Untold Story of Every Man On Board 2.0

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“Untold story of every man on board"

As darkness enveloped the world. Sea became angry, raging waves are everywhere
and violent winds made him gasp hard for air. He tried to reach out to the light of
moonlight as he started to close his eyes. Will he let himself succumb to the darkness and
wrath of life? Or will he fight for his life?

Another day came, which means another battle again to live through. With bundle of
books on his left hand and lots of courage and dedication in his heart, he took a deep
breathe as he set foot at the gate of school (*YOU CAN PUT THE NAME OF YOUR SCHOOL).
Class started his classmates were busy bickering at the back talking about the new
computer games and trends, he tried to be restrained himself to look back. He had to listen
to the discussion for his scholarship is at stake. The bell rang, everyone rushed out towards
the canteen, but he made his way to the water fountain (?), filling his aching stomach with
water. After classes, he had to sprint towards the school library, not to study but to assist
the librarian in tending the library. Moon is about to rose up in the sky when he got out of
the school. With a hurry steps, he raced with the darkness for he had to walk a hundred
meters. His mom greeted him but he’s too tired to reply. He lay his weary body on his bed,
thinking again how did his day ends. He saw the caricature he made during their career day
in high school. He got his books and pen went to his study table. In every page that he flips,
he aspires to tinker the machines. In every stroke of his pen, he dreams to successfully
operate the machines in the ship. As he look out on the window, he made promise to
himself, just like the moon in the dark sky, his dream will outshine the darkness of life. And
no matter how strong the waves and scary the winds are, he will get through it for he has
dream to achieve. Success doesn’t come around. It only chases the one who work hard for
his goal.

We can see that some seafarers are currently enjoying the fruit of their labor. They
able to buy their needs and wants. Some called them lucky but they never knew the
hardships those seafarers had gone through to reach it. Blood and sweat came out of their
body as they tried to attain their goal in life. Again, nothing is easy but then the perseverance
of a person won’t perish for he has a reason to push it through.

The struggling midshipman of today is the successful seafarer of the future. We

cannot reap the fruits of our labor if we didn't give an effort to it. When the perfect moment
came, the fruits are ripe and ready to eat, it can give us the satisfaction that we never felt.
And when the way is uncertain, always remember God is always ready to lend His hand and
to guide. Together let us reach our goals!
(It was a dark time for a man who had a dream. Seeking lights despite the darkness
and struggling in the middle of the strong and horrible waves. How that man stands after
his fall after battling himself to achieve his goal.)

(He had a very busy routine everyday. He Woke up every morning to go to school
with a bundle of books and preparing his self to the next chapter of his life. He lacks the
money to sustain his needs and tuition but he used to collect the best thing to bring and
that is dedication and self-discipline. We can't deny that's seafarer tuition is one of the most
expensive professions. He used to skip meals just for his paper payment and walk 100
meters because he doesn't have money for transportation. But no one can terrify him
because he had a positive outlook that can lift up his self against negatives and challenges.
Suffering is a part of being a seafarer and it is not a hindrance to give up.)

(Others look up to them and say that they are lucky but they never look back at the
stairs they went through to achieve that life. Everything is not easy but if you have dreams
you will do everything that makes that everything easy.)

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