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(SOLVED) Why might it be a good idea to compensate

Why might it be a good idea to compensate those Why might it be a good idea to compensate
those teaching classes in bookkeeping based on their students’ performance on standardized
tests, but not a good idea to compensate those teaching Ph.D. students in math based on their
students’ performance […]

How frequently are the payoff and the purchase-and-assumption methods used by the FDIC?
Using FRED, plot the total number of institutions receiving such assistance (FRED codes:
BKTTPIA641N for purchase and assumption; and BKTTPOA641N for the payoff method). On
the same graph, plot as a second line the purchase and assumption […]

After reading Sections 21 2 and 21 3 a student complains The After reading Sections 21.2 and
21.3, a student complains: “The world doesn’t work this way. Once an employee spends some
time at a firm, her employer will learn her true ability and treat her accordingly.” Does this
criticism […]

When banks failed in the 1929-1933 period, the lack of deposit insurance meant that depositors
experienced sizable losses. How big were these losses? For September 1929 through February
1933, plot the deposits in suspended banks (FRED code: M09039USM144NNBR). Download
the data and sum the deposits lost to bank failures in […]


You are the lender of last resort and an institution approaches you for a loan. You assess that
the institution has $800 million in assets, mostly in long-term loans, and $600 million in liabilities.
The institution is experiencing unusually high withdrawal rates on its demand deposits and is
requesting a […]

It is often said that as soon as the buyer It is often said that as soon as the buyer of a new car
drives it off of a dealer’s lot, its value falls significantly below the purchase price. Why might this
be true? Suppose this pattern held in 1985, […]

Consider the same market described in Calculus Problem 1 but Consider the same market
described in Calculus Problem 1, but now assume that test preparation services are
monopolized. Also assume that the monopolist’s costs are given by C = 15Q + Q2/4 How does
the monopoly output compare with the […]


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