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A Museum without Walls

by Helena Friman

Helena Friman obtained her M.A. in history, literature and Scandinavian languages in 1967.
She has been manager of the Stockholm Education project since 1999. She has also been a
member of the Swedish Urban Environment Council since 2001.

A museum is part of society’s collective memory.

A museum acquires, documents, preserves and
communicates objects and other evidence of human culture
and environment. It develops and promotes knowledge and
offers experiences appealing to all our senses.
It is open to the public and contributes to the
development of society.
The purpose of the museum is knowledge for the
(Swedish museum definition, 1994)

Swedish cultural policy is based on an

old tradition in the Nordic countries of adult
education or ‘people’s education’, folkbildning in
Swedish. Culture is thus perceived as an
instrument for achieving social change, and equal
access to culture has been regarded as a right.

Since 2005, free entrance to the national

museums has increased the number of visitors by
more than 160 per cent. Several other museums
have followed, including the City Museum of

I consider that one of the most important

issues for the future of European museums is their
relationship with the public. Competition for
people’s attention has become extreme and today
museums must compete for visitors with many
different attractions, from the commercial
entertainment industry to enterprises selling

ISSN 1350-0775, No. 231 (Vol. 58, No. 3, 2006) ª UNESCO 2006 55
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ (UK) and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (USA)

ª Helena Friman

8. The Stockholm City Libraries constructed by the architect Gunnar Asplund.

clothes, gifts and furniture. For most museums, it together with all its objects is a kind of cultural
is not enough to open well-designed exhibitions property, property that has nothing to do with
and employ talented marketing staff; they must property in its legal meaning.
adapt a new strategy and use their resources with
the public in a more creative way. George Henri Rivière, together with
Hugues de Varines, perhaps the most important
The museum and the city museologists behind the idea of eco-museums,
wrote, in 1985, that the eco-museum could work
I worked for many years as an educator in the as a mirror in which the local population views
Stockholm City Museum. A source of inspiration itself to discover its own image, a mirror in which
for our work was the philosophy behind eco- it seeks an explanation of the territory to which it
museums, which asserts that a place or a district is attached, and of the populations that have

56 Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ (UK) and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (USA)
A Museum without Walls
Helena Friman

main task and arena are the city itself; and that
the museum must take part in the discussion
about changes in the built environment and the
social life of the city. The museum should achieve
this role, not just by collecting and reflecting
objects and actions, but through the exchange of
ideas, communication, and confrontation. The
museum was there mainly to make the citizens
ª Hans Nordlinder curious about the city and the world outside its

9 We therefore used the museum as a base

9. A group of park-workers and street cleaners in a district of for exploration of the city and introduced new
Stockholm built in the 1990s with post-modern architecture. methods for museum education. The predominant
model of guided tours for school classes was
preceded: a mirror that the local population holds abandoned in favour of more varied forms and
up in front of visitors. longer visits. Visits were always combined with
outdoor explorations of parts of the city; either led
In 1991, I met Kenneth Hudson, a man by a museum educator or, for the teenagers, on
who loves museums, but who challenged, their own, in small groups. This combination of
provoked and upset museum professionals with the close study of the exhibitions, and all the
irritating questions of museum practice, the movement, concreteness and reality out in the city,
culture of the élite, and the occasional misuse of had a powerful effect on the children and young
public money. In an article entitled ‘The Great people. We started to work with adults in a similar
European Museum’ (1993) he wrote: ‘From a way.
museum point of view, I see every town, village,
landscape, country and even continent as a Great Stockholm Education
Museum in which everyone can discover their own
roots and see how they fit into the chain of human In the 1990s, after many years at the Stockholm
activities which stretches back over the centuries. City Museum and some years at the Open Air
Scattered over the Great Museum are the Museum at Skansen, I had the opportunity to
institutions which we have chosen to call realize a dream: to leave the traditional museum
museums. The real reason for a museum’s world and build something new, a museum
existence is to make life more interesting and more without walls in the streets of Stockholm. The
rewarding for its customers.’ This statement project got off to a flying start thanks to the culture
echoed my own understanding of the museum’s ministers of Europe who chose Stockholm as
role. I worked many years at the City Museum of the cultural capital of Europe in 1998. Within
Stockholm with the same idea: that the museum’s the context of Stockholm’98, I was able to launch

