Enterprise Application

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Management Information System (MIS)


Taimour Abid (BBA-101002)

Summaiya Amir (BBA-181034)

Abeesh Saleh (BBA-181040)

ENTERPRISE Asiya Batool (BBA-181016)

Anusha Ahuja (BBA-181050)

Salesforce CRM (Customer
Relationship Management)
Salesforce CRM (Customer Relationship Management).........................................................................1
Salesforce Company:...........................................................................................................................1
CRM (Customer Relationship Management):......................................................................................2
Salesforce AppExchange:.....................................................................................................................3
Sales Cloud:.........................................................................................................................................4
Marketing Cloud:.................................................................................................................................4
Commerce Cloud:................................................................................................................................4
Service Cloud:......................................................................................................................................5
Analytics Cloud:...................................................................................................................................5
Community Cloud:...............................................................................................................................5
Sales Automation:................................................................................................................................6
Customer and Service Automation:.....................................................................................................6
Enterprise social networking:..............................................................................................................6
Salesforce CRM record life cycle:.........................................................................................................6
LEVELS OF INFORMATION:......................................................................................................................9
Workforce Level: Customer Data Platform..........................................................................................9
Operational Level:...............................................................................................................................9
Analytical or Tactical Level:................................................................................................................10
Strategic Level:..................................................................................................................................10
Dependable Reporting:......................................................................................................................11
Easy to Read the Data:.......................................................................................................................11
Improved Conversion With automation:...........................................................................................11
Proactive Service:..............................................................................................................................12
Efficiency Increases With Automation:..............................................................................................12
Simplified Collaboration:...................................................................................................................12

Salesforce CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Salesforce Company:
Salesforce.com, Inc. is an American cloud computing service as a software (SaaS) company. It
provides services such as customer relationship management (CRM) and encourages businesses
to use cloud technology to connect with customers, potential customers and partners.
In 2020, Fortune magazine ranked Salesforce at number six on its list, "100 Best Companies to
Work For," based on an employee survey of satisfaction. Over 100,000 customers use their

CRM (Customer Relationship Management):
Customer relationship management (CRM) is the process of managing interactions with existing
as well as past and potential customers [ CITATION Sha50 \l 1033 ]. It is one of many different
approaches that allow a company to manage and analyses its interactions with its past, current
and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company to
improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and
ultimately driving sales growth.
One important aspect of the CRM approach is the systems of CRM compile data from a range of
different communication channels, including a company's website, telephone, email, live chat,
marketing materials and more recently, social media [ CITATION Sha50 \l 1033 ]. Through the
CRM approach and the systems used to facilitate it, businesses learn more about their target
audiences and how to best cater to their needs [ CITATION Bar20 \l 1033 ].

Salesforce AppExchange:
Launched in 2005, the Salesforce AppExchange is an online application marketplace for third-
party applications that run on the Force.com platform. Applications are available for free, as
well as via yearly or monthly subscription models. Applications available range from
integrations with SharePoint to mobile approval management. As of June 2016, it features
2,948 applications, which have driven 3+ million installs. The "AppExchange" is also a place
customers can search for cloud consulting partners to help them implement the technology in
their organization. Cloud consulting partners for Salesforce include large companies like IBM's
"Blue wolf" and Accenture as well as smaller ones like Cloud reach [ CITATION App17 \l 1033 ].


1. Sales Cloud
2. Marketing Cloud
3. Commerce Cloud
4. Service Cloud
5. Analytics Cloud
6. Community Cloud

Sales Cloud:
This module belongs to the sales team, the features of this cloud includes collaborating and
marketing for the employees to gain customers to flourish their business. This also includes
dashboards so that the reporting can be done to know what the sales team members are doing
and how they are going on with their work. Besides this one can also view the activity history of
the customers that will help in knowing the customers even better [ CITATION Sal00 \l 1033 ].
Marketing Cloud:
Marketing Cloud helps the companies in doing their marketing related operations. Thorough
this cloud company can send marketing messages, do communications to market their
products. The cloud includes different tools to carry on this function including email studio,
social studio and advertising studio [ CITATION Sal00 \l 1033 ].
Commerce Cloud:
This includes both business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B) products.
Business to the consumer includes the features to help ship products directly to the customers.
While Business to business as the name suggest can help businesses find what the need more
easily and conveniently. This also helps the businesses in getting their orders faster. The
management of the trading partners can easily be done and collaborating, connecting and
maintaining your partners is a feature of this type of cloud [ CITATION Sal00 \l 1033 ].
Service Cloud:
This cloud helps to give service to the customers. This helps in giving customer support and also
customer self-service portals are also available through this cloud. Customer data can be
obtained through this to better understand the customer [ CITATION Sal00 \l 1033 ].

