Measure and Optimize Social Media Campaigns - Facebook

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Facebook | Anke Audenaert

WEEK 1: EVALUATE YOUR MARKETING reported as the number of link clicks the
RESULTS AGAINST GOALS campaign generated.

1.1 Reporting in Facebook Ads Manager Reach

The number of people who saw your ads at least
Tabs in Ads Manager Reports once. Reach is different from impressions, which
When Ads Manager shows you your reports, may include multiple views of your ads by the
there are three tabs you can select: campaigns, same people. For our example company, the
ad sets, and ads. Your dashboard will number reported here is the number of people
automatically default to show the campaign tab. who saw an ad for each specific campaign.

Campaigns Impressions
In this tab, information in the dashboard is This metric measures how often your ads were
organized by the ad campaign it’s in. The on screen for your target audience. For our
dashboard will automatically show you a list of example company, the number reported here is
your active and inactive campaigns, the the number of times their campaign ads were
performance of each campaign, and more. shown.

Ad Sets Cost Metrics

In this tab, information in the dashboard is Cost metrics are metrics that cover specifically
organized by ad set. By selecting a campaign in how the budget is being spent. They’re the last
the campaign tab, you can narrow the list of ad metrics in the row of a default Ads Manager
sets shown here to the selected campaign. report.

Ads Cost per result

In this tab, information in the dashboard is This indicates how cost-efficiently you achieved
organized by ad. Information includes ad the objectives you set in your ad campaign. It is
relevance diagnostics. the ratio of total amount spent to number of
results. Since this ad campaign objective is link
Metrics in Ads Manager reports clicks, the company’s cost per result is reported
Each column in an Ads Manager report provides as cost per link click.
a different status or measurement that you can
use to analyze the impact of your campaign. Amount spent
Now, we’ll go through the main columns that This is the estimated total you've spent on your
appear in a default campaign report. campaign. For example, this column may display
$0.00 for a campaign that's in review, or $6.57
Status and Campaign Information for a campaign that was recently approved and
For the default dashboard settings, the first two started running. This number should always be
columns show Delivery and Bid Strategy. less than your budget.

The delivery column lets you know whether your 1.2 Understanding ROAS and ROI
ad campaign is running or not. Possible delivery
statuses include: off, active, completed, or in Return on Ad Spend
review. Here, we can see that our example ROAS is simply a way to find out how much
campaign’s ad campaign is active. revenue you made on your advertising versus
what you spend on it. The calculation for ROAS
Bid Strategy is Revenue made from the ads divided by
This column shows the campaign bid strategy. Advertising Costs of those ads.
Bid strategy choice determines how much you
spend on bids in ad actions. Our example
company chose two different bid strategies,
which you can see reflected here.

Result Metrics
Results metrics for your campaign can give you
a sense how many people your ad campaign
has reached and the results your campaign
achieved. We’ll cover three types of result
metrics, although there are more. It's a good indicator of knowing the effectiveness
of your campaign and not only if its profitable,
Results but how profitable. You never want your ROAS
Results are the number of times your ad to break even at one to one or be lower than
achieved an outcome, based on the objective one, because that means you're losing money
and ad delivery optimization you selected. Since on your campaign.
our example company chose to optimize its
campaign for link clicks, their results are

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Facebook | Anke Audenaert

Cost per result looks at ow much do you spend

per customer action, like a link click, app install,
or conversion.

We don't know whether our cost per result is

Return on Investment good or bad, which is why, as we've discussed
before, many of these measurements need to
ROI looks at bigger picture spending and profit be looked at in context for them to make
and takes into account the total costs related to sense.
advertising and sales, like how much the product
took to make. The first example is cost per impression. If
 ROI is a metric that takes all the money we're a new business and want to get our
you spend into account. It doesn't only advertising out to as many people as possible,
look at the advertising dollars you spend spending $200 and gaining 1,000 impressions in
and the revenue you get in return. return at $0.20 an impression may be a great
Instead, it looks at all the money you use of our budget.
spend, and the net return or your profit.  Our cost per result was low, which
 means our results were high.
 And while we may not yet know how
many impressions will convert to sales,
our goal at this point may be to just get
the word out.

