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Customer Experience platform

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24 October 2016


Table of contents
Introduction 5
Passive monitoring on a grand scale basis 6
Active testing 7
Powerful system architecture 7
QoE Applet, a service on top of OTA/AOTA 7
Benefits 9
Quality of Experience (QoE) system configuration 13
QoE Agents 13
QoE Agent Modem 23
QoE Applet 25
Quality of Service (QoS) system configuration 30
CE Analytics 33
Dashboard 34
QoE client view 35
Passive reports 35
Active reports and active testing management 53
QoE Applet events 62
Customer Care Expert (CCE) 63
Multilayer maps 70
QoE Server 78
QoE Mirror 81
LinqUs Customer Care 84
Frontend web interface 86
QoE Agent Android SelfCare module 91


David González, QoE Product Management Director
Nieves Garcia, QoE Product Manager
Vicente Soriano, QoE Product Manager

Please check all related info about our solution at:


© Gemalto, 24 October 2016



With LinqUs CE, Gemalto is offering a cost effective Customer Experience

monitoring platform that provides you with a powerful insight on the perceived
Customer Experience. This is a cornerstone to improve service quality, brand image
and retain customers. LinqUs CE helps you to understand what your subscribers are
experiencing and to take actions to assure customer satisfaction. LinqUs CE
leverages on a proven flexible and highly scalable client – server architecture.
Delivering an optimal customer experience can radically bring down churn rates,
increase average revenue per user (ARPU) and reduce operational costs.
Distribution is key for grand scale monitoring. Software Development Kits (SDKs) are
available for our QoE Agents, enabling fast and easy integration into your own apps,
thus reaching out wide and fast to your existing subscriber base. Gemalto’s QoE
Agents can be distributed through popular digital distribution platforms such as
Google Play and App Store. Moreover, download links can be easily incorporated
into your web pages and other communication media.
Our white branding program gives you the ability to use your own brand and logos.
Finally, the thin QoE Applet is a full Java interoperable applet located in the SIM
card, which can be deployed for the entire subscriber base or partially depending on
the needs of the mobile network operator. The applet can be also downloadable
“over the air”. Campaign management is also available on demand to let MNOs
download, activate or change the configuration of the QoE Applet on the subscriber’s
Gemalto offers a unique solution in the market, able to combine Quality of
Experience information from two sources, a QoE Applet and QoE Agents.
LinqUs CE can also be configured for QoS testing and has been designed to support
both attended and unattended operations. LinqUs CE is a highly economical, flexible
and scalable QoS solution, leveraging on the QoE Server infrastructure. It can be
deployed for drive testing, static monitoring as well as for “on the spot” network
quality checks.
With LinqUs CE a wide range of applications and use cases are covered. The
system can be configured for network wide passive monitoring for USB modem,
Android, Blackberry and iOS based devices. It is further possible to configure the
system for active testing including remote configuration and control. The combination
of QoE Applet and QoE Agents represents the best in class QoE monitoring solution.
In addition to this, LinqUs Customer Care and Customer Care Expert (CCE) facilitate
all kinds of troubleshooting and customer problem solving.


Passive monitoring on a grand scale basis
LinqUs CE enables grand scale monitoring. With the transparent QoE Agents and
QoE Applet installed on the subscribers’ devices, it is possible to obtain end user
perceived quality insight directly from where customers are, with no need for
additional hardware. QoE Agents are simple to download and can be installed by the
customer within seconds. It is possible to use web sites or the operator own branded
application to distribute the QoE Agents through digital distribution platforms. LinqUs
CE caters for data integrity and privacy standard regulations: hash functionality
avoids uploading and storing in QoE Server sensitive data such as the subscriber’s
IMSI and others. Moreover, no data will be collected unless the final subscriber
accepts the EULA.

Example of real QoE Agent Modem wide distribution

Examples of QoE Agents functionalities and QoE Agents integration with operator’s applications


Active testing
LinqUs CE also supports active testing, both manually and remotely operated. The
active jobs can be easily configured, assigned and remotely scheduled from the CE
Analytics interface. The results are automatically uploaded to QoE Server for

Powerful system architecture

LinqUs CE has a highly scalable system architecture making it possible to monitor
and collect data from the widest spread of customers. The system consists of the
client application (QoE Agents and QoE Applet) and QoE Server, responsible for
administration, communication, storage and web based reporting with CE Analytics.
Ad-hoc queries and custom report creation is possible with QoE Mirror. Gemalto is
flexible to offer QoE Server (backend architecture) available both as a hosted service
in the cloud or for installation at customer premises.

LinqUs CE platform architecture

QoE Applet, a service on top of OTA/AOTA

Thanks to the Advanced Connectivity, Gemalto offers to MNOs solutions and
services for real time update of UICCs and connected devices as well as helps them
providing the best user experience to their subscribers. LinqUs CE platform can be
part of the Advanced Connectivity Offer.


Activation Push App Wi-Fi
Services NFC M2M QoE
Services Services Services

Infrastructure Gemalto Advanced Connectivity Offer SMS HTTP

QoE Applet extends the Advanced Connectivity Offer

QoE Applet is designed to help operators optimizing network investments,

control/measure quality of the network - for example during LTE ramp up, network
deployment extensions or maintenance, and facilitate customer care problem
solving. Key quality (KQIs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) are collected
when identifying issues (activation, call drops, call fails…) and reports information
such as cell id that allows to find the source of the issues and contributes to bringing
the best customer experience targeted by the operator.


Improves the network service quality
LinqUs CE is measuring QoE from the customer’s perspective, enabling true end-to-
end monitoring. It transparently measures network, device, settings, operative
systems, traffic and apps/services related information from the actual device that the
subscribers are using and from the locations where they are. This end-to-end data
collection is key for a successful customer experience strategy, as operators live in a
fragmented smartphone and operating systems environment. This becomes of
utmost importance for efficient customer problem solving. There are other elements
in many cases out of the operator’s control, for example when transitioning to
different networks, such as Wi-Fi.
LinqUs CE has a highly scalable architecture and is specially designed to handle
thousands of “measurement probes". Thus, depending on the selected configuration,
the network performance assessment can be based on information from thousands
of users.

LinqUs CE to interact with your subscribers

Your subscribers are looking forward to receiving a personalized service and to
having a great experience across different touch points. This requires being able to
interact with your customers. With LinqUs CE, you open thousands of individual
interaction channels, getting you to bridge the gap between the network point of view
and the subscriber’s perception.
Your subscribers can upload feedback and benefit from value added features
through a branded application. Furthermore, your subscribers can contribute to wide
performance monitoring by means of performing active tests, called one button tests
(speed test like and can be fully configured), immediately uploaded to QoE Server.

Monitor the real subscriber traffic and app usage

LinqUs CE helps you to monitor the subscriber traffic, split into different access
networks or interfaces (Wi-Fi, cellular and 2G, 3G, 4G). For Android it also
differentiates foreground/background traffic and collects the apps/services real
usage time. This subscriber-centric traffic and app information is an asset for
different interest groups and use cases.
It is possible to understand which app or service is in foreground at any second,
when the subscriber is using the device. This can be matched with different data and
events, such as used technology, device, CPU and RAM, signal level, traffic and
throughput, etc., making it highly useful for apps and services analysis.
LinqUs CE enables pinpointing Android apps and services, which can heavily
download traffic in background whilst hardly used (time in foreground). This insight
helps in taking preventive measures to better serve subscribers who may complain
of unexpected data plan drainage and to understand the apps traffic patterns, from a
subscriber-centric point of view.


By tracking usage, LinqUs CE helps you to identify potential geographical areas that
may require tuning or expansion. It is possible to monitor top consuming apps and
services according to different criteria. This provides input to plan resources and to
product planning based on real subscriber-centric traffic. For example, marketing
departments can conduct segmentation and profiling and monitor new products and
services uptake based on LinqUs CE’s analytics.

Boost your brand with LinqUs CE

Gemalto has helped customers to brand their smartphone applications and to widely
distribute LinqUs CE QoE Agents. By means of SDKs, Gemalto has also integrated
QoE Agents with operator’s own branded applications, reaching grand scale
distribution and helping to improve brand image. Mobile apps are a new subscriber –
service provider touch point. They have changed the way operators serve
customers. Mobile apps provide a unique platform to build brands, improve customer
service and increase competitive advantage. It further represents another customer
service touch point. Gemalto helps to provide convenient features to subscribers and
to collect end-to-end Quality of Experience information by means of a branded
application that subscribers will be willing to install and use.

Conduct geographical analysis

The traditional network element based analysis has evolved and must be
complemented. It is not only “my network has a problem in this cell”. This must be
complemented with “this area or my subscriber(s) in this area are experiencing a bad
service”. Leveraging on positioning collection and QoE Server’s distributed
computing, LinqUs CE geolocates customer experience events, as well as
aggregated crowd sourced data. Combined with powerful multilayer mapping
modules, to cross-correlate dimensions, it unleashes a true geographical subscriber-
centric analysis.
It is possible - by means of CE Analytics’ multilayer maps - for LTE deployments, to
cross-correlate subscriber-centric LTE coverage with LTE technology usage, in order
to understand the ratio between coverage footprint and usage. LTE coverage can
also be cross-correlated with average throughput and traffic. This geolocation of
throughput and traffic helps in planning hotspots or spare capacity as well as
targeting areas for new products and services offering.

Which devices work best

Decrease return of no faulty devices: LinqUs CE also monitors the model, settings
and system parameters and events of your subscriber devices. This is essential to
solve customer issues and to decrease return of no faulty devices. Intelligent filtering
capabilities provide you with a powerful tool to benchmark and assess which
device(s) work best.

Active testing
LinqUs CE features active testing for both system configurations for Quality of
Service and subscribers initiated active tests (speed test like). With LinqUs CE, you


obtain the widest amount of user initiated tests results and KPIs, which are
immediately uploaded to QoE Server. This wealth of information is then available by
means of dedicated reporting, multilayer maps and Customer Care Expert (CCE),
completing the Quality of Experience analysis.

Speed up your customer care

With LinqUs Customer Care and the Customer Care Expert (CCE) module, LinqUs
CE supports you to speed up your Customer Care processes. Layer 1 customer care
representatives get benefit of the easy to use and intuitive LinqUs Customer Care
interface and its issues grouping and detection. For Layer 2 support, thanks to the
CCE integrated module views and the "one button test", typical problems can quickly
be identified and time for troubleshooting reduced. LinqUs CE provides end-to-end
information and second granularity data collection, making it highly efficient for
customer problem solving.

Reduce churn
LinqUs CE helps you to be proactive. With LinqUs CE you can identify problems and
weaknesses in advance to a subscriber call. Timely proactive resolution and an
improved response time can reduce eventual subscriber churn and contribute for a
better service perception.

