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B Burlington Books with riearatev ideo | (CONTENTS qo : gape SIE VOCS || crawmiae| | READING | | Express Yourself A Magiine Article eee ot Perfect Simple Perfect Simple Predicing Content Present Perfect © Adjective Sufines (1) Present Perfect An Online Forum Technolog Words fom the Text Future Perfect Simple Understanding Reference Adjectives and Prepositions | Faure Conauous eo Fling from Callocations ness Makiyg the Grade ea a Words tom he ext Deiningand Nondefining | Kenting te Main Mes Phrasal Vers (1) Reiaive Cause =e Adjective Sues @) hl ee crty Lights ee ng Nepave Preiss Video GY The Rio Fave Prices with Specie Marings Relationships A Shot Story ‘rds from the Text Condonals Making Inferences British US English ‘Time Clauses Se Verbs and Prepositions Nat enna at {0 Money Counts Money | Social Med a ~ ey Word fom he Tet oo devin Fat 3nd Opinion Comme apie Yeo tes Winner Takes All re, chetiegtete ing the Author's Pur Reported Speech Cormpound Nowns aka Aes ROMINA Winston te Sesh cmt SNE aaa (Grammar Review come iomatic Expressions Phrasal Verbs 3) aie Hea Sos isa) CULTURE APPENDICES Pace 120 VIDEOS. GRAMMAR BASICS 120 VOCABULARYBUILDER '3] PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE 139) PAGE 1, GLOSSARY 12 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 153, LISTENING | Monologues | rss | aration An formal Conversation Monologues and Dialogues ‘SPEAKING WRITING Doing Questionnaire oe ‘An Informal E-mall Adverbs | Personal Interview | Pronunciation: /dy/ /3/ Sharing Ides ‘AForand Against Essay ‘Connector of Addition and ‘Gonast, Comparing Pictures Pronunciation: /s/ /a/ /m/ Responding to Statemens sina A Repor of an Event, | Hopes Opinions oo | Pronunciation: /o/ /0/ /0/ Reading Maps: Bus Routes ‘Video 9 Gening Directions ‘Navigating a Website ‘Video 9 Making Pans (Online Applications Interviews, Video © My Interview. ees ee A Presentation An nerve An iervew Monologues A Podeast A Rodi Programme A Report A Conversation Monologues and Dialogues MAKE THE GRADE LANGUAGE SKILLS PAGE TSS Deserbing Chis ‘An Opinion Essay Ages and Disagreeing ‘Connectors of Cause and Result Pronunciation: Ward Sess | Giving Advice ANaratve Speculting about a Pitre “Time Expressions and Peace) /:f fe! ‘Conmectrs of Sequence | Discussing Preferences | Reaching Decision | Pronunciation: The Leters“w” andy" {An Informative Essay ‘Connectors of Purpose | Giving Reasons Biography Comparing Pcwres eens Adjectives Pronunclaon: Verb Endings ed Making Plan Reaching a Decision Pronunciation: // uf A Formal Leer or E-mail Formal Language ‘COMMON ERRORS 171 Easily Confused Words 171 FalseFriends 174 Prepositions 176 IrregularVerbForms 177 Buying Tckes Online Video 3 Buying Tickets ‘Medal nsrucions Video (2 The Pary Return & Refund Policies Video © Buying Clothes Membsship Rules Video 9 Yous cases Orsering Food Video 3 Ordering a Meal REVIEW OF TENSES ([G] crawnan toro Review thetensesandexamplesin thechars Refer TENSE. = EXAMPLE ais aaa enteral rams) oT | Ter Tete aiestoneces, a ~'| Past Sinple I studied eas ae a i | Future simple 1 will study eee ope Lingongesudy 1 Copy the chart above into your notebook. Write each expression below next to the appropriate tense. (Note: Some time expressions are used with more than one tense.) sometimes when thisevening tomorrow yesterday while later always atthe moment ayearago often as lastweek in2015 atSotlocklastnight now soon 2 choose the correct answer. 1. The Present Simple is used to tak about events that are happening now / a habit or routine In questions and negative sentences, the auxiliary verbs do and does are always followed by the base form / ver + ing. ‘The Present Simple Is also used to talk about a scheduled event in the furure /an event that is about to happen. 2 The Present Continuous is used to talk about ‘events that are happening now / a habit or routine. In questions and affirmative and negative sentences, the auxiliary verbs am, is, are are always followed by the base form / verb + ing. ‘The Present Continuous is also used to talk about regular habit or routine / a definite plan for the near future. 3. The Past Simple is used to talk about ‘a completed / an uncompleted action in the past. In questions and negative sentences, the auxiliary verb did is always followed by the base form / past tense. 4 The Past Continuous is used to talk about a short, completed action / longer, continuous action in the pas. In questions and affirmative and negative sentences, the auxiliary verb(s) was, were / did is / are always followed by the verb + ing, The Future Simple is used to talk about predictions / plans, as well as events in a timetable. In questions and affirmative and negative sentences, the auxiliary verb wills followed by the base form / ‘ver + ing 6 Be going to is used to describe a future plan and an action that is about to happen that is happening now. Be going tos always followed by the ‘base form / verb + ing. BISA (8)0L 130 Choose the correct answer. 10 2 He ... puts his phone in his pocket. 2 at the moment b never large meal at night? @ Doyouhave Are you having Grant — to Jamaica every summer. a is going b goes Lam in Australia now. 1 the Sydney Opera House. 1m trying to find a bank... a every day bb right now Look! Jenny the pool a is swimming » swims ‘The ain leaves this station —. a at6am » today Sue... to the travel agency later today. 2 goes: b is going Sharon for coffee this evening, @ will not meet bam not meeting Is Luke flying to Boston a today b every day ‘The new museum ... tomorrow ‘morning at 8 am. 2 opens bb is going to open ‘Where _. your car yesterday? did you park b were you parking 4 6 6 v 1 23 on time? a Was the plane leaving 'b Did the plane leave —-, we went to the beach. Last Saturday Usually What... when I called you last night? did you do b were you doing was packing my suitcase, Brian was checking the tickets. a Yesterday » While He read the newspaper while he... forthe bus. 2 waited b was waiting, ‘Take an umbrella! You wer if itrains. 2 will bb are going to ‘We will ative in Delhi -.- since two o'clock b ina few minutes get Be careful! You... fall. ‘2 are going to b will ‘Who do you think... win the race? 2 will b is going to Tam going to wash the car .. ‘a next year b later You can’t speak to Jane now. She to Ron. talks b is talking He always — at home at the weekend, a stays bb is staying ‘The leter arrived while I in the garden. worked b was working She .. watching sport on TY. 2 isn't enjoying b doesn't enjoy ‘Why didn't you take the dog out ? ‘this morning bb next week This time last week, I. in the Bahamas. 2 sailed ‘was sailing he standing next to the underground station when you saw him? a Did b Was He ~..five months in Japan last year. 2 spent ' was spending Gris |starcomenicaron RR GoAB)« ng oIRECTONS) (MMA TOS) vos seats Gs is Ie Experts say nomophobla (no-mobile-phone phobia) is increasing Do you ever suffer from nomaphobla? communication Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous / Present Perfect Simple AMagazne Article An Interview; Monologues ‘Doing a Questionaire; |APersonal interview An Informal Email Reading Maps: Bus Routes [VOCABULARY Communication Gk (Ge) wocnavcany preseaion 1 Look at the icons below. Can you name the app each one represents? Which of ‘them do you use regularly? HO OS OB 2. Read the descriptions and match each one to an icon In Exercise 1. Pay attention to the words n colour. [A Use this app to post your photos and videos. You can use different filters to change the look of your pictures. [8]. This app lets you share photos with your friends but the photos disappear a few seconds later [C]_ This text messaging app is fantastic way to send photos and chat to several people at once. [D] Can you get the message across in 280 letters or less? That's the idea of yous this social website used by lots of famous people, [E] | Thisis one of the most popular social media sites in the world. You can read your friends’ latest news and “Uke” their photos. {[F] There's no better way to communicate than in face-to-face ‘communication. With this app, you can see the people you're talking to. Its a great way to keep in touch with family Far away. 3 choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. 1 Ifyou want to respond to something someone has writen, you comment / interrupt oni. 2 Ifyou want to tll a friend what the homework is, you inform him about it / express your feelings. 3. Ifyou want to put a video on YouTube, you view / upload it 4 Ifyou want to discuss something, you tak it over / get tothe point, 4 fs what other verbs do you know connected to communication? [USTENING An interview 5 Are you addicted to your phone? Answer the questionnaire below. Then listen tothe first pat ofan interview witha student named Craig Fillin is answers and compare them to your own, TIAL ARE YOU ADDICTED TO YOUR PHONE? 4. Ona scale of 1to 5, how difficult do you think it would be to live without your phone? YOU CRAIG a=easy 5 =very difficult ee 2. How many messages do you send a day? oa 3, What would you miss the most about not being connected? > keepingin touch with friends > finding information on the Internet > being able to call parents in an emergency 4, What would you spend your time doing if you didn't have a phone? (choose 3) > homework > sport > spending time with friends > spending time with Family > watching TV enqress Yowco (ORTET G Listen to the second part of the interview. Are the following statements true or false? MIETTED 1. Craig realised that he should look at his messages right away. 2 Craig usually does other things while he is studying 3 Craig would probably volunteer to ‘give up his phone again, [SPEAKING Doing a Questionnaire. 7 with your partner, ask and answer the uestlons in the questionnaire, How many messages do ol On, say around sea 50 oF 60. a CG ache > Idsay.. > Ithink a > Vd probably > ldmiss [READING aMagazine Article. Reading Strategy > Predicting Content ‘Before reading a text, read the title and took at the photos ‘and other graphic elements. This will help you predict the ‘content of the text. Look atthe title and photos or graphic elements of the text ‘on page Nl What do you think the text is about? Choose the correct answer. Then read the text and see if you were correct. 1 the importance of writing 'b howweuse emoticons € the history of mabite phones 1 Read the text and choose the correct answer. SUETT 1. Cave paintings, pictograms and hieroglyphics are examples of 2 pictures and symbols that everyone can understand bb pictures and symbols used to express ideas © ancient types of picture writing 4. Languages used in both ancient and modern times 2 Emoji were originally invented to be used all over the world toattract more customers asa creative project 4 to be used in e-mails ‘When answering multiple choice questions read the question and all the answer options before choosing ‘your answer. Becareful- some answers may be incorrect even though they use words or expressions from the text 2 Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Find evidence in the text to support your answers. 1. Hieroglyphics were used before pictograms. 2. A Japanese teenager developed the first emoji for ‘mobiles, 3 Emoji can be used to express facts and suggestions ‘as well as emotions. 4 Words are the main way we communicate in person. 5 Emoji provide an easy way to express emotions. 3 Answer the questions, 1. According to educators, what is one result of the growing use of emoticons? How were emoticons made before there were emoji? ‘What are the monster and dessert emoji examples of? mun How can we make text messages less serious? “10 > WORDS FROM THE TEXT (TG) VOCABULARY PRESENTATION ) 4, Find words or expressions in the text that mean: 1 correctly (lines 1-5) 2 complicated (lines 6-13) 3 get the wrong idea (Lines 30-38) 44 make less serious (lines 39-50) 5 nowadays (lines 39-50) 5 Are the sentences true or false? Pay attention to the words in colour. 1. Running ten kilometres would be a challenge for most teenagers. 2. Handwriting has developed a lot inthe past cen years. 3 Global warming is a worldwide problem. 4 Use of the Tuenti social network has spread among, ‘young people recently. 5 Most people could manage to fix a computer. 6 When you notice something, you see it Noun Suffixes ‘The suffixes -on ty, ness and -mentare commonly used ‘to form nouns. The following nouns appear in the text. happiness > disappointment > popularity > combination EN 6 Complete the sentences with the word in brackets and ‘anoun suffix. 1... today is very different from the way it was 50 years ago. (communicate) 2. This new phone isa great . on my old one. (improve) 3. isn’t a problem because you can always message ‘your friends, (lonely) 4 The way you use emoticons shows a lot about, your... (person) 5. The old emoticons were made out of .. symbols. (punctuate) Epem yaw) 1 ~~ A PICTURE Is 5 Wes RTH A THOUSAND WeeRDS Have you been using emoticons such as smileys and hearts in almost every text message lately? Nowadays, people cant seem to manage without ther, making educators complain that we're forgetting how to use words propery. Actually, pictures were the first form of writing, Paintings ‘on cave walls described hunting 35,000 years ago. Much. later, pictograms - pictures of actual objects - were used in ancient Egypt, where they developed into the complex. picture-writing language called hieroglyphies In modern times pctogramsare used toexpressideasin a way that everyone can understand such a the red hand on stop siens. So where did the emoticon craze come from? The first emoticon a sdewayssmiley,), was born almost as soon 3s. ‘e-mail began in the 1980s. People began to invent creative «combinations of punctuation marks toshow emotions and moods, such as: (for angry, and:-] for tears of happiness, ‘Years later, in 1998, a Japanese telecom engineer named Shigetaka Kurita created emoji asa way to attract teenagers to his company's mobile phone network. Soon, every, Japanese teen was using these cute graphic symbols, ‘Since the 2000s, emoji’s popularity has spread outside Japan and now bilions of peopleuse them worldwide, People evenuse themasa kind of code asin: It's Let's |Byand wy .Some symbols show emojis Japanese origins Forexample have you ever ntce the symbols and “4, ? The first isa monster from Japanese mythology, and the second is a popular Japanese dessert! > Why do we love emoticons? They're fun. and they also fill an important need: ‘when we talk face-to-face, our tone of voice, the expression on our face and our body language all help us get our message across. When we communicate by ‘messaging, all ofthese clues are missing, ‘The resultis that people can easily misunderstand us. A smiley ora wink can do alot to lighten ‘things up. For example, a laughing emoji canlet the other person know we're just Joking. The message I won't be able to ‘meet you today may sound like you don't care, but adding a & shows your disappointment. Doesall this mean we're going backwards, using pictures instead of. ‘written language? In a way. But inthis day and age, when we communicate by ‘messaging more than face-to-face, a ‘9 picture really is worth a thousand words Listen and repeat the words. Match the bolded syimbol above. 