Our cost per result is $50, which may sound

expensive, but knowing that each lead typically
results in a contract for $2,000 per year, $50 a
TO IMPROVE ROAS lead sounds relatively cheap.
Because ROAS is based around just two
variables, there are only really two actions you Cost per result isn't a static number either and is
can take to improve the ratio. affected by several settings in Ads Manager
 Either lower the cost of your ads to
get a better return or increase the  the auction bid
revenue you generate.  the settings for the audience
 Ideally, you could do both. You can do  the optimization type chosen
this by looking to see if you're wasting  ad placements or where the ads were
time targeting the wrong audience, or by placed
not using the right ad placements.  whatever schedule was set
 You may also have a bidding strategy
that doesn't work for what you're trying But this means that you can compare your cost
to accomplish. per result based on your chosen settings to find
 You can also look at ways to simplify the more ways to improve your market efforts.
buying experience once the customer  For example, you may have a lower cost
gets to your website. per result with a certain demographic,
which means you may want to keep
marketing to them.
1.3 Understanding Cost Per Result  You may see another demographic with
higher cost per result where you'd
reconsider your marketing efforts.
 You may see a lower cost per result
from certain ad placements over others
or uncertain schedules.

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acquiring that customer versus how

much they'll eventually spend with you.

Average Purchase Value or the average

amount a customer spends per purchase.

If Inu and Neko made 30,000 in sales and the

average cost per sale was $30, then they only
spent $6 to make $30 for a return of $24 which
is pretty good. But while that's the correct metric Average Purchase Frequency Rate, which is
for cost per result for the conversion campaign, how many purchases you typically get from one
that's not actually the correct number for their customer.
return, right?
 In addition to what Inu and Neko spent
on the conversion campaign, they also
have to factor in what they spent on the
awareness and the consideration
 Since the 1,000 people who purchased
products came out of the 1 million Average Customer Lifespan or how long a
impressions and the 8,000 website customer relationship typically lasts with your
visits. company. You may notice that from experience
 So Inu and Neko would have to use the or by looking at your churn rate, or if you're
entire budget spent or $19,000 to figure younger company by forecasting.
out their cost per sale. Which would be
$19,000 divided by the 1,000 purchases
for a result of $19 spent per sale.
 With a return now of only $11 per sale
Inu and Neko can decide whether
they're spending was worth the dollars
or not.

Note that this is also an example of customer Sample Problem:

acquisition costs (CAC), in that Inu and Neko
spent $19 to acquire a customer.
 If those customers only make one
purchase of $30 and never return, it
won't be a good investment.
 But if they become loyal customers and
go on to have lifetime values of a few
thousand dollars, then spending $19
now is a bargain.
LTV for Marketing Efforts:

1.4 Understanding Customer Lifetime Value  If one segment has a high LTV and
another has a low LTV, investigate the
Customer Lifetime Value, or LTV, is a metric group with lower LTV and compare them
that specifically takes into account what happens to the higher LTV segment.
after that first purchase. LTV is how much your  Are those customers abandoning your
customer will spend with your business over the products? When are they abandoning
span of their relationship with you. your products? Now you can look at
 LTV puts more than a price tag on your  For segments with higher LTV and more
customers. It puts a value on them as loyal customers use them to create a
you can track their loyalty to your new lookalike audience, so you can
business. A higher LTV will lead to a target your advertising to new customers
customer who continues to come back. who have the same characteristics as
 LTV can also help you see whether those already giving you the most
you're spending the right amount on business.