Optimize your capital & operational expenditures

LinqUs CE is a highly cost effective and competitive solution, with no need of
dedicated hardware and system integration. With its scalable architecture designed
to handle thousands of probes, LinqUs CE gives you an affordable customer
experience measurement coverage never seen before.
Gemalto offers both server hosting and local server infrastructure at the operator
premises, providing full flexibility in accordance with your needs. Furthermore, fast
implementation and an easy to use interface safeguard your investment. QoE Server
and CE Analytics is a common backend platform, which can be used by different
interest groups.

Ownership of data
By means of QoE Mirror, the operator owns the raw data to perform ad-hoc queries
and custom reports.

Complete the collection of KQIs and KPIs with QoE Applet

With the valuable help of QoE Applet a complete set of events are collected and sent
back to the server following different scenarios such as on-demand, on-event or
regular periodicity. Some of the benefits of a combined QoE Agents and QoE Applet
solution are:
˃ Evaluating the overall call performance and user perception.
˃ Following the call performance evolution over the time.
˃ Locating issues and network coverage by Cell ID.


˃ Correlating with access technology.
˃ Getting the perception of service availability ratio (2G, 3G, 4G, no service, limited
˃ Following the subscriber’s experience when in roaming.
˃ Monitoring no service/limited service situations.
˃ Performing device benchmarking.

Moreover, the combined solution leverages the advantages of both QoE Agents and
QoE Applet:

User-centric user interface: interaction Grand scale deployment

between operator and subscriber and
means to offer differentiating value
added services

End to End monitoring Agnostic to device and operating system

Position collection Compatible with feature phones

Negligible battery impact


Quality of Experience (QoE) system configuration
The LinqUs CE solution enables Quality of Experience monitoring, by means of two
main groups of products:
˃ QoE Agents, mobile apps including a transparent background module.
˃ QoE Applet available for the UICC.

QoE Agents
By means of QoE Agents, LinqUs CE provides a multi-platform mobile broadband
QoE and QoS testing solution, enabling you to reach the widest possible
measurement coverage. This is achieved thanks to transparent passive monitoring,
impressive scalability and innovative distribution means. Currently, Android, iOS and
BlackBerry operating systems are supported.
QoE Agents ensure lowest resources and battery consumption. This is achieved
thanks to applications in harmony with the subscriber’s operations and device
operating system. In addition, for Android it is possible to configure maximum GPS
usage quotas from CE Analytics and the QoE Agents implement location-aware
heuristics that limit the battery usage.
QoE Agents are designed to be widely distributed across the end users. This can be
achieved either through digital distribution platforms (like Google Play or App Store),
via a link or by SMS as well as providing an SDK to be integrated with the operator’s
own branded applications. Additionally, Gemalto has experience in alternative
distribution methods. Leveraging Gemalto’s Device Management Centre platform,
Gemalto is in an unique position to offer best in class distribution methods:

Subscriber calls Helpdesk
complaining about slow data
2 Customer Care checks device
configuration using the GTO DMC
web interface
3 Customer Care pushes the QoE app to the
particular subscriber in order to get more
data to resolve the issue

QoE Agent Care Analytics

Subscriber receives
immediately a message
with the link to install the
5 Upon installation, the
QoE starts collecting
key device, service, and
6 With Customer Care, L1
support is able to check
related subscriber status
7 With Analytics, L2 support
is able to troubleshoot and
find the root cause of the
QoE app network data and provide suggestions problem

LinqUs Customer Care workflow using device management: example of unique distribution method
leveraging Device Management Centre, aimed for customer care use cases


Upon installation, QoE Agents are ready to transparently collect QoE information
when the end user makes use of the device. The background module will
transparently collect information when the device’s screen is active (for example
upon check of email or agenda). LinqUs CE QoE Agents thus collect information
upon use of device and services, enabling true QoE information collection based on
usage while preserving battery consumption.
QoE Agent will only be installed if the end user accepts the EULA (End User’s
License Agreement), which is totally customizable by the operator.

Example of QoE Agent End User License Agreement

QoE Agents span different platforms and collect end-to-end data. The resulting
measurement log files are uploaded to QoE Server backend platform.
QoE Agent Android, QoE Agent iOS and QoE Agent BlackBerry (smartphone based
QoE Agents) consist of two main modules: QoE Agents application and background
monitoring module.

QoE Agents Mobile Application

The mobile application helps the operator to provide subscribers with value added
services. It also represents a new touch point between the service provider and the
subscriber. This contributes to a better operator brand image and helps in retaining
customers by means of an “individual” service provision.
˃ Value added services (VAS): the application is equipped with convenient and
appealing features to promote the uptake of the application and the advantages
of it. The VAS are described in this section and contribute to enrich the value of
the operator’s application.


˃ Interaction with subscriber and new touch point: in such a competitive
marketplace, with a shift of power from companies to customers, the operators
have to promote new customer touch points which enable interaction on the
move. LinqUs CE QoE Agents enable upload of user feedback and active tests
(speed test like).

QoE Agent Android home

QoE Agents provides the following functionality and value added Services. By
means of an SDK, provided and documented by Gemalto, the operator can enrich its
own branded application with the QoE Agents VAS:
Coverage Checker and Map (QoE Agent Android only, Android OS): The
coverage checker enables checking surrounding and historic coverage information
by means of easy to understand heat maps. The heat maps are built from the signal
strength, in 2G, 3G and 4G. Both own and global coverage (as retrieved from all
QoE Agents signal level measurements, crowdsourcing approach) can be checked.
Own or global coverage selection can be made from the application’s settings.
Moreover, the operator can enable/disable global coverage display for a user or
group of users. It is possible to display call errors, test and user feedback events on
the map, in addition to the coverage.


Coverage Checker & Mapping example

Test your connection (One Button tests): The end user has the ability to perform
a series of active tests (speed test like), in order to test the current connection.
These active tests are then immediately uploaded to QoE Server for analysis. There
are typically a set of pre-embedded active tests. In principle, a speed test consists of
a ping, HTTP get and HTTP put. Other type of QoS type tasks are supported: HS
Ping (performs a prior brief download to the specified URL to ensure ICMP traffic
transport over HS RABs), FTP UL, FTP DL, HTTP parallel streams get/put (QoE
Agent Android only, parallel streams enables setting more than one TCP stream in
parallel, to ensure that possible destiny server bandwidth limitations do not affect to
the results. This contributes to have a high-speed networks throughput test, free
from possible media server bandwidth limitations), web browsing and video
streaming. Active jobs (tests) creation, management and administration can be done
through the CE Analytics interface. Tests results and KPIs can be retrieved within
different views, maps and sections in CE Analytics.


Test execution view

Upload Feedback: Functionality that enables uploading end user feedback to QoE
Server anytime. It is possible to retrieve and to geolocate feedback events through
“My Feedbacks” section. The Operator can track and locate end user experienced
problems. The possibility of sharing feedback with the operator leads to an improved
service perception. As studies and surveys show, the majority of subscribers would
like to use their mobile device to initiate and manage issues and they would install a
company mobile application if available, in order to deal with issues easier.
Customer Experience Management requires capturing the voice of the customer.


User feedback functionality

Access to historic results and others: It is possible to access to historic results

and reports through “My Results” section. The subscriber can retrieve and geolocate
test and call related results and events.

Speed test history

SelfCare module: The SelfCare module is described in the LinqUs Customer Care
section within this document.
The QoE Agent can be customized and branded as per operator requirements.
Furthermore, Gemalto can deliver SDKs to integrate the QoE Agents with the
operator’s own branded applications, helping to reach wide distribution.

QoE Agents Background Module

The background module will start to transparently collect QoE data and events as
soon as the subscriber accepts the EULA. The background module can be anytime
disabled by the subscriber.
The QoE Agents communicates with QoE Server, through HTTPs in order to obtain
configuration and to upload measurement log files. The client – server
communication frequency can be customized from QoE Server. The measurement
log file will be only deleted from the subscriber’s device once processed, stored and
eventually backed up by QoE Server, ensuring no loss of data.
QoE Agents control battery consumption by means of:
˃ Location-aware heuristics (Android): ensure that QoE Agents do not make
use of unnecessary GPS-based positioning samples under specific conditions


(indoors, stationary), while ensuring, at the same time, the collection of accurate
˃ GPS usage quotas (Android): it is possible, from CE Analytics, to configure
GPS usage quotas in order to limit the GPS battery usage.
˃ Usage patterns (screen and activity): In Android and Blackberry, data is
collected only when the end user makes use of the device, that is, if the screen is
active and unlocked (user activity = true). This principle focuses on real end user
experience while contributing to save battery. In iOS, the data collection is light,
event-oriented and in total harmony with iOS features conceived to save battery.
The figure below illustrates this concept taking QoE Agent Android as an example. It
further illustrates the methodology to calculate throughput. There is a data activity
threshold, which can be customized (in UL and DL). The objective is being able to
aggregate and to consider only throughput measurements which are not originated
by irrelevant background traffic, focusing on real end user traffic and to avoid
counting of spurious throughput peaks. If the user throughput goes above the
defined threshold and is sustained for at least a defined window of 2 seconds, such
as the figure below suggests, data activity will be marked as true and the
corresponding samples considered for throughput calculations.
QoE Server will process all the files contained in the QoE Agent measurement log
file. In those seconds where both the user and data activity - as explained above -
are marked as true, the amount of bytes will be aggregated and considered for the
throughput calculation.

QoE Agent user and data activity examples


The QoE Agents background module log writer creates and manages measurement
log files. The resulting measurement log file is compressed and kept into a minimum
size of an average of 90 to 200 KB per part. The log writer splits the measurement
log file in parts, based on the following criteria:
˃ Time-based: every 12 hours, a passive session, consisting of 24 hours is split
into two parts. Thereafter, the first part will be uploaded to QoE Server in the next
12-hour period, in a random way (illustrated in the figure below).
˃ Forced by subscriber: the subscriber can always manually force the upload of a
part. This is essential for Customer Care use cases, when the subscriber may be
invited by a Customer Care assistant to upload a part, so that results can be
analysed in a real-time manner.
˃ Event-based: the following events generate the upload of a part, so that the
information is sent in real-time
o Failed call
o Dropped call
o User feedback upload
Note: QoE Agents will upload measurement log files through Wi-Fi, whenever a Wi-Fi
connection is detected.
Note: LinqUs CE supports an “operator whitelist” functionality. This way, it is possible
to select a list of desired whitelisted operators, from whom QoE Agents will collect
QoE Agents do not upload measurement log files through cellular connections when
in roaming. In this situation, measurement log files may still be uploaded should a
Wi-Fi connection is detected. Upon return to the home operator, the measurement
log files will be uploaded (if the used roaming operator was previously whitelisted)
should their upload is still pending.

QoE Agent user and data activity examples

QoE Agents background module presents the following benefits:

˃ Support for the major part of commercially available Android (from Android 2.2
onwards), iOS and Blackberry (excluding Blackberry 10) devices. As described,
QoE Applet, Gemalto’s QoE SIM applet is completely agnostic to the device and
operating system.


