BR Fing: Poverty and Biodiversity: Evidence About Nature and The Nature of Evidence

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Biodiversity and conservation,
conservation, livelihoods, poverty
reduction, policy

Issue date
March 2014

Policy Poverty and biodiversity:

pointers evidence about nature and the
It seems self-evident
that biodiversity supports
nature of evidence
poor people’s livelihoods
but few studies have Much international lip service is paid to the apparently self-evident truth that
sought to quantify this
relationship. More preserving biodiversity is closely linked to alleviating poverty. Certainly,
evidence is needed, but development planners should take biodiversity more seriously: mainstream
demonstrating such links
is technically challenging development pathways continue to degrade natural environments and
given the complexity of the
real world. deplete valuable biodiversity resources. But a review summarised here
shows that rigorous, documented evidence of whether, how, and how far
Some bits of biodiversity biodiversity can alleviate poverty is surprisingly thin on the ground.
have been better studied
than others and more Researchers and policymakers must do more to explore the complex
attention needs to be paid
by researchers (and their relationships between biodiversity and poverty, which are often beneficial
funders) to non-forest but which can also cause conflict or even harm. With development and
ecosystems and to
intangible components of conservation policy increasingly evidence based, these knowledge gaps
biodiversity – genes, must be filled not just by scientific studies, but by recognising other types of
microbes, invertebrates.
evidence including informal, traditional and oral knowledge.
Poor people themselves
hold a potentially vast
body of knowledge but
this is not always
Assumed value truth. As international policymakers discuss a
new development framework for the next
amenable to ‘scientific’ There is an explicit assumption in international
documentation. decade and a set of sustainable development
policy statements that conserving biodiversity
goals (SDGs) it is important to explore what
can help in efforts to tackle global poverty. For
Policymakers should evidence underlies these claims, and where
example parties to the UN Convention on
widen the scope of there are gaps in the evidence that need filling in
Biological Diversity agreed in 2001 “to achieve
evidence-based policy order to maximise synergies between
both in terms of what is by 2010 a significant reduction of the current
conservation and development. IIED and the
studied and what is rate of biodiversity loss … as a contribution to
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
accepted as evidence. poverty alleviation”,1 and this is mirrored by the
This is particularly (UNEP-WCMC) recently undertook just such a
inclusion of biodiversity indicators as one
important when study. The rest of this briefing draws on our joint
element of measuring progress against the
formulating high level review.3
conservation and Millennium Development Goals. Indeed, a high
development policies, level meeting at the September 2010 UN What is biodiversity?
such as will be enshrined General Assembly further stressed the link,
in international sustainable Biodiversity is one of those words that means
claiming: “preserving biodiversity is inseparable
development goals. different things to different people— ‘nature‘,
from the fight against poverty”.2
‘wildlife’, ‘rare species’, ‘rainforests’, ‘the Maasai
This relationship is not, however, a self-evident Mara’. But biodiversity is also a scientific term