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 Because you're looking not just at  The difference in results or sales can
monthly or quarterly sales, but sales that then be considered the result of your
extend years or even decades, LTV advertising.
forces, big picture thinking. Now you're
looking at customers, not just as a one Experiments are carefully planned ahead of
of sale, but as a long-term relationship time. That's because they involve creating
to grow and cultivate. groups of subjects that receive different
 ne of the biggest things looking at LTV treatments. If you want to run an experiment to
can do is to help your business make test your advertising effectiveness, you have to
better decisions in regard to customer plan it before you create and run your
relationships. If your LTV is low or you're advertising campaign.
seeing shorter customer lifespans, then
you know you need to invest in retention
initiatives and customer support. 2.2 Using Experiments to Measure
Advertising Effectiveness
Increase LTV through:
 Make improvements to your To compare the effect of changing one variable
customer service. It's not unusual to between two groups of people, it's important that
hear about customers abandoning two groups of people be a similar as possible.
brands after even one poor interaction To create two similar groups, you can use
so make sure the service and attitude randomization.
you're offering your customers is best in
class. Randomization is the process of signing
 Re-evaluate the content you're people to the different groups, by chance or
distributing, increase its value to randomly. By doing that, you distribute people
your customers so they stay with certain characteristics equally over the
engaged. Offer resources like articles groups, and that way you create groups that are
and blog posts and use social media to as similar as possible.
interact with customers or to distribute
useful informative content.  Experiments in advertising use
 Improve your listening. Follow randomization to assign people to a
conversations about your brand and control group or a treatment or test
products on social media. Gather group. Studies that use this type of
feedback from your customers. experiment are referred to as
 Build relationships with them and Randomized Controlled Trials or
solve pain points. Feeling hurt will go a RCTs.
long way towards cultivating and
keeping those long-term relationships. EXAMPLE
 In terms of products, you could Imra, the owner plans a campaign to drive
change your subscription model to a online sales of the new fall bookcase she's
longer-term horizon like offering created. She's interested in knowing whether it's
annual contracts instead of monthly to worth it to spend money on advertising, so she
commit your customers longer. Or offer plans to run an experiment. Here's what would
discounts, rewards or loyalty programs need to happen for the experiment to really
to keep customers engaged and feeling prove to her what the effect of the campaign
like they're getting value from your was.
business.  First, you'd identify a group of people
you'd like to show the campaign to, in
other words, the target audience.
WEEK 2: MEASURE YOUR ADVERTISING  Out of this target audience, people will
EFFECTIVENESS be randomly assigned to either the test
group or the control group.
2.1 What Are Experiments?  People who are assigned to the test
group may be exposed to a treatment. In
You can use experiments to measure the effects other words, they may see Imra's ad.
of your ads on the results you're hoping to People in the control group don't receive
achieve. that treatment. They won't see the ad.
 For example, if one group sees your ads  After the campaign runs. Imra can
and another group doesn't see your ads, compare the results between the control
you can measure how many results or and the test group. In this case, she'd
sales you achieve from the group that look at the difference in conversions or
saw your ads and compare that to the sales of the fall bouquets in the test
number of results of sales you see from group-- the group that saw the ads,
the group that didn't see your ads. compared to the control group-- the
group that didn't see the ad.
 If there are significantly more
conversions or sales from the test group

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than the control group, we can  If the action monitored is app-related,