Analytics Cloud:
The analytics cloud gives you a view of your data and helps you better understand it. This cloud
helps in understanding business-related questions thorough artificial intelligence. This cloud
also lets you collaborate to discuss your data and come out with the decisions to be taken
according to that data. This cloud keeps a record of your data so you can later access your data
when needed.
Community Cloud:
This cloud as the name suggests builds up a community type platform where customers can
update their accounts and customer self-service portals are also available in this module,
besides this people can also create forums to discuss the different things they want. The
management of the communities can also be done by customizing your dashboard. These
communities are optimized by smartphones so one can easily access them [ CITATION Sal00 \l
1033 ].

Service Cloud (customer

Sales Cloud support or customer self
( Sales related -service portals)

Analytics Cloud
Marketing Cloud
( keeping records of the MODULES (Marketing related
data &taking decisions
according to it)

Community Cloud
Commerce Cloud (B2B &
(Creates community for
B2C businesses)
customers and partners)


Sales Automation:
It is a core feature set within the salesforce CRM to manage sales process and activities. It
allows salespeople to automate manual and repetitive tasks and provides information about
existing and prospective customer. It is also known as Sales cloud because it leads to sales
activities, contact record, opportunities and forecast [ CITATION Pac13 \l 1033 ].
Customer and Service Automation:
it helps important role in salesforce CRM towards services. It is known as the service cloud
because it allows support teams to automate, and manage the requests for services and
support by an existing customer. Through service, cloud organization can handle customer
complaints, advice about product or repair of a product [ CITATION Pac13 \l 1033 ].
Enterprise social networking:
Through this networking capability within an organization to connect people and share business
information in real-time. Social networking enterprise connects employee and customer and
allows business collaboration. It is also known as salesforce chatter [ CITATION Pac13 \l 1033 ].
Salesforce CRM record life cycle:
The competency of Salesforce CRM provides for the processing of campaigns through to
customer purchase and beyond as it is the responsibility of the Marketing team to develop
appropriate campaigns to generate lead. Leads are converted into accounts, contacts and

opportunities. It is the responsibility of either marketing or sales team to manage the account.
In Salesforce CRM an account is the company or organization and contact is an individual
associated with an account. Upon financial realization and acceptance of the deal (and perhaps
delivery of the goods or service), the post-customer acquisition process is then enabled where
the account and contact can be recognized as a customer [ CITATION Pac13 \l 1033 ].

Workforce Level: Customer Data Platform
A customer data platform (CDP) is a computer system used by marketing departments that
assembles data about individual people from various sources into one database, with which
other software systems can interact. As of February 2017, about twenty companies were selling
such systems and revenue for them was around US$300 million.

Operational Level:
The primary goal of customer relationship management systems is to integrate and automate
sales, marketing, and customer support. Therefore, these systems typically have a dashboard
that gives an overall view of the three functions on a single customer view, a single page for
each customer that a company may have. The dashboard may provide client information, past
sales, previous marketing efforts, and more, summarizing all of the relationships between the
customer and the firm. Operational CRM is made up of 3 main components: sales force
automation, marketing automation, and service automation [ CITATION Wha15 \l 1033 ].
1. Salesforce automation: It works with all stages in the sales cycle, from initially entering
contact information to converting a prospective client into an actual client.[16] It
implements sales promotion analysis, automates the tracking of a client's account
history for repeated sales or future sales and coordinates sales, marketing, call centres,
and retail outlets. It prevents duplicate efforts between a salesperson and a customer
and also automatically tracks all contacts and follow-ups between both parties
2. Marketing automation: It focuses on easing the overall marketing process to make it
more effective and efficient. CRM tools with marketing automation capabilities can
automate repeated tasks, for example, sending out automated marketing emails at
certain times to customers, or posting marketing information on social media. The goal
with marketing automation is to turn a sales lead into a full customer. CRM systems
today also work on customer engagement through social media.
3. Service automation: It is part of the CRM system that focuses on direct customer
service technology. Through service automation, customers are supported through

