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How to analyze

a visual argument?
• The questions that follow can help you think
critically about a picture, a photograph, a chart, a
graph etc..
- What is the topic of the image?
- Who is the intended audience?
- What tone is used in the script?
- What is the purpose of the image?
- What can you infer from the image?
- Is the message behind the picture conveyed without
any caption or text?
- How do you assess the quality of support?

(explicit) (implicit)

Objects Scripts Colors (scripts or


Logos Ethos Pathos Kairos Experience &
VA Presentation Outline
1. Introduction:
• Attention getter: Anecdote, Statistics, Facts,
Definition, Quote, Proverb etc.
• Reason to listen: Explain the importance of
the topic
• Claim: Position
• Credibility: Interest in topic/Checking
credible sources
E.g: Today, I will first introduce/explain the
content of this visual argument. Next, I will
analyze the context.
2. Body I (content):

3. Body II (context):
•Reflection on the appeals
•Explain the situation
4. Conclusion:
• Restate the claim
• Final thought: Call for action,
Recommendation, Solution to problem,
Advice etc.
E.g: Finally and after I have analyzed the
content and context of this visual argument
about (restate the claim), I believe … (give
personal advice, etc.)
Rubric for VA Oral Presentation:

• Picture (Content + Message) (2 pts)

• Delivery (Structure) + Language (6 pts)
• Voice + Body language + Eye contact (2 pts)
Did you figure out
how to analyze a
visual argument?
Start preparing for your
Visual Argument Oral Presentation
choose a visual argument related to the topic of your
documented research paper; preferably to your claim.

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