1 Japan, 2. years lettersin each word to the correct phonetic =r 3. objects 4 language 5 use 1 Read Bella's blog extract and answer the questions. es ie at noo eons rane cb I've decided to enter a photography competition. |haven't | te | | ‘done this before, 0 'm not sure what the judges are looking for. 'm going to send a picture that | took of my litle brother last year. Wish me luck, everyone! | Posed 27am, Wednesday ianoor 9 2 ‘a Which verb’s in bold refer to an action that took place atan unspecified time in the past? b Which verb in bold refers to an action that took place at 1 specific time in the past? Which tense is used? ‘rite a logical response with the words In brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple. 11 When did Saul get this phone? (He / have it since June), 2. Is Jake coming (othe film? T'm not sure, (I not check / my messages / yet). 3 Does Ruby use Snapchat? No, (she / not download / the app). 4 Why is Matt upset? (He / just speak / 10 Rosie). She doesn’t want to see him any more! 5 You look famiiar Really? (L/ never see / you / before), 6 Does Gemma like liv I don’t know. (1/ not hear from her / for months) in Paris? Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Perfect Simple. sell Upload [not Keepin touch hear send 1. By the time I left, Joe all of his holiday pictures to Facebook. Sarah bought a new car before she .. the old one. they the news when you saw them? 1 got his message 10 days after he. it. Paul was upset that he .. with Maria after she left What are you talking about? |Last month, she sent a photograph that she had taken of Ben to an oniine photography site. She won their Young Photograptor of the Year award! vase 7 Brilant Look at the verbs in bold. Which verb refers to the action that happened first? Which tense is used for the later action? 3 -choose the correct answer. Then listen and check your answers. ETI . The First, Mobile Phone. Motorola's Martin Cooper ‘invented / had invented the first ‘mobile phone in 1973, When he *had used / used it for the first time whilewalkingdown thestreet, people were amazed. because they 7hadn't seen / haven't seen anything lke it before! The phone was put on the market in 1983, and by the late 1990s, mobile phones were so popular that most v people had no idea how they “had managed / ever ‘managed without one! Since then, the mobile phone Shas changed / had changed completely, becoming smaller lighter and smarter. Phones ‘also became / have also become a lot cheaper. Back in 1983, they ‘cost / have cost $3,995! 4 complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Past Simple, 1 BB [ve tried to call you three times. Where .. you (be)? Sorry. (not heat) you because I (turn off) my phone, o 2. Eb Last time we... (have) a party, Don was upset because we — (forget) to invite him. = Don't worry. This time I (already / invite) ‘everyone in the group. you .. (ever / send) 2 message in abotle? No, but once I (find) a message ina botl that, sorneone (throw) into the ocean ten years eae. express rot (ED (SRM Co) caiman vie Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1 Which action... 2 started in the past and is tll going on at the present moment took place at an unspecified time in the past 2. How do you express these tenses in your language? ‘5. Write sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous using the words below, 1. What bad weather! it / rain /all day, 2. John loves New York. he / live / there / since 2010. 3. You play the piano well. how long / you / have / 7 Complete the dialogues with the verbs given. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or the Present Perfect Simple. 1 start EE Why is Lydia so tied? lessons? 1 She... a new job recently and she... very hard. a 4 dropped my phone yesterday. it / not work / 2 plan buy properly / since then BE You sound happy. What's up? TEE 5 Somy I'm late! you / wait /for along time? EE We aholiday for woeks, and we... finally. he 6 I think Cathy and Tom like each other. They / talk / plane tickets! ‘on the phone / for hours. 3 aes atch the correct reply to each text message below and 1S Do you want to go and see the new action film? ‘complete the reply wth the words In brackets. Use the Not tonight, thanks. I. that it’s good, but I films Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. all day. 4 message /not mest A Ey BE Did you meet Angela on social media? BE Yes, and we each other for months. But we Fi] Hey, how did he get so good at football? face-to-face yet! Gi) do you and Juliet fee! tke going to that new action film? 5 hotealt/steep Gonna BE Have you heard from Nigel? EE No, he, He probably all mornin, wy are you going to bed so early? probably. 8 ‘Tell your partner what you have been doing in the past few months. Talk about > the sports you've been doing > what you've been working on at school > how you've been spending your free time (9) No, thanks. We . (already / see) it. (He — (play) with his brothers al his if! ‘(Because I'm tired. I... (work) on this project for hours. 1] don't know. She. (not answer) my message yet. (9) Sony. tt. (be) on silent since lastnight. 4 [[vocasuLary TC) VOCABULARY PRESENTATION PAGO hsjective Suffixes -ed / -ing ‘Adjectives ending with -ed describe a feeling or state, while adjectives ending with -ing describe nouns that cause or wos embarrassed when | fell off my bike. It wos ‘embarrassing because everyone was watching me. complete the sentences by adding -edor ing tothe verbs below. amuse thrill) embarrass terrify bore 11 ‘The film was $6", I thought it would never end. 2. Iddon’t know why John is... of dogs. !© 3 Susan thinks her text messages are funny, but «don't find them 4 Tas when I gota smartphone for Christmas. 5 I was... when I sent a message o the wrong person. DOTA pcjective Suffixes -ful / -less ‘Some other common adjective suffines are ful and less. ‘The suffix-ful means with; the suffix-less means without. ‘twas careless of you to drop your phone. You should ‘be more careful en Tae a 2 complete the sentences by adding -fulor -lessto the ‘words in colour. ; 1. Poor Sarah ~ she’s having a pain. operation tomorrow. 2 Pm exhausted! Ihad a sleep. night. 3 Jake’s new puppy is really play. 4% Please give this food to the home... man on the comer. 5. [don’t like Carl ~ he often makes thought comments. 3 Read the following statements. Which do you agree with? 1. Reading is a useful way to learn new vocabulary. History is a very interesting subject. ‘Students are rarely careless whem they do their homework. Most teenagers are helpful around the house. Lots of teenagers are bored by Facebook. It’s not surprising that so many people use social media sites. [|USTENING Monologues. 4. whats an exchange student? Would you like tobe an ‘exchange student? Why or why not? 5 Usten to three exchange students talking about their experiences. Then decide ifthe statements are true or false. 1. Oliver has studied Chinese at school for three years. 2. He boloves that Chinese will be helpful in his career. 3 He feels thatthe Chinese are angry all the time. Sa 6 How much do you remember? Answer the questions. 11 What does Oliver find interesting about China? 2. Why was Carly excited when it snowed? 3. What do Alecta and Karine have in common? [SPEAKING Personal interview 7 Usa wants to go ona student exchange programme, Listen to her interview. Which ofthe questions below did the nterdewer ask? ETE] » 4 f 8 Look at the ideas for answering the questions. Match the groups to the following categories Home Family FreeTimeandFriends TheFuture Sports and Hobbies, 1 2 3 ia 5 9 Add your own ideas to each category in Exercise 8, x 10 Match the interview questions in A to the answers in B. ‘Where are you from? What do you like about the place where you live? Could you tell me a bit about your family? What hobbies and sports do you like? ‘What's your favourite school subject? ‘What are your goals for the future? ‘Would you like to go to university one day? 4 small town / a large city / not much night life / great beaches / crowded and noisy in the football team / swim / play basketball / do pottery / go skiing / play the guitar’ in a band an older sister / little brothers / an only child / celebrate holidays / go camping 0 to university / goto art school / travel / be an engineer / be a musician / run a business hhang out / play games online / see films / go to the beach / talk on the phone / send text messages / WhatsApp ‘Where do you lve? ‘What do you lke about the place where you live? ‘There are fou of usin the family -'ve gota litle brother. Can you tell me about you family? 1s dose to the beach and it’ got grea surfing What hobbies or sports do you do? on ally ino fotball and {quite enjoy hackey, to. ‘What do you and your friends do for fun? ‘One day 1 hope to go to university, but first I want to travel ‘What ate your plans for the future? ‘We usually hang out at someone's house. We also like going to films. Tive in a small town in Cornwall. ‘Work witha partner. Take turns interviewing each other. Use the questions in Exercises 7 and 10 “A, side ideas.and useful languagein éxercises 6 and 10 to help you Film your interview and play I the clip for the class. When answering questions bout yourself don't sive one or two Word answers ~ include some detail EWRITING Antnformat e-mail __Work with a Model Informal e-mails or letters are usually written by people who know ezch other They use Informal, everyday language and relaxed grammar and punctuation. 1 Johan is an exchange student. Hell be staying with Ethan's family. Read Johan's e-mail below. Why does he want to improve his English? Grete Hiethan! twas great to get your messages. You asked me to tell you about myself, so here goes. ‘As you know, I'm from a city in Norway called Trondheim. "ve got one sister, ‘who's a year younger than me. My parents are really into sport and so are my sister and |, 50 I suppose it runs in the family. It's really cold here a lot of the time, so we often go skiing. I've been learning to snowboard lately, which is extremely challenging! I'm olso in the ice hockey team at our local sports club. \’m really excited about coming to London! It's a city I've always wanted to see. {Also, | want to improve my English! Unfortunately, 'm quite shy about ‘speaking, although | read quite well. | want to travel when | finish school, ond Vl need to speck English fluently if! want to communicate with people in other ‘countries. Hopefully, a few months of living with a British family in London will do the trick! Could you write ond tell me a litte bit about yourself, t00? I'm curious to know what you're like ond what you like to do. © See you soon, Johan Opening, remarks Body, Answer questions, add details and move information Closing vernarks, questions Signing off. 2. Inwhich part of the e-mail could Johan use the following sentences? 1. also think that it’s a wonderful city to tour. 2 Lalso like hiking as well, but we can only do that in the summer. 3 See you in two months, 14 Are you into sport or are there other things that interest you more? 5 Dear Ethan, Adverbs ‘Adverbs of manner describe a verb Please speak stowly, so! can understand you [Adverbs of comment express an opinion or comment on an event. Unfortunately, 'm quite shy about speaking, Adverbs of degree give us information about the intensity of an adjective or adverb. Its quite difficult far me to pronounce English words, cxqress Yoo OED 3 Find two adverbs of manner, two adverbs of comment and three adverbs of degree in the model in Exercise 1. 4 Add the adverbs in brackets to the sentences below. | was surprised to see that Holly could play the guit We smiled, but we felt disappointed. (politely, slightly) They did the job, although it was difficult. (extremely, perfectly) ‘The teacher was impressed with our project. (luckily, very) Everyone will arrive home. (safely, hopefully) = (well, quite) [Pm nervous, but I'll try to wait, (a bit, patiently) Imagine you are going to spend a term as an exchange student. ‘A Write an e-mail of 100-120 words to your host, Wayne. Include the following: > information about yourself > why you want to bean exchange student 1. Answer the questions below. | _ wich tnree adjectives best describe you? 2. boyou have brothers and sisters or are you an only child? 4, bo you have any hobbies? 5 What kind of music da you listen toz 2. Read the reasons that people gave for becoming exchange students. Which do you think is relevant for you? | want to lear about other cultures. a itarected br | want to improve vay Exglish meeting new people. (A like to be more independent, 3 Organise your ideas into paragraphs according to the model in Exercise 1 Use the ideas above and your awn ideas, 4 Write your e-mail —EEEEEae eT rk 1 Watch the video of Emily arriving in London and answer the questions. 