21st Week 4

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NAME:________________________________ QUIZ #4 – THURSDAY


In one bond paper short, draw your idea or concept of an

‗Urban Chick‘- a career woman, who lives in a city. How will she looks like?

Then answer the following questions:

1. What does an urban chick wear for work?

2. How long is her hair?

3. What shoes does she wear?

4. How does she talk?

5. How do her surroundings look like?

6. Is this city girl married or not? Why do you think so?


The plot of a story is the main action that runs through the whole story. It begins with a
problem or situation and ends when the problem is solved or finished in some way. Below is
the opening of a story and the end of a story. Decide what the problem is, then what the steps,
or plot actions, should be to link the beginning of the story with the end. You may have new
characters or a new setting that should be added in your steps. There is space provided for three
steps. You may add more if needed.

The plot has five elements in the story:

The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is revealed.

Rising Action
This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is
revealed (events between the introduction and climax).

This is the highest point of interest and the turning point of the story. The reader wonders what
will happen next; will the conflict be resolved or not?

Falling action
The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. The reader knows what has
happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between climax and resolution).

The Part of the plot that concludes the falling action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of
the conflict.


Make a plot by continuing the story. Beginning and ending of the story are already given . You can apply
any of the 5 elements of plot. You can write the plot inside the box by using the format: Step 1  Step 2
 Step 3

BEGINNING: Jenny loved going to the mall with her mother. She liked looking in the
windows of the stores and watching the people. There was always something exciting
happening there. Sometimes there were bands that played, or sometimes there were special
displays of plants and flowers. One Saturday at the mall Jenny had stopped to watch the
magician performing a magic trick. When she looked up, her mother was not there. In the
crowded mall, Jenny was lost.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

ENDING: In the police office at the mall, Jenny drank the juice that Officer Banks had given her. She was tired
and ready to go home, but she was also glad that she had helped find the robber of the shoe store. Suddenly, her
mother rushed into the office. Jenny was found!
There are several chick lit available in the country and one of the notable authors of the 21 st
century chick lit is Mina Esguerra who is very vocal when it comes to discussing the ideas and
concepts about chick lit.

Mina V. Esguerra writes contemporary romance and young adult novellas. She has a
bachelor's degree in Communication and a master's degree in Development Communication,
put to good use in her work as trainer and content management consultant.

When not writing romance, she is president of communications firm Bronze Age Media,
development communication consultant, indie publisher, professional editor, wife, and mother.
She created the workshop series "Author at Once" for writers and publishers, and
#romanceclass for aspiring romance writers.

Her young adult/fantasy trilogy Interim Goddess of Love is a college love story featuring gods
from Philippine mythology. Her contemporary romance novellas won the Filipino Readers'
Choice awards for Chick Lit in 2012 (Fairy Tale Fail) and 2013 (That Kind of Guy). Mina lives
in Metro Manila, Philippines, with her husband and daughter.

Read the excerpt of the chick lit My Imaginary Ex by Mina V. Esguerra



―Here’s what happens when you play pretend.

When Zack asks Jasmine to pretend to be his ex-girlfriend, she gamely agrees, thinking it
would be fun. A few years later, she still has to keep convincing people that they were never
together! Then one day, she finds outhe’s getting married—to someone she’d just met once!
All of a sudden, things aren’t so clear-cut anymore. Can Jasmine sort out her feelings
(sometimes, she can’t even tell real from pretend when it comes to her and Zack) before it’s
too late?‖

Chapter 1

LENA WAS ONE of those friends who never called.

That in itself wasn't unusual. Five years since college graduation—people move on. I was only
in touch with a handful of people, most of them from my AB Psychology block. Lena was not
from that block. We weren't even in the same orgs or the same barkada.

I tried to recall how we were friends. For some reason her name triggered stress and anxiety
in me, but I couldn't figure out why. And then: Oh, right. Zack. She was the ex of my friend
Then I remembered why my stomach was doing little nervous flips. Lena Mallari was the
recipient of one of the longest-running lies I had ever told, and after almost ten years, I could
no longer keep my stories straight. So I decided to avoid her as much as possible.
Out of the blue, I got a text from her: Jas, Coffee Bean, 6 tonight. BE THERE. Even if you
have other plans, just stop by. Need to talk to you, urgent.

In my first year of college, I told Lena that Zachary Tomas—the cute guy who asked her to the
Freshman Night party—was my high school boyfriend. It was not true, but I never came clean
about it.

While walking to the coffee shop, I tried to piece together every single detail woven into that
story. I couldn't remember it all. Maybe this was the day to just admit it? After all, she and
Zack had been broken up for years.

"JASMINE! I THOUGHT you weren't going to show up," Lena smiled widely. "Chai tea
I watched Lena lean a cylindrical object (yoga mat?) against our table as she stood up and
headed to the counter. She was slender and perky, with a head full of lush curly hair. I
remember she had a health kick in college, and wasn't surprised she did yoga.

She returned with a tea latte a size larger than what I was used to. Like she was expecting
this "meeting" of ours to last longer than I thought. I got nervous.

"You look great!" she gushed, as if we were close friends. "Did you do something different to
your hair? It looks so nice."