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IIED Briefing

that encompasses the variety of life — the sum gained popularity in a range of different domains,
total of the Earth’s living resources. It is more than including international development and
wildlife, more than nature even. Biodiversity biodiversity conservation. So what is evidence?
ranges from individual genes to entire Wikipedia defines evidence as “everything that is
ecosystems. According to used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an
Preserving biodiversity is the international
Convention on Biological
assertion”.5 This gives a lot of flexibility:
information ranging from professional science
inseparable from the fight Diversity (CBD),
biodiversity is “the
reported in peer-reviewed journal articles to
indigenous knowledge passed on orally can
against poverty variability among living qualify as evidence.
organisms from all
There is considerable debate, however, as to
sources including, inter
which types of evidence are the ‘best’. Medicine,
alia, terrestrial, marine and
for example, puts a lot of emphasis on the
other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological
methods used to gather evidence and gives the
complexes of which they are part; this includes
most weight to evidence derived from
diversity within species, between species and of
quantitative, randomised, replicated trials that
isolate and ‘control’ variables so that their effects
It is this quality of variability that makes can be separately investigated. Evidence that is
biodiversity so much more than ‘just nature’. qualitative or does not have controls is given
Variability means more options — different progressively less weight.
species might be useful for different types of
But for situations that do not lend themselves to
medicines or foods; different crop varieties might
laboratory conditions, such rigorous scientific
adapt to varying soil types or climates. Variability
evidence is more difficult to obtain. A further
also offers enhanced risk management — if one
challenge is how to assess and incorporate
crop or food source is wiped out by disease there
evidence that is not generated through a
are others to fill its place; if one pollinating insect
scientific process at all, such as evidence from
species declines, others are available.
traditional or indigenous knowledge.6
Biodiversity also encompasses the wide variety
of ecosystems that humankind depends on for What the evidence says
crucial ecological services, and the even wider
Time and funding — the usual constraints on any
variety of genes and species that are needed to
research project — limited our review of the links
make each ecosystem function.
between biodiversity use and poverty to evidence
What is poverty? that was already documented. And of course we
had to be able to find the evidence in order to
Poverty is another term with many different
review it. This is where academic journal articles
definitions. The simplest usually relate to some
come into their own, since they are catalogued
level of material wealth — for example the first
and easily retrievable from a variety of online
Millennium Development Goal, of eradicating
databases. Experience from field practitioners,
“extreme poverty”, aims to improve life for the
funders and poor people themselves is often
billion plus people whose income is less than
undocumented (and even when it is documented,
US$1 a day. However, poor people often do not
it can be hard to locate and retrieve in any
define themselves in cash income terms —
systematic fashion).
indeed the concept of cash is completely
meaningless for some indigenous communities So our review was limited to evidence from formal
who live outside the cash economy. In many literature — predominantly from scientific
cases, issues such as power and voice, journals. Nevertheless, even within those
opportunity and a healthy environment are valued constraints it revealed some interesting insights
more highly than money. So it has become into what has been documented to date and
increasingly recognised that poverty is multi- where the key knowledge gaps remain.
dimensional. The World Bank, for example,
We identified just under 400 studies that
describes poverty as “a pronounced deprivation
described poor people using biodiversity in some
in well-being…. To be poor is to be hungry, to lack
way. These were widely distributed, covering 27
shelter and clothing, to be sick and not cared for,
countries from Africa, 16 from Asia, 13 from Latin
to be illiterate and not schooled.”4
America and three from Oceania. Ecological
What is evidence? distribution was less well spread, however, with
over half the papers focusing on forests and very
Using rigorously obtained evidence to inform
few on mountains, deserts and artificial/exotic
decision making — something that has long been
habitats. We found studies covering many
standard practice in medicine — has rapidly
different components of biodiversity use from
IIED Briefing

Distribution of studies in different ecological habitats

= total dataset meeting primary inclusion criteria (n = 387)
= subset with a measure of contribution of biodiversity to poverty (n = 248)

Ecological region

Artifical landscapes aquatic
Artificial landscapes terrestial
Wetlands – inland
0 50 100 150 200


genes to ecosystems but the most common improvements in food security). And very few
focus was on a particular type of resource (for studies documented any causal link between
example, trees or fish or medicinal plants) rather biodiversity use and reduced poverty. In other
than on a named species or ecosystem. Non- words, most studies documented how the poor
timber forest products (NTFPs) were the most use, or are exposed to, biodiversity but did not
commonly studied component of biodiversity. assess how a change in biodiversity affected
And in most cases, it was the abundance or levels of poverty or wellbeing. So even these
amount of these resources that made them documented studies do not constitute really good
important to poor people rather than anything to evidence for the apparently self-evident truth that
do with their variability. biodiversity helps alleviate poverty. And in fact, as
noted below, biodiversity can even sometimes
The literature we reviewed noted biodiversity
make things worse.
contributing to multiple different dimensions of
poverty, but the most commonly cited The good, the bad and the ugly
contribution was to cash income. Other
Our review highlights a number of gaps in the
commonly studied dimensions were food security
evidence base on how biodiversity affects
and asset accumulation, while the least
poverty. More research — or better
commonly studied were energy, shelter and safe
documentation — is needed in these areas.
water. By far the most frequently recorded way
for biodiversity and poverty to interact was •• Biodiversity is more than a good. Most of the
through direct (that is extractive) use, for example studies that we found framed biodiversity in
harvesting NTFPs for household consumption or terms of its value as a resource — in the form of
to sell. We identified remarkably few studies that specific goods that can be used to generate
documented biodiversity’s role in underpinning tangible benefits such as cash, food, fuel. Very
crucial ecological processes and then drew few studies explored biodiversity’s role in
conclusions about how these processes affect underpinning the ecosystem services poor
poor people’s lives. people particularly rely on. Even fewer
investigated the benefits of diversity as a form
Overall, the evidence strongly suggested a
of insurance or adaptive capacity.
positive contribution of biodiversity to poverty
alleviation. Having said that, it was notable that •• Biodiversity can be bad. Our review highlighted
around a third of those studies reporting a benefit some examples of conflict between biodiversity
for poor people provided no measure or (wildlife) and people, such as elephants raiding
justification of that contribution (such as any crops, lions killing livestock, apes injuring
measured increase in income earned, or people. But it only scratched the surface in
IIED Briefing