3 1. Where is the university? 2. Where does Emily wait for Kate? 2. Emily has ust come out of Euston Square station. Find It on the Lendon bbus-route map below. What tourist attraction is nearby? nana om Bac Croeeenseng Fae Docklands Light Raliway_ i Cenen O London Ber Secs pit Tampa friendos Vitor { ea Ma ne ae . oan set Route Route 9 Route 10 Route It Route 14 Route 15, Route 23, Route 24 Route 25 Route 38 Route 43 Route 59 Route 73, Route 74 Route 139 Route 148 Route 159 Route 188 i Route 205 | : Route 274 Route 390 Route 453, ° oh | | Got Warren Suet = fertane_ondSeuston Seu erect freer e fata 3 sn ine whey asset @-Soode street Severe Sha owes Soeet |) LINE UY TUTE UIE UU Trancery Rotor Voaure engswny Tafoger Score Beuyeh Loggate Greve fecntegco » 4 A oe ey fen 3 Look at the map again and answer the questions. A Use the map to answer the questions below. 1. Which bus routes stop at Euston Square station? 1 You are staying ina student flat neat Camden How many bus routes stop at St Pancras International? Lock Market. Find on the map. What is the Which station has a Visitor Information Centre? closest rabe station? Which buses stop nearby? ‘Which bus routes terminate at King’s Cross station? 2 You are going to Piece ets Ee would ‘What else does the map show? JON BE Oe a de unit conTewT Ge Go7is) omc non nese Ry(ie775) vain Technology Future Perfect Simple Future Continuous ‘An online Forum A Presentation; ado Report Would you rather deal with a human or a robot when you Sharing Ideas, Comparing Pictures 0 Into a shop or restaurant? Why? |For and against Essay Navigating a Website [VocaBuLaRY Technology (EC) vocasutaey eresentarion 1 Lookat the photos of different types of robots. What do you think each one could be used for? en 2. Read the descriptions and match each one toa robot in Exercise 3, Pay attention to the words in colour. ‘This robot is capable of doing very olicate tasks underwater, such as exploring coral reefs, This is because of its most unusual feature: hands with ‘sensors. These sensors enable the robot's controller to actually feel what therobot touches! How da you make a rabot slide into small places like pipes and tubes? You invent ‘one with a flexible body that moves by changingits shape. It's convenient for reaching places people can't access and valuable in search and rescue operations. These are the latest trend for anyone inta tech hobbies. Plots tly them by remote cantrol and they often have cameras, so you can watch lve video of what they see. They can be controversial because of privacy issues and safety concerns. This giant robot was created for ahi-tech sport: robot fights. Nearly five metres tall and weighing 5,500 kilos, i's equipped with giant paintball — and can shoot them at 160 kph! Two pilots operate the robot by riding inside. [ ]Wegabot mi) 3 Replace the words or phrases in bold with a word or expression Incolour that has a similar meaning. upgrade) tool user-friendly cutting-edge perform devices 1. Robots are often used to do dangerous or boring tasks. 2. How can | improve my computer without buying a new one? 3. Completely new medical technology is being used to save liv ‘4 Early computers were very complicated, but today they are easy to use 5 Google is a popular instrument for searching, for Information online. 6 What's the best way to recycle mobile phones, cameras ‘and other machines? 4 & what other words do you know connected to computers? es [USTENING 4 Presentation 5 Lookat the pieture above. What do you think is happening? Listen to the first part of a presentation and find out if you \were correct. Then answer the questions below. OFT 11 What kind of championship did Sandy participate in? 2 How did she first feel about joining the team? 3. Why did she finally join the team? 7 Usten to the second part of Sandy's presentation and complete the sentences with 1-3 words. URIST 1 You don’t need to know a Jot about to be in a team, 2 The teams work for... to build their robots. 3 Itwas clfficult for Sandy’s team to teach their robot how to. 4 At competitions, people behave the way they do at a 5 Sandy has changed her attitude towards Top Tock (IE [SPEAKING Sharing Ideas 8 with your partner, discuss some advantages and / or disadvantages of participating in after-school activities. One advantage is that ye get to do something you're interested in, Tue, but personaly | ont have the time. - ‘One advantage / disadvantage is. Personally. (dort) ‘On the one hand, On the other hand, — dm a [/ READING Aq Online Forum Reading Strategy ? Understanding Reference Texts usually contain pronouns and possestve adjectives Airch refer to something or someone leady mentioned. You can usualy ind the answer inthe first part ofthe Sentence rin the previous sentence 1 Look at the words in bold in the text. What thing or person does each word refer to? 2 Read the online forum. Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Find evidence in the text to justify your answers. OCTET 1. Melanie's friend got her interested in drones. 2. Barry hasn't worked with SWARM yet, 3. The best time to track poachers is at night. 4 Lisa’s use of drones has helped her business. ‘When answering true/false questions identify the keywords in each statement. Then use the keywords tohelp you find the relevant part ofthe text 3 choose the correct answer. 1. Why did Lisa decide to use drones at weddings? ‘2 A.couple asked her to use them. bb She wanted to do something different, She saw them being used. She had heard it was a new trend. 2. What disadvantage of drones is NOT mentioned in the texts? a the noise they make bb the damage they can cause privacy issues @ thelr high cost 4, complet the sentences acordng ts infomation nthe forum. Use your own words 5 uch s posible 1 Melanie weno the pak to learn bow 2. After helping oescuea woman, Barry became 3 Unlike other drones, the type that Michael describes does not... 4 Lisa warns people against using a pilot who 2 WORDS FROM THE TEXT (Te) wocnsuany peeseuraTiOn 5. Find words or expressions in the posts that mean the opposite of: 1 advantage (text A) 2 cheap (text B) 3 easy (text ©) 4 ashamed (text D) 5 ugly (text D) 6 choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in colour. 1. Sales will increase if the price goes up / down, ‘You should avoid flying a drone above crowded / empty areas. ‘You must search for something if you have bought / Tost it ‘You should / shouldn't make an attempt to learn something new. ‘Aveend is something that is becoming less / more popular. ‘We were extremely worried / glad when she went missing. A rough road probably has a lot of rocks / traffic. GOETH) pajectives and Prepositions Certain adjectives have to be followed by 2 ‘specific preposition. Find the adjectives belowin ‘the text and match them to the prepositions. One preposition isused morethan once. 1 skitful (text A) a of 2 keen (text A) bat 3. aware text ©) con “4 proud (text D) ERAN TTA 7 Complete the dialogues with the prepositions below. of in about 1. Bb Tomis experienced! .. using drones, Bk Do you think he'd be interested ._ joining SWARM? 2B Ihear you're mad .. your drone! 1 Yes, but I think my friends are jealous... me. swith /0f /for 3. GE We're tired ... ordinary wedding pictures. EH Then I'm sure you'll be impressed. these! 4 Bb Drones are very suitable .. tracking poachers. B® Yes, but we're disappointed. the results so far. TECHNO FORUM [Ey parents got me the perfect present this Christmas —a cron! With abit of practice in the park, I soon became quite skiful at controling it, and | spent the weekend fying it around the neighbourhood with a friend. Now, he's become keen on drones, 80 he's going o buy one as wel. Thore's just one downside ~ my neighbour accused me of spying on her when it flew over her garden, and she was furious when it landed on her flowers. have tobe more careful in future! [FF unt recent, 1 used my drone to photograph the nearby ‘mountains, But when a woman went missing there, the police called me and soon | was using it to help search the area's, rough terrain. We found her safe and sound. Afterwards, | joined SWARM, a group of volunteers who use their own drones in search and rescue operations. Drones are ideal for this because they're small, fast and much less costly than a helicopter. There are 1,600 SWARM pilots in 48 countries so far, and our numbers are increasing. I's great to think 'llbe saving lives with a hobby! eat 3] You may not be aware of a big problem here in Africa ~ >» poaching, oF illegal hunting, of endangered animals such as ‘elephants and rhinos. Poachers are extremely tough to catch, but drones are helping. They fly low over wildife reserves and track the poachers, enabling us to catch them in the act. Most drones are quite noisy, but we use a silent type that the = poachers don't notice, Also, because poachers work mainly at night, our drones are equipped with special cameras. Perhaps: in a few years, with the assistance of drones, poaching will have become a thing of the past. [FV sa protessional photographer, I'm ahvays thinking » about how to shoot things from @ fresh viewpoint. That's why | thought there had to be a way to use a drone for weddings. During my first attempt, | had the couple and their guests pose outside the church as we flew the drone over them. | was quite proud of my photos as they were stunning, and «= ever since then, clients haven't stopped calling If you join this trend, make sure you get askiled pilot to operate it, as these devices have been known to crash and injure people, and you wouldn't want thet happening at your wedding! injure Watch EQ the video ie answer the gestion How does the weather affect drones? 23 24 (HO ceannar toro Guess what? Tomorrow Pll be taking partin a drone Read the dialogue. which verb n bold deseribes search operation! ‘future plans ' anaction that will be completed at some time inthe future @] ves, butitsjustfor practice — its nota veal emergency Really? ‘€ an action that will be in progress at some time inthe future | read that soon well be using drones for all kinds of things ~ like medical deliveries and storm tracking, Actually, people are already using them for emergency deliveries. And by using drones, within a few years we'll have reduced the amount of poaching by half. 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Will people have lived / Will people be living on Mars 10 years from now? We're not late, The film won’t have started / won't be starting before we arrive. Atthis time tomorrow, we will be flying / will have flown to London, | wall be calling / will have called him by the time you see him, so he'll know the news. Will you have repaired / Will you be repairing my drone by the weekend? 1'm afraid | won't be going / won't have gone with you tomorrow. I'm too busy. 2 Match A and B to form sentences about the future. Complete the sentences with ‘the verbs n brackets. Use the Future Perfect Simple or Future Continuous. Ina few years time... A 3D printers will have become so common people willbe living longer Google wil have sent thousands of balloons into space, hologram technology will have advanced so much people will be paying for things online using their faces, B 2 that people (transport copies of themselves to places thousands of kilometres away. because companies... (create) “selfe” pay systems that people. (use) them every day at home. and these. (provide) Wi-Fi to every place on Earth, because researchers... (ind) a way to slow the effects of ageing. P 3 Read three news articles from the future. Then write ‘summaries ofthe articles. Use the words glven and the Future Perfect Simple or Future Continuous. [+] oon TRIP; CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF THE YEAR {ih Decomier 2020 | The Christmas present you're mast ikely +o get this year isa giftcard fora moon trip. Ever since the ‘pening of Hote! Luna, maon tourism has increased dramatically io SD-PRINTED NEIGHBOURHOOD 25th March 2035 | People have begun to move into their homes in the new Northside neighbourhood of Utica, New York. This isthe first neighbourhood in the US to be constructed using only 3D technology, though several have been builtin China and Korea, 1 iceland Gets Petrol off the Road ‘3rd April 2040 | Iceland has shut down its last oto ition, taking it the fis country fo change completely to hydrogen-powered vehicles. “We hope to make global warming a thing of the past within a decade,” sald lela’ president, 8y 2030/2 company / build /a hotel on the moon, In 2030 / many people / get / moon trips for Christmas. Duting their trip / tourists / stay at Hotel Luna, People / move into / the USS first 3D-buit neighbourhood / during 2035, Korea and China / already / construct / 3D neighbourhoods / by that same year. Al eelanders stop / using petro in their cars / by 2040, They drive / hydrogen-powered cars ‘The president / hopes that by 2050 / global warming / end, ‘ty Tech (ORE 4 complete theecture using any future tense. There may ‘be more than one correct answer. Listen and check your answers. MAETEER Hi, everyone, and welcome, Today I (1)... (tal) 10 you about the future of 3D printing. We all know that 3D printers can make anything ftom toys to food. But I betiove that in the next few yeats, they 2)... (produce) something far more complex: human organs. It probably (3)... (not happen) before 2025. But experts predict that by then, scientists (@)—.. (develop) a way to ereate real organs, Just imagine ‘what life (6) be) tke then! Instead of plastic artificial limbs, accident victims (6) (et) real ones, And patients 10 need a hfe-saving Kidney, Neart or liver transplant (7) — {not have to) wait for years, as some do now. Tt sounds lke science-fiction, but by the end of the next decade, all this (8)... (become) a reality Cae Ask and answer the following questions. > What do yau think you'll be doing when you're 30? > What do you hope that you'll have done before you get old? What are some things you will have done by the end of the school year? eae Mateed a [| VocasuLary (Go ween resewion GOT cottocations ‘There are many collocations in English with the verbs keep and save. Imsaving money for a motorbike, Can you keep a secret? How do you say these collocations in your language? 