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Alla-ud-din Knilji » Everyday Science Meas Submitted by: Rizwan Ahmed Panhwar Read More Details about this Meq » Physics Meas » Chemisty Meas According to a grim UN assessment of childhood nutrition, Nearly million children under five years old are undernourished or overweight and face ifelong » Blology Meas health problem in the whole world? ee pe * Pedagoey Meas 8.700 » URDU Megs 300 D.200 MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Submitted by: Jack Sparrow: Finance Meqs Iysterious organisation called “Democratic Tsunami” has raised in which » HRM Mas country, ? A.Spain . Marketing Megs B.Japan Accounting Meas C.Syria D. Jordan » Auditing Megs Submitted by JackSparrow Ew ci EE RING International students day is celebrated on ? ATINovember . B.17 November C.19Novernber SQ SB Cull 75% 4:10 PM ects i Be ati at) WZ Pmilestone it Question: 1 Unit weight of plain concrete is equal to: O 140 bits 145 bits © 150 bt 155 bts Question:2 Unit weight of water is equal to: 0604 Ib/ts 0.614 Ib/it3 624 Ib/t3 0634 bits Question: Fine aggregates are those which pass through: © #4Sieve O #8 Sieve O #16 Sieve O #32 Sieve Question: A good quality stones absorbs water less than: O5% © 10% O 15% © 20% Question:5 The commonly used raw material in manufacture of cement is: OSlate O Sand stone @ Lime Stone O Ballast Question: 6 Initial setting of cement is caused due to: @ TriCalcium silicate < = Q Q milestone all 75% il 4:10 PM 7” " il Question: 6 Initial setting of cement is caused due to: Q Tri Calcium silicate ODiCalcium s Q Tri Calcium aluminate sate O Tetra Calcium aluminate ferrite Question: The specific gravity of sand is approximately equal to: Q20 O22 O24 O26 Question: The impurity of mixing water effects the: O Curing, @ Strength O Setting time ONone of these Question: 9 Soundness test of cement is done to check: © Quality of time © Ultimate strength O Durability O Initial Setting Question: 10 Reinforcement should be free from: O Paints O Loose Rust Ooi QAllofthese Question 12 Density of steel is equal to: © 7855 ke/m3 O 7585 ke/m3 7558 ke/m3 Meera g Paice) milestone 7 ey Question: 12 Steel bars are used in reinforced concrete because concrete is: O Weak intension O Weak in compression O Weak in flexure OAllofthese Question: 13 In reinforced concrete structures load is tranmistted by: © Columns O Walls © Both Column and walls O None of these Question: 14 DPC stands for: O Data protection centre © Durable portland cement @ Damp proof coarse O Dual protection coat Question: 15 Strength of Concrete ___ with time: O Decreases O Remains same @ Increases ONot applicable Question: 16 Reinforced concrete has relatively high__ strength: O Compressive @ Tensile O Flexual O Rupture Question: 17, Before placing concrete, formwork is applied with a coat of: all 75% il 4:10 PM Ga EI es rtag Paice aut) ad 8 SBD Lull 75% 4:10 PM i = ae Tau milestone iy Paice aut) | — Question: 17, Before placing concrete, formwork is applied with a coat of: O Water O Cement Slurry © Crude oil ONone ofthese Question: 18 Vertical sides of beam are removed after: @ 1to 2days O3days O7 days O 2idays Question: 19) If slab length is more than 4.5m then the props the slabs can safely be removed after: @7 days O 14days O 21 days O 28 days Question: 20 Cracking in RC structuresis___ observed problem: ONever O Seldom @ Frequently O Un-certainly Question: 24 Acrack can be repaired by: © Cement grouting O Re-plastering O Epoxy QAllofthese Question:22 To repair a damaged concrete area, cause of damage: Gad 8 SBD Lull 75% i 4:10 PM Pmilestone Pa =, Meet your new Paice aut) c Ai. Question: 22, To repair a damaged concrete area, cause of damage: O May be determind @ Must be determined O Need not to determine O User choice Question: 23 White stains on concrete surface are known as: © Cavitation O Popouts © Efflorescense Q Honey combing, Question: 24 Efflorescense can be cured by: O Plastering, © Cleaning and Rinsing O Washing and Rinsing @ Allofthese Question: 25 Bituminous stains can best be removed by: O Washing and drying O Sand blasting and cleaning O Scraping and scrubbing @Any Question: 26, Minimum splice length is: O6in O 12in QO 18in @ sin Question:27 Providing __ coating on steel bars reduces. the corrosion: O Zine A Wl milestone * 6 Question:27 Providing __ coating on steel bars reduces. the corrosion: O Zinc O Copper Q Nickel O None of these Question: 28 For one cubic meter of brick measonry number of brick required is: 0400 0425 0450 @500 Question:27 Slump test for concrete is carried out to determine: O Strength O Durability Q Workability O Water content Question:30 Minimum required