terms of the inconvenient truth that biodiversity What’s more, there is potentially a vast body of
can be your safety net yet it can also kill you. knowledge — held by poor people themselves —
(Our review did not look for studies of how that is not documented and is therefore
parasites, pathogens and disease vectors unavailable for evidence reviews such as ours, or
affect poor peoples’ livelihoods, but it is worth for influencing policy.
remembering that these too are living Products
Policymakers need to be aware of this evidence
organisms and so count as biodiversity
bias when formulating conservation and
according to the CBD definition.)
development policy — such as that which will be The International Institute
•• While there is a large body of literature related enshrined in the SDGs. The scientific community for Environment and
to forest biodiversity, and especially to NTFPs, can help to address the bias by paying greater Development (IIED)
promotes sustainable
other ecological settings are poorly studied and attention to those components of biodiversity development, linking local
have become the neglected ‘ugly duckling’ of which are under-studied. But both policymakers priorities to global
biodiversity research. Drylands, in particular, and scientists need to give attention to how to challenges. We support
are home to a high proportion of the world’s integrate better the documented and some of the world’s most
poor, and these people’s livelihoods depend on undocumented, and the ‘scientific’ and vulnerable people to
strengthen their voice in
land and livestock.7 The importance of ‘traditional’, in order to generate a much richer decision making.
biodiversity — for fodder, fibre and medicines evidence base.
— seems obvious and warrants increased
We are not alone in drawing this conclusion. The
attention in development strategies for these Contact
newly established Intergovernmental Platform on Name
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)9 is
Just as certain ecosystems are more popular mindful of the need to recognise multiple forms of
80–86 Gray’s Inn Road
research topics than others, so are the more evidence. At its second meeting in December London, WC1X 8NH
tangible components of biodiversity. We found 2013 it established a task force on indigenous United Kingdom
few studies that dealt with genetic diversity, and local knowledge systems that plans to Tel: +44 (0)20 3463 7399
microbes or even invertebrates. The studies that develop a set of procedures for dealing with Fax: +44 (0)20 3514 9055
have been undertaken to date barely scratch the these systems in its scientific assessments. But
surface in terms of the full complement of such principles and guidelines must not be IIED welcomes feedback
biodiversity. confined to improving IPBES assessments. A via: @IIED and
widespread effort is needed to make the
Lack of evidence does not equate evidence base on biodiversity and poverty both
to a lack of links broader and stronger in order that policymaking This briefing, and the project
at all levels — from international to local — is on which it is based, was
So, is conserving biodiversity inseparable from funded by the Evidence and
better informed.
the fight against poverty? Our review revealed a Impact Research Grants
surprisingly patchy evidence base to support this scheme of the Ecosystem
claim. This is not to say that the lack of evidence Dilys Roe Services for Poverty
Alleviation (ESPA)
disproves the claim, but rather that only a very Dilys Roe is a principal researcher in IIED’s natural resources group
programme and by UKaid
and leads the institute’s work on biodiversity.
small subset of biodiversity has actually been dilys-roe from the UK Government.
studied. And, where research has been done, However the views
very little has been structured to demonstrate expressed do not
causal links between using biodiversity and necessarily reflect the views
of the UK Government.
alleviating poverty.

A research programme co-funded by DFID, NERC & ESRC and accredited by LWEC

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2002): Decision VI/26: Strategic Plan for the Convention on Biological Diversity. / 2 / 3 Roe, D et al. (2014). Which components or attributes of biodiversity influence
which dimensions of poverty? Environmental Evidence 2014, 3:3 / 4 World Bank
(2001): World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty. / 5 / 6 Raymond, C.M. et al.
(2010) Integrating local and scientific knowledge for environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management 91(8): 1766-1777.
/ 7 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and human well-being: desertification synthesis. World Resources Institute,
Washington DC / 8 Davies, J. et al. (2012) Conserving dryland biodiversity. IUCN, UNEP-WCMC, UNCCD
SiteDocumentLibrary/Publications/drylands_bk_2.pdf / 9

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