ISSN 1350-0775, No. 231 (Vol. 58, No. 3, 2006) 57


the project in autumn 1996, and start to reach not interested in the history of Stockholm, the arts,
people in new ways. I wished for a cultural project architecture or town planning. I wish to question
with a minimum of administration, premises, this. Why should they not be interested in history,
meetings and equipment, and a maximum of their workplace. And what if the museums met
flexibility and closeness to the participants and to them where they are: in the streets of the city?
the partner institutions. What if the museum showed interest in them,
not only as visitors, but because they do an
The development of a city has much to do important service for the city. City museums need
with the people who work in it. Many of those who to change in order to address this approach which
work in the transport system, in public cleaning or applied to our project, with the desire to break
in the parks wear uniforms and are thereby down cultural and institutional barriers, and
automatically regarded as representatives of the challenge common museum prejudices about who
city, a role that they share with front-of-house is interested and who is not. Perhaps it is
staff of public libraries, conveniences, hotels, traditional museums that are excluded by those
museums and other cultural and public who choose not to visit them.
institutions. They are asked all kinds of questions,
and thus, in addition to their own duties, their Partners
work has an educational and a social component,
which often involves a great strain. It can be We consider that the partners for Stockholm
tiresome to be a representative of the authorities, Education are all those who are responsible for the
as a uniformed person automatically always in-service training and education of staff in the
becomes, particularly for those coming from participating institutions, companies and
outlying areas of Sweden, or from distant enterprises. We approach, for example, directors of
countries. If their work situation is full of stress bus companies and try to convince them of the
and conflict at the same time, it is rather easy for value to the company of drivers’ knowing more
them to regard the general public and visiting about the city and the streets they drive along.
tourists as a troublesome element rather than the Other partners for the project are the cultural
most important part of their work. institutions, museums, theatres, libraries, schools,
churches, restaurants, and also – in order to gain
‘Stockholm Education’ has been created for access to interesting places and buildings – a large
these occupational groups and is tailored to meet network of individuals.
their different needs and interests. The target
group was and still is the city’s front-of-house staff, However, Stockholm Education’s main
all the people who, in various ways, work in and partner, also the starting point for every visit, is the
around the streets of Stockholm, within its Stockholm City Museum, located in a seventeenth-
infrastructure. Police officers, bus drivers, the century building. At the museum, participants
street cleaners or traffic wardens are not frequent study the history and development of the city, from
museum visitors. We might conclude that they are its foundation in the thirteenth century, up to the

58 Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ (UK) and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 (USA)
A Museum without Walls
Helena Friman

present day, using exhibitions, paintings, maps, and a growing interest. This new attitude and
the library and the archives. The group then moves competence certainly influences their perception
on to the streets. The main method is the of their own role in the city, and this is of course
exploration of the city as it is the source, the valuable, both for the employers and the
archive and the instrument. companies, as well as for the city. Their reactions
and viewpoints are documented in evaluations,
A city can be a great educational instrument questionnaires, and interviews. Many of them
in itself. It is free of charge and in constant stated afterwards that their working days became
evolution. It is confusing, full of knowledge, and more entertaining and ‘fun’. They say that they do
adventure. We explore it together. We hunt for not know much about the city, but that is not true.
traces of those who lived there before us. They know a considerable amount and they know
different things. There is also a deeper meaning
It’s your town behind Stockholm Education. It is the idea of the
good, open society, where one feels secure, is met
Another important motive for the project is to with knowledge and respect, and the intellect is
open up the city for the participants so that they activated. It is a question of democracy.
increasingly come to regard Stockholm as a place
that belongs to them. We are able to enter old ‘I find my job more entertaining now.
amusement palaces and cinemas, now transformed The more you know about your city, the more
into Free Churches or computer shops. We use interested you get. Now I look around all the time,
churches, parish houses, restaurants and libraries see how the houses are built, talk about architects
as informal seminar rooms. We study sketches of and styles. I’ve become stimulated.’
well-known public sculptures and monuments.

The ‘students’ are not trained to become

guides. That is not the point. The idea is that if
they have a basic knowledge of the history and
development of the city, if they are at home in their
own parts of town, then they will feel bolder and
become ready to meet the general public and
tourists in a more responsive way. Contact with
history and culture has that effect on people.

Sometimes the first meeting in the museum

is not easy. The participants’ can have a wait-and-
see attitude, and, especially when there are only
men in the group, the attitude can almost be
considered hostile. But they develop confidence

ISSN 1350-0775, No. 231 (Vol. 58, No. 3, 2006) 59

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