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How could someone possibly define music? Music is something

more than an art or an educational subject. It is the core of our existence
since the beginning of people’s appearance on earth. Not a simple
individual could remain untouched when listening to a piece of music of
their preference.
Music is connected with our brains. Everybody reacts in listening
to it because it creates intense and profound emotions, fills us with
inspiration and makes us become both passionate and compassionate.
After all, Shakespeare compared it in as the food of love. The importance
of music is by no means less significant to any other educational task,
such as reading and writing.
However, although it is accepted that music is equally educational
to any other forms of learning, there are those who support that only
classical music should be exclusively taught in school. In my opinion, the
different kinds of music which appeal to each one is totally a personal
matter and should not be judged negatively. On the contrary the fact
that they stimulate an individual’s potential is what really counts.
To sum up, nobody can claim to be an expert at the personal
tastes of the other people. Since listening to music offers a fulfilment
and an inner satisfaction and fills people with love and other kind of
feelings only respect could be shown for every kind of this gift. I strongly
believe that if we want to be better people, we should listen to music as
much as possible.

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