˃ QoE Agents can be widely distributed, by means of a link, digital platforms, etc.
and can be integrated with operators own branded applications for grand scale
distribution. LinqUs CE is designed to process and store results from the widest
amount of QoE Agents. Best in class distribution models can be achieved
leveraging Gemalto’s Device Management Centre.
˃ Data collection based on real time subscriber traffic and the actual device. QoE
Agents do not generate additional traffic to the network but leverage the
subscriber’s traffic and usage to collect Quality of Experience information.
Measurements are done in areas where subscribers are: this way it is possible to
address customer experience issues there where necessary and where the
subscribers are experiencing problems.
˃ Control of battery consumption.
˃ Geolocation of QoE events and information thanks to the collection of position.
˃ Logging of radio information: 2G, 3G and 4G radio coverage information. RxLev,
RSCP, RSRP, RSRQ, cell ID, physical cell ID, LAC, TAC, MCC, MNC, radio
access technology, data technology, handover events.
Note: It is not possible for the QoE Agent to collect radio information in iOS. QoE
Applet collects radio information in iOS and iPhone devices.
˃ Time in Wi-Fi.
˃ IMSI can be hashed to cope with standard privacy regulations.
˃ Device / system / settings information and events collection: device, model,
operative system version, firmware version, hardware version, kernel version,
web browser, RAM, CPU, battery, available disk space.
Note: QoE Agent for iOS collects the following device / system / settings information,
RAM, CPU, battery level, available disk space.
˃ Logging of “no service” areas.
Note: It is not possible for the QoE Agent to collect “no service” information in iOS.
QoE Applet collects “no service” information in iOS and iPhone devices.
˃ IP throughput and subscriber-centric traffic. Split into interface (Wi-Fi/cellular)
and foreground/background consumption, as well as per app/process (QoE
Agent Android only).
˃ Collection of second-granularity application/process in foreground (QoE Agent
Android only).
˃ QoE Agent Android only: collection of apps/processes age time, exits and starts
to further help in application usage understanding and potential application
issues troubleshooting (if subscribers encounter app related issues, they usually
exit or kill the app and launch it again).

Offline Licenses / Offline Module

Once the number of QoE licenses is surpassed, QoE Agents do not download any
configuration from QoE Server. The list of tests will neither be updated nor displayed:
the subscriber is not able to execute tests. Moreover, subscribers will no longer be


able to upload user feedbacks. Other modules such as my coverage/global coverage
and user feedback will be disabled.
The offline license enables the use of the QoE Agents value added services (VAS),
even if the number of available licenses has been reached. The background module
in charge of collecting transparent QoE information will be disabled, but the
subscribers will still be able to benefit from the mobile application VAS. Additionally,
there are four possible scenarios or offline license types:
˃ Offline view only:
o One button tests can be executed. Results are stored and retrieved
o One button tests results are not uploaded to QoE Server.
o No passive sessions will be created/uploaded to the QoE Server.
o QoE Agents VAS, such as coverage modules can be used.
˃ Offline with user feedback:
o User feedback events will be uploaded to QoE Server.
o VAS can be used.
o One Button tests can be executed and results are stored and retrieved
o One button tests are not uploaded to QoE Server.
˃ Offline with One Button:
o One button tests will be also uploaded to QoE Server.
o VAS can be used.
˃ Offline with User Feedback + One Button:
o User Feedback events and one button tests will be uploaded to QoE
o VAS can be used.


QoE Agent Modem
QoE Agent Modem is meant for USB modems and embedded devices based
platform, over Windows OS. QoE Agent Modem collects real time mobile broadband
QoE indicators and key data from the end user PC, laptop or netbook. It works as a
background application in full harmony with standard dashboards/communication
manager software and with no impact on the normal usability of the modem. QoE
Agent Modem does not generate additional traffic when collecting data and ensures
that RAM and CPU consumptions are not affected by the application.
The end user has always the option to stop, exit or uninstall the QoE Agent Modem
Mobile broadband USB modems and data card devices come with communication
manager software, more commonly known as dashboard. The installation file is
usually embedded in the device, is installed by the end user and is responsible for
managing the connection with the device (USB modem).
Being transparent means not influencing or impacting the dashboard and at the
same time not generating additional traffic when collecting data. QoE Agent Modem
further ensures that minimum resources are consumed on the end user’s equipment.
QoE Agent Modem leverages on unique, state-of-the-art technology and design
which makes the software completely transparent to the dashboard and end user’s
QoE Agent Modem, as the other LinqUs CE QoE Agents, is an application that can
be massively distributed across the operator subscribers. The installation takes a few
seconds. By then, QoE Agent Modem will be ready and configured to collect key
information where and when subscribers use mobile broadband services. The
installation file has a small size, typically around 2MB so that it can be quickly
downloaded and easily installed.
The QoE Agent Modem EULA (End User’s License Agreement) text and graphic
interface can be customized and branded according to the operator requirements.
The information collected will then be zipped and securely uploaded via HTTPs to
QoE Server for further analysis and reporting. QoE Agent Modem ensures that the
measurement log file has a minimum size thanks to collection of selected key
parameters. Typical log file sizes are around 100-200KB per navigation hour. Once
successfully uploaded and confirmed through HTTPs with QoE Server, the log file
will be deleted from the end user’s device.
QoE Agent Modem decodes and logs the most important device, system, settings,
radio and IP KPIs and parameters for a complete end-to-end QoE understanding
and efficient problem solving.
QoE Agent Modem benefits are:
˃ Multi technology support: GPRS/EDGE, UMTS R99, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA+,
˃ Support for a wide range of commercial USB modems (Qualcomm based).


˃ Data collection based on real time subscriber traffic and device. Measurements
done in areas where your subscribers are.
˃ Easy client installation with automatic registration (2 seconds).
˃ Minimum log file size.
˃ QoE Agent Modem software designed to minimize impact to the end user:
LinqUs CE is a true passive monitoring solution. It has been designed to
consume the lowest CPU and RAM resources on standard laptops or notebooks.
˃ Logging of most important radio network trace parameters. Layer 3 based
important KPIs and events are logged for passive monitoring.
˃ Logging of IP based events and KPIs.
˃ Security and privacy: Gemalto QoE Agents have gone through legal verification
to ensure that no privacy issues are violated. Neither personal data, nor any URL
information is recorded. The installation of the QoE Agent Modem installation file
is only done once the end user agrees to the terms and conditions.


QoE Applet
LinqUs CE QoE Applet is a full Java interoperable applet that can be deployed for
the entire subscriber base or partially depending on the operator’s needs. It is fully
integrated with LinqUs CE platform to bring a complete and unique solution based on
QoE Agents and QoE Applet.
QoE Applet is able to measure the Quality of Experience as perceived for network
coverage and voice services. It allows the mobile network operator to collect call
performance information such as successful, dropped and failed calls. QoE Applet
enables evaluating the overall call performance following a subscriber-centric
approach, following the call performance evolution over time as well as locating the
call service issues by cell, among other use cases.
QoE Applet benefits are:
˃ Grand scale distribution
˃ Flexibility: the applet can be deployed for the entire subscriber base or partially
depending on the needs of the operator. The applet can be also downloadable
“over the air”. The Applet information can be sent on demand, after automated
mass collection or based on event collection.
˃ Device and operating system agnostic: also compatible with feature phones.
˃ No battery impact
QoE Applet offers significant value to complement alternative methods:
˃ Device start-up time for service availability
˃ Fail calls that do not arrive to the network
˃ No service/limited service situations. Location, duration and context
˃ Performance monitoring on roaming
˃ Subscriber 2G/3G/4G/no service/limited service ratio

General architecture of the QoE Applet solution

The main components of LinqUs CE platform with QoE Applet are shown in the
following picture:


Frontend Analytics

New Existing
modules Modules
in-house MNO domain
or Saas AOTA
domain Server
QoE Server UICC GW


SMS MO (clear)
SMS MT (MSL=>02)

QoE Agents QoE Applet

Gemalto LinqUs CE integrated solution

* HTTPS method only available for trial purposes

The Gemalto QoE Applet QoE solution includes:

˃ QoE Applet is the QoE agent installed in the UICC. It’s an interoperable java
applet that can be installed during UICC production process or downloaded over
the air. The QoE Applet sends information to OTA/AOTA through the SMS
method (HTTPS only available for trial purposes in this version).
˃ UICC Gateway allows to recover raw KPIs sent by the QoE applets installed in
the UICC, process the information to build QoE related events and send them to
the QoE Server to store it and build the associated reports. The UICC Gateway
integrates a KPI Collection Manager in charge to manage polling requests from
the UICCs.
˃ OTA / Advanced OTA Connectivity infrastructure (Gemalto OTA/AOTA)
supports the data transport, security, and audit trail for the UICC QoE use cases.
There are several deployment options, depending on the OTA/AOTA availability:
o Existing Gemalto OTA/AOTA: compatible with all versions.
o Non Gemalto OTA, but other OTA: with SMS method there is no mobile
terminated (MT) connectivity.
o No OTA available: should acquire one. Recommended E-AOTA
(Embedded AOTA), which includes QoE Server embedded on server


˃ SMSC is a short message service centre, which should be provided by the
customer if the SMS transport method is used. With this method the mobile
originated (MO) information is sent in plaintext to the SMSC, while the mobile
terminated (MT) information coming from the SMSC supports a minimum security
level (MSL) of 02 (i.e. 02 or higher).
˃ The QoE Server aggregates the QoE KPIs coming from UICC QoE Applet
(through UICC Gateway) and the QoE/QoS KPIs coming from LinqUs CE QoE
Agents. QoE Server is also in charge to build all the reporting for network,
marketing and customer care teams. It includes a strong performing multi-layer
information manager that maps the row data into multi-layer information
repository. Analysis can be executed on the fly without any impact in the system
˃ The CE Analytics module is in charge of the user interface to present QoE/QoS
reports and dashboard to the users.
Additionally, the MNO provisioning module is an MNO backend system that shall
provision to the QoE solution the following information:
˃ Card Profile

QoE Applet and KPIs

The QoE solution is based on the QoE Applet on UICC side which collects the
following information:
˃ Call performance information: successful, dropped and failed calls.
˃ Perceived service availability ratio (2G, 3G, 4G, no service, limited service).
˃ Limited service/no service situations and related KPIs (signal level and quality,
previous location & next location, network availability on limited service &
˃ Device start-up time till first service.
This information is collected when:
˃ The subscriber receives/initiates a call
˃ The call is established/disconnected
˃ On a basic period (2 seconds granularity) to build the service radio access
technology available ratio report
˃ Every no service or limited service situation
˃ On device reboot
The QoE Applet can be configured to send the information to the server using at
least one of the following events:


˃ “On-demand” (server request), necessary for customer care department to have
access to the latest subscriber information
˃ “Automated mass collection” to collect the network performances with no effort
required by operator if a “file full” threshold is reached
˃ “Manual” on STK menu (optional)
˃ “Retry” retry mechanism on service available
Sending mechanism is disabled under international roaming situations.
Additionally, the QoE Applet is fully compatible with Call Control Dispatcher (CCD), a
mechanism to support several applets in the UICC using the call control event.
The QoE applet collects the following data:
KPIs and events
Parameter Service
Parameter type Service No/Limited
description start-up Calls
availability service
Call Direction
Event type
Event Info Call ID
Multicall – Call ID
Call Performance
Disconnect Cause
Client (IMSI)
Event User Info MSISDN
Device Brand *
Model *
Lac ID
Cell ID
Event location PSC
Latitude *
Longitude *
Network Info RxLevel
* Brand and model based on the IMEI
* Latitude and longitude information obtained from uploaded cell file
The size of the applet depends on the size of the file to record the KPIs defined by
the MNO. It is recommended 25-50 records to have an applet and database around
10KB that can be easily downloaded “over the air” and installed in an existing card.
The KPIs the applet collects can be customized either in the installation phase or
“over the air” when the solution is already distributed. This customization gives the
solution the flexibility to collect a bigger amount of KPIs or rather reduce the number
of SMS sent.


