Sample Question: 1. Mutton' Is A/an-A. Common Noun B. Abstract Noun C. Material Noun D. Proper Noun

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Sample Question

1. ‘Mutton’ is a/an-

a. Common Noun
b. Abstract Noun
c. Material Noun
d. Proper Noun

2. Fraility the name is women. Here “Fraility” is:

a. A noun
b. An adjective
c. An adverb
d. A verb

3. I am in the process of collecting material for my story. The underlined word is a/an-

a. Verb
b. Adjective
c. Adverb
d. Noun

4. Education is enlightening. Here ‘enlightening’ is:

a. A gerund
b. A participle
c. An infinitive
d. A finite verb

5. Which is the noun of the word ‘Hate’?

a. Hatred
b. Hateful
c. Hateous
d. Hatable
6. What is the noun of the word ‘Speak’?

a. Speaking
b. Spoken
c. Speech
d. Speaker

7. ‘Destory’ শব্দটির Noun হচ্ছে-

a. Destruction
b. Damage
c. Harm
d. Affect

8. I baught --------- for my laboratory last week.

a. Two equipments
b. Two pieces of equipments
c. Two pieces of equipment
d. Two equipment pieces

9. Choose the correct sentence.

a. We have many works to do in summer

b. We have much works to do in summer
c. We have a lot of work to do in summer
d. We have lot of works to do in summer

10. No news--------- good news.

a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. were
11. ---------can be grown on arid land.

a. Only a few crops

b. Only few crop
c. Only a little crops
d. Only little crop

12. Lipi speaks very ------- Russian, but she knows --------- words.

a. Little, a little
b. Little, a few
c. Few, little
d. A few, few

13. The word, ‘round’ in the sentence, ‘Let’s play another round’. Functions as-

a. A noun
b. A pronoun
c. A preposition
d. An adverb

14. A (roll) stone gather no moss.

a. Rolled
b. Roll
c. Rolling
d. সবগুলো

15. The ------ is what gives Uranus its blue-green color.

a. exstence of methane in the atmosphere

b. exist of methane in the atmosphere
c. existing of methane in the atmosphere
d. existed of methane in the atmosphare
e. existence methane in the atmosphere
16. ------------- what lay in store for him.

a. Many did he know

b. Several did he know
c. Little did he know
d. A many did he know
e. Few did he know

17. Do you have -----------about train times?

a. any of the informations

b. few information
c. a few informations
d. many of the informations
e. any information

18. ---------- the seal to move her pups.

a. The disturb caused

b. The disturbed caused
c. The disturber caused
d. The disturbance caused
e. The disturbancing caused

19. They represented -----------against the verdict.

a. hundred of arguments
b. hundreds of argument
c. hundreds of arguments
d. hundred of argument
e. a hundreds of argument

20. Fire-resistant materials are used to retard ------------ of modern aircraft in case of accidents.

a. A damage to the passenger cabin

b. That damages to the passenger cabin
c. Passenger cabin’s damages
d. Damage to the passenger cabin
e. A damages to the passenger cabin

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