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Dosen Pengajar :
Prof.Dr.Asep Hermawan,

16 NOVEMBER 2014

Disusun Oleh:



The Plaza Semanggi
Kawasan Bisnis Granadha 3rd, 16th, and 17th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman
Jakarta 12930


Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran

Dosen Prof.Dr.Asep Hermawan, M.Sc
Hari/Tanggal Jumat 10 Oktober 2014
Waktu 120 Menit


Visit the website of Samsung & Apple

Based on information you got from the website, please answer the following

Compare and contrast both companies Target Market(s) and Marketing Mix
Strategis of Mobile Phone.


Compare and Contrast Both companiesTarget Market(s) :

Apple I-Phone Target Market :

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Nebrask Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas
Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin.
iPhone targets people aged between 18-35 which mainly includes the youth
population covering students and young working professionals. They are
expected to have a monthly household income above 1.5 lakhs and live in
metros or mini metros.
• Teenagers are considered one of Apple Inc.'s target markets. Teenagers
use iPods for many reasons. Some of these reasons are to socialize with
friends, listen to music and go on Facebook, MSN, twitter etc. There are
also many gaming apps that appeal to them. IPods have become quite a
trend with teenagers.
• College and university students are also targeted by Apple Inc. These
students use Apple Inc. products such as iPad's, MacBook's, iPhone's etc
to quickly record notes. These notes are kept organized in their devices.
Also these products are light which makes carrying devices to and from
school much easier.
• Business people are very intrigued by Apple products. All Apple devices
(iPhone's, iPad's, MacBook's etc.) have a business quality that is very
useful. These devices are used to finish work efficiently and to
communicate with clients easily. In addition, sending documents is easy
and organized.
• Apple products are also useful to young children and kids. The reason
for this is that devices such as iPods and iPads are easy to use due to
their touch screen quality which is good for children. Parents can
download learning game apps on Apple devices to teach young children
and kids.
• Adults are also one of Apple Inc.'s target markets. iPhone's are useful to
adults for their everyday needs such as phone calls, map directions,
internet connection, documents and cameras. Carrying these small
devices makes adults lives much easier for communicating daily.

An iPhone user looks for features such as stylish appearance, user friendly
technology, sensitive touch, countless applications, multimedia, etc that appeal to
his/her senses. The major driving force towards buying an iPhone is the brand
name itself. A person feels privileged using an iPhone. Such a person is usually
image conscious (he is very conscious of his status or image in society,
amongst his friends and peer group), fashionable (he likes to stay stylish and in
tune with changing trends), tech-savvy (he likes to own gadgets with latest
technology), attention seeker (he likes to flaunt) and is usually an extrovert (he
likes enjoys socialising).

Talking to a few iPhone users, we realised that certain traits were common to
most of them. By far, these people like to spend lavishly and choose to buy
branded products only. They like to socialize and indulge in gregarious activities.
Family, friends and the peer group are the main influencers. Most users were
able to get a first-hand experience using an iPhone that belonged to either their
friends or family members that led them to purchase one themselves. It was also
found that dealers did not play a significant role in influencing the buyers.

Samsung Smartphone Target Market:

Samsung has divided the Asian market into different geographical regions such
as northern, eastern and southern areas.

Samsung is targeting different countries of Asia differently by dividing as different
markets such as Indian Market, China market.

age factor is not really involved in Samsung segmentation but its most users are
adults enthusiastic people.

Family size-
Samsung Products are offered for all family sizes

Samsung home theater system is equally beneficial for male and female

Samsung Products are offered with varying features to different peoples based
upon their income level i.e. low (upto $ 1500) lower middle ($.1500-3000) middle
($3000-5000) upper middle ($5000-7000) and high (above$ 7000)

Samsung has divided the consumer into different categories based upon their
occupation i.e. businessman, self employed, students and teachers

Samsung is also keen to know about the education level of its target market i.e.
illiterate, school 5 to 15, under graduate, graduate and postgraduate

Samsung is also classifying customers on different levels based on different
lifestyle of the people i.e. culture oriented, sports oriented, outdoor oriented
customers are differentiated on the varying level of personality such as
compulsive ambitious

Behavioral Segmentation :
Benefits :
Consumer are also targeted differently based upon the benefits that are seeking
in Samsung electronics i.e., some people may want good quality, some may
want low services and some want good services.

