1 - Introduction:: 1.1 Identification of Aim And/or Context of Task

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1 - Introduction:

1.1 Identification of Aim and/or Context of Task

The aim of the assigned task was to produce a roller coaster adequate for use in the Townsville Show. There
were two options, however it was decided that the adult rollercoaster would be the better choice to model as
its parameters allowed for a greater display of one’s abilities and competency at effectively utilising
mathematical modelling techniques (having a larger domain, range and steeper angles available allows for
more mathematical functions to be shown, and more variation across these functions). The adult rollercoaster
must remain below a maximum height of 100m, and also not go underground (range: (0, 100)). Additionally,
the length must remain under 1000m (domain (0, 1000)). The angle of the roller coaster must also not exceed
80° at any point. Additionally, it must start and finish at ground level, all of the functions that make up the
roller coaster track must be continuous, the roller coaster track must consist of at least three different types of
functions (exponential, trigonometric, polynomial), and it must be ‘appealing to the public’. The main program,
and the one that is necessary to complete the task, is GeoGebra Classic 6, which is used to plot functions on a
cartesian plane. Additionally, a Casio fX-CG50 Prism calculator was utilised. Software used on the calculator
included the ‘Run-Matrix’, ‘Equation’, ‘Graph’ to assist in achieving maximum possible precision in the
functions generated.

1.2 Observations and Considerations

Immediately as one reads the task, the ultimate goal of the roller coaster becomes apparent: to ensure that it
is appealing to the public. However, the term ‘appealing’ is a qualifying term, and so cannot be applied within
a mathematical context. Interpretation of what is meant by ‘appealing’ is left open, but it can be assumed that
this variable can be quantified as the excitement factor, i.e. the excitement factor can be assumed to be an
accurate measure of how appealing the roller coaster is to potential customers.

The first logical step to beginning this task is to translate the 80° value to a gradient. This can be done using a
tan equation, where A is the angle and m is the gradient:

This equates to 5.67128182. Therefore, any function cannot achieve a gradient higher than this value.

Now that this value is acquired however, it becomes very easy to make a graph that reaches the maximum
excitement factor. A ‘sawtooth’ pattern may be generated by simply determining linear functions with this
gradient, and intersections at y=0 and y=100. Of course, this is infeasible for a roller coaster ride, as a roller
coaster is not able to traverse such a harsh angle. Therefore, a sine wave will be used.

Using a sine wave with a frequency attuned to generate a maximum gradient of roughly 5.67 at the centre of
the curve, that has an amplitude of 100 would do this. To fit within the dimensions outlined by the task, the
curve must be raised by 50 units, and also be enlarged by 50 units as well. A cos wave was also used, because it
starts at a peak, and making the function negative meant that it would not have to be horizontally
transformed. Once these transformations are applied, a base function is generated:

f ( x )=−50cos ( ax )+ 50

a is the coefficient of x and determines the frequency of the wave. To acquire this value for the ‘perfect’ wave,
the ROC for a different wave must be acquired, then this value is divided by 5.67… to acquire the ratio of the a
value to the maximum rate of change of a wave. The maximum rate of change of a sine wave can be found at
the centre of the wave, traditionally at y=0. Due to the transformations, this value is now y=50. The value 0.15
will be substituted in as a to determine the ‘perfect’ a value later on.

f ( x )=−50cos ( 0.15 x ) +50

f ' (x )=7.5 cos ( 0.15 x )

The value of x at the first midpoint of the wave is approximately 10.4720. This value was determined by
subbing f ( x )=50 into the original equation. 10.4720… is then subbed into the derivative:

f ' (x )=7.5 cos ¿ ¿

f ' (x )=7.4972

Therefore, maximum rate of change for this equation is 7.4972. This value will be divided by 5.6713 to
determine the previously specified ratio:

7.4972÷ 5.6713=1.321955824

Now that the ratio is acquired, the a value used in the equation, 0.15, is divided by it to achieve the ‘perfect’ a