confidently say that the advertising the data needs to be passed back to
campaign worked and had a real impact. Facebook via the Facebook SDK.
 f the action happens offline, like a sale in
Well-designed tests use intention to treat or a store, for instance, data needs to be
ITT. ITT keeps all experiment participants in the provided through a Conversions API. A
group they were originally assigned to, conversions API involves connecting
regardless of what they see or do. This data from a system that monitors offline
minimizes the effect of potential bias. sales to Facebook's system.
 Whether or not you actually receive the
treatment, you will remain in the test
group, and your result will be part of the BRAND SURVEY TESTS
test group. A brand survey test is used for campaigns that
 When you use intention to treat, it have a goal related to a brand outcome, for
reduces the effect of the treatment, instance increasing brand awareness.
which makes it a bit harder to achieve  All the people that were part of your test
significant results. But it keeps bias out. group and the people in your control
group will be served one or a few polling
But if you plan to use experiments in your role as questions.
an advertiser, make sure that these two  The main question people will be asked
conditions are met: the experiment should use a is: do you recall seeing an ad for this
randomized controlled trial design and adhere to brand online or on a mobile device in
ITT or intention to treat for the test group. the last two days?
 This is how you measure ad recall lift,
which is an important metric in
2.3 Experiments to Measure Ad Effectiveness evaluating a brand survey test.
on Facebook
Next, you'll measure the difference between the
Facebook offers two different randomized ad recall in the test group versus the control
controlled trial tools: holdout tests and brand group. The effect you're seeing on brand recall
survey tests. Both are tests that use is caused by the ad.
experimental designs, but they differ in the
outcomes they measure. If you're focused on increasing brand
awareness (awareness and consideration on
 Holdout tests measure the effect of ads the purchase funnel), you'll opt for a brand
on conversions, which could be sales, survey test.
add to cart, leads, and so on. These
tests are sometimes also referred to as If you're focused on sales or other
conversion lift tests. conversions (conversions on the purchase
 Brand survey tests measure the effect funnel), a holdout test would be the right test
of ads on changes in brand recall and for you.
other brand-related measures. You'll
also hear people call these tests brand THERE ARE TWO MAIN REASONS WHY YOU
 In other words, holdout tests are all TESTS:
about action, whereas the brand survey 1. Prove advertising effectiveness. As a
test is all about attitudes. marketer, you'll often be asked to prove
that your ads had an effect, so you can
HOLDOUT TEST use these tests to answer that question.
A Facebook holdout test is used to measure 2. Optimize your advertising spending.
conversion lift, which means that they measure Once you know what the effect is of your
whether your campaign caused an increase in ad campaign, you will have more
conversions. information to make future spend
 A holdout test begins by randomly decisions. You can, for instance, decide
assigning people from a campaign's to shift more of the budget to the
target audience to either a test or control campaigns that prove effective, or you
group. can create similar campaigns in the
 The test is referred to as a holdout test future.
since the control group is basically held
out from being exposed to your ad. 2.4 Creating a Brand Survey Test and a
Holdout Test
For Facebook to detect whether the people
tested took any of these actions, the advertiser After Imra creates her campaign, she can set up
needs to pass some data back to Facebook. the brand survey using the Facebook
 If the action is expected to take place on Experiment tool. This is part of the business
the advertiser's website, advertisers can tools in Facebook, which you can find by
pass data through the Facebook pixel. navigating from your Ads Manager here.

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can help reveal ways you can make your

***It's important to remember you must run an campaign better while it is still running.
experiment after you create a campaign, but  We always found small changes to the
before you start to run the campaign. Otherwise, user experience could have a very big
you can't create a proper control group. impact on the revenue generated from
search ads on those search results
To be eligible: pages.
 You have to have a certain level of
money spent in your account. When you create your A and B version pf
 Facebook also suggests that in order to what you're about to test vary only one
run a successful test, you should at least variable.
spend about $30,000, on advertising in
the campaigns you’re testing. I can run an A/B tests by considering this ad to
be my A version and creating a new ad that will
The first section of the brand survey test focuses be my B version. The best practice in A/B
on the test details. You start by specifying what testing is to make the B version differed in only
you're testing. You can test the effect of all the one variable from the A version.
campaigns that are running in your account  In this case, I'm going to vary only the
together. You can also test the effect of a group image. Instead of a blue stone ring, I'm
of campaigns, or you can test a specific going to show a ring with three red
campaign. stones.
 I will keep the ad copy the same, and I
2.5 Interpreting the Results of Brand Surveys will also keep the Call-to-Action Button
and Holdout Tests to say, Learn More.
 Since everything else in the ad was the
In this case, there's a 13.9 increase in brand same. I know the image was the reason
lift. In other words, the percentage of people in my results were better. Now I know that
the test group who recalled your ad was 13.9 under these circumstances this image is
points higher than the percentage of people that best, so I can keep this as my optimal
recalled the ad in the control group. This number image.
is calculated by subtracting the percentage of  I may decide that I want to test some or
desired responses observed between the test in fact, maybe I could improve the copy
group and the control group. In this case, that's so I can conduct another A/B test.
28.8 minus 7.9 percent.  Finally, I can test the Call-to-Action
Button. I start with the image and the
 You'll also get a cost per brand lift, copy that I know is optimal, and I keep
which reflects how much it costs you in Learn More as the call to action in my A
advertising spent for each additional version of the ad. For my B version, I
person who gives a desired response. keep everything constant, but I changed
 You'll also see the total brand lift or the the Call-to-Action Button to Shop Now.
estimated number of people that are
likely to respond favorably to your brand To get the most out of your A/B tests, test
as a result of your advertising. only one variable at a time.