1 Listen to some extracts from a radio report and complete the diagrams with the expressions below. ETE energy aneyeon (yourself) the trouble theday trackof (me) posted moi) tote ) otk 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the collocations in Exercise 1. 1 You can turing lights off when you leave a room. 2 [couldn't have fixed the robot without your help! You .— 3. Will you... my suitcase while I get the tickets? 4 We have to... our science teacher progress. ‘on the experiment’s 3 Match A to Band complete the collocations in colour with the words below. Ure breath adiary company A 1. Jamie crashed Beth’s new drone. Rosie's nervous about going alone. It’s hard for me to share my feelings with others. apromise face | don’t believe her any more 1m so glad I had that new map app! 2 3 4 Why are you arguing with David? He'll never agree with you. 5 6 8 Now he's lying about it to save ‘That's one reason I've always kept She just can’t keep ...! You may as well save your. Itsaved my! That’s why T offered to keep her EDS TTEUIBTEN PACES [J USTENING {Radio Report 4, You are going tohear a radio report from an exhibition ‘of wearable technology What do you think wearable technology is? 5 Listen to the first part of the report and complete the sentences. TIE 11 The smart shirt will keep your body at a temperature. 2. The sensors can tell whether you are 3. The smart shirt will help prevent arguments about how hot or cold it is in ‘4 With smart shirts, we will heat and cool less, sowe'll .. G Listen to the second part of the report and decide if the following sentences are true or false. ETE 1 Lechal footwear works with a smartphone 2. The footwear sends information through headphones. 3 Athletes will find an Athos shit useful {4 ‘The reporter is going to buy an Athos shirt 5. Hospital patients were the frst to use Athos shits. ‘The Athos shirt and Lechal footwear are examples: of smart clothing. Go online and find more examples af wearable technology. Make an online poster about wearable technology: yy SPEAKING Comparing Pictures 7 Lookat the pictures on the right. Then match the sentence beginnings in with the endings in B, Which describe similarities between the two pictures? Which describe differences? A The pictures are similar be 1 2. Inboth pictures, 3 In picture A we can see a drone rescuing people, 4 The pictures are different because picture A shows an emergency. 5 Another difference is that B while in picture B we can see a drone serving a drink in a restaurant, bb the drone in picture B is probably smaller, they both show dranes. 4 the drones are doing something to help people. while picture B shows an enjoyable situation, ‘When you want to draw someone's at ve just noticed Look at this ‘And theres another thing son to something, use the following expressions: ee [warring ‘A for and agains essay is usually about a controversial issue. Itpresents both ses ofthe issue and concludes by supporting one of the sides. 1 _ Read the model essay below. What issue is the writer discussing? What side does the writer support? Robots or Doctors? ‘Today, robots equipped with cutting-edge technology and special features are Open... usedin medicine for many purposes. Some people even predict that human doctors will have become unnecessary by the endof this century. sit a good idea to replace doctors with robots? > onthe one hand, cobots are capable of string and analysing much mare information than humans. For example, they can quickly calculate the correct 2 Body, amount of medicine. in addition, rabots do not get tired, While human doctors Present arguments for may think less clearly when they are tired this can’thappen with a robot both sides of the issue, onthe other hand there are some things that ony a person can do. For instance doctors sometimes have to use thei intuiton to make quick decisions | Gefore there isa define diagnsis. Furthermore only ahuman doctor can give > comfort and supporto patients and ther families Closing... in conclusion, although robots may be excellent at dealing with information, in Suwnmnarise and my opinion these devices can never replace doctors. state. your opinion with supporting details ‘and examples 2 inwhich paragraph could the writer have writen each of the following sentences? 1. Robots also know which medicines are safe to use together. 2. Robots can’t deal with things that are unexpected. 3. Asrobots become more like humans, they will be replacing people in many situations. ‘4 Robots can reduce the number of mistakes made in hospitals. Nevertheless, [don’t believe robots are substitutes for humans. Connectors of Addition and Contrast We use connectors of addition to add information. Some connectors of addition are: also, as well as), in addition (to), besides, furthermore and moreover. Connectors of contrast link contrasting ideas. Some connectors of contrast are: ‘but, nevertheless, while, on the one hand / on the other hand, however, ‘although / even though and despite / in spite of. “ip Tech EE 3 Choose the ONE or TWO correct connectors for each sentence. 1 some people love new technology, others init 4 3D primers have become much cheaper... nt many ‘ents people have bouge them yt gre rer ercied eee ot 2 Clothes of the future will keep your body at a comfortable 5 .... folding your clothes, the Laundroid robot will place temperature, .... keep track of your heart rate. them in your wardrobe. aswell as / moreover / also Besides / In addon to / Funhermore 2: doing amazing things to help people, drones are 6 On the one hand, a robot can do many medica asks. ‘quite controversial only a real doctor can understand how a patient feels. Despite /Inspite of / However However / Eventhough / On the oer hand Write a for and against essay on the following issue: The personal use of drones should be banned. Include the following: > bothsides ofthe issue > your support for one side > 1 Brainstorm your essay. Read the headlines below. Which show a positive aspect of drones? Which show a negative aspect? DRONE FINDS MISSING TEEN AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS: ‘An amateur drone plat located Matthew DRONES ARE THE FUTURE! Evans in 20 minutes. [ Drones provide new and important photographs. HEATHROW: DRONES COME WITHIN 200M OF PLANE | Drones pulled into a plane engine INCREASE IN DRONE-RELATED could cause disaster. PRIVACY VIOLATIONS| | Residents are complaining about drones DRONE INJURES CHILD hovering over swimming pools. A young child was seriously hurt after being hit by a drone. 2. Read the task above again. Decide if you think the personal use of drones should be banned or not 3. Make notes about what you want to include in your essay. 4 Organise your ideas into paragraphs according to the model in Exercise 1, Use the ideas above and your own ideas. 5) Write your essay. HOME | 30 11 Watch the video of Emily, Kate and Jack talking about their plans for the evening and answer the questions. 1. Why doesn’t Emily like science-fiction films? 2. What does Emily think of the play she saw? 2 Read the website. what is true about the East Ford Community Theatre? Choose three answers. @ It’s local theatre 4d. Iconly performs comedies. b The actors are amateurs, e It's over a hundred years ol. € Tickets aren't expensive. ILGETTINGHERE | ABOUTUS _ The 1892 comedy classic by Brandon Thomas Jack! nd Charley loves Amy ey invite the ladies ta meet Charley haunt from Braail, anna Lucia But Danna Lucia doesn't arrive on time, so persuade their friend Lord Fancourt 10 dress up as Donna Luci 3 ead these sentences. On which part ofthe website would you find this information? 1. This is Duncan Haine’s first professional acting role. j 2. We're located a ten-minute walk from East Ford railway stat 3 The East Ford Community Theatre moved to its current building in 1905. 4 Discounts are available for full-time student. 5 6 Things get interesting when the real Donna Lucia appears. During the week, the afternoon show starts at 14:00 and the eve Jing show starts at 20:00, MAKE Grade’ Units 1-2 STANDARDS ASSESSMENT [WRITTEN COMPREHENSION Blog (Understand general information and ideas Understand relevant details ‘Check what text type you're going to read and what typeof information you'll need to find n't, Reading the questions before you read the text willhelp you know what to loo for. 1 Read the blog and choose the correct answer. 1. What is the main idea of Susan’s blog post? 2 The use of security cameras is unfair to the public. b People can be hurt by incorrect information in data banks. « Facial recognition technology needs improvement. 4 People should find out which data banks contain their photos. 2 What did the guards cell Susan? 2 Someone had identified her as a thief, bb The security system had wrongly identified her. € According to the security system, she was a thie. «4 Her name appeared in the security system's data bank. 3 What does Susan want the authorities to do? 2 Give her an explanation bb Correct the mistake. « Respond to her blog post. @ Both a and b. 2 complete the sentences with 1-3 words 1. Facial recognition is a. that can identify people by their photos 2 The experience in the shop made Susan feel 3. One possible reason Susan was “caught” is that she and another girl. each other, 4 According to SteveX, the public doesn't... about ‘what is done with the information from security cameras. ‘Susan's Blog a eee Hello, everyone! As you know, | don't ‘usually write much about unpleasant ‘experiences here in my blog, but something happened to me yesterday that | want to share i's important because the same thing could happen to you! So, yesterday, | went to my local shopping centre. | was, ‘walking eround a clothes shop when two guards came ‘over to me and asked me to leave. At fist. | thought they ‘were joking, They weren't! ‘This is what they told me: When people enter the shopping centre, a security camera takes their photograph. Then, «2 computer compares that photo with pictures in a data, ‘bank that contains faces of shopliters. Appaventy, the system had identified me as a shoplifter! | was shocked! I'm nota thief and I've never shoplitted! | tied to explain this, but the guards kept interrupting and telling me to leave. In the end, | et feeling very ‘embarrassed. Later, | looked up the technology the guards had described. It's called facial recognition. The latest versions are extremely accurate hi-tech tools that match photos of faces to pictures in data banks. The technology is helpful in finding criminals and even preventing some crimes, but errors can occur ‘So, I want fo know how I was (wrongly) identified as «a criminal, Did the computer match me to a gil who looks like me? Or is my picture in the data bank by mistake? I've ‘contacted the police and the shopping centre manager for {an explanation. | also want the mistake corrected immediately. ll post their responses here! aaa There are around six milion security comeras in Britain | and many cifferent data banks - but the public doesn't know enough about what the authorities do with that information, aa | support any technology that helps solve crimes, even ifit doesn't work perfectly! Amya JFORAL COMPREHENSION A Radio Interview \/ Understand main points and relevant details \/ Understand detailed information Listen to a radio interview about new research on some ‘effects of smartphones. Choose the correct answer. TET 1. What is today’s Teen Hour about? ‘the positive effects of smartphones bb the negative effects of smartphones why teens can’t manage without smartphones 2 According to the first study, phones affect our ‘concentration most when they .. @ cing are near us ¢ aretumed off 3. Which sentence is true about the experiment at the University of Texas? ‘a Students left their phones on. 'b There were no phones in the testing room. ‘© Some students had to leave their phones in another room. 4 The reason one group got lower test scores was because they... ‘used some brain power to stop thinking about their phones bb could see their phones « focused on their phones more than the tests 5. The Australian research involved ‘2 one thousand stucents in four high schools 'b_ more than 2,000 Figh-school students studying more tha ‘a thousand teens all through high school 6 The light from a phone’s screen ‘a has no effect on us when we sleep bb has an effect on chemicals in the body «interrupts sleep less than sounds do Don't panic if there are words inthe listening text that you don’t understand. You don't need to understand every word inorder to complete Your task [ORAL PRODUCTION Transaction \/ Present reasons and points of view Request and give solutions to practical problems Student A: You recently bought an expensive smartphone. ‘You're very disappointed with the phone ~ the camera isn’t working properly and the battery only lasts about five hours. You've decided you ‘want your money back. Explain the problem to Student B. Student B: You are a sales assistant in a phone shop. Ask ‘Student A for details about the problem. Unfortunately, you aren’t allowed to give the customer a cash refund ~ suggest a different solution, J] WRITTEN PRODUCTION A Social Media Post Transmit information and ideas, ./ Express opinions and suggestions You have decided to attend a lecture called “The Dangers of ‘Technology’. Weite a post on your social media page. Explal ‘what the event is where and when it’s taking place why you want to go ‘why you think your friends would also be interested Bios: waren) [pics )wrorenen) RRC rByio we Defining and Non-definngReatve Clauses A Biography An informal Conversation; ‘Monologues and Dialogues ’ead the quote below. What does it mean? Do you agree? Why or why not? Responding to Statements; Read the quote below What does it mean? Doyou agree? Why or why nai toeeien ae The roots oF education are bite, but the fruits are sweet” Aristotle AReporcofan vent ‘nine Applications & Interviews 33 [VOCABULARY Education ‘ laah 2 (EG) vocasurary PResenraTiON L D> G 1. Lookat the infographte and answer the questions: 1 Which country has got the smallest classes? 