User Status :
Samsung is keen to know user status of its target consumer in order to better
offer its product and therefore they are divided into ex-user, potential user, first
time user and regular user.

Loyality Status :
Target market of Samsung may contain people with different loyality status and
therefore Samsung is targeting these customer differently based on their loyality
i.e., hard core loyals, split loyals, shifting loyals, switchers.

The market targeting options include a single segment, selective segments, or

extensive segments. When segments are not clearly defined, product
specialization or product variety strategies can be used. Market targeting
decisions need to take into account product-market life cycle Stage. In emerging
market stage risk and uncertainty is too high, in growth stage Benefits from prior
experience but it is more intense than emerging stage, and in mature stage
multiple targeting strategies can be done such as product Variety or product
specialization. Samsung target the upper middle class professionals. This usually
have busy schedules and hence need to communicate with their colleagues and
families. The secondary target are the high school college and graduate who
need devoices which are multifunctional and portable. The secondary target
includes medium size corporations and they aim to help managers and
employees have crucial data access on the go. Thus the company has two main
segments and this is called multi segments targeting. The company should
however enhance target group to incorporate more teen activities that are the
main target of main competitors.

Marketing Mix of Apple & Samsung:


• The IOS operating system - The first and foremost quality, which people
loved in the Iphone was access to the world-renowned Apple ios operating
system. The Mcbook is probably the most desired laptop and the Iphone
gave access to a similar operating system like Mcbook, which was Ios. As
android and Windows operating systems came later on smart phones,
Apple was able to spellbound its customers with its mobile operating
• Processing speed - Only the operating system was not enough to keep
customers attracted, it required processing speed as well. Iphone
hardware was very much compatible with the software and the OS used to
run smoothly. Thus the high quality processing speed also lend a hand
towards the popularity of the product.
• Apple to apple comparison – Iphone does not compare itself with other
companies, though it is known to trash competition from time time. But
whenever you find promotions from Apple, they would be independent
from competition. It would be a communication of what Apple has done in
its current version of Iphone as compared to its previous versions. Thus,
on the product level, Apple does not enter competition with other smart
phones. And rather it calls other smart phones a copy cat.
• Itunes, apple store and exclusive apps - Before Iphone came Ipod and
at that time itself Itunes store came in existence. Till date Itunes is the
major attention grabber for Apple Iphone. The Apple store has more
number of apps than the Google play store which is a compliment for the
large developer network which Iphone has. Thus, Itunes, Apple store and
the developer network form the secondary products for Iphone.

• Skimming price - There is little explanation required for the price of Apple
Iphone. With a premium target, and with the product and promotions to
support the targeting, Iphone has a skimming price. It is of higher price as
compared to most phones in the market. Samsung has recently
introduced many phones to rival with Iphone. However, Apple customers
are not budging and they are very much loyal to the Apple brand and to
• No discounts - Another interesting thing to observe in Iphone pricing
policy is that it does not offer any discounts. However, discounts might be
given in the form of sales promotions or by exchange offers. But otherwise
there is no discount given in Iphone. A standard price is maintained across
the market.