Sales lift tells you how much value was

generated from those additional conversions. 3.2 Set Up an A/B Test
Then you also get an evaluation of the results
compared to the costs. After Imra set up her campaign, she can indicate
 First, you see the cost of each additional that she'd liked to run an A\B test by selecting
conversion cost by your ads, and next to the campaign in her ads Manager Dashboard
it, you get an evaluation of your return and clicking A\B Testing. This will make the
on ads spent or ROAS. selected campaign the A version in the test.
 In this case, you achieved a ROAS of  It will then prompt you to change one
10.7, which means that for each dollar variable in your campaign to create the
you spend, you'll generate $10.7 in B version.
revenue.  Facebook will automatically show the
variables you can change based on the
specifics of your campaign.
WEEK 3: OPTIMIZE YOUR AD CAMPAIGNS  In our example, Imra would choose to
change the image, all the other aspects
3.1 Optimize Your Ad Campaigns with A/B of her campaign will remain the same.
Testing Overview  Imra is then prompted to upload the new
image for Version B. In this case, that's
A/B testing is the process of comparing two the close-up flower picture.
variants of an ad against each other to  You then must give your test a name
evaluate which one performs best. A/B testing and you can adjust the budget.

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Only the winning version of the ad is

**Note that the budget will be split 50-50 over then served.
the two ad sets. You should make sure that the  Continue testing. Once you have a
budget is big enough to see meaningful results. winner from an A/B test, it's still possible
that there may be an even better
execution for your ad campaign, so why
You then also tell Facebook how you will not try another A/B test? This is an
determine the winner. This will depend on your especially good idea if you have a
goal and how you're tracking success. strong hypothesis that another version
 For Imra, the campaign is focused on of the ad might perform better.
generating traffic to her website.  Use what you learned in future
 She's optimizing her campaign for link campaigns.
clicks. She decides that the ultimate
test for her should help her understand 3.4 Measuring Across Channels with Media
which image generates her most results Mix Models
for the amount she's spending.
 So cost per result is the right metric to Media Mix Modeling
help her determined the winner. Marketing mix modeling can help you analyze
last year's data to understand what worked,
**Note that there's an indication here of the predict what will work in the future, and plan how
estimated power of the test. This is the likelihood to best spend your money next year to improve
that this test can detect a difference in your ads the results.
if there is a difference to detect. To have a good  You would first collect data related to
test, the power should be at least 80 percent. any previous marketing action. More
specifically, you would look at data on
You can increase the power of your test by how much you spent and what results
increasing the budget or the time you're you got.
running the ads. Both will increase the number  For instance, how much money did you
of ad impressions, which will give you more spend on TV ads and how many people
actions to compare in each group. saw your ad as a result? How much was
spent on promotions and how many
BEST PRACTICES FOR A/B TESTS: purchases resulted? How much money
 It's best practice to only vary one did you invest in Facebook ads and how
variable at a time. many conversions did you get, and so
 You should make sure that your test has on.
enough power so you will get a reliable  Note that the results data you get from
result. different platforms are going to be
 To achieve that, you should make sure different. In some cases, you'll collect
that you have enough budget for the several views, like in TV ads for
campaign and that you run the instance, in other cases, a number of
campaign long enough ideally, two purchases and so on.
weeks or longer.  All that data will then be cleaned,
 Use the winner of your test as the new categorized, and analyzed using a
baseline and test against another marketing mix model. The result of this
version to see whether you could further analysis will show you the ROI of each
optimize your campaign. channel or the percentage contribution
of each channel or marketing activity on
your result.
3.3 Interpret Results of an A/B Test
A marketing mix model is a mathematical
Two Main Parts of Your Results equation that shows the statistical
1. You'll learn who the winner of your test relationship between variables and a KPI. In
is. In advertising, the winner is the ad other words, it's an analysis that shows the
that led to the lowest cost per result. relationship between the investments you made
2. You'll get information on the power of and the final outcome.
your test. In other words, how good your  Most marketers will rely on statisticians
test was and how confident you can be or data analysts to help them with this.
in the results. Very often, they'll enlist the help of an
agency or a research firm to do the
Next Steps: analysis for them.
 Shift budget to the winner. Facebook
will prompt you and ask you whether The research agency analyzes the data and
you would like to shift all your budget for comes back to you with a report that tells you
the campaign you ran the test for to the what the return on investment was for each one
winning ad set. Choosing to do this of the channels you used, and how much each
makes the losing ad set stop running. channel contributed to your final results.