The following information can be configured:
˃ Configuration Services. The QoE applet can be set up to enable/disable each
the following modules or KPIs:
o Call events
o Service events (Ratio & service)
o Opt-In/Opt-out
˃ Call events (collected information by call):
o Location information (LAC, cell ID, extended cell ID):
 No information collected
 Information collected only on error call
 Information collected only on success call
 Information collected both on error or success call
o Signal strength & quality information:
 No information collected
 Information collected only on error call
 Information collected only on success call
 Information collected both on error or success call
˃ The no service/limited service number of events recorded per day


Quality of Service (QoS) system configuration
LinqUs CE can also be configured for QoS testing and has been designed to support
both attended and unattended operation. LinqUs CE is a highly flexible, scalable and
cost effective solution for network Quality of Service and performance monitoring.
LinqUs CE QoS is a client – server architecture, relying on the QoE Server/CE
Analytics backend platform. This ensures near real time results availability with no
need of additional hardware or software components.
LinqUs CE probes can be used for drive testing, static monitoring as well as for ‘on
the spot’ network quality checks. The jobs can be configured, assigned and remotely
scheduled from the CE Analytics interface. The results are automatically uploaded to
QoE Server for analysis.
CE Analytics and QoE Mirror bring a powerful reporting and analytics solution for
QoS monitoring. They can be used for a wide range of use cases. CE Analytics
philosophy is to deliver aggregated reports, from a highly scalable amount of
deployed probes. By means of dedicated test, radio, worst or trend KPI reports and
intelligent filters and export options, it is possible to drill-down. CE Analytics enables
both macro analysis, through aggregated measurements, as well as session level
investigation. It is possible to understand system and session level performance at a
glance. This cost effective, automated, flexible and scalable set-up, coupled with a
robust reporting module, helps to perform more efficient Quality of Service
monitoring processes.
LinqUs CE probes span across different platforms and use cases. QoE Agent
Modem and QoS Agent Android are mobile broadband QoS monitoring probes. QoS
Agent is a fixed broadband QoS monitoring probe. If configured for QoE, by means
of the tests section within the QoE Agents, subscribers can perform tests (speed test
like), as seen within the QoE Agents section before in this document.

LinqUs Customer Experience platform

QoE grand scale

QoS probes passive monitoring

One button tests

QoS Agent QoE Agents

QoS Agent Android
QoE Agent Modem
LinqUs CE probes and QoE Agents’ one button tests


LinqUs CE QoS probes benefits:
˃ Highly cost effective, flexible and scalable probes solution with easy &
economical upgrade capabilities to match the enhancement of the data network.
˃ Set up for mobile broadband service monitoring or drive testing by using
commercial probes. Based on commercial equipment: PC, laptop, mini-laptop,
thin clients and USB modem or Android based devices. Easy to upgrade with
new devices.
˃ Wide range of use cases: high volume deployments for countrywide 24/7 data
service supervision; drive-testing units, etc.
˃ Leveraging on the QoE Server/CE Analytics backend infrastructure with no need
of additional hardware or software components.
˃ Multi technology solution: GPRS/EDGE/UMTS R99/HSPA/HSPA+/LTE.
Featuring full Radio network trace collection: Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3.
˃ Ping, HS ping, FTP DL, FTP UL, web browsing (with real browser launch and
measuring download time), HTTP put, HTTP get, HTTP put parallel streams,
HTTP get parallel streams, full working order, MOC calls, MTC calls, video
streaming tasks available.
˃ QoE Agent Modem and QoS Agent Android full Layer 3 decoding and logging.
˃ QoE Agent Modem and QoS Agent Android IP trace pcap file creation,
compatible with Wireshark.
˃ Unattended probe.
˃ Tests creation, assignment to probes over the air and reports visualization via CE
˃ Probe status and connectivity feedback.
˃ Real time results availability for post processing.
˃ Configurable probe status and KPI based notifications.
˃ Battery traffic light to indicate AC power availability.
˃ Software Watchdog able to restart QoE Agent Modem based probes.
˃ Sequential mobile broadband benchmarking.
˃ Top to down analysis. CE Analytics provides aggregated reporting as well as
session level analysis.
˃ Use of CCE for performance overview and understanding at a glance.
˃ Geolocation of a wide range of KPIs through CE Analytics mapping as well as
Google Earth and MapInfo export formats.


• Layer 3 based events and KPIs in Layer 3 info • TCP/IP and application layers KPIs and parameters
• Full Layer 3 for active testing for an E2E perspective: Packet Loss estimation,
RTT, Receiver Window & Zero win events, user
perceived connection time, IP Throughput
• IP trace for active testing

• GPRS/EDGE: RxLev, Bad Coverage RxLev

• UMTS: Ec/Io, RSCP, RSSI, TxPower, Bad L3/RRC TCP/IP
Coverage Ec/Io, Bad Coverage RSSI
• HSPA: CQI, HSDPA modulation, Scheduled L2
Rate, HARQ Statistics, Number of Codes,
Serving Grant, Happy Rate, DC-HSDPA
usage, HS-DSCH Throughput, E-DCH Access Network
PDSCH modulation, Resources Blocks,
Scheduled Rate, HARQ Statistics, PSDCH
• Worst Cell/Worst IMSI/Trend: 2G Usage, PDP
Activation Error Rate (%), Bad Coverage Equipment
Ec/Io, Bad Coverage RSRP, RSRQ, RSSI,
CQI, QPSK (%) modulation, Avg. DL
Throughput, Max DL Throughput

LinqUs CE QoS probes end-to-end value proposition


CE Analytics
CE Analytics is a powerful online reporting and analysis tool featuring a
comprehensive set of reports and views to help the operator to quickly understand
QoE and QoS use cases. CE Analytics is a common interface for all LinqUs CE QoE
Agents and QoS probes platforms.

CE Analytics provides summary, network, device/system, traffic, multilayer maps and

other views and modules, such as Customer Care Expert (CCE) in order to help
various departments and interest groups in conducting a proactive customer
experience analysis. LinqUs CE focuses on a true end-to-end analysis, essential for
efficient subscriber’s problem solving. Fast response, agile transitions between
reports and views as well as powerful intelligent filtering contribute to the best
possible CE Analytics user experience.
There are four different types of access levels defined within CE Analytics:

Level User User Access User Reports,

creation visibility Admin menu profiles, CCE, heat
jobs, tasks, maps

System Administrator

Super Administrator


Visualize only

CE Analytics contents are divided per platforms and sections:

Platforms: QoE Agent Modem, QoS Agent, QoE Agent Android, QoS Agent Android,
QoE Agent BlackBerry, QoE Agent iOS, QoE Applet and QoE Agents (for combined
reports and maps from different platforms).


Platform selected is QoE Agent Android (top left corner) and the passive reports
menu is deployed. The left side of the view displays the specific report available
filters and exporting options.

CE Analytics main dashboard

˃ Configuration and administration menus
˃ Clients/Probes List and Customer Care Expert: dashboards displaying QoE
Agents/QoS probes registered
˃ Multilayer Maps: CE Analytics based powerful mapping module that enables
cross-correlating different layers and displaying both aggregated geolocated
KPIs as well as individual events
˃ Reports
o Passive: general, traffic, trend, worst/best cell, IMSI, polygon
o Active: general, trend, worst/best cell, probe, polygon
o Marketing
Example of passive general reports:
˃ Summary reports
˃ Users breakdown reports
˃ Dedicated reports (platform dependent): GSM/EDGE radio quality, UMTS radio
quality, HSDPA radio quality, HSUPA radio quality, LTE Layer 1, LTE Layer 2,
download application throughput, upload application throughput, radio
throughput, call statistics, MOC call statistics, MTC call statistics.


QoE client view
This dashboard shows how many QoE Agents are registered. It also identifies the
subscriber (client ID, client) and shows the last processed information, number of
sessions, total usage time, user profile (group), QoE Agents version and the
description (if any).
CE Analytics intelligent filters are needed to manage massive volumes of information
and to understand Quality of Experience and Quality of Service use cases, discover
patterns, correlate data, drill-down, etc. CE Analytics is designed to provide a fast
response upon report request. Processing capabilities and database design
techniques have been used to display reports instantaneously, even when adding
filtering conditions.
It is possible to access to a wide range of exporting formats from the different views:
pdf, ppt, xls 97-2003, xls 2007-2010, csv, gif, jpg, png, Google Earth, Mapinfo (Map
stats export module which will be covered later on this document).

QoE client view

Passive reports
The CE Analytics passive reports are divided into marketing, general, traffic, trend,
worst/best cell, client, polygon. They display dedicated views and KPIs leveraging on
information collected from the QoE Agents background modules.

Marketing Reports
CE Analytics marketing reports provide an overview of the current QoE Agents
deployment. It also helps to understand usage. It is possible to filter by timestamp.


General Passive Reports
CE Analytics includes the following filtering options for the general reports:
• Timestamp
• Operator


• Cell ID
• Cluster
• Polygon Level 1
• Polygon Level 2
• Device type
• Carriers (single carrier/dual carrier filtering)
• OS type
• User profile
CE Analytics enables defining two levels of polygons or geographical areas. These
polygons are then used for filtering and for worst polygon reporting (will be explained
latter in this document). LinqUs CE, by collecting position, is designed to provide true
geographical-based analysis.

Example of polygon filter selection upon clicking on polygon level 2 filter

Summary reports
Enable general situation overview and drill-down thanks to powerful filtering. Helps to
understand general device and network parameters which may negatively affect the
perceived end user experience or to understand device usage and real network
resources demand.


˃ Example of passive summary reports, where in geographical area “Alicante”
and Device “Nexus 4”, there is a significant user activity time (screen on time),
but quite low data activity time (thresholds are customizable, as explained in
section 5.1.2 in this document). Moreover, there is a high usage of 2G and Wi-Fi
and few time under a no service situation (less than 0.1% of time).

Passive summary reports

˃ Example of passive summary reports for QoE Agent Modem. The right-side
panel means that the current report view can be customized. Connection type,
activity and a correlation between the network based PDP context activation and
the user perceived connection times can be done.