water content ratio for a workable concrete is: 0030 @040 050 O60 Question: 94 The portion of a brick cut across the width is called: O Closer O Half brick O Bed Q Bat Question: 92 The cancrete chimn recammended far all 74% i 4:10 PM Meera g Paice atts) milestone : esi = b Question: 32 The concrete slump recommended for foundation is: © 25 to 50mm © 30to 125 mm @ 50to 100mm O75 to 125 mm Question: 33 The main principle of surveying is to work: O From part to the whole @ From whole to the part © From higher level to the lower level O From lower level to the higher level Question: 34 The unit of force in CGS system of units is called: Odyne ONewton Okg Q Allofthese Question: 95 The velocity of a moving body is: @ Avector quantity OAscalar quantity OAscalar as well as vector quantity ONone of these Question: 36, The resultant of the force acting on a body will be zero if the body: O Rotates O Move with variable velocity in a straight line O Move along a curved path © Does not move at all Question: 37, When a body falls freely under gravitational force it possesses: all 74% i 4:11 PM esr ag Paice att) Pmilestone : esi EI am = ok Question: 37° When abody falls freely under gravitational force it possesses: O Maximum weight O Minimum weight ONoweight @ Noeffect on its weight Question: 38 Hooke's law states that stress and strain are: © Directly proportional O Inversely proportional O Curvillinearly related O None of these Question: 39 The specific gravity of water is 1000kg/m3: O Atnormal pressure of 760mm OAt4ctemperature OAtmeansea level QAllofthese Question: 40 Coarse gained soils are best compacted by a: © Drumroller O Rubber tyred roller O Sheep's foot roller © Vibratory roller Question: 41 Which of the following methods is most accurate for the determination of the water content of soil: @ Oven Drying method O Sand bath method O Calcium carbide method O Pycnometer method Question: 42 Which of the following is a rock: @ Quartize OMica all 74% i 4:11 PM eed Paice ait) Pmilestone OB Lu all 74% i 4:11 PM iy 2 al Question: 42 8 Which of the following is a rock: © Quartize OMica O Gypsum O None of these Question: 43 Combination of steel reinforcement and concrete makes: @Rcc ORLC occ OAllofthese Question: 44 Expansion joint in masonry wall are provided in walllength greater than: @10m O30m O20m 040m Question: 45 Maximum depth of foundation in clay soil is: 30cm O 70cm @ 90cm O120em Question: 46 The age of tree can be known by examining: © Cambium layer @ Annular rings O Medullary rays OHeart wood Question: 47 The internal resistance which the body offers to meet the laod is called: Q Stress O Strain eed Paice ait) Q Q Pmilestone EI = Question: 47 The internal resistance which the body offers to meet the laod is called: @ Stress O Strain O Pressure O None of these Question: 48 The deformation per unit length is called: @ Strain O Tensile stress O Shear stress ONone of these Question: 49, Ration between the change in volume and original volume is called strain as: O Tensile O Compressive O Shear @ Volumetric Question: 50 The ration between stress and strain is called as: Q Modulus of elasticity O Modulus of rigidity © Bulk Modulus ONone of these Question: 5 The Muslim institution which was established by Syed Ahmed khan to create al awareness among the Muslims was: in National congress O Patriotic Association @ Muhammadan Educational Conference OAllindia Muslim league Question: 52 In 1258 AD the nercan wha was annninted all 74% i 4:11 PM eed Paice ait) milestone eSB all 74% i 4:11 PM rs a I. Questions 52 In 1858 A.D, the person who was appointed the first British viceroy in India was: @ Lord canning O Lord Mayo: O Lord Rippon O Lord Curzon Question: 53, After the war of Independence the last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled to: @ Rangoon O Crete O Malta O Maldives Question: 54 All India Muslim League was established in: © Dec 1906 O Dec 1908 © Dec 1907 O Nov 1906 Question: 55 All India Muslim League was established in the City of: @ Dhaka OCulcutta O Lucknow OAligarh Question: 56 Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined All India Muslim League in the year of: ©1910 @ 1913 O1914 O1si2 Question: 57 All India Muslim League passed the historic Meera g Paice) Ged Ne milestone all 74% i 4:11 PM ie = ae oat ) if Pree cat) | ee 4 custom 5? All India Muslim League passed the historic Lahore Resolution in its 27th annual session held in Minto Park, Lahore on: © 23rd March 1939 © 28rd March 1930 © 28rd March 1940 28rd March 1941 Question: 58 The Muslims of the Sub continent launched the Khilafat Movement in the year of: O17 01918 @1919 01920 Question: 59 The Simon Commission