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 Based on this insight, you then adjust The accuracy of Attribution results depends
your budget proposal for next year. You on the quality of the data input, but also the
might suggest putting a smaller portion accuracy of the model.
of the budget into TV and a larger chunk
into ads on Facebook. Most Attribution analysis will use what we call
rules-based models. In rules-based models
Remember: you select the rule that determines how
 Because media mix modeling uses a conversions should be allocated to add
variety of datasets from different touch points.
channels where information may not all
be immediately available in contrast to Last Click Attribution Model
online media, the information collection A very commonly used model is the last click
can be long and complex. Attribution model. It gives 100% credit to the
 Moreover, the modeling approach is last click from a person before a conversion took
typically iterative and building a model place.
takes time. As a result, marketing mix  Even if a person saw and clicked on
modeling is a method that takes a long many ads before that. To model still
time to execute. assumes that the last ad the person
clicked on is solely responsible for the
3.5 Measuring Across Channels with  While this model is popular, marketers
Attribution agree that it's not a very accurate
representation of reality.
As Kathy moved through her customer journey.
She met many different ads, and most likely all For most conversions, it takes more than one
these ads had some effect on Kathy's decision. touch point for people to convert, hence models
that give credit to more than one touch point are
Attribution is the process of assigning credit considered to be more accurate.
to touch points along a customer’s
conversion path. Last Touch Model
 This insight can help you understand Last touch models like last click models also
whether you invested in the right consider only one touch point, but in this
advertising channels and by case there's no need for a click. This model
understanding which of the channels gives 100% credit. The last ad a person
worked best. interacted with before a conversion, whether the
 Attribution is mostly used to evaluate the person just saw the add or clicked on it.
impact of online media channels on a
purchase. Even Credit
 Of course, you can also use it across In even credit models, equal credit is given to
online and offline channels like TV, for the touchpoints, impressions, and clicks that led
instance, but since the data is not to a conversion.
always easy to get by, the result from
this type of cross channel analysis is not Time Decay
as immediate. The time decay model gives credit to
touchpoints, clicks, or impressions based on
With Attribution modeling, you will decide on how recently they happened. This model gives
a model in which you're going to credit the more credit to touch points that happened more
different marketing channels before you start recently, so closer to the conversion.
Positional Model
 You will think about a customer journey
In this model, first and last touchpoints, whether
and make some assumptions about
they're clicks or impressions, are given more
which parts of your marketing you
credit. While the credit for the remaining
believe have the biggest effect on the
touchpoints in the middle is divided equally.
final sale.
First Click
Elements of Attribution
The first click Attribution model, which gives
 Data. Information about the ads a
100% credit for a conversion to the first click on
person saw and whether they clicked on
the conversion path.
them or took action.
 Attribution model. A model that is used First Touch
to assign value to the different It gives 100% credit for a conversion to the first
touchpoints. The output is a value for click that happens in the conversion path, but if
each touchpoint that reflects the impact there is no click then it will credit to conversion to
it had on the conversion. the first impression.

Statistical or Math-based Models

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In statistical or math-based models, you let the meaningless outside of the context of
data speak and you don't decide on a model the campaign.
ahead of time.  Show what the data tell you. You want
 Statistical models use all the available to tell the narrative of what you did and
data to determine which ads impact show a through line from goals, to
results. campaign, to results, to implications for
 This data driven attribution model then the future.
assigns fractional credit for a conversion  State conclusions and insights.
to touch points based on their estimated Explain how you got those conclusions
incremental impact. and show how those conclusions will
 Instead of using your intuition to choose affect decisions going forward. Ten
a rule, a statistical model uses the slides of data to senior leadership won't
available data to figure out which be helpful, but 10 slides telling them how
touchpoints have most influence. your actions affected their bottom line
and increased sales will.

