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Capilla de San Jose

Paombong, Bulacan



Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the DEVOTOS DE SAN




Section 1. The purpose of the DEVOTOS DE SAN JOSE is to promulgate the

devotion to St. Joseph. As an example, Sections 2 to 4 of the DDSJ bylaws state:
Section 2. The purpose of the DEVOTOS DE SAN JOSE is to promote and
deepen the devotion to St. Joseph to its members and community of the church.
Section 3. The purpose of the DEVOTOS DE SAN JOSE is to manage the
Capilla de San Jose in solidarity of the Sub-Parish Pastoral Council of San Jose and
Samahan ng Katandaan ng San Jose.
Section 4. The purpose of the DEVOTOS DE SAN JOSE is to oversee the
annual March 19 fiesta, its activities and other related agendas thereof.



Section 1. Eligibility for Membership. Aspiring members of the DEVOTOS

DE SAN JOSE should be twenty-one years (21) of age, of sound mind, a devout
catholic, a devotee of St. Joseph, has the willingness to serve, and has filled out the
required membership form for record-keeping purposes. Aspiring members below
twenty-one (21) years old but with the same qualifications shall be considered as
AKAY NI SAN JOSE, a sub-group under the supervision of the DEVOTOS DE SAN
JOSE, until they are of required age to be promoted as such.

Section 2. Dues. To maintain membership, members of the DEVOTOS DE

SAN JOSE shall be required to pay a monthly due to the Treasurer every monthly
assembly on the first Wednesday of every month. The amount of the monthly will
amount to One Hundred Pesos only (Php100.00). Members of the AKAY NI SAN
JOSE will not be forced to pay the monthly dues but may contribute if desired.

Section 3. Rights of Members. Each member shall be eligible to appoint one

voting representative to cast the member’s vote in association elections.
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Section 4. Resignation and Termination. Any member may resign by filing

a written resignation with the secretary. Resignation shall not relieve a member of
unpaid dues, or other charges previously accrued. A member can have their
membership terminated by a majority vote of the membership.

Section 5. Non-voting Membership. The board shall have the authority to

establish and define non-voting categories of membership.



President. Vice President.
Secretary. Asst. Secretary.
Treasurer. Asst. Treasurer. Auditor

Section 1. General Powers. The affairs of the Organization shall be managed

by its Board of Members. The Board of Members shall have control of and be
responsible for the management of the affairs and property of the Organization.

Section 2. Number, Tenure, Requirements, and Qualifications. The

number of Directors shall be fixed from time-to-time by the Directors but shall consist
of no less than three (3) nor more than eight (8) including the following officers: the
President, the first Vice-President, second Vice-President, the Secretary, the Assistant
Secretary, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, and the Auditor.

Section 3. The members of the Board of Members shall, upon election,

immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office
until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. All members of the Board of
Members must be approved by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

Section 4. Forfeiture. Any member of the Board of Members who fails to

fulfill any of his or her requirements as set forth shall automatically forfeit his or her
seat on the Board. The Secretary shall notify the President that his or her seat has been
declared vacant, and the Board of Members may forthwith immediately proceed to fill
the vacancy.

Section 5. Vacancies. Whenever any vacancy occurs in the Board of

Members it shall be filled without undue delay by a majority vote of the remaining
members of the Board of Members at a regular meeting. Vacancies may be created
and filled according to specific methods approved by the Board of Members.

Section 6. Compensation. Members of the Board of Members shall not

receive any compensation for their services as Directors.

Section 7. Confidentiality. Note: this is not a requirement in most states and

its inclusion is optional. Members shall not discuss or disclose information about the
Organization or its activities to any person or entity unless such information is already
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a matter of public knowledge, such person or entity has a need to know, or the
disclosure of such information is in furtherance of the Corporations’ purposes, or can
reasonably be expected to benefit the Organization. Members shall use discretion and
good business judgment in discussing the affairs of the Organization with third
parties. Without limiting the foregoing, Members may discuss upcoming fundraisers
and the purposes and functions of the Organization, including but not limited to
accounts on deposit in financial institutions. Each Member shall execute a
confidentiality agreement consistent herewith upon being voted onto and accepting
appointment to the Board of Members.

