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Republic of the Philippines

Balian, Pangil, Laguna
Name: _______________________________ Score: _______ / 40
Grade & Section ________ Date: __________________
General Directions: Read carefully the following instructions given in every part of the exam and answer all the questions with full
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number. ___18. Is a document used to notify a company of the tools or
materials needed to perform a certain task
___1. This tool projects the irregular shape of curves in a drawing.
a. inspection report c. material inventory form
a. Divider c. Template
b. inspection request form d. purchase requisition slip
b. French curve d. T-Square
___19. Caused by accidentally or deliberately hitting the edges of
___2. It is made of dry wood with a smooth surface and corner sat
these tools on a hard surface.
right angles. It is where paper is fastened with drafting tape.
a. cracks c. blocking/clogging
a. Table c. Parallel Board
b. rusting d. chipped/nicked edges
b. Drawing Board d. Drawing Paper
___20. Chambers are sometimes blocked because of broken lead or
___3. It is a three-sided instrument used with a T-square, used in
dry ink.
creating lines from a horizontal base.
a. rusting c. warped surfaces
a. French curve c. Triangle
b. missing part d. blocking/clogging
b. Scale d. T- Square
___21. Is used to state the condition of the drafting tools and
___4. This drafting tool is used to protect the rest of the drawing when
equipment that are used or inspected specifically if defects or
removing unnecessary lines.
damages are found.
a. Eraser Shield c. Template
a. inspection report c. material inventory form
b. Eraser d. Pencil
b. inspection request form d. purchase requisition slip
___5. A drafting tool used for drawing horizontal lines.
___22. Dulled printed hatch marks on the surface of measuring
a. Compass c. T-square
b. Triangle d. Triangular Scale
a. cracks c. warped surfaces
___6. The drafting material used for fastening the drawing paper on
b. missing part d. faded hatch.
the drawing table.
___23. A list that identifies all the things needed to borrow or request
a. Compass c. Masking Tape
before doing a drafting task
b. Divider d. Triangle
a. inspection request form c. purchase requisition slip
___7. It is a semi-circular instrument divided into 180 equal parts, each
b. visual inspection report d. tools and materials checklist
of which is called a degree.
___24. Is a record that lists the tools and equipment that have been
a. Tee-square c. Compass
issued to and returned by certain individuals in the workplace
b. Divider d. Protractor
a. borrower’s slip c. inspection report
___8. This is drawing instrument used when transferring
b. borrower’s log d. purchase requisition slip
measurements, dividing lines and arcs into the desired number of
___25. Occurs when tools are dropped
equal parts.
a. cracks c. warped surfaces
a. Compass c. Protractor
b. missing part d. faded hatch marks.
b. Divider d. Pencil
___26. Is a document used when borrowing articles from the
___9. This drawing instrument is used when drawing arcs and circles.
a. Ruler c. Compass
a. borrower’s log c. inspection report
b. Divider d. both a & b
b. borrower’s slip d. purchase requisition slip
___10. Do not leave any kind of marks to retain its smoothness.
___27. This occurs when metal drafting tools, exposed to moisture or
a. compass c. drawing board
kept in a humid place
b. pencil d. drawing paper
a. rusting c. warped surfaces
___11. Do not use it as a substitute for thumbtacks in fastening the
b. missing part d. faded hatch marks.
drawing paper on the drawing board or table top.
___28. Used when an imaginary cut through an object is to be along
a. compass/divider c. triangle
the line. It consists of long dashes between a short dash (1/8”).
b. scale d. pencil
a. Cutting Plane Line c. Short Break Line
___12. Do not use it for any rough purposes.
b. Hidden Line d. Visible Line
a. ruler c. technical pen
___29. Used to show surfaces, edges, or corners of an object that are
b. scale d. T-square
hidden from view.
___13. Should not be pricked with needle points of either the divider
a. Cutting Plane Line c. Short Break Line
or compass when measurements are taken.
b. Hidden Line d. Visible Line
a. ruler c. T-square
___30. Show the outline of the object (in medium weight) once it has
b. scale d. technical pen
been drawn; thus otherwise known as “object lines”.
___14. Should be cleaned at once with clean water and soap and wipe
a. Cutting Plane Line c. Visible Line
out with clean cloth
b. Short Break Line d. Hidden Line
a. compass c. T-square
___31. This was the first defined as the width of the thumb.
b. scale d. technical pen
a. Cubic c. One foot
___15. Always keep the lead sharp
b. Meter d. One inch
a. divider c. T-square
___32. This is the length of man’s forearm.
b. compass d. pencil
a. Cubic c. One foot
___16. Never cut paper along its working edge, since the plastic can
b. Meter d. One inch
easily be damaged
___33. This is a system used in measuring capitalizing on centimeter as
a. compass c. ruler
a unit.
b. pencil. d.T-square
a. English System c. Solar System
___17. It should not be crumpled or wet
b. Metric System d. Respiratory System
a. compass c. drawing paper
b. divider d. drawing board
___34. This is a system of measure using an inch as a unit.
a. Metric System c. Solar System
b. English System d. Respiratory System
___35. It is anything that could hurt you or someone else.
a. Hazard c. Safety
b. Health d. Risk
___36. It is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or
experienced an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard.
a. Hazard c. Safety
b. Health d. Risk
___37. This hazard is an environmental factor that can harm an
employee without necessarily touching them, including heights, noise,
radiation and pressure.
a. Biological c. Ergonomic
b. Chemical d. Physical
___38. This hazard includes bacteria, viruses, molds, insects, animals,
plants and fungi.
a. Biological c. Ergonomic
b. Chemical d. Physical
___39. It is the immediate and rapid movement of people away from
the threat or actual occurrence of a hazard.
a. Decontamination c. Evaluation
b. Evacuation d. Isolation
___40. It refers to various measures taken to prevent contagious
diseases from being spread.
a. Decontamination c. Evaluation
b. Evacuation d. Isolation

Prepared by:
TLE-ICT Teacher

Parent’s Signature: ____________________

Date Received: _______________________

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