Your story:
3.6 Challenges When Measuring Across Think of your presentation as following a story,
Channels or as loosely following the scientific method,
where you come up with a question or a goal
Measure across platforms and devices around a set of actions, you execute the actions,
For instance, if you sell a product on a mobile gather data and metrics around the actions, and
app on the Web and in your store, you want to then create new questions and goals.
make sure you have a way to capture all the  In our story, you start with a Smart Goal.
sales. You create a Campaign, you evaluate
results of the campaign, and you
If you're trying to evaluate the effect of your formulate Insights. These insights can
advertising on all sales, you'll have to make sure be the inspiration for a new campaign to
that all sales are indeed included, which also achieve a new goal.
means including the offline sales.
Campaign Setup
Connecting touchpoints to one person First, you always want to start with the goals you
When a person visits your website and visits determined for the campaign, as this will set up
your App along their journey to purchase. You'd the premise of the story moving forward.
want to understand that that was the same  Starting with your goals and why you set
person, without that insight. them, will give you a baseline to build
from as you tell your campaigns story.
It's difficult to understand the contribution of
different touch points to your results. Historically, Next, explain how those goals turned into
advertisers have relied on cookies to connect a campaign objectives, which will move the story
sequence of touch points to a person. forward towards what actions you took in your
With that same person’s interactions on  If you were looking to increase brand
computers, platforms like Facebook leverage, a awareness, you planned for an
persistent log in and a unique identifier awareness campaign. If you wanted to
associated with a person's Facebook account, gain 25 percent more in sales, you
when a person sees Facebook ads on mobile or planned for a conversion campaign.
on the Web.
 Facebook can connect the dots, Additionally, now would be the time to speak
together with the Facebook pixel, the about the KPIs you are going to track to
SDK, and the conversions API. measure the success of your campaign.
 This approach allows you to tie actions  For brand awareness, you'll track ad
directly to real people, using this recall lift. For sales, you'll track specific
approach. conversion events. For more visitors,
you'll track link clicks, landing page
views, or reach.
RESULTS Campaign Specifics
1. Show the creative you used
4.1 Presenting Your Campaign Results 2. An overview of the characteristics of
the audience you delivered it to,
3. Which platforms it ran,
Your presentation should:
4. How long it lasted (duration)
 Tell a story and give context. Create a
5. How much you spent on it (budget)
presentation that's going to tell the story
of your campaign from start to finish, not
Campaign Results
just the results, because they would be

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Facebook | Anke Audenaert

 Data sources. It's always useful to go distributions. For instance, if you have to
over where you gathered your data break down an audience by age, the
from. Ads Manager, Google Analytics, whole pie is your complete audience,
etc. If you ran any experiments like A/B and different portions represent different
or hold out tests for instance, or extra age groups.
analysis like an attribution study, you  A line graph works well if you want to
would want to let them know that too. show how numbers change over time, it
also makes it easy to compare trends,
 Metrics overview. too.
1. Results (KPIs)
2. Costs Other tips:
3. ROAS (and ROI) 1. Don’t clutter the chart. As you're
4. Effectiveness adding your charts and graphs, you
should first think about how you can tell
 Insights. the data story visually. In other words,
1. Evaluate your goal. Did I reach you may not need numbers and labels
my goal? Did I do so for a to communicate what you want to say.
reasonable cost? In fact, they might just get in the way.
2. Breakdown by segment. Ask 2. Use color to help the audience focus
yourself whether there's any on what matters. Your color choice will
audience or any part of your help communicate your story as well. As
campaign that seems to stand you put together your visualizations,
out in terms of results. Maybe think about using gradients of the same
you did not reach your overall color, a branded collar palette or even
goal, but you reached it among color against grayscale to highlight
a certain group, maybe a certain different metrics.
ad worked better with some 3. Make comparisons easy. It's a good
people than with others. idea to make comparisons between two
3. Apply insights to next steps. data points so the audience can easily
see what's going on.
Example: 4. Order your data when possible. Also,
Imagine you find that you didn't meet your brand make the data easier to read by ordering
awareness goal, you can show how while your it, either by size or incrementally, so that
awareness campaign had a large reach, recall it makes sense to look at.
was low in general, but when you break down 5. Pay attention to the scale. Make sure
your results a bit more, you find that for one each point on your access is evenly
demographic, recall was a lot higher. spaced out, and with the right increment
like month to month, or year to year.
Now you can find out why the brand resonated 6. Call out important points. Let the data
with them and not with others and whether that tell the story, but don't force the data to
segment could be your new target audience. fit the story you would like to see. Not all
of your data has to be in a chart or a
When you tell your data story or convey your graph. If you want to highlight specific
insights, it's important that you look beyond data points, you can do that with a call
the average data points and try to assess out.
different segments or breakdowns of your

