment through aggregate demand-increasing policies,
because they can always increase aggregate demand by more than the public expects. What
might be the weak point […]

Suppose the government undertakes an expansionary fiscal policy measure that Suppose the
government undertakes an expansionary fiscal policy measure that raises aggregate demand,
but individuals incorrectly anticipate the measure (bias upward). What will the short- and long-
run changes be in the price level and Real GDP? Suppose the government undertakes […]

New Keynesian rational expectations theory states that inflexible wages and New Keynesian
rational expectations theory states that inflexible wages and prices prevent the economy from
fully adjusting to an anticipated increase in aggregate demand. 1. State the major assumptions
of New Keynesian rational expectations theory. 2. Describe the effects predicted […]


Adaptive expectations and rational expectations are two theories about how Adaptive
expectations and rational expectations are two theories about how people form an expected
inflation rate. 1. State the adaptive expectations theory. 2. State the rational expectations
theory. Adaptive expectations and rational expectations are two theories about how

Some economists believe that there are two Phillips curves 1 Define Some economists believe
that there are two Phillips curves. 1. Define stagflation and explain what its existence implies. 2.
Explain why Milton Friedman believes that a short-run Phillips curve exists. 3. Explain what can
cause the short-run Phillips curve […]

The Phillips curve is used to analyze the relationship between The Phillips curve is used to
analyze the relationship between inflation and unemployment. 1. Describe the relationship that
A. W. Phillips found between wage inflation and unemployment. 2. State the conclusion that
policymakers drew from A. W. Philips’s curve. 3. […]


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