multiple channels such as phone, email, knowledge bases, ticketing portals, FAQs, and
Analytical or Tactical Level:
The role of analytical CRM systems is to analyze customer data collected through multiple
sources and present it so that business managers can make more informed decisions. Analytical
CRM systems use techniques such as data mining, correlation, and pattern recognition to
analyze customer data. These analytics help improve customer service by finding small
problems which can be solved, perhaps by marketing to different parts of a consumer audience
differently. For example, through the analysis of a customer base's buying behaviour, a
company might see that this customer base has not been buying a lot of products recently.
After scanning through this data, the company might think to market to this subset of
consumers differently, to best communicate how this company's products might benefit this
group specifically.
Strategic Level:
Strategic CRM is concentrated upon the development of customer-centric business culture.
The focus of a business on being customer-centric (in design and implementation of their CRM
strategy) will translate into an improved CLV [ CITATION But15 \l 1033 ].

In Customer Relation Management every part of the organization is very important like their
notes, metrics and their data and in CRM everything related to each another. Customer relation
management focuses on different people and the public and try to deal with an individual
customer’s needs and activity. The Customer Relation Management department have the right
data with the detail of any customers. There are the main six best benefits of CRM which
interact with everyone.

Dependable Reporting:
In dependable reporting, we need data which is mandatory for any business. There are some
resources like analysis from google, different apps, social media, business software and
technology of Customer Relation Management and we should make these things also
actionable. All companies use social media platform and also response on it to their customer.
For every business owner, google analytic is the main thing to monitor websites. There is a
system of customs relation management from which we can research in detail. CRM also help
us to clean our data from error and also maintain it in the correct order. Data correction and
organizing make your report easier to understand. Who and how people connect with your
company is also in your knowledge from CRM. We can use several reports in CRM and there are
three sales processes like lead, opportunities and sales.
Easy to Read the Data:
In this point, we use a spreadsheet for importing and inputting the data and also find what is
important and from this way we present correct data. These three overlap with each other. In
the dashboard, Marketing director uses marketing emails and also make their dashboard that
who and how people visit it. Rate of the website which people give them. A dashboard is an
important tool which makes work easier for everyone such as customers as well as the person
who leads it.
Improved Conversion With automation:
Market, audience and Industry correct data From which we can make it more personalized
messaging and relevant for us. Both manual and automatic affect efforts into our data.

Energetic content and automatic messaging is a beneficial thing and we set up several
automatic emails that can communicate with the people and take specific actions. actions are
used throughout the same process.
Proactive Service:
Customer Relation Management can help to make more personalized automate from marketing
processes like this make a positive effect on the team of the sales and customers services. In
the sales department should know that in which thing a particular customer take an interest.
Team of the sale department try to solve the problems and meet to support their customers.
There are some main benefits of Customer Service Team like their dashboard have with their
available data and its safe time of everyone and proactive, knowledgeable and easy way to
make to customer feel important and special. Because customer satisfaction is more important
for every company.
Efficiency Increases With Automation:
In the efficiency increase with automation, there are three examples of use in the company.
The first one is To save time and just email their customers and also make it easy for them. The
second thing is to score their customer in the parameter which was which is set end build by
the company and make good marketing qualified leads which can change into sale qualified
leads. The third and very important point is to answer every question which is asked by the
customer and automated messaging make the customer more connectable.
Simplified Collaboration:
Customer relation management can also record the conversation, notes, interaction, contact
information and needs of their customer. From this CRM team can take decisions from the
recording and also up to date their data. CRM is the platform where multiple people work and
also follow one direction with different ideas like quotes of the sale. Customer service relation
department also share the recording with everyone which help other employees to make their
performance better. For example, if salesperson deals with the customer and knows about their
interest, it can help them to fulfil their needs and also sales person’s team is working with the
know the record of the same customer [ CITATION Ama00 \l 1033 ].

1. Amanda DiSilvestro, 2000. Salesforce. [Online]
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4. AppExchange- Consulting Top Partners, 2017. Salesforce.com. [Online]

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5. Bardicchia, Marco, 2020. Digital CRM: Strategies and Emerging. Trends: Building Customer
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6. Buttle, Francis; Maklan, Stan, 2015. Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and
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7. Packt, 2013. Salesforce CRM Functions. 17 Aug, pp. https://hub.packtpub.com/salesforce-crm-


8. WhatIs.com, 2015. What is customer relationship management (CRM). [Online]

Available at: https://searchcustomerexperience.techtarget.com/definition/CRM-customer-
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