Passive summary reports for QoE Agent Modem

˃ User Breakdown reports: users’ distribution by different criteria (operator,

device, OS, cell) in order to have an overview of current deployment.

Example of user breakdown reports for QoE Agent Android

˃ Radio and Download/Upload Throughput reports: provides subscriber-centric

radio and throughput reports. Radio reports are split into technology dependent
views. The “bad coverage” reports show when the specific parameter is below a
customizable threshold. Throughput reports provide a wide range of IP layer


download and upload throughput reports, as perceived by the end user. It
includes perceived throughput per device, radio access technology and
throughput ranges monitoring.
˃ Example of HSDPA Radio reports. Case showing a poor performing HSDPA
radio environment.

Shows very low CQI


HSDPA radio reports

˃ Example of throughput reports for the above case (radio reports showing
low CQI case): the poor radio environment is yielding more than 50% of time in
throughputs below 100 kbps (even in a quite acceptable HSDPA usage


Throughput reports

˃ Call Statistics: provides subscriber-centric call statistics.

˃ Example of QoE Agent Android call statistics: results are filtered by polygon
“Roma”. As we can see, call success rates are notably worse, 92.68% for the
Samsung Galaxy S4. At a glance, it is possible to benchmark subscriber-centric
call statistics by device and in Rome. The multilayer map module (described
latter in this document) would help to locate where exactly in Rome (filtering by
device) this KPI is degraded.

QoE Agent Android call statistics

˃ Example of QoE Applet call statistics: QoE Applet gives an overview of the
general calls situation and helps in the drill down analysis. Almost 14% of calls
below are failed or dropped, where the main cause is radio link timeout (61% for
fails, 50% for drops). Resources unavailable is also an important cause of


problems, whose detail can be analysed in two separated graphs, for example,
switching equipment congestion represents a 44% of the drops due to
unavailable resources.

QoE Applet call statistics

Map stats export module

The map stats export module can be accessed from the CE Analytics interface. It
represents QoE KPIs at LAC, BTS and cell level. The result will be a Google Earth
compatible file. It will contain different layers, corresponding to the selected KPIs:
Cell level example: The different cells (2G, 3G) can be visualized. They will be
coloured according to the thresholds for the specific KPI. In this example, the cell
maximum 3G DL throughput as experienced by the end users is shown. It is also
possible to select other KPIs for a layer when clicking on a cell element, so that
different KPIs can be correlated. In the example, the cell maximum 3G DL
throughput is correlated with the CQI distribution for the cell.


Map stats visualization, cell level

Traffic reports (QoE Agent Android only)

A true subscriber-centric traffic picture requires understanding the traffic split by
interface and to differentiate between foreground and background. It is also
fundamental to geolocate areas of traffic download (this is achieved by means of
multilayer maps, which will be described latter in this document). QoE Agent Android
traffic reports present the following advantages:
1. Subscriber-centric traffic monitoring. Traffic consumption split by:
a. interface (Wi-Fi/cellular/all)
b. foreground/background/all
c. process (or app) and service
2. Matched with time in foreground. This helps in understanding app/service
traffic download breakdown versus real app/service usage (time in
3. Trend traffic reports
4. This provides unique insight to serve different use cases:
a. App and consumption troubleshooting: it is possible to retrieve, with
second granularity, which app is in foreground. This can help in
understanding app issues. It is also possible to understand if an app is
heavily consuming traffic in background while hardly or never used
(low time in foreground). LinqUs CE helps to prevent customer
frustration due to unexpected data plan exhaustion/bill shock.


b. Resources and content planning: understanding the traffic split by
criteria as explained above and coupled with the effective use of the
app/service, is a powerful insight to plan network resources, capacity
and for policy decisions. It is also an input for content planning, as
bespoke app/service based packages will need to understand the
effective app or service use versus the traffic downloaded (impact on
network resources versus content based price).

˃ Example of QoE Agent Android Traffic reports. Top services in terms of traffic
download in foreground and through cellular interface are under analysis.

QoE Agent Android traffic reports

˃ Top services in foreground time, when in cellular connection, thus helping to

understand true usage. Gaming is one of the most used services while far from
other services (see chart above) in terms of traffic download.


Top services in foreground time

˃ Analysis of top services in terms of traffic download in foreground and

through Wi-Fi interface are under analysis. As expected, when in Wi-Fi, both
downloading and video streaming type of apps account for more traffic download.
It is interesting that gaming services are accounting for a very similar amount of
downloaded traffic through either cellular or Wi-Fi interface.

Top services in terms of traffic download


˃ Top services in foreground time, when in Wi-Fi connection. Gaming services
are more frequently used vs browsing when subscribers are in Wi-Fi.

Top services in foreground time

As shown in this example, we continue the analysis by understanding which are the
gaming processes/apps consuming more traffic. It turns to be “Rumble”, well ahead,
the game consuming more cellular traffic in foreground.

Gaming processes/apps consuming more traffic


˃ Example to illustrate the importance of traffic split understanding: filtering
by social type of applications, approximately 30% of the traffic is carried in

Downloaded traffic in foreground vs background

Trend reports
The trend reports display the evolution of a KPI over time. Results can be displayed
by hour, day and month. This contributes to discover patterns and to spot recurrent
or unusual problems. The trend reports filters are:
• Timestamp
• Operator
• Cell ID
• Cluster
• Polygon level 1
• Polygon level 2
• Device type
• OS type
• User profile
Trend reports KPIs are platform dependent. As an example of QoE Agent Android
platform trend reports KPIs:


• Technology usage
• Bad Coverage RSRP (bad coverage reports thresholds are customizable)
• Bad Coverage RSRQ
• Stats avg. download/upload throughput
• Stats max download/upload throughput
• No service
• Failed calls
• MOC failed
• MTC failed
• Dropped calls
• MOC dropped
• MTC dropped
Example of QoE Agent Modem platform trend reports KPIs:
• Technology usage
• PDP activation error rate
• Bad coverage Ec/Io
• Bad coverage 3G RSSI
• Bad coverage 3G CQI
• HS-DSCH Modulation
• Bad coverage RSRP
• Bad coverage RSRQ
• Bad coverage 4G CQI
• Stats avg. download/upload throughput
• Stats max. download/upload throughput

˃ Example of a true volume report. Trend of technology usage by day, filtered by

Rome area and a 4G compatible device, such as Samsung Galaxy S4.


True volume report

˃ Other trend reports examples:

Bad Coverage RSRP evolution, by day


Max. download throughput KPI trend, by hour

QoE Applet call statistics trend report

Worst/Best Reports
The worst IMSI/cell/polygon reports provide a ranking of the worst performing
subscribers/cells/polygons according to a set of KPIs. The best reports provide the
opposite, best performing subscribers/cells/polygons according to a set of KPIs.
The worst IMSI/cell/polygon reports are a powerful means to identify issues at a
glance. Since CE Analytics enables easy navigation between modules and reports, it
is then possible to drill-down for troubleshooting or to corroborate if a problem is
recurrent or if in contrast it is unusual.


Worst IMSI/Cell/Polygon reports KPIs are platform dependent. As an example of
QoE Agent Android platform trend reports KPIs:
• 2G Technology usage
• Bad Coverage RSRP (Bad Coverage reports thresholds are customizable)
Bad Coverage RSRQ
• Avg./Max. Download Throughput 2G
• Avg./Max. Download Throughput 3G
• Avg./Max. Download Throughput 4G
• Cellular download traffic (to identify subscribers, cells or polygons consuming
more traffic)
• Cellular upload traffic
• No service
• Failed calls
• MOC failed
• MTC failed
• Dropped calls
• MOC dropped
• MTC dropped
Example of QoE Agent Modem platform trend reports KPIs:
• 2G technology usage
• PDP activation error rate
• Bad coverage Ec/Io
• Bad coverage 3G RSSI
• Bad coverage 3G CQI
• HS-DSCH modulation
• Bad coverage RSRP
• Bad coverage RSRQ
• Bad coverage 4G CQI
• Avg./Max. Download Throughput 2G
• Avg./Max. Download Throughput 3G
• Avg./Max. Download Throughput 4G
• Cellular download traffic
• Cellular upload traffic
Some worst/best reports examples:


Worst polygon mobile originated failed calls report

Worst IMSI max download throughput 4G report


Worst QoE Applet client MOC failed calls report

Active reports and active testing management

The CE Analytics active reports display all active KPI reports resulting from:
˃ One button tests sessions coming from QoE Agents
˃ Active tests sessions coming from QoS probes (QoS Agent Android and QoE
Agent Modem)
LinqUs CE supports a wide range of test scenarios (tasks):
˃ Ping and HS ping (HS ping performs a prior brief download to the specified URL
to ensure ICMP traffic transport over HS RABs)
˃ HTTP browser (with real browser launch and measuring download time)
˃ HTTP put, HTTP get
˃ HTTP put parallel streams, HTTP get parallel streams (parallel streams enables
setting more than one TCP stream in parallel, to ensure that possible destiny
server bandwidth limitations do not affect to the results. This contributes to have
a high-speed networks throughput test, free from possible media server
bandwidth limitations)
˃ Full working order (QoE Agent Modem and QoS Agent QoS probes. Connectivity
test. According to ETSI, the end user access time is defined as the time needed
to obtain full working order. It is the time needed to authenticate and validate with
the ISP, obtain an IP address and valid network configuration and at least one
DNS resolution to any FQDN (fully qualified domain name) has been achieved. It
is optional to select the FWO execution prior to the first task
˃ MOC Calls, MTC Calls (QoS Agent Android QoS probes)
˃ Video streaming: Success Rate, rebuffering periods, rebuffering time,
accessibility KPIs.


CE Analytics is a common administration and management interface. It is possible to
easily create tests and to remotely assign them to a QoE Agent(s), if one button
tests, or a QoS Agent(s).
A QoE Agent or a QoS Agent will poll QoE Server (time to download configuration
can be customized) and it will check for assigned jobs belonging to its current user
profile. If there are jobs assigned, the QoE Agents or probe will download them to its
internal database. Should there is a job change or any update on its parameters, this
will be downloaded the next time the QoE Agents or probe asks for configuration. It
is also possible to manually ask for the configuration, forcing it from the mobile
A user profile is an element that contains configuration parameters for a specific
IMSI. It is very useful to group IMSIs, given that it is possible to filter by user profile.
Therefore, IMSIs belonging to the same user profile, share a series of common
configuration criteria, for example jobs assigned.
The figure below illustrates the user profile as a central configuration element.
Registered IMSIs consume licenses (QoE, QoS or both) through the user profile.
Jobs and system notifications are also assigned to user profile(s):

Elements of a user profile

A job is an active test that is composed by a single or multiple tasks. It must be

assigned to a user profile. Each task (Ping/HS ping, FTP DL/UL, HTTP get/put,
HTTP streams get/put, web browsing, FWO, Video streaming, MOC/MTC call task)
can contain one or more repetitions (iterations of the same task).


Jobs organization

CE Analytics provides probe system and KPI notifications. Probe system

notifications (assigned to user profiles) are configured to inform to the desired email
address(es) about possible probe-server communication errors. If the probe stops
uploading information to QoE Server for a configurable amount of time, the user will
be notified.