2 Which has got the longest school day? 3 Where are students the least happy? Po 4 1 apace INFOGRAPHIC: SCHOOLS ROUND THE W@®RLD DLL eenet 2 he a Lu oe LENGTH OF SCHOOL DAY t ‘@ haurs Numperor (85% ota Baa aad tom one rue) TIME SPENT ON HOMEWOR Hours per week ‘6 hours 7 hours 80% ia 83% e z A ee CC oy 2. Read what students say about school. Match each quote to the part of the Infagraphic the student is talking about. Pay attention to the words in colour. (Bese ee iceland pase, oe ees [rater Anemdngscenforing |) igcoseseetorito | | Femearcesipments. | | wfthteachersont ee teormare Wnetcountsis || Sotrcontheteocers | | Suttobetorest canhetpyoufedless cecmpmamesen || etecmmes Biiaeireccic || srameecmas | oagoaiear tocretecsotiget || Sesnymaymetenew || swhcteyutaacheve | Sees. || Renee || crireayinomne’ | | mreondao ue cea | | tra J 3 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. 41, Students that feel strict / secure aren't shy about expressing their opinions. 2. Ifyou don’t pay attention / encourage during a lesson, you may miss something important. 3. Students need more support / sense of belonging ‘when they don’t understand the material. 4 Ithelps to disrupt / revise what you've learnt before an exam. 4 By wha other words connected to education do you krow? [SPEAKING Responding to Statements '5 Rea the students’ comments in Exercise 2on page 34 again Tell your partner which you agree with and why Ff you ask: me, Conor is wrong, ths not rue hat doing homewore i; think Roy is nght, peneepise aming: hecause by 2 o'clock, students are very tired. Useful Language > | right / wrong, because . > Ies(not) tue that.. > IFyouaskme, > Itseemsto me that. > | (Gon't) agree with... — [J USTENING An informal Conversation 6 ThePisaisan international test glven to 15-year-old students In countries. Guess the PISA results ofthe countries below. Number them s (lowest mark) to 4 (highest mar USA UK China Finland 7 Listen to two British teachers discussing the exam results and see if you were correct. UKTI B Nowlisten again and choose the correct answer. ETE 1 Emma is (@ shocked proud © unsurprised 2 Emma believes Asia’s results are mainly due to... 2 large classes 1 long hours «self-discipline 3 Richard is surprised that Finland got... marks. a the best © very good € poor 4 Finland’s results surprise Richard because students there have when she learns about the UK results. ‘a small classes bb long holidays © yno pressure 5 Richard and Emma had expected the American results to be. than they were. a better b worse © no different [READING A Biography Reading Strategy > Identifying the Main Idea Reading the first and sometimes the last, sentence of a paragraph can help you identify the main idea. This makes easier to understand the text. 1 Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the text. Match four of the paragraphs to the topics below. 2 what Tererat is doing now bb Tererai’s difficulties and achievements in the United States € Tereral’s hopes for her future 4 Tererai’s background When looking for information in a biographical text, remember that this type of text usually follows a chronological order, starting with the person's birth and childhood. Z Read the text. Choose the correct answer. OETEE 1. The schoolteacher wanted Tererai to attend school ‘to punish her for doing her brother’s homework bb so she could continue helping her brother © because Tererai had begged to attend because he realised that Tereral was clever 2. Tererai’s mother @ encouraged her bb advised her to forget about her hopes € promised to help her 4 wrote down her daughter’s dreams 3 Decide ifthe following statements are true or fase. Find evidence in the text to justify your answers. 1. Where Tereral grew up, there was electricity for only a few hours a day. 2 By marrying at a young age, Tererai was obeying her father. 3 Tererai eamed alot of money while ‘working in the United States. 4 Tererai returned to Zimbabwe only ater she had completed her PRD. Make your own dreambox. Use an Interactive calendar, make a video or design an online poster ~ be creative! that had no electricity or water. Although her culture did not believe in educating girls, Tererai was desperate to learn. She taught herself to read and write using schoolbooks that ‘+ belonged to her brother Tinashe, who was delighted to let her do his homework. 2 Tererai’s secret was exposed, however, when the local schoolteacher noticed that TInashe's homework was much better than the work he did in class. The teacher intervened and +0 begged Tereral’s father to allow his daughter (o attend school, ‘She was able o study for one year. Then, when she was 11 years ‘old, her father forced her to drop out of school to get martied. By the time Tererai was 18, she already had three children and seemed destined to live life of poverty. 15. 3 ButTererai had big dreams, She wanted to goto the US to get 2 bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and, eventually, a doctorate. As impossible as this seemed, her mother told her to hold onto her dreams by writing them down, in the hope that ‘one day they would come true. She wrote them on a piece of 2 paper and put itinto a smnal box, which she buried under a rock in the field where she looked after the cattle. 4 Tererai began to work for an aid fageney and used her income to do correspondence courses to compensate ‘Tererai had big Greans. She wanted to 5 focal the years of study shell missed. In gotothe UStogeba 1996, this remarkable woman, who had ‘bachelor’s degree,a had one year of formal education, was master’s degree and2 accepted asa student at Oklahoma State doctorate, University She, her husband and five 2» children moved to the United States ‘and she began her studies. 5. Her dream had come true, but life in the US was a struggle. ‘Tererai held several jobs while doing her degree, but there were times when the family went hungry. Despite the hardships, she 25 never fell behind in her studies, earning a bachelor’s degree and then a master’. After each accomplishment, Tererai returned to see her family in Zimbabwe. On each visit, she unearthed her box and ticked off the next step to her goal ati erate EY 2 WORDS FROM THE TEXT Ge) roast mean 4 Find words in the text that mean: © In 2009, Tererai earned her PhD, becoming “4 Drfererai Trent, Finally, she had fulfilled her dreams. ‘But she didnt stop there. Her next goal was to help. other African children follow their dreams and realise thelr potential. She appeared on The Oprah Winfrey ‘Show, where she was given a wonderful gift:a donation. ‘of $1.5 million (o build a schoo! in her village. 7 Today, Tereral Is a leader in the global fight for education for all children, especially girls. She has worked with international humanitarian. ‘organisations and is invited to speak all over the very happy (lines 1-6) implored (lines 7-14) help (lines 22-31) amazing (ines 22-31) achievement (lines 32-38) 5. Complete the sentences with the words below. income allow accept degree ) world, Wherever she goes, she inspires people to fulfil step miss struggle appear their own dreams withthe word that has become her 1 He hopes that the local university will... him, motto: Tnogona, which means lis achiewable. 2 Would you like to... on television one day? — 3 Our school does not — students to use phones in class Be oe, 4 You" gtyour when jo nish wives 5 Once we finish the research, the next will be writing our report. 6 Ifyou don’t come to class, you'll... the new material. 7 Itcan be a. to lear a foreign language. 8 With further education, you may earn a higher. JQ" Phrasal Verbs A phrasal verb isa verb thats followed by one or ‘more particles. The meaning of a phrasal verb is different from the meaning ofthe verb alone. She dropped all the books. (dropped = let fall) She dropped out of schoolso she could get ‘married. (Aropped out = left without finishing something) 6 Match each phrasal verb in A to its meaning in B. A ae : oS] sas Fo IT) ae etch EQ the video ¢ doata latertime {listed selend ds understand does Schools for Africa work? continue doing 37 Horm Gamaw) | Read the dialogue and look at the relative < EEL el bites pag pronouns in bold, What does each one eerie une ener I refer to (a person, a thing, a place, etc.)? wanted to do web design, butit's ‘on Tuesdays, when Ihave : basketball. Som goingto signup | ‘Are there any after-school forthe Photoshop class, which is ‘lasses that / which you ‘on Mondays. What about you? i | “Want todonextterm? =| 10 eee ‘And guess what? Anyone who finishes a robot will goto Bristol, where there's going to be a robot competition! 1 Complete the sentences about schools around the world with the correct relative pronouns ~ who, which, when, whereand whose. Stuer ven Tava are expected td a the leaning at schoo After lunch, the have a ong fee ee brosk,.beybrush tel eth anchave a nep. EE rest scoot inte wor is | (© ___ nd’ iy Wontesson schol, | si) ‘has 52,000 students. Pe eel ia no we ted so every year goto boat school en Pa Cao rer Children... lve in remote regions of Russia are ‘uring the rainy seasons. shaxticd own by helicopter oboaraing schools, they ‘say for months without seeing their amis, In Brazil... classes are very crowded, many students study in sessions Students in the mocning session leave at 12.00,.....the afternoon session begins. 2 match AtoBaccording tothe information in Exercise 3 complete the passage with sultabe relative pronouns. There may be A ‘more than one possible answer. Listen and check your answers. MOETESE 1 In Talwan, cleaning Is ajo that ¢ 2 India’s City Montessori School is a place where 3 In Bangladesh, there is a season when. ‘4 In Brazil there are students who 5 In Russia, there are children whose. B fa schools are far from their homes. Ifyou can’t multiply two numbers without a ‘aleulator, you're probably someone. teachers never made them memorise the ‘multiplication tables. This trend has been promoted by many respected educators, °° claim that memorising does not teach real understanding. However, a study"... was done in 2014 shows that memorising plays an {important role in brain development, For primary-school children, who ate at an age* their brains are still growing, learning by heat jis a method *..... paves the way for more compl thinking, Even without research, it's easy to think of places*. it would be much easier if you could do some maths in your head ~like at the shops! bb study in sessions. € is done by students there are floods. there are 52,000 students, Maki te rode BEY © In which two sentences in Exercise 5 can the relative pronoun be omitted? 7 complete the story by combining the sentences below using relative pronouns. Make any necessary changes. ‘Students often complain, but are their lives really hard? Five teachers at a high school in the US [Imagine attending a school under a bridge’ decided to find out. In New Delhi, there are 300 children ! ‘The school was started by Rajesh Kumar Sharma. mei ae a Most of his students are children 1 ‘They love the lessons, « Sharma’s school has helped thousands of children since 2006, | B ‘wants to help children get an education, ‘come to this school every day, to become students then, ‘They found that the schoolbaga were very heavy. ‘They had to cary them. "The chairs were hard and uncomfortable, "They sat on them. ‘The lunch break was much too shor, take place after normal school hours. 4 ‘there are no walls or air conditioners. Tere 8 eos nee families are very poor. 5 The teocher reas tat stadents were often ight. it was founded. The students complained. 65 Thefive teachers say they've leamed a lesson, Rewrite the sentences by combining them with the relative pronauns in brackets. Make any necessary changes. The teacher teaches us biology. Uke him best. (who) The teacher who like best isthe biology teacher. 1 I'm not mad about modern history. We've been studying ital year. (which) 2 ['llnever forget the day. I went to school for the first Lume then. (when) 3 Students will fall. Thelt projects aren’t done by tomorrow. (whose) 4 Here’s a picture of Oxford University. I hope to study there one day. (Where) 5 Look at all the material. We have to revise it for the exam! (that) 6 I’ve spoken to Joel, He's planning the class party. (whe) ‘They won't forget it! RL Take turns with a partner defining the words below. Use relative clauses and the verbs inbrackets, > acafeteria (eat) > calculators (use) > September (return) > teachers (hetp) > the school gym (play) > maths (teach) [[vocaButary (Go) worst resin GOES adjective Suffixes Some adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to a verb or noun. ‘Some common adjective suffixes are: -al, «able, -ous, ic and ive. Note that sometimes there are changes in spelling. fame > famous impress -» impressive EGAN DN 1 complete the sentences with the adjective form of the words in brackets. Usea dletionary to help you. 1. School counsellors help students deal with ..... problems. (person) 2. Inmy opinion, at is the only school subject where I can be really (create) 3. We have... computer classes, including game design. (vary) 4 It’s unusual for him to be tired. He’s usually so... (energy) 5 A.good mark in biology is a difficult goal, but I think it's (achieve) 2 Add an adjective suffix to each word below. Usea dictionary to help you. What does each new word mean? lweury accept compete athlete universe 3 complete the sentences with the adjectives you formed in Exercise 2. 