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2) all 81% il 3:47 PM Question: 1 The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called: O Azimuth @ Declination O Local attraction O Magnetic bearing Question: 2 Anegative declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the: © Eastern side of the true meridian @ Western side of the true meridian O Southern side of the true meridian O none of the above Question: 3 If a magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167degree, the magnetic declination at that place is: O77N 0235 @13E O13W Question: 4 Agate cap is fitted with a: O Cross staff O Level A Chain < iT ) © o 2) 5 all 81% il 3:47 PM Question: 4 Agate cap is fitted with a: O Cross staff O Level O Chain © Prismatic compass Question: 5 The process of turning the telescope about the vertical axis in horizontal plane is known as: O Transitting O Reversing © Plunging @ Swinging Question: 6 Size of Theodolite is specified by: O The length of telescope O The diameter of vertical circle @ The diameter of lower plate O The diameter of upper plate Question: 7 The following sights are taken ona "turning point": O Foresight only O Backsight only @ Foresight and backsight O Foresight and intermediate sight < = Q Q = at a all 81% ill 3:48 PM Question: 8 The rise and fall method of levelling provides a complete check on: O Backsight O Intermediate sight O Foresight @ All of the above Question: 9 If the RL of aBM is 100.00m, the backsight is 1.215m and the foresight is 1.870m, the RL of the forward station is: © 99.345m O 100.345m O 100.655m © 101.870m Question: 10 In an internal focussing type of telescope, the lens provided is: @ Concave O Convex O Plano-convex O Plano-concave Question: 14 Which of the following errors can be neutralized by setting the level midway between the two stations: O Error due to curvature only O Error due to refraction only @ Error due to curvature and refraction < = Q Q = Zt a Question: 12 Which of the following is not used in measuring perpendicular offsets: @ Line ranger O Steel tape O Optical square O Cross staff Question: 13 If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by: @ Straightening the links O Removing one or more small circular rings O Closing the joints of the rings if opened out O All of the above Question: 14 The maximum tolerance in a 20m chain is: OQ -+2mm O-+3mm @ -+5mm O-+8mm Question: 15 If the true bearing of a line AB is 269 degree 30, then the azimuth of the line AB is: O Odegree 30' © 89 degree 30' @ 90 degree 30° O 269 degree 30' < iT ) all 81% ill 3:48 PM oe 2) 5 all 81% ill 3:48 PM Question: 16 For aline AB: @ The forebearing of AB and back bearing of AB diffe O The forebearing of AB and back bearing of BA diffe O both a and b O None of these Question: 17 Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to: O Incorrect leveling of the magnetic needle © Loss of magnetism of the needle O Friction of the needle at the pivot @ Presence of magnetic substances near the instrumen Question: 18 In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293 degree 30' can be expressed as: O W23 degree 30'N @ N66 degree 30'W O S113 degree 30'N O N23 degree 30'W Question: 19 The difference of levels between two stations A and B is to be determined. For best results, the instrument station should be: @ Equidistant from A andB O Closer to the higher station O Closer to the lower station PN Reo tt ta < = Q Q = at a all 81% ill 3:48 PM Question: 19 The difference of levels between two stations A and B is to be determined. For best results, the instrument station should be: @ Equidistant from A andB O Closer to the higher station O Closer to the lower station OAs far as possible from the line AB Question: 20 Contour interval is: @ Inversely proportional to the scale of the map O Directly proportional to the flatness of ground O Larger for accurate works O Larger if the time available is more Question: 21 An imaginary line lying throughout the surface of ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal is known as: O Contour line O Horizontal equivalent © Contour interval © Contour gradient Question: 22 The suitable contour interval for a map with scale 1:1000 is: ©@ 2m O5m O 10m O 70m < iT ) © 2) Question: 23 Aseries of closely spaced contour lines represents a: @ Steep slope O Gentle slope O Uniform slope O Plane surface Question: 24 Direct method of contouring is: O Aquick method O Adopted for large surveys only @©@ Most accurate method O Suitable for hilly terrains Question: 25, In direct method of contouring, the process of locating or identifying points lying ona contour is called: O Ranging O Centering O Horizontal control @ Vertical control Question: 26 Which of the following methods of contouring is most suitable for a billy terrain: O Direct method O Square method O Cross-sections method @ Tacheometric method < iT ) all 81% ill 3:48 PM esp > [. Question: 27 Closed contours, with higher value inwards, represent a: © Depression @ Hillock O Plain surface O none of the above Question: 28 Benchmark is established by: O Hypometry © Barometric leveling @ Spirit leveling O Trigonometical leveling Question: 29 The type of surveying which requires least office work is: O Tacheomefry O Trigonometrical levelling @ Plain table surveying © Theodolite surveying Question: 30 Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for: O Forests O Urban areas @ Hilly areas O Plains iT ) all 81% ill 3:48 PM oe 2) 5 all 81% ill 3:48 PM Question: 34 Detailed plotting is generally done by: @ Radiation O Traversing O Resection O All of the above Question: 32 Three point problem can be solved by: © Tracing paper method O Bessels method O Lehman's method @ All of the above Question: 33 The size of plane table is: © 750mm * 900mm @ 600mm * 750mm O 450mm * 600mm © 300mm * 450mm Question: 34 The process of determining the locations of the instruments station by drawing re sectors from the locations of the known stations is called: O Radiation O Intersection @ Resection O Traversing < iT ) © © FB Lull 81% i 3:48 PM The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table survey is: O Spirit level O Alidade @ Plumbing fork © Trough compass Question: 36 Which of the following methods of plane table surveying is used to locate the position of an inaccessible point: O Radiation @ Intersection O Traversing O Resection Question: 37 If the staff is not held vertical at a levelling station, the reduced level calculated from the observation would be: O True RL O More than true RL @ Less than true RL O none of the above Question: 38 The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by: @ Increasing the diameter of the tube O Decreasing the length of bubble O Increasing the viscosity of liquid C7 Nerreacing the radine af curvature af tube < = Q Q esp > [. ull 80% il 3:48 PM Question: 39 With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a bubble tube: @ Decreases O Increases O Remains unaffected O none of the above Question: 40 Refraction correction: O Completely eliminates curvature correction @ Partially eliminates curvature correction O Adds to the curvature correction O Has no effect on curvature correction Question: 44 The RL of the point A which is on the floor is 100m and back sight reading on A is 2.455m. If the foresight reading on the point B which is on the ceiling is 2.745m, the RL of point B will be: © 94.80m © 99.71m O 100.29m @ 105.20m Question: 42 If the horizontal distance between the staff point and the point of observation is d, then the error due to curvature of earthis proportional to: Od < = Q Q o 2) 5 © 100.29m @ 105.20m Question: 42 If the horizontal distance between the staff point and the point of observation is d, then the error due to curvature of earthis proportional to: Od O1/d @a2 O 1/d2 Question: 43. Sensitiveness of a level tube is designed by: @ Radius of level tube O Length of level tube O Length of bubble of level tube O none of the above Quick Links Legal Links MTP © About Us © Terms Of Service & Mock Test Preparation ep Lo omiane ® Affiliates ® Privacy Policy © Updates © Accesibility Policy Designed & Developed By: The Sipher < = Q Q ull 80% il 3:48 PM Conr

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