System notification configure window


KPI notifications are configured to send emails to one or more email addresses when
either a task fails or a task KPI is below a customizable threshold. KPI notifications
are highly flexible and customizable. It is possible to customize the condition
checking frequency (every task, every hour, etc.), the selected KPI threshold, which
depends on the task type (for example accessibility, retainability and throughput for
an HTTP DL task), as well as the fail condition, in order to have a very flexible KPI
notifications module.

KPI notification configuration window


• 3 total HTTP accessibility failures
(frequency is set to “daily”)
HTTP Notification
• HTTP Accessibility failure rate
over 10% after observation period Accessibility failure rate over 10%
(daily) considering all HTTP Tasks or more
• Average HTTP Throughput Average throughput lower than 600
considering all HTTP Tasks (240
total repetitions) is 500 Kbps

Ping Notification
• 2 total Ping failures
• Average Ping RTT considering all For Task Ping
Ping Tasks (120 repetitions) is 200 Ping failed 1 or more
Average RTT greater than 180

HTTP and ping related notification

CE Analytics active reports and dashboards are divided into:

• Project administration, administration and configuration options.
• Multilayer maps: CE Analytics based powerful mapping module that enables
cross-correlating different layers and displaying both aggregated geolocated
KPIs as well as individual events.
• Clients list: dashboard displaying all registered QoS probes. Status and
Connectivity traffic lights help to understand if the probes are able to
communicate with QoE Server. This is important for an unattended QoS
monitoring system, such as LinqUs CE. Both the Status (last time the probe
uploaded a measurement logfile) and Connectivity (last time the probe
downloaded its configuration from QoE Server) thresholds are customizable.
• General, trend, worst/best cell, IMSI, polygon: they display dedicated KPI
views from active tests (either coming from one button tests or active tasks
executed by QoS probes).

˃ Example of QoS probes list: All registered probes are displayed, with its
identifier, last processed information, number of sessions, user profile (group),
version, description (if any). The status and connectivity traffic light indicators
indicate (thresholds customizable) the last time the probe downloaded
configuration or uploaded a measurement logfile.


QoS probes list

CE Analytics includes the following filtering options for the general reports:
• Timestamp
• Operator
• Cell ID
• Cluster
• Polygon Level 1
• Polygon Level 2
• Device type
• Carriers (single carrier/dual carrier filtering)
• OS type
• User profile
• URL (to filter KPI reports by destiny URL)
˃ Summary reports: enable general situation overview and drill-down thanks to
powerful filtering. Example KPIs within this dashboard are: RAT and DL/UL Data
technology usage, PDP activation success rate and PDP context activation time


Active reports, summary view for QoE Agent Modem and QoS probes

˃ Test results and KPIs dedicated reports: these reports provide test or service
specific KPI reports. Both one button tests (executed by subscribers) and QoS
probes results can be displayed here. LinqUs CE uses a common backend and
reporting platform and it is flexible to be configured to address QoE and/or QoS
use cases. They also provide task specific radio/network and throughput data.

HTTP get reports


HTTP get task related LTE Layer 2 dedicated reports

Call task reports, QoS Agent Android

˃ Active trend reports: these reports display the evolution of a KPI over time.
They can be used to analyse both one button tests as well as QoS probes active
tests results.


HTTP get min, avg., max. throughput trend report

Trend dropped calls report

˃ Active worst/best IMSI/Cell/Polygon reports: they provide a ranking of the

worst performing IMSIs (probes)/cells/polygons according to a set of KPIs. The
best reports provide the opposite, best performing subscribers/cells/polygons
according to a set of KPIs.


Ec/Io bad coverage (threshold customizable) performing probes

QoE Applet events

QoE Applet platform includes QoE Applet events module, an additional menu with all
the events sent by the applet. All collected call events, experienced by subscribers,
are displayed:
˃ Call control: start of a mobile originated call (MOC)
˃ Mobile terminated call: start of a mobile terminated call (MTC)
˃ Call connect: call establishment (i.e.: B answers)
˃ Call disconnect: end of the call
Events information is displayed at a first level for quicker analysis:
˃ Timestamp, IMSI, MSISDN, IMEI, event type, call performance, disconnect
cause, cause num., RAT, operator, lac ID, cell ID

QoE Applet Events module

CE Analytics includes shorting capabilities as well as filtering options, such as

timestamp, client (IMSI), MSISDN, event, call performance, fail/drop cause, MCC
and MNC among others.


The call events can also be geolocated in a map, based on their cell ID (latitude &
longitude information obtained from uploaded cell file):

Geolocated QoE Applet events in events module

All the call events have associated detailed information collected at the moment of
event recording. Please, check the detailed list of KPIs and parameters in section
QoE Applet and KPIs.

Customer Care Expert (CCE)

The Customer Care Expert (CCE) module provides to customer care departments a
friendly user interface. It automatically analyses subscriber-centric data, translating
the results into easy to understand traffic light status indication with regards to the
most important KPIs affecting the end user’s perceived Quality of Experience. The
CCE helps in providing understandable answers to the subscribers. LinqUs CE
collects subscriber-centric true end-to-end information, including insight on device,
system, settings, radio/network, throughput, traffic and apps/services. This is key for
efficient problem solving, contributing to customer satisfaction and churn prevention.
LinqUs CE supports customer care in troubleshooting by addressing mobile
broadband most common problems and causes through a powerful interface.


Customer Care Expert (CCE) workflow:
1. Customer calls helpdesk
2. Customer care goes to CE Analytics device list and filters for one user
view list of data sessions for that user
3. Check Customer Care Expert module for easy to read results
4. Invite end user to perform a connectivity test or a one button test
5. Provide answer and solution to customer
6. Send problem to 2nd line support with all the information
The CCE module shows a particular customer analysis, break into different data
sessions. It is possible to filter directly by session timestamp and duration.
It is possible, at a glance, to understand subscriber’s perceived QoE, according to a
wide range of status displays.
The IMSI can be hashed to cater for data privacy. A client ID is applied (identifying
one subscriber. It can be retrieved from an option in the mobile application and
reported back to the customer care assistant) for troubleshooting and problem


Retrieving the client ID from the mobile application

There is a series of comprehensive traffic lights which graphically indicate the status
of the most relevant KPIs affecting the end user perceived quality, thanks to an
algorithm running in QoE Server which automatically analyses all the incoming data
and translates it into easy to understand traffic lights indication. Each threshold to
show a green, amber or red light indication is customizable.
Further to the traffic light indicators, the CCE module is split into different
sections/tabs, which display end-to-end information at different layers. For example,
connection info, events, call statistics, calls, processes, Layer 3 information (for QoE
Agent Modem), IP information (for QoE Agent Modem). There are also active tasks
results related tabs for one button or QoS probes’ active sessions.
˃ Traffic lights indication: Technology usage, 3G /4G coverage, DL/UL throughput,
calls, MOC calls, MTC calls, PDP and user feedback related traffic lights. Task
related traffic light indications are displayed for active sessions (for example one
button tests) – HTTP, FTP, ping, etc.
˃ Connection Information tab:
o General information: IMSI/hash, client ID, timestamp, duration, session
type, IMEI, device
o Device and system info: device, firmware version, hardware version, OS
version, kernel version, default web browser, CPU and RAM
consumption, APN, available disk space
o Throughput analysis: total transferred bytes UL, max UL throughput, avg.
throughput with activity UL, total transferred bytes DL, max. DL
throughput, avg. throughput with activity DL, activity DL/UL
o Radio: time in 2G, 3G, 4G, bad coverage RSRP, RSRQ
˃ Events tab: All events, experienced by this subscriber and within this session are
displayed (call events, PDP events, user feedback events, handover events,
device events: transition Wi-Fi/cellular, memory warning, and battery drainage).
These session and user specific events can be geolocated on a map
˃ Call statistics and calls tabs: Displays individual call and aggregated call
statistics. These events can be geolocated on a map.


˃ Processes tab: detail of traffic per application, per interface (Wi-Fi/cellular) and
foreground/background split. It also displays the application time in foreground
˃ Network information: to display MCC, MNC, operator, LAC, cell ID,
downlink/uplink data technology changes.
˃ Active tests tabs: for one button and QoS probes’ active sessions

CCE module dashboard

Showing traffic light indicators and connection info tab. As the example below shows,
the CCE module displays information for one subscriber (IMSI/Hash/Client ID). At a
glance, thanks to the traffic light indicators, it is discovered that this subscriber has
experienced a bad voice service. The connection info tab displays connection,
device, system, radio and traffic/throughput related information.

CCE module dashboard

Below there are some CCE example use cases provided, which show the powerful
CCE capacity and workflow to easily analyse and solve subscribers’ problems:
High 2G technology usage is due to a wrong subscriber setting: Connection
Type is GPRS only. This is automatically detected by the CCE. The “tech usage”
traffic lights in red indicate that there is at least 90% of 2G usage. Thanks to LinqUs
CE, device settings that can affect the end user perceived QoE are logged. This is
key to correctly understand the delivered quality from an end-to-end perspective, as
the radio network may be correctly performing correctly, but wrong settings are
subject to negatively affect the experience, as shown in this example:


CCE example 1. QoE Agent Modem high 2G usage

Frequent connectivity failures, as seen in the “connectivity” traffic lights. It is easy to

discover, by looking into the Layer 3 information tab that PDP Context Rejects with
cause “user authentication failed” is the reason behind, so the external packet
network has rejected the user’s service request.

CCE example 2. QoE Agent Modem connectivity failures

Below there is an additional example to illustrate another key use case:

device/system/settings related parameters which impair the subscriber perceived


QoE. This subscriber experiences continuous connection rejects and reattempts
(PDP fails and PDP connecting attempts) using up to five different APNs,
approximately every 6 seconds. This may point out a malware which is able to
“trojanise” applications and contains code to change an infected device APN’s

CCE example 3. Constant and automatic PDP attempts

End-to-end example illustrating how Facebook app generates traffic in background

without any use (0 seconds in foreground, as shown in CCE) by the subscriber. This
example shows the importance of true end-to-end data collection, thanks to LinqUs
CE QoE Agents. The time in foreground vs traffic consumption is essential for
troubleshooting. This subscriber-centric traffic logging not only helps to understand
services and apps resources usage, as described before in this document, but also
to point out apps which may be silently draining the subscriber’s data plan.
From the mobile app, within my usage section, Facebook has generated cellular
traffic. The subscriber is able to check his traffic stats anytime. From the CCE
module, within the processes tab, it is possible to see that Facebook has generated
that traffic without being used by the subscriber (no time in foreground).


CCE example 4. App traffic in background

As described throughout this document, one of LinqUs CE’s key points is having a
common backend platform. The CCE module is also enabled for one button and
QoS probes active sessions. It is a powerful functionality to obtain an overview of the
performance of the network.
The example below illustrates a QoS probe active session analysed by the CCE.
Task related traffic-light indicators help to quickly understand the network
performance. Specific tabs, such as Layer 3 information, IP information and test
related tabs provide detailed performance information at different levels.