1) Compulsory education was once rare, but now it's nearly + 2 Copying in an exam is not..... behaviour. 3. With air conditioning and Wi-Fi, many schools today are quite 4 Some students in my class are very .... about their marks. 5 Timisa great student, but he's also very EAST AGEN, [LUSTENING Monologues and Dialogues Look at the situations below. Which have you cexperlenced? What was dffcuitabout each experience? changing schools doing projects organising a class event Teaming a foreign language choosing between vocational school and ‘academic programmes LUsten to people talking about school and choose the best answer. ETE] 1. You hear a boy talking about his first day at ‘anew school. Why was he upset? 1a He didn’t get to school on time. 'b_ No one helped him find his classroom. ¢ He got to class late, 2. You hear a teacher telling her class about @ project. What does she want her students to do first? ‘a choose a topic bb do research «organise the information 3 You hear two friends talking about being the class photographer. What do they agree on? a Wes hard work. bb It's creative. I isn't really necessary. ‘4 You hear the headteacher of a language school. What does he say about the school's method? You won’t find it at other schools. bb It works especially well for beginners. ¢ Itwill help you succeed in exams. 5 You hear two students discussing a decision. ‘What does the girl tll the boy to do? ‘a decide in a month or two bb discuss it with his parents decide on his own Mabie te ade RED [| SPEAKING Expressing Opinions 6 Read some students opinions about academic and vocational programmes. Which doyou agree with? FF iryouask me, academic ty opinion, university provides. | < sttonmate ducaon at he be ‘se atvoundodcrton \ Setentorereyene chink that voeationat \\ trainings great because you set hands-on experience. ca ee Boao 7 schools useful, since students FF From my point of eee ees cation | tearn valuable work kil View, university prepares \) schools offer too few courses, L people for better careers, 7 witha partner, complete the dialogue with sultable phrases in colour from Exercise 6, There Is more than one possible answer. 1 __. this teaches teamwork and cooperation. I Yes, but... it also allows some students to do nothing while others work hard, 1 this kind of activity shows students the world outside school BL agree, And, .... it also makes learning fun, [a] rronracessons. B Lookat the methods of learning shown inthe pictures (A-D). Which pictures could the students in Exercise 7 be discussing? 9 atch the phrases below othe methods oflearning shown nthe peur, Its the teacher give he clas information connects classroom learning tothe real world encourages students to paricipate tives students the opportunity tobe creative encourages stents to think for themselves teaches students co solve problems. Witha partner, discuss your opinions of the different ways of {earning in the pictures, Use the phrases in colour in Exercise 6 and the ideas in Exercises 7and9 tohelp you. Add ideas of your own. and don't dominate the conversation You can use the following expressions: 0, what do you think about .? Doyou agree that .? [eo emonucnr cusses XTRA SPEAKING PRACTICE [writine Report of an Event Work with a Mode) ‘Areport ofan event includes deta of what the writer saw or experienced. Itusually deseribes the atmosphere and how the writer felt about the event. 1. Read the report below. What is the writer's opinion of his school's performance? | The Annual School Drama Festival Opening... | Ourschoo hosted the annual Players Drama Festal compettionin aurnew auditorium ast Present the Friday, Seven schools participated inthis all-day event, with each doing a one-act performance one adie whieh was na more than 40 minutes long asic facts | ASusval exctementfiled the a twas the great moment thatthe ators, rectors and ‘everyone involved in costumes, sets, sound and lighting had spent months preparing for. The Body shows were very diverse and ickided comedies, musicals and even Shakespeare Describe what Sherbourne Schoo’ scene from Marina Mia was realy impressive and included lve musi. This happened, and Cravford School's Homiet scene were chosen forthe sei-finas. Our school cd make atmosphere and though we all thought that our group's performance of the comedy You Cant The it th You other details > | _ was filarious. Allin al the festival was a wonderful opportunity for all the students to meet and share their Closing...» | ove ot theatre. There was also gret suppor fam the uence, who came to encourage te mune classmates. Although we didn’t make ito the semi-finals, the event was not to be missed, and ‘state qour opinion ‘we were all proud of our drama club's excellent performance. 2 inwhich part of the report does the writer ..? 1. say whether the event was worth attending, sive the name of the event describe the atmosphere at the event summarise the event describe what happened at the event give the time and location of the event Word Order Sentences in English follow a basic word order: SUBIECT | VERB DIRECTOBIECT | INDIRECT OBJECT urschoot | hosted | tte arama inournew | jase Friday urschoot | hosted | Stat” | —_ eueltonum | es Frio —_— we [sent | vitctons | fopreatmer |__| severatmonths ago. ‘Time expressions can also come atthe beginning of a statement: Last Friday, our school hosted the drama festival in our new auditorium. \With verbs such as send, give, show, sell and reod, the indirect object can come before the direct object ifthe preposition (to or for is omitted. We sent the other schools (indirect object) invitations (direct abject) several months ago. Making the Gods ARE 3 Arrange the words in the correct arder to form sentences, There may be more than one correct way to write some sentences. 1. will bring /1/ tomorrow / for you / it 4 is taking / the school / next Tuesday J co a play / our class 2. the tickets / please / send / as soon as possible / Jake 5 the band / last night / played / atthe party / my favourite song 3 have ro make / now / Anna / we / a new costume 6 atthe restaurant // you / will save / the seat next (o me Write a report describing a rel or made-up event tha took place a your school, 'A Include your opinion oft Write 100-120 words, 1. Read the school announcements (A-C) below. Imagine the events have taken place, Match the comments to the events. Some comments can match more than one event, @ e2e8 ® NEWFIELD SCHOOL ONLINE { conncrs x 3. fun activities for all age groups ‘5. refreshments included hamburgers and ice cream 7. there were displays throughout the school am “NEWFIELD SCHOOL CELEBRATES THE ARTS 3RD NOVEMBER Enjoy a week of unchtime concerts inthe cafeteria art exhibitions and after-school performances. And you can havea go youre — in lessons fd by our student-atist! ‘SCHOOL SPORTS DAY 15TH OCTOBER! — ‘VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO: > set up the music system > move equipment tothe sports field > give prizes ANNUAL SCHOOL VIDEO COMPETITION 12TH NOVEMBER ‘The topic: The Environment Maximum video length: 15 minutes Videos wil be shown inthe school auditorium at 8:30 pm. a large number ofpartenants 2. Decide what event - real or made-up - you want to write about, Make notes about what you want to include in your report. 3. Organise your ideas into paragraphs according to the model in Exercise 1, Use the ideas above to help you. 4 Write your report. 43 au 1 Watch the video of Emily's interview and answer the questions. 1. What are Emily’s hobbies? 2. What is she doing in her spare time while she's in London? CAMP COUNSELLORS Do you enjoy working with children? Are you aged 16-25? ‘Are you available from 25th June to 30th August? Then join in our dynamic summer camp programme for the experience ofa lifetime! Note: All counsellors willbe interviewed live video. 3 imagine you are applying to be a counsellor at Buxton International Summer Camp and complete the form. 4 Anna has a video interview for a job at Buxton international Summer Camp. Which ofthe following questions do you think the interviewer might ask? 1. Why da you want to be a counsellor? 2. How many people will be sharing 2 room? 3. Why do you want to work at Buxton? 4 What kind of food do you like? 5 Have you worked with children before? 6 an you tell me a litle about yoursell? 5 Conducta telephone interview with your partner using his / her completed application form. include at least three questions from Exercise 4 above. 6 » FamiyNare || Fret Data Brm ses rare and tet ctyitown/vasge tmasegn Fees QJ roi Ew Wt oss wa you Ke Pe wi oe sv roman ou wah ad Ig ES | ECA ane | (gy ane | Ee a 1 re BCO7S icons MANIC) vw nces) © gitro7as) core ce + Nodsisand Nodal efects | sles | | Apresertain An intevew escrbing tes: Doyoulike the place where you ive? Why or why not? Aareingand Degrees | 'steresomewher se where you woul preter the? a ying NktsOline 4s [VOCABULARY Cities TOCABDLARY PRESENTATION ‘1 How much do you know about the world's cities? Do the quiz and find out. Choose A.B or. Pay attention to the words in colour. roar seater taee ay nite word | | tacts S77 eantsand many amos nro | | Roctore tours than cle Hitt Dineen Ceci 9 Known for ts high qual this island city is the ‘world's cleanest city. Chewing gum is banned, and cing is an offence. | Monaco B | Singapore © | Honolulu FD) cic trcwn torts vir und Re ro smualcariel soy euch 1 of the city was destr by a hurricane in 2005. Riceatmare ance ee FAM cic more at ates tayo car [| radiata cof te weston: thigh . * pulatic makes homes extremely expensive. . | HongKong B | New York © | Tokyo BD is cytes tne voce ros dency poutid sun a where one million people crowd into a! inan area (of one square mile. | Jakarta 8 | Mumbai © | Mexico City 2. choose TWO correct answers. Pay attention to the words in colour. Which of the following are... idents of acity schoolchildren | workers | tourists 2 types of housing flats | private homes | offices 3 things you can do with lar buy it | mave it | build on it 4 included in the crime ra the number of burglaries | the number of police | the number of violent attacks 5 things people have to paya fine for driving too fast | drawing graffit) | smoking at home 6 public facilites cities provide electricity | food delivery | clean water 7 things you should not do on a 7 walk | ridea motorbike | park your car 8 famous skyscrap Petronas Twin Towers | Empire State Building | Louvre Museum 9. places where there is overcro city centres | slums | suburbs 3&5 what other words do you know connected to cites? [USTENING A Presentation city igh. 4 Listen to the first part ofa talk about the cities in the quiz on page 46. Complete the sentences. MUEYICT 5 ‘Singapore is one of the cleanest and ..cities in the world, Venice isa place where there are no. ‘There can be floods In Venice 60 times, 5 Listen to the second part of the talk. Decide whether each sentence is true or false, MIETT TRUE OR FALSE 73 Jazz began in New Orleans. New Orleans has completely recovered from Katrina. Hong Kong has got about 8.000 skyscrapers. ‘Most homes in Hong Kong are quite large. ‘The products of Dharavi are sold © only inindia, © Thecrime ratein Dharavi slow Decause of strict laws. Sizernone er ‘There are laws in Singapore against smoking in public, chewing gum and In Venice, people sometimes have to wear... because of the floods, Take photos of places in your town that you especially Uike and / or dislike. Make an online collage of photes, PSPEAKING pescribing cities 6 Talk about various aspects of the city you live In ora city you have Visited, Use the ideas below and your own ideas, housing landmarks musie seene entertainment sports facilities shopping This city has got a great music scene. There'salot _Thefe are realy nice parks ‘0 do here at weekends. here, but there should be ‘more sports Facies. ‘adding words that you think describe these places. ys > It’s gota great > There's /There area lot of. 7 Thecityneeds > There'sinot enough > There's / There are fantastic ee a7. [READING ABiog Reading Strategy ® Scanning for Information ‘Scanning helps you find specific informationin a text. Pay attention to the typeof information you are searching fr. Looking for capital letters and numbers can help you find “information such as dates, places and names. 1 Scan the blog and find: the name of a country a percentage related to the murder rate the height of a building the year an escalator was built the year when cable cars were installed 2 ead the blogand choose the correct answer. ESTE 1 Both the escalator and cable car ‘a were builtin the same year 'b were built for the same purpose ‘© cost nothing to use have rides that last six minutes 2. What has replaced some of the alleys in the comunas? parks 'b new schools, ‘© community centres. d the escalator 3) What is Maria’s mai feeling? Not enough has bven done, bb She may have to Izave Medellin ‘© Medellin is a gooe place to live. There's not much left to improve. 3 -answer the questions. 1. Why can’t buses be used to transport people 10 the comunas? 2 According to planners, how did the comunas” location affect the residents? 3. What do city planners from around the world hope to learn from Medellin? ——— D Fron sis fon fotos ‘the questions and identify the typeof information you are looking for. Remember tose your own words to answer the question. > WORDS FROM THE TEXT VOCABULARY PRESENTATION ‘As Find words or expressions in the text that mean the opposite of: 1. stay out of (ines 1-5) 2. expensive (lines 6-10) 3 keep out (lines 11-15) 4 accessibility (lines 16-20) 5 abundance (lines 16-20) 5 choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words In colour. ‘A square / rectangle has two sides of equal length. ‘There are 8 / 80 flats in that giant block of flats. ‘All adults in the city / country can vote to elect the mayor ‘The new neighbourhood has 40 cities / houses. We walked / drove for six hours during our ‘ek. ‘To end unemployment, we need more jobs / shops. ‘Many people use buses / ships (0 commu. ‘We have to clear the pavements after it rains / snows. AQ" Phrasal Verbs bifferent phrasal verbs can often be formed from the same ‘verb. The meaning changes depending on the particle that isused. ‘The rood was closed, so we turned back. (returned) ‘The residents turned against the mayor. (topped supporting) ED PRASAUNERES STEER 6 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below. Giitacross cutoff cutdown on 1. Weccan...the park to get to the escalator. 