0.15 ÷ 1.3220=0.1134682395

Once this a value is calculated, it is substituted back into the base equation to determine the perfect wave
capable of the maximum possible excitement factor:

f ( x )=−50cos ( 0.1134682395 x ) +50

Unfortunately, this function does not end at 1000m perfectly, with its final trough at 996.81905. Although this
is not perfect efficiency, this lost 3.2m is ultimately insignificant. To get the excitement factor, the 80° must be
converted to radians:

80 × =1.39626

The amplitude of the wave is 100 units, with the centre of the wave at y=50 therefore each drop is 100m.
Multiplying this by the 1.39626 radian will determine the excitement factor of each drop. Considering there
are 18 troughs, the following equation can be used to determine the total excitement factor, where e will be
the excitement factor:

e=( 1.39626 ×100 ) ×18e=2513.251662

Therefore, the absolute maximum excitement possible is 2513.251662.

Although this solution may be the most ‘exciting’, it lacks variation, which plays a part in the appeal. A cosine
wave is simply up and down, with no variation and no twists, perhaps even leading the occupants to boredom.
The variable of how ‘appealing’ the roller coaster is cannot be quantified using the excitement factor, as there
are far more factors at play, including variation. Therefore, this solution will not be utilised, instead a solution
incorporating as many different mathematical functions will be selected. However, now that the maximum and
minimum (0) excitement factors are known, a scale can be generated to determine mathematically how
‘exciting’ a rollercoaster is as a percentile value to grade its effectiveness.
1.2 Identification of What Will be Assumed to be a Solution of Reasonable Accuracy

Being accurate requires a large amount of time and money, for diminishing returns. Additionally, being
perfectly accurate in one area of construction often means relies upon previous areas also being accurate.
Therefore, it has been concluded that being accurate to two decimal places will be assumed to be a reasonable


2 – Development and Evaluation of Solution

2.1 Summary Table

Function Domain Excitement Factor

f ( x )=1.6 x−8.4 f ( x )=0≤ x ≤ 11.7439 0
f ( x )=−50cos ( 0.1135 x−0.89 ) +50 f ( x )=11.7439 ≤ x ≤ 118.6020 279.252
f ( x )=1.6 x−126.5 f ( x )=118.6020 ≤ x ≤ 130.8377 0
f ( x )=0.003(x−155)3+ 50 f ( x )=130.8377 ≤ x ≤ 175.5772 0
f ( x )=−0.2 ( x−186.5 ) +100 f ( x )=175.5772 ≤ x ≤196.0987
f ( x )=0.48(0.05 ( x−266 ) )4 f ( x )=196.0987 ≤ x ≤ 337.2958
f ( x )=50 sin (−0.1135 x +2.863 ) +50 f ( x )=337.2958 ≤ x ≤ 464.7432
f ( x )=8 tan (−0.1 x +0.531 ) +50 f ( x )=464.7432≤ x ≤ 487.3009
f ( x )=0.9x−521.1 f ( x )=487.3009 ≤ x ≤ 547.6895
f ( x )=1.29 x−558.5 f ( x )=547.6895 ≤ x ≤ 571.1766
f ( x )=−0.09 ( x−600 ) + 100 f ( x )=571.1766 ≤ x ≤ 614.1132
f ( x )=1.1−x+650.5 +50 f ( x )=614.1132 ≤ x ≤ 686.1863
f ( x )=25 sin ( 0.1134 x−4 ) +75 f ( x )=686.1863 ≤ x ≤ 785.3631
f ( x )=0.96x−889.5 f ( x )=785.3631 ≤ x ≤ 939.8257
f ( x )=−50cos ( 0.1135 x−6.1 ) +50 f ( x )=939.8257≤ x ≤ 990.7594
f ( x )=1.6− x+994.65 f ( x )=990.7594 ≤ x ≤1000

2.2 Written Calculations of Modelling Functions

2.3 Demonstration that Functions are Continuous

- Demonstrate that functions start/finish at the same point by inputting the same x value to receive the same y
- To show that they are continuous, analyse the instantaneous rate of change at the point of intersection. If the
variation is outside of an acceptable threshold, then the two functions are not continuous.

2.4 Validity of Solution

3 – Conclusion
3.1 – Summary of Solution

3.2 – Suggested Further Considerations or Possible Modifications

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