4.2 Telling a Clear Story with Data

With most database or data analysis software,

you will get options to summarize your data in a
 A bar or a column chart, is a great way
to represent data that falls into different
categories, like preferences. For 4.3 Communicating in a Presentation
instance, you'd use a bar chart to show
the number of people that like Version A  Think through who your audience is,
of an ad versus the number of people and what you want them to take away
that like version B of an ad. Bar charts from your presentation. Think about
also make comparisons easy, like what data you want to present to them,
comparing data for different years or how to tell your data story, and how to
comparing data against the goal. visualize it in a unique way.
 A pie chart is a great way to show how  Write out your talking points and
a whole is divided into parts. It could be create your presentation in Google
a great way to show demographic Slides or PowerPoint or other

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Facebook | Anke Audenaert

presentation software. Essentially, you grip the podium, but also don't wander
want your slides to simply highlight what and pace as you talk or talk with your
you're speaking about. Not to carry the hands, which may distract your
weight of the presentation itself. You will audience. Some public speakers build
be the storyteller and your slides are deliberate movements like a step
there to support you, and to stress the forward into their presentation to
main points of your story. highlight a point.
 Use only keywords or short bullet  Slow down and breathe. Allow for
points on your slides to do a simple pauses to not only let the information
visualization of what you're saying. sink in, but to calm yourself as you go.
 Keep your font size to 28 or bigger. Slowing down and being deliberate in
Anything that's smaller can get hard to what you can say also eliminates
read on a slide, and that way you will distracting mmhs and uhs as well.
stick to the main points.  Eye contact. Having a friend in the
 Declutter them and use them to audience or someone who is attentive
highlight what you're saying or else your and nodding along, it's always helpful to
audience will be distracted trying to concentrate on, but pick a few people in
decipher your graphs. different spots of the room and look
 Don't read from your slides. Use the back and forth between them or look just
presenter notes feature to see your over their heads.
notes during a presentation, or have  Watch the clock. Always have clock
summaries or bullet points on note inside so that you can adjust as needed,
cards, or get to the point where you and so that you can leave time for Q and
know what you want to say well enough A.
to let your slides be a memory tool for  Tech and set-up issues.
you.  Set the room beforehand. Chat with
 Catchy opening. A rhetorical question someone who's familiar with the room
related to your findings, or a story or an where you will be presenting, so you can
interesting fact. Grab the audience prepare yourself and then walk through
straight away and start them on the the presentation situation in your head
journey with you. Don't spend too much and use this checklist.
time on ramping up or introductions to
the topic as your audience may drift off. Once your presentation is complete, offer to
 Use a story framework. Start with a send out a slide deck for anyone who wants to
problem you were trying to solve or what know more. Then plan to treat yourself to
goal you want to hit. Then tell what something nice for your accomplishment.
actions you took. Explain what you
found after you took those actions and
finish up telling how those findings will
impact future decisions.
 Make your conclusion as impactful as
your opening. In fact, circle back to
what you mentioned in your opening by
either answering the questions, finishing
the story, or adding an interesting fact to
presentation showed.
 Always tell your audience, you'll take
questions at the end and then do so.
Nothing derails a presentation faster
than stopping to answer questions in the
middle that will probably be explained by
your story.

Mitigate Your Nerves

 Anchor. It might be pausing to take a
deep breath or deliberately taking a sip
of water before you speak or seeking
out a friend in the audience.
 Practice run time. You'll gain familiarity
and confidence in what you'll say the
day of. You can also practice intonation
in various spots when you want to hit
your point home or see if anything just
doesn't work or it's too confusing when
spoken aloud.
 Practice movements. If you're giving
your presentation while standing, don't

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