2. The doctor told me to — cakes and sweets. 3 ‘The heavy snow has closed roads and the town, tumup turninto turndown 4 ‘The new museum will our town a tourist destination. 5 He really want this job. I hope they don’t... him. {6 ‘They'll probably be late. They rarely... on time ) Cae | oF The Miracle of Medellin In July of this year, my fiends and J, all urban planning students, went to vsit Medellin, the second- biggest city in Colombia. We were amazed by what we found. Medlin was once known as the world capital of violence. Innocent people were constantly caught in the crossfire between the drug gangs that ruled the comunas, or sium neighbourhoods. Even the police were too scared to set foot in Medellin, Today, however, the murder rate has fallen by 80%. Surprisingly, {an escelator is one of the main reasons for this miraculous change. : ‘The comunas, built on mountainsides too steep for buses or cars, were cut off from the centre of the city. | Residents had to climb the equivalent of a 28-storey building to retuen home, making it impossible for | many to commute. Now, however, they can take a giant outdoor escalator up the mountain ina six-minute «Journey that is free of charge. Built in 2011, it has turned an exhausting trek into an effotiess ride —_ The escalator wasn't the first innovative transport in Medellin. In 2004, a Ta at ierear ster: eas bull, sarrlng prt ts alone te aly WS VealiSe the centre. The metal and glass gondolas transport tens of thousands of i ice of residents each day. The windows all around let in stunning views of the How can urban planning make such a difference? Innovative mayors and city planners realised that isolation of the slums was causing great social inequality. Lack of access to ‘the city jobs and facilities, such as shops and clinics, was making life impossibly difficult. “Now,” says Maria, a comuna resident we spoke to, “we feel we are equal citizens. We can commute to work and enjoy the city, just like everyone else. They should have done this years ago.” ‘As part of Medellin’s urban renewal, community centres have been built and schools have been renovated. Narrow alleys have been cleared to make space for parks, playgrounds, gardens and a walkway providing spectacular views of the city and mountains. Without the escalator and cable car, which provide access for builders, workers and teachers, this would not have been possible » Sitting with residents in a local café, we could see that they were proud that the comunas attract tourists. They're also a model for successful urban change, which brings city planners from all over the world. Not everything is perfect, though. Crime rates are down, but levels of poverty and unemployment remain high. “Sure, there are many problems that we must solve, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else,” says Maria. This trip made us realise the importance of urban planning. Done wisely, it can really » make a significant difference to people's lives. FE csctor realise Listen and repeat the words. Which syllables stressedin each word? 1 urban 4 faccictisties ad tame he gestion. 2 resident 5 ef-fort-less What new trend has ted to 3. im-pos-si-ble improvements in the favelas? 49) [grammar Gs (TC) Grammar TUTOR Sn Ey Modis anid Modal Pert Hi Sue, {'m really enjoying Boston! My aunt took me around the city and | couldn't have hed Read the e-mail. Which of the ‘a better introduction to the place! Since then, I've explored different neighbourhoods. sentences with bolded words | must have walked about 10 km a day! I've noticed lots of bike paths, s0 tomorrow are about the past? How do | might cycle to Harvard University. There's so much to see and do here, | should have you know? planned to stay longer. | hope you're having a fantastic holiday! Louise PIS 1 Choose the correct modals in the notice about acommunal garden. 3 Complete the sentence below by adding a suitable modal before each verb. Dont use the same modal more than once. COMMUNAL GARDEN NOTICE Peopin at the commenty sari, ‘To all residents: _ grow their own vegetables -n buy vegetables atthe supermarket fel proud of their garden ‘want to share tools take good care of the garden You ' don’t have to/ must not /can’t own land to grow your own vegetables, Instead, you ? can/must/have to use our new community garden! You ' should /may//mustn’t apply as soon. as possible as places are limited. If you don’t get a place, don’t lose hope, as the city +ean/ might /needs to give us more land next year. weune 4 write what you would say in each situation. Use the modal Inbrackets. 1. You want someone to open the door for you. (would) ‘Would you open the door, please? 2 You tell a friend that tickets for a concert are fee. (Gon’t have to) 3. Someone asks you ifthe post office is open. You're not sure. (might) 4 You want to know if it’s a good idea to buy a bus pass. (should) 5 Your friend throws rubbish on the pavement, (mmustn’t) 2 Now complete the second part of the notice with the modals below. areableto can't mustn't may You '... grow whatever you want ~ from carrots to. cantaloupes! Our garden will be organic, so you use pesticides. Please don’t start a garden if you * ‘work in it at least once a week. We need volunteers! ‘.. you... help set up the garden? If so, please contact the Garden Committee. The garden is being set up for the benefit of all. Let's work together to take good care of it. ‘THE GARDEN COMMITTEE. 6 Your friend hasn't eaten for hours. (must) ore Lights EE 5 Complete the sentences with modal perfects. Use the modals below and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. shouldn't oughtto couldn't would must 1. P'm glad we took the car and nat the bus. We .(arvive) late. ‘The city .. do) mare to help residents after the fload. People ditn’t have food or water for days. “They ... (build) the new shopping centre here, It’s harming our quality of life. she ‘old West Bnd ‘Almnost 60 years ago the West End of Boston was an old, ‘rowed neighbourhood, the kind where you could / had to/ should walk down the street and know everyone you saw. However city planners felt that the West End could might / ‘ought to be fll modern offices and flats as this would make it better place olive. Asa result the residents? were ableto /had to/ ‘would leave and their homes were destroyed. Speaking to people ‘who used tolive there, you * need to / can should fee! how {traumatic this? must have been / must be /can be."Weloved our neighbourhood they say. "Thecity “must have found / could have found / was able to find a better solution, but ne onecared” ‘Today attitudes have changed, Many city planners eel that we may / can / must do our best to preserve old city centres. Recently: Boston authorities apologised to former West End, residents, and admitted they had made a mistake by destroying the ld neighbourhood. They " may have done / should have done / hhad todo things wrong in the past, but hopefully the samme. mistakes won't be repeated! (attend) this school. It wasn’t built until she was an adult 2 3. There’s an ambulance atthe side of the road. There... (be) an accident. 4 5 7 complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use modals and modal perfects. 1. You can use my bicycle. You. (walk). 2 I’m not sure if Fiona’s still here. She ._ (already / leave), 3. The streets in the city centre are very narrow. They ~~ (ban) cars there 4 He lives very close to the school. It _ (be) very convenient. 5 That graffiti looks professional. An amateur artist — (not paint) it Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Use affirmative or negative modals and modal perfects. 1. Is it OK if I join you? (could) 2 sa pity they didn't plan more bicycle paths. (should) 3 It was possible for them to renovate the building, but they knocked it down instead. (could) 4 There's a chance that they won't finish building the pool before September. (might) 5 I'm sure they enjoyed the concert, (must) a Tell your partner something that. > you might do after school today you hope to be able to do in the future 2 > you should / shouldn't have done in the past > you could have done in the past >. sameone in yaur family might have done today [vocaButary VOCABULARY PRESENTATION Os Negative Prefixes ‘The prefixes un-, dis-,i, r+ n- and im- are used to form the opposite of a word and usually giveita negative meaning. It's illegal to chew gum in Singapore, 1 Complete the sentences by adding negative prefixes to the words in brackets. Use a dictionary to help you. ‘The traffic makes it. to get to school. (possible) W's _.10 let your children go to the park alone. (responsible) 1 2 3. The street signs in our neighbourhood are ... (legible) 44 Breathing polluted air can be as — as smoking, (healthy) 5 6 People in the slums are fighting —. (equality Residents are. with the new plan. (satisfied) AQ Prefixes with Specific Meanings Prefixes such as over-,mega-,under-,re-,mis- and co- have got specific meanings. Ifyou don't understanc! the text, rereed it (re = again) : 2 Read the sentences in A. Then match each prefix in bold tolts meaning in B. A 1. That cat is so thin, He must be underfed. 2. Mexico City is huge! It’s considered a megacity 3. Tim's children are awful. They always misbehave, ‘4 The city is so overcrowse, there is no space! 5. Please cooperate, It will make our job easier. B together b wrongly, badly © toolitle huge e too much, 3 Complete the sentences to reflect the meaning of the words in brackets Use the prefixes in Exercise The city council... the money. (used wrongly) They're afraid a. will hit Miami. (huge som) ‘The workers are (not paid enough) [think dhe decor in the new hotel is... (done excessively) Smith and Jones this book. (wrote together) [LUSTENING An interview 4 Lsten to the first part of an interview about cities and complete the infographic. MOET ANNUAL MIGRATION TO CITIES million people PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE LIVING IN CITIES B-« '5 Listen to the second part of the interview and choose thecorrect answer. MEIC 1. According to Olivia, the result of the migration will be... faa greater number of cities bb bigger cities ‘¢ more people living in Asia and Africa 2. What is true about the majority of migrants? a They live in slums. b Their quality of life improves. ¢ They usually end up in Mumbai, India. 3 School begins early in Jakarta because of . athe large number of students the long school day ¢ the traffic ‘4 What does Olivia feel would help solve the problems? ‘stricter laws about migration 'b building new cities € cities working together on the issues 5 Olivia believes that, im the future, ... 8 megacities could become wonderful places bb things will definitely improve things will get worse [|SPEAKING Agreeing and Disagreeing G Listen tothe students discussing the three statements below. which TWO ideas (a,b,c or d) do they mention in their answers? MBEIEE] encourage people to use public transport uraffie jams pollution ‘more trains convenient fewer cars, less pollution unsafe to ride dangerous to pedestrians damages public property ugly ‘great art reflects problems in society cig ie: RE 7 Lookat the phrases in colour below, Which are used to agree? Which are used to disagree? You've got apoint. I disagree. agree. Definitely! | suppose you're right, but... That's true, bu ‘That's nothowlseeit: Absolutely! 8B Complete the dialogues with the statements in Exercise 7. Find two ways to complete each statement. 1. Bb Inmy opinion, graffiti is part of a city’s atmosphere. I can even be a tourist attraction. BE "there's oo much of it I ® _. Maybe cities should give permits 0 ‘graffiti artists to paint in certain places. 2. Bb Electric bikes are perfect for city life [Bb And even people who aren't fit can ride them up hills. But they're dangerous to pedestrians EE 1 think most cyclists are very careful and they obey the rules. ‘With a partner, discuss the statements in Exercise 6. Express your opinions and agree ‘or disagree with those of your partner. Use the expressions in colour in Exercise 7 and ideas from Exercises 6 and 8 to help you. et Tey to give reasons for ‘your views and opinions. You can. se the following expressions: That's why . agree / disagree because In fact, [writing An opinion essay. Inan opinion essay, we present our apinion and, using reasons, facts and examples, {ty to.canvince the reader that our point of view justified. i 1 Read the opinion essay below. What issue is the writer discussing? What Is his / her opinion? BUILDING UP Openiing........y| Most cities in the world today have got a problem providing housing for their | lwtvoduce the residents. Consequently, city planners are building high-rise blocks of flats. In my yf issue and state ‘opinion, this ought to have been done years ago. your opinion First of all high-rise buildings are a good way to Keep young families inthe city. Due 1 to limited space and high land costs, flats in many cities have become very expensive, Body, For this reason, families have had to move to the suburbs, leaving mainly single | Support your opinion people and old people in the city centre. Building more flats will bring prices down, | with veasons, facts and enable young families to stay. and. examples. Secondly, high-rise buildings are good for the environment. Because the flats are in ) Develop each new the city, residents can use public transport, walk or cycle to jobs, shopping and idea in a new ‘entertainment, rather than depending on their cars. Therefore, fewer roads need to panggiaph | be built, and less countryside is destroyed. Fewer cars would also mean less pollution > and energy consumption. | Closing...) Inconclusion, believe tha high-rise buildings are an excellent way to help solve the “Fronmarise and housing problem in today’s cities as they are good for both the city population and estate your opinion the environment. 