• Present across the globe with a fantastic service backup - Iphone is
present across many countries and nations and is known to provide an
excellent service backup in all these countries. The target of Apple Iphone
is premium customers, hence it is found in A grade cities only.
• I-stores are found in premium places and malls - Iphone has named its
retail counter as I store keeping in line with the complete product line of
Apple which starts with I resulting in an immediate personal connect with
the customer. These I stores of Apple are found in malls and premium
areas in premium cities across the complete country wide network.
• Distribution happens through CNF >> Modern retail or Distributor >>
Retails - All modern retail outlets are distributed the Iphone through a
carrying and forwarding agent. On the other hand, individual retailers are
given the product through distributors. Finally, the I stores which are the
exclusive showrooms, are given the product directly from the company at
best discounts.
• Corporate tie up – Apple also has a corporate sales department for the
Iphone which does corporate tie ups for the company. When Blackberry
announced its exit from the handset market, Apple Iphone soon came into
the picture and did many corporate tie ups to replace itself as the handset
with all top CEO’s and managers who were previously using Blackberry.
Thus, it could take over a major market share left over by Blackberry.

• ATL – Promotions of Iphone are known to be fantastic and might range
from a full front page ad on the launch of the product, promotions in the
radio, the television and what not. Whenever a new phone is being
launched, be sure to see Iphone everywhere, on each and every ATL
platform. Because they are targeting a premium segment, the presence of
Apple Iphone is higher in the ATL segment than in the BTL segment. The
interesting thing here is the taglines in newspaper ads because many of
the Iphone ads are known to come up with the most interesting taglines for
the new phone.
• BTL - For BTL marketing, Iphone uses out of home advertising with
hoardings and point of sale advertising in major retail outlets. It also uses
various forms of sales promotions and exchange offers to lure in the
customer via BTL marketing. As you can see, the Iphone marketing mix is
one of the strongest marketing mix because the key factor – Product, is
very very strong. As the product is strong and it is being supported by the
promotions, this ensures that 2 P’s are very much intact for the Apple
Iphone. The remaining 2 P’s – Pricing and place contribute well to make
Apple Iphone one of the best selling smart phones in the market.


• Samsung’s smartphones evolve beyond its limitation in slim phones to
embody the perfect combination of comfort, simplicity and sophistication.
All their unique customized smartphones, Galaxy note, Feature Phone,
Tablet, Geat and Accesories come with outstanding features. Products
vary greatly in Samsung’s phone department. They have a number of
Galaxy smartphones, Galaxy S5 being their fifth generation. Almost all
range of Samsung’s products are Android based. Thus galaxy smartphone
series are recognized as follows:
o “S” (Super Smart/ Flagship) they are for flagship purposes such as
their current fourth generation galaxy S4 and will be lauched the
newest one is galaxy S5.
o “R” (Royal / Refined/ Premium) these models combine power,
performance and productivity.
o “W”(Wonder/High Tier). This is for people who seek balance
between style and performance.
o “Y” (Young”). This is for the young audience who are sensitive to
Inspite of these range of smartphone product, Samsung’s still launched
the newest product (Galaxy Note 4 & Galaxy Tab S).
• Samsung touchphones and smartphones have three levels of product:
core (they are communicational and fast computing devices), actual (they
are branding stylish, have high quality, great packaging and features), and
augmented (they are added with local repair and free upgrade services,
the warranty). The following products have high quality phone
features, accessories; including headphones, charger, manual, and a
stylish package

• Skimming price – Samsung’s smart phones are one of the best in the
market and are the market leader in terms of the features and USP’s that
they provide. The recent Samsung Note 3 + Gear is another entrant in the
market which is catching peoples eyes. Thus Samsung uses Skimming
price for these products wherein it tries to get a high value in the start
before competitors catch up. Once the model is old or any competitor has
launched a similar product, Samsung immediately drops the price.
• Competitive pricing – For products other than smart phones, Samsung
uses competitive pricing. Televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators and
other products have competition in the form of Panasonic or LG. Samsung
is known to be a great brand but it is not greater than LG for home
appliances. In fact LG beats Samsung where home appliances are
concerned. Similarly in Washing machines – Whirlpool, and in Cameras –
Cannon, are the brands which are to be beaten. Thus in various
categories, Samsung keeps competitive pricing so as to beat the
competitor. Samsung as a brand hardly uses penetrative pricing because
it doesn’t enter late in the market. In fact, it is present in most consumer
durable segments in the market.

