Muchamad Fathul Arifin-4516090

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LAPORAN HASIL / Laboratory Result

No. Rekam Medis : 42422100 Klinik Asal / :

Medical Record Number Origin Clinic
No. Registrasi Lab : 4516090 / C.101.21.09980 Dok. Pengirim : --
Lab Registration Number Reffering Doctor
Nama Pasien : MUCHAMAD FATHUL ARIFIN Tanggal Swab : 19-01-2021 13:02:00
Patient`s Name Specimen Collection Date 2021-01-19 13:02:00
No.Ident.Kependudukan / : 3578050712920002 Tanggal Diterima : 19-01-2021 14:15:23
Paspor Receiving Date 2021-01-19 14:15:23
Residence ID Number/ Validasi Hasil : 19-01-2021 21:01:56
Passport Validation Date 2021-01-19 21:01:56
Tgl Lahir : 07-12-1992 Cetak Hasil : 20-01-2021
Date of Birth 1992-12-07 Print Out Date 2021-01-20
Jenis Kelamin : LAKI-LAKI Debitur / : PASIEN TUNAI
Sex Male Insurance
Alamat / : KEDONDONG KIDUL 1/35 Kewarganegaraan / : INDONESIA
Address TEGALSARI SURABAYA Nationality


Type of Examination Result Other information
SARS CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Testing POSITIF Keterangan :
Target Gen N, Gen ORF1ab, dan Gen RNAse-P
(RT-PCR) (Nilai CT : 33.94) Hasil Positif jika Nilai CT Gen N dan atau Gen ORF1ab <= 40
POSITIVE Kontrol positif <= 35
(CT Value : 33.94) Explanation:
The target genes are N-gene, ORF1ab-gene, and RNAse P-gene
Positive Result establish if N-gene and/or ORF1ab-gene CT Value
<= 40
Positive control <= 35

Intepretasi Hasil / Result Interpretation

Hasil Positif atau Terdeteksi menunjukkan bahwa pada spesimen terdeteksi material genetik SARS-CoV-2. Jika terdapat hasil
positif, mohon untuk menghubungi layanan konsultasi kami di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai
jenis/tempat isolasi dan penatalaksanaan yang sesuai klinis. Kecepatan penanganan sangat penting untuk keberhasilan
Positive or Detected results indicate that the SARS-CoV-2 genetic material was detected in the specimen. If there is a positive
result, please contact our consultation service below for explanation about isolation and clinical management. Timing is very
important for the success of treatment
Edukasi / Education
Patuhi protokol kesehatan yang berlaku / Always follow the health protocols
Tetap berperilaku bersih dan sehat / Keep a clean and healthy attitude
Untuk konsultasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi dokter Spesialis pada poli TB DOTS pada jam kerja / For further
consultation, you can contact doctor at TB DOTS clinic, during working hours:
-Senin – Sabtu / Monday - Saturday : 08:00-10:00

Dokter Penanggung Jawab,

Doctor in Charge

dr. Ferdy Royland M, Sp.PK

Ferdy Royland M. MD.Clinical Pathologist

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