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Gun Control

Robert A. Levine, TMV Columnist

More Americans have been killed by guns in the past decade than were killed in World War
Two. In 2014, there were 8,124 homicides by guns, an average of 27 people daily. These include
gang violence and mass killings, but most are individual killings, often in family situations. Gun
homicides in the U.S. are about 31 per million people compared to 1 per million in England and
Poland, and 2 per million in Germany and the Netherlands. In Japan, gun homicides occur at a
rate of 1 per 10 million. (There are also over 21,000 suicides by firearms annually in the U.S.)
There is no reason why these weapons of war should be allowed in a civilian society where
individuals and organizations are independent of the government.

Though mass accidental shootings are what generate publicity and public outcries, the
horrendous statistics of FSS (Federal Statistical System) do not seem to make any difference to
the NRA or the Republicans in Congress who have blocked all types of gun reform. There are
more than 406,000 people accidentally killed by guns from 2001 to 2013. Deadly unintentional
shootings by children increased 43 percent in March and April compared to average gun deaths
during the same two months over the last three years, according to data analyzed by advocacy
group Everytown for Gun Safety.

The availability of guns in the community is an important determinate of suicide attempts by

gun. Given the public health importance of suicide and what is known about the role of guns in
suicide, strategies that keep guns out of the hands of individuals who intend self-harm are worthy
of careful scrutiny. In 2010, US Department of Justice reported that, although federal law
prohibits the sale of handguns to persons younger than 21 years, in the absence of federal
preemption (i.e., the removal of legislative authority from a lower level of government), some
states and municipalities allow the sale of handguns to younger individuals. In a study of case
fatality rates in the northeastern United States, it was found that 91% of suicide attempts by
handguns resulted in death. By comparison, the mortality rate was 84% by drowning and 82% by
hanging; poisoning with drugs accounted for 74% of acts but only 14% of fatalities.

According to some gun rights activists and supporters, restricting gun ownership is never the best
for people. The National Rifle Association (NRA) reports true that arming people with guns
makes society safer and decreases the likelihood of powerful governments ruling the people with

Talking is easy, action is difficult. Our politicians should stop talking and need to stand up to the
lobby and pass reasonable laws that will limit gun ownership when allowed to mentally disturbed
individuals, criminals, gang members, terrorists, domestic abusers, and so forth. Accidental
shootings and suicides are all more likely to occur in homes with guns.
Gun Control

Robert A. Levine, TMV Columnist

More Americans have been killed by guns in the past decade than were killed in World War
Two. In 2014, there were 8,124 homicides by guns, an average of 27 people daily. These include
gang violence and mass killings, but most are individual killings, often in family situations. Gun
homicides in the U.S. are about 31 per million people compared to 1 per million in England and
Poland, and 2 per million in Germany and the Netherlands. In Japan, gun homicides occur at a
rate of 1 per 10 million. (There are also over 21,000 suicides by firearms annually in the U.S.)
There is no reason why these weapons of war should be allowed in a civilian society CLAIM
where individuals and organizations are independent of the government.

Though mass accidental shootings ARGUMENT 1 are what generate publicity and public
outcries, the horrendous statistics of FSS (Federal Statistical System) GROUND 1/EVIDENCE
1 do not seem to make any difference to the NRA or the Republicans in Congress who have
blocked all types of gun reform. There are more than 406,000 people accidentally killed by guns
from 2001 to 2013 (BACKING 1). Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43
percent (BACKING 2) in March and April compared to average gun deaths during the same two
months over the last three years, according to data analyzed by advocacy group Everytown for
Gun Safety(GROUND 2).

The availability of guns in the community is an important determinate of suicide attempts

ARGUMENT 2 by gun. Given the public health importance of suicide and what is known about
the role of guns in suicide, strategies that keep guns out of the hands of individuals who intend
self-harm are worthy of careful scrutiny. In 2010, US Department of Justice GROUND 1
reported that, although federal law prohibits the sale of handguns to persons younger than 21
years, in the absence of federal preemption (i.e., the removal of legislative authority from a lower
level of government), some states and municipalities allow the sale of handguns to younger
individuals BACKING 1. In a study of case GROUNG 2 fatality rates in the northeastern
United States, it was found that 91% of suicide attempts by handguns resulted in death
BACKING 2. By comparison, the mortality rate was 84% by drowning and 82% by hanging;
poisoning with drugs accounted for 74% of acts but only 14% of fatalities.

According to some gun rights activists and supporters, restricting gun ownership is never the best
for people REBUTTAL/COUNTER ARG. The National Rifle Association (NRA)
EVIDENCE of REBUTTAL reports true that arming people with guns makes society safer
BACKING 1 and decreases the likelihood of powerful governments ruling the people with
tyranny. BACKING 2

Talking is easy, action is difficult. PROVERB Our politicians should stop talking and need to
stand up to the lobby and pass reasonable laws that will limit gun ownership when allowed to
mentally disturbed individuals, criminals, gang members, terrorists, domestic abusers, and so
forth. PERSONAL THOUGHT/ADVICE. Accidental shootings and suicides are all more
likely to occur in homes with guns. RESTATEMENT OF Arguments.

Claim: “Weapons of war should not be allowed in a civilian society”

OR Weapons of war use is not justified in a civilian society.

I. Weapons of war cause mass accidental shootings. OR Mass accidental shootings are

associated with the use of guns

a. More than 406,000 people accidentally killed by guns from 2001 to 2013 (FSS)

b. Deadly unintentional shootings by children increased 43% (Everytown for Gun Safety)

II. The availability of guns in the community is an important determinate of suicide attempts.

OR Easy access to firearms is a factor for suicide attempts

a. Some states and municipalities allow the sale of handguns to younger individuals

(US Dpt. of Justice)

b. 91% of suicide attempts by handguns resulted in death (a study in U.S)

III. Restricting gun ownership is never the best for people. OR Gun ownership can also be of

positive externalities or benefits

a. Arming people with guns makes society safer (NRA)

b. Decreases the likelihood of powerful governments ruling the people with tyranny (NRA)


- Proverb, common expression

- Personal thought or Advice
- Restatement of arguments

HW: analyze the rhetorical context.

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