• Selective - The company provides distribution of its products only through
intermediaries, who own special skills that allow them to offer
these products to market more effectively;
• Intensive - The priority is to achieve the largest possible presence of the
products in retail outlets, so the company tries to sell the largest possible
number of outlets. This is how they sell to the mass markets.
• Exclusive - The company sells its products through a limited number of
intermediaries. The most commonly used in the luxury segment, to
emphasize the exclusivity of these products. The higher priced phones
and other electronics are sold through this.

• Consists of all activities designed to communicate with the market and
thus the sale of the product to promote. Promotion also will provide
information that will assist them in making a decision to purchase a
product or service. Think of radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and
trade shows, direct mail etc. Strategies with regard to advertising include:
advertising, sponsorship, promotions, direct marketing, personal selling
(mostly for expensive products) and PR activities.
• Samsung uses multiple forms of promotions. Samsung as a company
believes in pulling the customer to themselves through advertising but at
the same time uses strong tactics to push the product to the customer
through sales promotions. Thus on one hand, Samsung uses various
marketing vehicles across the year covering festive season as well as non
festive time. On the other hand, it gives many offers and discounts to its
trade partners to motivate them to sell Samsung above competition. With
such a strategy, Samsung’s brand is on the rise so that both, the pull as
well as push strategy is working simultaneously in Samsung.

Service from marketing Mix of Apple & Samsung:

1. Apple trains its retail staff be customer oriented and are passionate fans of
its product.
2. Executives and CEO’s are promoted as the face of the product
3. Apple has effective technical support teams
4. Often they have over staffed show floors to ensure very customer has a
personal staff number appointed to them.
5. Apple promotes and engaging but relaxed and fun culture for its
employees and customers.

Physical Evidence
1. Apple store interior incorporate an open, clean and spacious concept.
2. Lack of information is made accessible to the public causing
3. Most user reviews are displayed on external websites which Apple doesn’t
have control over.

1. Apple incorporates a standarise training operation for all staff and paid
close attention the flow of experience while designing its stores.
2. Apple converts new customers and secures their loyalty through a
corporate emphasis on customer service.
3. Both in store and online delivery options are available to customers.
4. Apple makes it easy for customers to file compplaints of necessary,
through phone, email or face to face.

1. Samsung campaign entitile to “Samsung People” gained international
recognition (FWA ) Site of the day.
2. Samsung supported by technical support teams.
3. Samsung promotes on FHM,Cosmo, And Zoo’s website while “Samsung
People” sponsored niche fuzzy and oyster magazine newsletters.

Physical Evidence
1. Samsung store concept is one stop venue for all Samsung, which you can
find all range of Samsung phone in the store.
2. Lack of information is made accessible to the public causing
3. Most user reviews are displayed on external websites which Samsung
doesn’t have control over.

1. Samsung use training as a change agent to improve efficiency and
customer experience.
2. There is no delvery system through website, customer should boght from
its store.

Compare and Contrast:

From the Iphone and Samsung website, we can see that iphone website more
simple and user friendly, directly will ask to chose what kind of
product that you need to buy “ Function store and direct to product” then if we
compare to Samsung, there a little bit difficult, as we know, Samsung products
more variatif compare to apple product.

While we access to Apple website, we can found specsification of product with a

good flow (after we selected function store, then it will be redirect to what product
that you need, then all the specification automaticly display on the screen, with a
good animation “Elegance” also all the price has been mentioned in the website),
meanwhile Samsung has more variatif product that make Samsung not so
userfirendly as apple, but overall information that you need can be easily found in
Samsung website also.

Samsung and Apple shows a good design in each categories, such as iPhone 5
and Galaxy S5,thus product have a good feature of each category, Samsung and
Apple will compete to grab market.

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