QoS probe active session in the CCE

Connectivity Test
The QoE Agent Modem connectivity test (will be developed for other platforms),
helps to understand why a connection in the end user’s computer might not be
working. It can be launched from the main QoE Agent Modem menu by selecting the
option “test connection”.


Connectivity test is accessible from the QoE Agent Modem icon

The connectivity test will check for the most important issues preventing connectivity.
Several steps take place to perform the different tests:
˃ Checking all data ports: checks that the modem is plugged in the PC and
properly installed. QoE Agent Modem checks that it has access to the USB
modem’s ports.
˃ Checking signal strength: if the signal strength is stronger than -110dBm, this
step will be successful.
˃ Checking operator registration: checks that the IMSI is registered in a valid
mobile network. If so, The operator name is shown in this step.
˃ Checking APN: prints the current APN used by the modem to connect to the
network. This step is successful if an APN exists, and will fail if there is no APN.
˃ Checking connection process: checks that a connection can start properly.
˃ Checking data transfer: if the previous step is successful, this step checks that
some data can be transferred over the internet.

Multilayer maps
The CE Analytics based multilayer maps module is a powerful mapping interface.
The multilayer property enables not only activating simultaneous layers to display
different information, but also cross correlation of different data. The aggregated data


can be represented in two different render modes, heatmaps and squaremaps. By
having these two modes, it is possible to:
˃ Select the most appropriate render mode according to preferences: heatmaps
features an algorithm that softens, between tiles the corresponding value. This
helps in understanding the transition that a specific KPI may follow between
contiguous tiles. Squaremaps is the representation of the specific averaged KPI
for the corresponding tile resolution.
˃ Correlate information: by having two render modes, it is possible to
simultaneously activate two different layers, i.e. heatmaps (underneath the
squaremaps layer) and squaremaps (top layer) showing different KPIs. Different
overlapped render modes enable an easy visual data comparison.
˃ View and compare the same KPI, according to different criteria. Each layer
features its own filters. This enables benchmarking of results. For example,
comparing coverage across different devices in particular areas. It can also be
used to check before and after changes behaviour (technology usage before and
after network changes).
˃ There are 14 zoom and 4 accuracy levels (100, 800, 6400, 51200 square
The following layers are supported within multilayer maps:
˃ Heatmaps
˃ Squaremaps
These are the supported aggregated KPIs maps (available in heatmaps or
• 2G coverage
• 3G coverage
• 4G coverage
• 2G usage
• 3G usage
• 4G usage
• Voice accessibility
• Voice retainability
• Average call setup time
• Average throughput
• Active downlink tasks throughput (will represent the download throughput of
all subscribers’ download one button tests)


• It is possible to dynamically configure the colour thresholds for each KPI. It is
also possible, for certain KPIs, to fade-out the tiles’ colours based on the
number of occurrences
˃ Network elements: position of base stations and cells. It is possible to retrieve an
element’s information by clicking on it
˃ Events: This layer geolocates discrete events:
• Drop call
• Fail call
• PDP drop
• PDP fail
• No service
• Retrieved service
• User feedback (generic)
˃ User feedback: This layer represents the specific user feedback information
uploaded by the subscribers.
˃ Web map service: additional layer for external GIS software with WMS support.
Each layer implements its own filters, so that specific information can be retrieved
and compared. The filters for the Heatmaps, Squaremaps are:
• Timestamp
• Platform (QoE Agent Android, QoS Agent Android, QoE Agent BlackBerry,
QoE Agent iOS)
• Operator
• Device type
• User profile
The filters for the Events and User Feedback layers are:
• Timestamp
• Platform (QoE Agent Android, QoS Agent Android, QoE Agent BlackBerry,
QoE Agent iOS)
• Device manufacturer
• Device model
• User profile
• IMSI/hash
The filters for the Network Elements layer are:


• Operator
• Cell ID
• Cell display name
• Cluster
• Carriers
• Type (customizable field)
There are also available a set of tools to enhance the usability of the multilayer maps
module (wheel icon inside the map left upper corner):
˃ Location search: to go directly to a specific location.
˃ Black and white: The map colours change to black and white, and it contrast with
the colours of the coverage results.
˃ Position: shows the latitude and longitude of a certain position.
˃ Distance: you can calculate the distance between two locations.
˃ Preferred map view: to set current location (coordinates and zoom level) as
˃ Export: exports in CSV the tiles information shown in the map.

Example of multilayer maps. In the call statistics passive reports example, it was
clear that the device Samsung Galaxy S4 presented a notably higher call drop rate
than other devices within the Polygon “Roma”. With this example we follow the
analysis and spot where in Rome that device (filtering by Samsung Galaxy S4)
accounts for a high drop call rate. 3G coverage (RSCP) is selected within the
heatmaps layer and voice retainability is selected within the squaremaps layer.
Failed call events are activated within the “events” layer. Thanks to the different
layer’s activation, it is possible, at a glance to geographically spot potential
problematic areas, even where coverage is good. As seen from the example, the
user can dynamically configure the voice retainability ranges.


Multilayer maps

Example of multilayer analysis. 4G coverage and 4G technology usage (heatmaps

and squaremaps). This helps to understand, from subscriber-centric information, the
difference between coverage footprint and real technology usage, which is key for
4G deployments. It is also possible to visualize drop call events as well as related
user feedbacks in the area of interest. Specific tile and event information will be
displayed upon click on an element, as shown in the right-side column.

Multilayer analysis

Example of a multilayer map displaying failed calls areas and the map section on
the mobile app.


Multilayer map

Example of multiple dimensions’ analysis: poor coverage in the area is causing

poor throughput and triggering related user feedback events. The subscriber is
experiencing inability to connect and slow connections.

Multiple dimensions’ analysis

Below there is an example of the iteration between the CCE module and the CE
Analytics maps. It is also possible to geolocate events from a specific subscriber.
The subscriber experiments 3 drop calls, as seen from the figure. Thanks to the CCE
module, the red traffic lights highlight the problem. Moreover, the subscriber has
uploaded a user feedback; due to his/her bad voice service perception (echo in call
and drop call). From the CCE module, it is possible to geolocate these events.


Phase I: CCE helps to spot the problem and to be proactive

Phase II: the subscriber events can be geolocated by means of CE Analytics maps

Example of QoE Applet multilayer map: QoE Applet can locate in the multilayer
map both events and network elements information, as well as the web map services
layer if enabled. It is a key element to analyse calls performance and help in possible


QoE Applet multilayer map


QoE Server
The QoE Server backend platform is responsible for the measurements aggregation,
provides central intelligence, processes packets, stores data and ensures reports
availability on demand. Its architecture makes it possible to monitor and collect data
from the widest amount of QoE Agents and/or QoS probes.
QoE Server design principles are:
˃ Horizontal scalability
˃ Support of different integration topologies
˃ Efficiency
˃ Flexibility
QoE Server is able to cope with the management of thousands of QoE Agents and
their upload of measurement files. The information coming from the QoE Agents is
gathered, organized in databases and shown in the form of tables and charts when
requested through CE Analytics.
QoE Server features a highly efficient and secure communication protocol based on
HTTPs with the fleet of clients, ensuring no loss of measurement logfiles. Advanced
packet processing and database design enables near real time availability of results
to help in being proactive with mobile broadband QoE monitoring processes.

QoE Server and CE Analytics architecture

Subscribers make use of different mobile devices to connect to the internet through
mobile networks. In those devices, a Mobile Device Agent is installed and collects
data for each connection made, there where subscribers use their services and
devices. The information collected will be written to a measurement logfile (.csv
format), which will be zipped.


Then, after a period of time, the measurement logfile is sent via HTTPs to a control
layer that takes all the data and inserts it into a queue system, where it will wait to be
processed. The part of taking the data from the queue and processing it is made by
the process layer. This layer is also in charge of saving the data to the main
database. All transitions to and from the database are made by the process layer, so
the access is more secure and centralized.
Raw data is stored in fact tables, which are compresses in order to reduce disk
footprint. Tables are partitioned to enhance performance. It is a shared-nothing
architecture with sharding to provide horizontal scalability. Report data, for pre-
defined reports is stored in OLAP cubes in order to speed up reports. This
guarantees the best possible CE Analytics user experience. Data is inserted in the
OLAP cubes on a real-time basis during measurement logfile processing, so there is
no delay upon access to data.
All the contents of the database are saved in a redundant storage system with Raid
1, so it is mirrored and distributed between different disks, to make it tolerant to disks
failures. There is also a backup system behind, to copy the data to other array
systems distributed geographically, so it is also tolerant to an array failure or even a
data centre disaster.
The data sent from the QoE Agent is not deleted from the end user’s equipment until
QoE Server saves the log in a backup. Then, if there is a database lost, it can be
recovered not only from the backup, but also from the end user equipment’s, which
are asked to send again the data that was not successfully backed up.
The CE Analytics users, access to the CE Analytics user interface, situated on the
web layer, to obtain QoE/QoS reports on the data collected by the QoE Agents. This
web layer shares access to the queue system with the control layer, and the process
layer is again the one in charge of retrieving the data from the database. This data is
converted and displayed in different formats in the CE Analytics interface, accessible
by a web browser.


QoE Server Backend Architecture

QoE Server Frontend Architecture


QoE Mirror
The QoE Mirror module consists of an additional database, a quite similar copy of
the original QoE Server database, built in order to have a safe and separate place to
execute direct queries and to get full access to the wide range of raw information
collected by the LinqUs CE clients. QoE Mirror gives the flexibility of an SQL
language, and also the safety of knowing that the queries launched will not affect the
QoE Server operation. QoE Mirror is an additional module available for all LinqUs
CE supported platforms and use cases.
When the data in the QoE Server is safely backed up, it is transferred to the QoE
Mirror database, making sure that the data in QoE Server and the data in QoE Mirror
are consistent.