Oh, you mean actually brushing it? I had a tomboyish ponytail going on in college. Now I
actually made an effort to style my hair, which I had grown past my shoulders. The whole
production took half an hour each morning, but at least the waves in my hair looked like I
wanted them there.

It was nice that she noticed. "Thanks, Lena. It's like you haven't changed at all."
She seemed to take it as a compliment. (It was.) "So... how are you? Where are you working

"I'm good. I'm in HR for a Business Process Outsourcing firm." "Do you work the

night shift?"

"Sometimes. But not usually."

"Were you always there? I thought you worked at a pharma company after college."

"I moved. Been at this office for three years now." I sipped my tea, trying to ignore the
awkwardness. "And you?"

"I've actually quit my job! Trying to get my own business running."

Lena started to tell me about the business she started, something to do with designing
accessories, and that she had opened a small store. I asked her a few follow-up questions, just
to keep her talking about herself, consequently putting less pressure on me to share.
I‘d always been introverted, but I got better at talking to people. I discovered that the key was
to ask questions. Keep them talking for a while, and you'll hardly need to do anything.

Lena was in mid-sentence when she checked her watch, a frustrated look on her face. "I can't
believe this. I said six o'clock."

"Why, Lena? What's up?"

"Jas, I guess I should just start. Do you have a boyfriend?" "What? Well,


"Good. That's good."

I started to panic. "Wait! Are you setting me up with somebody?" "No, no. Or

maybe. Have you talked to Zack lately?"

Uh-oh! "No," I said, and that was the truth. "I think the last time I heard from him was... it's got
to be months."
"You got an invitation to his wedding, right?"

"Yes." This conversation was becoming even weirder. "Did you?"

"No. We didn't stay friends after college. Do you know anything about his fiancée,

"I've met her, but I don't really know her."

Lena sighed. "This is going to be harder than I thought then. Jasmine, I was going to ask you
to stage some sort of intervention for our Zack."


"I want you to get him to break his engagement. Call off the wedding. Do anything, just
keep him from marrying that girl."



1. What is the story about?_________________________________________________

2. What do you think is the theme of the story?_________________________________
3. Do you think that the problem in the story may happen in real life?_______________
4. How would you picture out the female character in the story?
5. Can you sympathize with the female character?_______________________________

The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus was a New York Times
Bestseller for many weeks in 2002. Part of the pop genre, chick lit, The Nanny Diaries is about
the experiences of a college girl, Nan, as she nannies for a wealthy family on the upper east side
of Manhattan. The main characters in The Nanny Diaries have names that suggest this story is
the prototype of the New York City nanny situation. The main character's name is Nan, or
Nanny as her charges call her, and she is a nanny. The family that she works for are Mr. and
Mrs. X.
Nan gets hired by Mrs. X after a chance encounter at the park. During the interview,
Mrs.X suggests that her current nanny, Caitlin, will need to cut back her hours for personal
reasons. Nan soon discovers that Mrs. X is firing Caitlin because she asked for time off to
travel to see her sister who is ill. Even though Nan—who is a NYU senior—has agreed to two
afternoons a week, she is soon at Mrs. X's house looking after Grayer and running errands
nearly every day of the week.
As the year progresses, Mrs. X relies more and more on Nan to take care of Grayer and
complete projects, plan events and manage many tasks that Mrs. X should be doing herself.
While Nan is juggling a full workload with the X family, she is also trying to finish her
semester at NYU and her senior thesis project on child development. Nan struggles to balance
her full life, but always she puts Grayer's needs and the X family first. Nan's friends and family
warn her of the dangers of working so many hours for Mrs. X, who is treating Nan worse and
Tension is building between Nan and Mrs. X. Nan is getting more and more resentful of
being taken advantage of and of Mrs. X coming home late, often causing Nan to be late to
classes. Also, Nan is frustrated that Mrs. X wants so little to do with her son, Grayer. Though
Nan considers leaving the job, she stays because of her relationship with the little boy, Grayer.
Nan discovers that Mr. X is having an affair with a colleague in Chicago. Soon his
mistress is also asking Nan to run errands for her. As tension mounts between Mr. and Mrs. X,
Nan and the new mistress, the X family takes a vacation to Nantucket. They ask Nan to
accompany them to help with Grayer. While in Nantucket Mr. and Mrs. X fight, rely on Nan to
watch all of the children of their friends, and Mr.X's mistress continually calls and Nan is asked
to field them. Nan is faced with the moral dilemma of keeping Mr. X's secret.
After a rough night of watching all of the children of Mr. and Mrs. X's friends outside of
a restaurant, and a massive fight between Mr. and Mrs. X, all Nan wants to do is to go back to
the city so that she can pack and look for a new apartment. She asks Mrs. X if she can leave one
night early and Mrs. X fires her, telling her to leave right then. Nan has to face what she has
been avoiding the entire story: abandoning Grayer. She leaves in the night without being able to
say goodbye.



1. Describe the life of Nan after working for Mr. And Mrs. X.

2. What is the problem of the story?


3. Can you give details when the problem started to build?


4. What could be the theme of the story?


5. What emotion or feeling did you get after reading the summary?

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