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Logical Fallacies

Fallacy Definition Example

1. Appeal to Authority We often add strength to our We should abolish the death
argument by referring to penalty. Many respected people
respected sources or authorities such as actor Guy Handsome,
and explaining their positions have publicly stated their
on the issues we are discussing opposition to it.

2. Hasty (lack of time)/Faulty A conclusion drawn from Paul is a poor student because
Generalization unrepresentative evidence, too he failed his first test.
little evidence, or from
ignoring some evidence.

3. Forced Hypothesis/ Appeal It is due to the lack of evidence Professor Kurt’s students got
to ignorance when drawing a conclusion. As and Bs last semester, so he
It’s an error in must be an excellent teacher.
inductive reasoning. The evidence can be explained
more simply or by a different People have been trying for
hypothesis. centuries to prove that God
exists. But no one has yet been
able to prove it. Therefore, God
does not exist.

4. Appeal to Pity The appeal to pity takes place I know the exam is graded
when an arguer tries to get based on performance, but you
people to accept a conclusion should give me an A. My cat
by making them feel sorry for has been sick, my car broke
someone. down, and I’ve had a cold, so it
was really hard for me to study.

5. Slippery Slope It is the assumption that if 1 If you give many assignments,

thing is allowed, it will be the we will fail because we won’t
first step in a downward spiral. have time to study.

6. False Dilemma A statement that only two We must either build more
“either/or reasoning alternatives exist in a situation, nuclear power plants or be
False Dichotomy while in fact there are more completely dependent on
than two. foreign oil.
7. False Analogy It is the false assumption that The US lost credibility with
because 2 things are alike in other nations during the war in
some ways, they must be alike Vietnam so we should not get
in others. involved in the Middle East or
we will lose credibility again.

8. Post Hoc/Ergo Propter Hoc It is the assumption that We should throw out the entire
or False Cause because one event follows university council. Since the
“after this, therefore another, the 1st is the cause of members were elected, the
because of it” the 2nd. university has gone into

9. Begging the Question It assumes that part of the Clearly we need to fire corrupt
(Hints: Obviously, the argument is true without teachers in order to improve the
fact is, clearly) supporting it. Circular university’s grading system.
reasoning can be a kind of
(when you prove a claim
begging the question.
correct before

10. Red Herring The arguer raises a side issue The senator is an honest
(a smelly fish) that distracts the audience from woman, she loves her children
what’s really at stake. and gives to charity.

11. Straw Man To deconstruct the opponent’s Those who favor gun control
argument or claim in order to want to take guns from
make it easier to attack. responsible citizens and place
Making your opponent seem them with criminals.
ridiculous / ignorant.

12. Ad Hominem It refers to a personal attack on Ms. Maya is giving us a quiz

(appeal to feelings) an opponent that draws on fallacies. She is an
(personal attack, name- attention away from the issue inconsiderate and mean person.
calling in under consideration.
political campaigns)

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