QoE Mirror Architecture Overview


QoE Mirror offers these benefits:
Custom queries and reporting in harmony with LinqUs CE: LinqUs CE provides
you with a highly scalable and flexible mobile broadband QoE monitoring tool,
supporting a wide range of testing applications, such as active testing for
performance evaluation as well as grand scale passive monitoring, where vast
amounts of raw data is processed and inserted in QoE Server’s databases for mobile
broadband QoE analysis. A direct access to this complex structure and amount of
information risks hampering the operation of QoE Server. Since business intelligence
needs evolve and in such a competitive marketplace, the value of information is a
key asset, QoE Mirror has been designed and developed to provide seamless
access to raw collected data from the different clients while not jeopardizing QoE
Server’s operation.
KPI reports for performance investigation: One of the main key design criteria
has been to conceive a fully flexible module where the LinqUs CE users can freely
perform ad-hoc queries and create custom reports from raw collected data. This
separate safe structure will poll QoE Server for data, which will be then inserted into
the QoE Mirror database, containing QoE Server replicated database tables. Queries
can be performed by using common available query clients.
Wide range of reports and use cases: Mobile broadband intelligence demands
both having the right framework to provide quick efficient answers to customer calls
and problems as well as having access to raw collected data to discover patterns, to
correlate data and to seek meaningful information to serve diverse needs at different
levels, which is provided by QoE Mirror.
Added value: QoE Mirror is designed to be capable of interacting and coexisting
with other sources’ databases/tables or raw data in destiny server, approaching a
mobile broadband QoE data mining environment. For example, it is possible to
depict data consumption by age ranges from subscribers using a combination of a
specific web browser and the latest USB device during certain days. Or for example
it is possible to correlate user’s RAM and CPU consumption with the experienced
throughput when the radio network environment presents good conditions as well as
verifying the signal level influence in the average session time and downloaded
traffic to understand patterns. This is an example of the added value that QoE Mirror
can provide.
Examples of queries and custom reporting that can be done through QoE Mirror:


Example of correlating drop calls with speed (Km/h), through QoE Mirror:


LinqUs Customer Care
LinqUs Customer Care is Gemalto’s solution to help improving customer care
processes. Smartphone ecosystem fragmentation places a risk in overwhelming the
contact centre, leading to longer holding times. This can dramatically impact
customer satisfaction.

LinqUs Customer Care helps in addressing issues that today remain unsolved.
According to operators worldwide, subscriber and device-centric issues causes the
subscriber to blame the service provider, too often focused on the network side of
the service. LinqUs CE leverages the QoE Agent to transparently collect device and
system related issues that impact the customer experience. LinqUs Customer Care
then displays the issue and provides easy to understand suggestions that can be
provided by non-technically-savvy people to subscribers.
Benefits to mobile network operator:
˃ Reduce the number of calls
˃ Decrease call hold time
˃ Reduce the Layer 2 tickets solving the problems on Layer 1
˃ Improve subscriber satisfaction & engagement
˃ Be able to detect and solve non-network related issues
˃ Reduce employees training
˃ Improve productivity
Benefits to subscriber:
˃ SelfCare and other Value Added Services: subscribers can make use of a
SelfCare module that helps in preventing calls to customer care or to solve
connectivity issues, which represent today one of the major causes of complaint.


˃ A QoE Agent is a new touchpoint that contributes in an individual experience with
service provider. Customers are more likely to recommend their service provider
to other people if it provides self-care applications.

Gemalto’s LinqUs Customer Care leverages a QoE Agent application in order to

achieve the following:
˃ End-to-end data collection.
˃ Interaction with subscriber & SelfCare: true interaction with subscribers through
SelfCare VAS.
˃ Ability to detect and solve non network related issues.

LinqUs Customer Care interface, a customer care tailored module provides:

˃ Intuitive dashboard: LinqUs Customer Care focuses in displaying the subscriber’s
issues as well as the problem resolution
˃ Info about subscriber
˃ Clear and straight information about encountered issues
˃ Suggestions: easy problem detection is complemented with suggestions and
actions to solve the issues
Additionally, Gemalto can offer a REST LinqUs Customer Care API for integrations
with other operator’s existing customer care tools.
The following picture shows a typical LinqUs Customer Care workflow:

1 Subscriber
2 Customer
Client ID
Care asks for
3 Customer Care inserts
Client ID in the CC 4 CC provides easy to
understand L1 analysis
search bar dashboard

5 Subscriber provides
information about a 6 Based on the problem,
invite the subscriber to 7 Provide answer and
suggestions to 8 Send problem to L2 with
all information: use of
generic or specific perform a connectivity test customer CCE (Customer Care
problem (SelfCare) or a one button Expert)

LinqUs Customer Care workflow


Frontend web interface
LinqUs Customer Care is a Customer Care tailored solution, featuring a simple and
intuitive dashboard. It provides easy problem detection and suggestions/actions to
solve issues related to voice, data, device, network and their diagnosis. The
information displayed corresponds to the issues detected on the last week, i.e. from
the past 7 days until the current day.
LinqUs Customer Care frontend module consists on the following sections:
Overview: Provides to the customer care representative a general overview of the
user and its issues. There are four different cards: voice, data, device and network. A
trend chart shows the number of daily issues in the last week.
Issues: Entire issues list, sorted by the amount of elements. This list can be filtered
by the four types of issues.
Common problems: Step by step guides of the most common problems, which
helps the customer care user to find an appropriate solution to the customers’
Timeline: List of items occurred in the customer’s device in the latest week, sortered
by timestamp. The first item is the most recent, it helps to identify problems on a
specific day at a specific time.
User feedbacks: User feedbacks sent by the customer with the LinqUs CE

LinqUs Customer Care menu panel

LinqUs Customer Care interface is designed to provide suggestions based on two

different approaches:
˃ Specific issues (common problems): when the subscriber complains about
specific issues, such as cannot connect, slow connection or battery drainage. In
this case the LinqUs Customer Care interface can be used to provide specific
suggestions tailored to these common problems.
˃ General issues: It is common that a subscriber calls to Customer Care in order to
provide generic complaints, often with a vague description of the issues
encountered, such as “the service is very poor”, “my device doesn’t work”. In this
case, the LinqUs Customer Care “overview” part provides a comprehensive
problem grouping in different areas: voice, data, device, network.
The following picture shows the LinqUs Customer Care tab “overview” (it can be
seen that the corresponding tab is highlighted in blue). When the Customer Care
representative enters a client ID, easily retrievable from the QoE Agent user
interface, he/she will land on the overview view, which is the LinqUs Customer Care
starting point.


LinqUs Customer Care overview tab

The LinqUs Customer Care Overview interface is divided into four clear areas:

LinqUs Customer Care overview tab is divided into four clear areas

˃ Basic info (subscriber photo - static): upper left box. This area displays general
subscriber info, such as client ID, device, firmware and OS version, as well as
user profile. Should there is a parameter change (for example the subscriber has
changed device or firmware version), then the parameter will be highlighted in
˃ Network usage, plan consumption, applications usage (subscriber photo -
dynamic information): lower left box. This area displays subscriber’s dynamic
information, such as main technology used, number of calls, downloaded cellular
and Wi-Fi traffic, as well as device usage (low, moderate, high). It’s a very
convenient snapshot of the subscriber’s “usage”.


Basic info

˃ Central main area: this area displays the subscriber’s issues, grouped in four
sections - voice, data, device, network. Each section can be coloured in grey,
green, amber or red depending on criticality. Each section highlights the issue
most encountered
o Red: There is more than one issue type in that section, representing high
o Amber: Only one issue type has been encountered
o Green and grey: There are no issues
˃ Trend issues view: displays a time axis to understand when the issues happened

In the example screenshot below, considering the LinqUs Customer Care overview
tab, it is possible to understand the following:
˃ Voice, data, device, network sections
˃ At a glance, subscriber encounters the following issues:
o 7 Data issues: Red – more than one data issue type. High background
traffic is the most encountered data issue type and thus it is highlighted.
o 18 Device issues: Red – more than one device issue type. Battery
drainage is the most encountered device issue type and thus it is


o 4 Network issues: Amber – only one network issue type, poor coverage
conditions. Since encountering one issue type is not as critical as
encountering more than one, LinqUs Customer Care colours the network
section box in amber.

LinqUs Customer Care overview tab example, four different sections: voice, data, device, network

The Customer Care representative can either click on a section box (for example on
“device”, following the example above) or click on the issues tab. Then, the user is
driven to the following view:

LinqUs Customer Care issues tab

Following the example above, the LinqUs Customer Care user has clicked on the
“device” section box. As described, the device section is coloured in red, due to the
fact that there is more than one device issue type. In this case, battery drainage
(issue most encountered) and low disk space.


When the user is driven to the issues tab, he/she will be able to understand at a
glance all device related issues (provided that he/she has clicked on the device
section box in red, i.e. the most critical section). The right part of the picture will
display specific issue suggestions. In this case, the subscriber is facing a battery
drainage situation and the Customer Care representative, upon click on the issue,
will be able to provide the battery drainage specific suggestions.
One clear advantage of LinqUs Customer Care, in harmony with SelfCare, is the fact
that leveraging a mobile device application will help not only to detect and solve
issues, but also to provide individual attention to a subscriber. In this regard and as
shown in the example (for Android), the customer care representative can advise to
the subscriber to go to SelfCare in order to check the applications behaviour. This
helps in discovering applications which may be potentially the culprit of the battery
drainage or a bad device performance.

LinqUs Customer Care issues tab after clicking on “device” section

The LinqUs Customer Care user may choose to display also data related issues.
This can be done from the issues tab, by simply clicking on the data filter on the top
right corner. This is showed in picture below, where the subscriber has faced a “high
background traffic” situation and the appropriate suggestions are displayed. Low disk
space has also been detected.


LinqUs Customer Care issues tab: both data and device issues are presented

LinqUs Customer Care and CCE (Customer Care Expert module) are a perfect
combination to address Customer Care Layer 1 and Customer Care Layer 2 needs,
respectively. As described, LinqUs Customer Care features an easy to use and
intuitive interface which has been designed to be used by customer care
representatives. LinqUs Customer Care focuses on easy issues identification as well
as rapid problem solving. CCE helps in performing a dedicated analysis.

QoE Agent Android SelfCare module

As studies claim, customers are more likely to recommend their service provider to
other people if it provides care applications, as a means to identify and resolve
potential issues before calling to customer care. Gemalto’s SelfCare is a convenient
module that helps subscribers in understanding the device and applications
behaviour as well as troubleshooting issues.

QoE Agent Android SelfCare module


The SelfCare module provides the following functionality and Value Added Services:
˃ My device and apps
˃ My usage
˃ My notifications
˃ Connectivity test
My Device and Apps (only QoE Agent Android): Provides a snapshot of current
Memory, CPU, Background traffic and disk space usage. Also a ranking per app
according to the above criteria (currently one week aggregated data).

My Device and Apps

My Usage: The subscriber can obtain traffic statistics, such as total downloaded
traffic by access network (Wi-Fi, cellular). This feature provides a means to check
and control consumed traffic. The subscriber can customize traffic, voice (daily and
monthly) and roaming consumption thresholds. In QoE Agent Android, it is further
possible to understand which apps or processes are responsible for the traffic
My Notifications: System based notifications to help the subscriber in being
informed, tracking and solving device related issues:
˃ Battery drainage
˃ High temperature (only QoE Agent Android)
˃ The module displays tips to understand the issue and to solve it
Connectivity test (QoE Agent Android only): A significant number of Customer
Care departments identify “Cannot connect” as the main reported issue. Gemalto’s
Connectivity test helps Operators in solving common connectivity issues and to
prevent calls to Customer Care through an attractive and simple to understand User


4 steps are checked under either Cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity:
1. Data settings
2. Network availability and registration
3. Signal level
4. Data transfer
Subscribers are provided with easy to follow steps containing either fix options or

In the following example, the subscriber cannot connect due to a device wrong
setting (data connection disabled). The connectivity test interface clearly identifies
the issue. The wrench icon will immediately fix the issue.


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