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University of Management and Technology, Lahore Campus

Terminal Examination – FALL 2020

Course Title: Data Structure and Algorithm Lab Course Code: CC2042L 1
Course Programme
Muhammad Waheed Waqar BSCS
Instructor/s: Name:

Semester: 3rd Batch: SP19 Section: Date: 13th Feb, 2021


Time Allowed: 3 Hr. Maximum Marks: 100

Student’s Name: Reg. No.

Important Instructions / Guidelines:

● All questions are compulsory. Manage time properly and try to attempt easy problems first.
● Questions understanding is the part of exam.
● Cheating will result in negative marking.
Best of Luck!!!

Question No. Obtained Marks Maximum Marks

1 20

2 40

3 40


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Question #1
Implement a recursive C++ function which takes an array of integers (arr) and the starting
(start) and ending (end) indices of a portion (part) of this array, and returns the index of the
second smallest element present in that portion of array arr. The prototype of your function
should be:
int findSecondSmallest (int* arr, int start, int end)
For example, the function call findSecondSmallest(arr,3,8) should determine and return the
index of the second smallest element present in the array arr between the indices 3 and 8
(both inclusive).

Question #2
Implement a class for Circular Doubly Linked List (with a dummy header node) which
stores integers in unsorted order. Your class definitions should look like as shown below:

class CDLinkedList;
class DNode {
friend class CDLinkedList;
private int data;
private DNode next;
private DNode prev;
class CDLinkedList {
DNode head; // Dummy header node

public CDLinkedList(); // Default constructor

public bool insert (int val); //Inserts val at end into the linked list.Time complexity:O(1)
public bool removeSecondLastValue ();
//Note: Remove the Second last val from the linked list. Time complexity: O(1)

public void findMiddleValue(); // find middle value of the linklist and delete it.
public void display(); // Displays the contents of linked list on screen …

Question #3
In this lab you are going to start implementing a class for creating and storing Binary Search
Trees (BST). Each node of this BST will store the roll number, name and CGPA of a
student. The class definitions will look like:

class StudentBST;
class StudentNode {
friend class StudentBST;
private int rollNo; // Student’s roll number (must be unique)
private string name; // Student’s name
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private double cgpa; // Student’s CGPA
private StudentNode left; // Pointer to the left subtree of a node
private StudentNode right; // Pointer to the right subtree of a node

class StudentBST {

private StudentNode root; // Pointer to the root node of the tree

public StudentBST(); // Default constructor


public bool insert (int, string, double)

This function will insert a new student’s record in the BST. The 3 arguments of this function
are the roll number, name, and CGPA of this new student, respectively. This function will
check whether a student with the same roll number already exists in the tree. If it does not
exist, then this function will make a new node for this new student, insert it into the tree at its
appropriate location, and return true. If a student with the same roll number already exists,
then this function should return false.
public bool search (int)
This function will search the BST for a student with the given roll number. If such a student
is found, then this function should display the details (roll number, name, and CGPA) of this
student and return true. If such a student is not found then this function should display an
appropriate message and return false.
public void displayInRange (double cgpaStart, double cgpaEnd)
This function will search the BST for those students whose CGPA is between cgpaStart and
cgpaEnd (both inclusive). The records of all such student should be displayed in ascending
order of their Roll Numbers.
Hint: You may need to implement one or more helper functions.

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