Section 8. Advisory Council (Board of Trustees). An Advisory Council may

be created whose members shall be elected by the members of the Board of Members
annually but who shall have no duties, voting privileges, nor obligations for
attendance at regular meetings of the Board. Advisory Council members may attend
said meetings at the invitation of a member of the Board of Members. Members of the
Advisory Council shall possess the desire to serve the community and support the
work of the Corporation by providing expertise and professional knowledge.
Members of the Advisory Council shall comply with the confidentiality policy set
forth herein and shall sign a confidentiality agreement consistent therewith upon
being voted onto and accepting appointment to the Advisory Council.

Section 9. Voting. Voting shall commence every three (years) and past Board
Members may once again be re-elected.



Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the members shall be held

monthly, every first Wednesday of the Month.

Section 2. Annual Meetings. An annual meeting of the members shall take

place in the month of January, the specific date, time and location of which will be
designated by the chair. At the annual meeting the members shall elect directors and
officers, receive reports on the activities of the association, and determine the
direction of the association for the coming year.

Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chair, the
Executive Committee, or a simple majority of the Board of Members.

Section 4. Quorum. A quorum for a meeting of the members shall consist of

at least twenty percent (20) % of the active membership.

Section 5. Voting. All issues to be voted on shall be decided by a simple

majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.
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Section 1. Committee Formation. The board may create committees as

needed, such as fundraising, housing, public relations, data collection, etc. The board
chair appoints all committee chairs.

Section 2. Executive Committee. The four officers serve as the members of

the Executive Committee. Except for the power to amend the Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have all the powers and
authority of the Board of Members in the intervals between meetings of the Board of
Members, and is subject to the direction and control of the full board.

Section 3. Liturgical Committee. They will be in-charged of taking care of

any Mass-related events, gatherings, and properties such as Sacramentals (i.e.,
Novena, rosaries, prayer booklets etc.)

Section 4. Formation Committee. They will be in-charged of events such as

recollections, retreats, and pilgrimages as deemed worthy and possible by the Board.

Section 5. Custodian Committee. They will be in-charged of safekeeping of

properties and utilities used by the Organization in and out of the Capilla de San Jose.

Section 6. Services Committee. They shall become runners of errands and

tasks in and outside of the Capilla de San Jose as aide to whatever activity the
Organization is currently doing.

Section 7. Social Communications. They will be in-charged of all social

media-related content that the Organization and Capilla de San Jose is commencing.

Section 8. Art Committee. They will be in-charged of any form of

decorations and other related matters that is needed thereof.

Section 9. Akay Coordinator. The appointed Coordinator shall act as in-

charged for the AKAL NI SAN JOSE members and representative to Board Meetings
of the Organization.



Section 1. The corporation shall keep complete books and records of account
and minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Members.
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Section 1. Articles of Incorporation. The Articles may be amended in any

manner at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Members, provided that
specific written notice of the proposed amendment of the Articles setting forth the
proposed amendment or a summary of the changes to be affected thereby shall be
given to each director at least three days in advance of such a meeting All other
amendments of the Articles shall require the affirmative vote of an absolute majority
of directors then in office.

Section 2. Bylaws. The Board of Members may amend these Bylaws by

majority vote at any regular or special meeting. A notice setting forth the proposed
amendment or summary of the changes to be affected thereby shall be given to each
director within the time and the manner provided for the giving of notice of meetings
of directors.

We, the undersigned, are all of the initial directors or incorporators of this
corporation, and we consent to, and hereby do, adopt the foregoing Bylaws, consisting
of the 5 preceding pages, as the Bylaws of this corporation. ADOPTED AND
APPROVED by the Board of Members on this ____ day of _________, 20__.


GLENN RADITO S. SUMERA __________________________






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