visited India in: ©1928 O 1929 0.1930 01931 Question: 60 Jinnah Allahabad speech by Allama Muhammad Iqbal was made in: O Dec 1929 @ Dec 1930 O Dec 1931 O Dec 1932 Question: 64 The North Pole of the Earth is located in: ONorway O Antarctica O Arctic Ocean @ Pacific Ocean Question: 62 Temporary members of the Security Council < = Q milestone Fs 2 a) a) Temporary members of the Security Council of UNO are elected for the term of __years: O3 @2 O5 O None of these Question: 63, International Cricket Council (ICC) Headquarter located in: OSingapore O Jakarta, Indonesia © Dubai OQ None of these Question: 64 Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as the O Green Mosque O Red Mosque © Blue Mosque O Yellow Mosque Question: 65 Which city is also called The City of 1,000 Minarets: Olslamabad O Makkah Cairo Olstabul Question: 66 Prophet Muhammad PBUH had___ daughters: o1 02 O03 @4 Question: 67 Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of__: all 74% i 4:11 PM esr ag Paice ait) Q Pmilestone @42 | iz Question: 67 Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of__: © Prophet Dawood AS O Prophet Nooh AS © Prophet Yagoob AS @ Prophet Shoaib AS Question: 68 Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the time of: @ Lunaeclipse O Solar eclipse O Earthquake O Heavy rain Question: 69 What was the relation between Prophet Ismail AS and Prophet Ishaq AS: O Prophet Ismail AS was the father of Prophet Ishad © Prophet Ishad AS was the father of Prophet Ismail Q Brothers O Cousins Question: 70 Prophet Muhammad PBUH live in Madina for _ years: O8 o9 @10 Ou Question: 74 In Haj, touching the black stone, is called: Qstilam O Sayee O Ramee O Tawat Question:72 The first migration of the campanion and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was to__: i all 74% i 4:11 PM Meera g Paice ait) milestone if i Question: 72, The first migration of the campanion and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was to__: O Makkah O Madina © Abyssinia (Ethopia) O Baghdad Question: 73, Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran: @ Ghazwa Ohad O Ghazwa Badr O Ghazwa Khaibar O Ghazwa Khandag Question: 74 In Surah Kahf, Which animal is mentioned along with the Ashaab e Kahf: @ Dog Ocat O Horse O Woodpecker Question: 75 In Hajj, stoning the Devil, is called__: Olstilam OSayee @ Ramee O Tawat Question: 75 lamused___ speaking English: Owith Ooftt QT O BothBac Question: 77 Sana is different ____ other girls: all 74% i 4:11 PM Meera g Paice) @Pmilestone Question: 77, Sana is different ___ other girls: OThan Owith @ From OTo Question: 78 lam going ___ home: OAt OTo O Towards @ None Question:79 He has been swimming __ one hour: OFrom Owith OSince QFor Question: 80 My friend amused us ____ funny jokes: OFrom Oat OoOn @with Question: 81 Do not bother me 3 o'clock ___ night: Oln @At OOn Q Along Queston:82 Diva: Opera:: O Producer:Theatre O Director:Drama O Conductor:Bus all 74% i 4:11 PM Ura RI oc) RE Sou milestone all 74% i 4:11 PM ; PR hihi management solutions a mie Question: 82 Diva: Opera: O Producer:Theatre ODirector:Drama O Conductor:Bus Q Thespian:Play Question 63 Pain:Sedative:: © Comfort:Stimulate @ Grief:Consolation O Trance:Narcotic OAche:Extraction @ Speech:Dumb O Language:Deaf © Tongue:Sound O Voice:Vibration Queston:85 Synonym of "Incorrigible" is__: O Commendable QO Incorruptible © Unchangeable © Overbearing Question: 86 Synonym of "Indigence" is__: O Nativity O Tolerance OGossiping © Poverty Question: 87 Synonym of "captious" is___: O Prominent © Carping O Gritical A Wl milestone = Synonym of “captious" is___: © Prominent @ Carping O Critical O Caustic Question: 88 Antonym of "Meticulous" is __: O Fuzzy O Painstaking O Scrupulous @ Sloppy Question: 89) Antonym of "Heartfelt" is__: O Loving Q Insincere O Unhealthy OHeartly Question: 90 Sent Antonym of "Perspicacious" is _: O Sagacious O Discerning O Astute @Dull Question: 91 "Clique" means” Q Agroupof Animal O Agroupof Birds @ Agroup of people ONone of these Question: 92 "Prosaic" means: O Good @Dull O Beautifull all 74% fl 4:12 PM ur ac Rt oc) GEE eure milestone Cy Question: 93, What is the meaning of Banton: OAfresh @ Good manners O Farewell O Authority Question: 94 Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as_: @ Brittle O Flexible O Resilient O Supple Question: 95 Aperson fluent in two languages is known as: @ Bilingual O Bigot OBigamy O Brittle @ milestone Quick Links Legal Links ocaparation + Articles Honor Cod tae aadic + Affliates Policy "© Updates * Accesibility Policy all 74% fl 4:12 PM [ox 7 Peau hau Purr y Connect + ContactUs + Help Center

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