2 Look at the body of the model. what are the writer's ‘two main arguments? Choose the correct answers. W's cheaper to build high-rise buildings than private homes. ‘The environment benefits from high-rise buildings. “High-rise buildings are a solution to the housing problem. More families will be able to afford to live in cities. Connectors of Cause and Result Connectors of cause are followed by the reason why something happens. ‘Some connectors of cause are: because (of), since, as, due to and as a result of. Connectors of resutt are followed by the consequence or effect of fan action or fact. Some connectors of result are: 0, therefore, consequently, for this reason end as aresult, ‘Most connectors of cause and result are followed by a clause witha subject and verb. Becouse city flats are expensive, young farnilies have to leave, Because of, due to and as.a result of are followed by a noun phrase. Because of the high prices, young families have to leave, AP 3 Find three connectors of cause and three connectors of result inthe model. 4 What is the cause and what Is the result effect in each example? Complete the sentences with a logical connector. Do not use the same connector twice. There may be more than one correct answer. 11 Many people don’t like high-rise blocks of flats... hey feel they're unattractive. Parking spaces are hard co find in the city... it's better to take the bus. high levels of pollution, people in some cities have health problems. This neighbourhood has excellent schools... @ lot of families want to live here ‘the increase in crime, local residents are volunteering to help the police. Write an opinion essay on the question: Whereis it better to live, in the city orn the country? 'A Include your opinion, plus reasons, facts and examples to support it Write 100-120 words. 1. Below are questions for a survey of people's attitudes towards city and country living, Which statements are in favour of living in a city? Which are in favour of living in the country or in a small town? SURVEY: ATTITUDES ABOUT CITY AND COUNTRY LIVING © @ ©) Grime rates make living in the city dangerous. 1) ts great to livenear entertainment, nightlife and culture, Life inthe country is peaceful and relaxing, Cities are terribly crowded, noisy and polluted. {ts easier to get around in the city because publictransportis better {t's wonderful to live close to nature, enjoy a large garden and have nets, 1) Uivingin the country / small towns boring, See |) Gities offer more schools and after-school activities. t 2. Read the task above again. Decide your opinion and think of reasons, facts and examples to support it. 3 Organise your ideas into paragraphs according to the model in Exercise 1. Use the ideas on this page to help you. 4 Write your essay, 1 Watch the video of Emily and Jack booking tickets and answer the questions, 1. Why couldn’t Emily buy a ticket for the Blue Flamingos concert? 2 How did Jack manage to find tickets? 2 The Blue Flamingos are performing on 3rd October. Look atthe theatre website below and answer the questions. How much does it costco sit close to the stage? How can students get a discount? How many tickets can you book at once? ‘Where are the cheapest tickets? ABOUTUS MEDIA | evant Pry Eons) Cue) naar rns aaxnun 8 | soce|staxonn stove ‘hooking fod | OST STAGE 3 You and your student friends want six tickets. You want to sit together. Look at the website. | ‘What seating options have you got? How much are the cheapest seats? il = eG Mie qvade/ Units 3-4 STANDARDS ASSESSMENT [| WRITTEN COMPREHENSION information Sheet \/ Understand essential information oY Understand implications 1 Read the student information sheet. The following sentences have been removed from the text. Choose the correct sentence (1-3) that fits in each gap (A-C). 1 Good to Know: UK rental prices may be weekly or monthly 2 Some landlords require addtional money as 8 "security deposi”. 3, Good to Know: Without one ofthe above, you might noe fo pay forthe entre term or year in advance. Oa a aera sentences, read the text quickly to get the main dea. Then ‘eat the missing sentences and decide where they fit. 2 Answer the questions. 1. Why do some landlords want 10 see an official acceptance letter? ‘When might you have to pay in advance for a flat? ‘What do the letters “pem” stand for? ‘When can a landlord keep your security deposit? What is the purpose of a rental contract? Brine INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: PREPARING FOR STUDY IN UK (> FINDING A FLAT Now that you've been accepted to your study programme, its time to think about where youte going to live. IF your programme doesn't provide housing, yout have to find your own. Ths can ‘make anyone fee! stressed ~ but the tips below can help! (0S? PREPARE PAPERWORK Print several copies of your ofc acceptance letter. Landlords (the people wh own or manage rental flats) may want proot thatyou are attending a callge oF study programme. Some landlords require alocal“uarantor’- thats someone io will guarantee to pay your ent fyou den. fyou dont have family members residing inthe UK, eta letter fiom your ‘or your parents'lcal bank aaa) [> START LOOKING ONLINE > Research the neighbourhoods where students live, the type of housing available and typical rental pices. > [8] ‘The letters pw mean per week. The letters pem mean per «calendar month, > Check out websites of flat rental agencies specialising in places for students > Use social media to find flatmates. (13> KNOW BEFORE YOU RENT > Find out ifthe rent includes things lke electricity and an internet connection. zt > Ifyou've paid your rent and dontt damage the flat, the landlord must return the security deposit to you. > You will have to sign a rental contract. This is a legal document, It protects both you and the landlord, and has details of each person’ rights and responsibilities. Before you sign it, read it Carefully and make sure you understand what it contains. > GOOD TO KNOW: The landlord must tell you who to contact regarding emergencies or problems in the fat. Good Iuck! 57 RAI PREHENSION !nformal Conversation / En Transaction / Message Understand specific information Y Understand feelings You will hear people talking n three different situations. Choose the correct answer. APIS 1. You hear two students talking in a café. 11 What does the boy say about the flat? fa It’s not as nice as other flats they've seen. bb I's probably the best they'll find at that price. € [twill be available in eight weeks. 2. What disadvantage of the flat does the girl mention? 1 It’s in walking distance of the college. bb Ithas only one bedroom, ‘¢. The bedrooms are very small, 2 You hear part of a conversation between a student anda secretary. 3 Whats the student’s complaint? ‘a Her morning class doesn’t finish until noon. 'b The computer animation class is full One of her classes isn’c atthe time she had wanted. 4 By the end of the conversation, the student is a angry b grateful ‘© surprised Onan mentioned in atext. Sometimes you have to use ‘lus in the text to decide on the answer. 3 You heara man leaving a voicemail message. 5 Joe is leaving a message for .. 2 his landlord 'b someone who is renting his flat the student whose flat he’s renting 6 One of Joe's complaints about the flat is that 2 there’s no air conditioner bb he can't open the bedroom window there's no hot water [ORAL PRODUCTION |nformal Conversations express points of view and opinions / Explain and justify opinions You are looking for someone to share your student fiat. In your “opinion, which of the qualities below are the most important in a flatmate? Tell your partner what you think. Then listen to his / her views. non-smoker neatandtidy vegetarian likesparties quiet serious student [[WRITTEN PRODUCTION Questionnaires of Complete a form ./ Provide details and expand on relevant information You want to sign up with a rental agency that specialises in finding housing for students. Complete the questionnaire. Eicken PERSONALINFORMATION Name: (Surname, First Name) Date of birth: (DD/MM/YYYY) Em Gender: M/F Mobile country code / phone number) HOUSING INFORMATION Ii interested in ..tckall that apply) 1 short-term rental (1-6 months) I long-term ental (6-12 months) 1 bedroom in private home furnished flat unfurnished flat rOPREFERTO.. 1 liveaione share a flayhouse with one other person 1 with2 people with 3+ people (MAXIMUM RENT PCM: mi £050 mi £500 mi £1,000 poYousMoKE? Yes/No DO YOU HAVE ALOCAL BANK ACCOUNT? Yes /No ‘Write 80-150 words explaining the type of neighbourhood you'd prefer and what factors (such as public transport, being in or near city centre, etc) are most important to you. Feces STC Nr a Love Hurts SPEAKING Read the quote below, What does It mean? Do you agree or disagree with it? Friends are the family you choose." Pru Jess €. Scott Ree | [VOCABULARY Relationships FS} surrey casse00% VOCABULARY PRESENTATION 1 Read three teenagers’ letters to Amy's advice column, Pay attention to the words in colour. Which problem do you thinks the most common? ‘Tom was my boyfriend for fa year, but we angued a lot and eventually ended the relationship. ‘ater, I started dating Luke, who ‘really like, But I still think about Tom sometimes, Was I srrong to brosic up with him? Megan. Dear Any, My best ron started dating someone taro monthe ago and now she eae ak a es eots somthing, Wisk should To Olivia. Dear Any, My parents have been divorced fr $0 year and now my mum i encatoa to nother man, She wants 1 to ge to ‘Ehow him and his wide, ut Uey"re not ry real fas 0 way anouldT bother? Joke 2 Read Amy's responses, paying attention to the words in colour. ‘Match the responses to the teens’ letters. Do you agree with the advice? [+] try to see things from your mum's point of view. Even with children, it can be lonely being single. Give your mum's fiancé and his family a chance. They may not be your relatives, but they could become your, friends! [2] You broke up with Tom for a good reason, so try to concentrate on Luke instead, He's your boyfriend now, so treat him with the respect he deserves and stop living in the past! [3] You should let your friend know how you feel. if she doesn't let you back into her life, you'lljust have ‘toaccept itand move on. 3 choose the correct answers, Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 1 Close friends are those who live nearby / you can really talk to. 2. Kath was once my next-door neighbour / bestfriend, but we've grown apart recently 3. My mum and her sister get along well. They really like / compete with each other. 14 Jack isan old friend / @ new acquaintance. Td like to get to know him, 4 complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions below. have gotalotin common fallinlove getover take... for granted 1. Ryan and I both love sport and music. We 2 Annlleft Rick a year ago, but he can’t seem to... her 3 1..with your grandfather the moment I first met him. 4 She doesn’t talk to me unless she needs help. She really... me [[USTENING An interview 5. Youare going to hear an interview about ‘friendship myths” Listen to the first part and answer the questions. HETIT) 1. What is Brad’s profession? 2 What is “myth number one”? 3 According to Brad, why is it difficult to have lots of close friends? 6 Usten to the second part of the interview. Copy the chart and complete each gap with 1-3 words. MBPT E MYTH #2. [Fem Friendships should". Overtime people sometimes? Even a good friend might take”. You don't always have to end* oe Hoes BEY [SPEAKING Giving Advice 7 witha partner, take turns giving advice about a relationship, problem, Use the ideas below or your own ideas. The Problem ‘your boyfriend / girlfriend wants to break up with you ‘your parents are too strict, your best friend has been ignoring you your brother / sister takes your stuff without asking The Advice discuss it with him / her / them ask for reasons accept it explain why you are upset start making new friends show them you're a responsible person (uy girtriend wants {0 break up wrth me. een What should | ao? fdeeatte ‘and move on. Peon ee OCS ha What shoul | do? I feet ike . You should {Fl were you, ‘stimeto You'l ust haveto.. vuvyvyvy [[READING A shortstory Reading Strategy ? Making inferences When we read itis possible to “read between the lines" and understand things that aren't actually ‘writen inthe text. This is called making inferences. By looking at the way a person reacts or says something, ou can make inferences and draw your ‘own conclusions. 1 Read the following extracts from the story. What can you Infer about the woman in the story? Choose more than cone answer below. «= She stood by the window and looked out ata gray cat ‘walking along a gray fence in a dull gray yard. + Atear or twofellon the worn red carpet, ‘= On went her old brown jacket on went her old brown hat The woman ... fa isexcited € seemsquitehappy eis poor b feelssad dis worried 2. Read the excerpt and answer the questions. ETI 1. Why was Della crying atthe beginning of the story? 2. Why were Della’s hair and Jim’s watch important to the couple? 3. What did Della worry about as she waited for Jim to come home? ‘4 Why did Jim's expression frighten Della? ‘5 What does Jim say the package will explain? B-Usten to the continuation of the story. Are the statements below true or false? OPTED 1. Della couldn't use the gift from Jim. 2. Della pretended to like the combs because she knew they were expensive. 3 The narrator says that Della and Jim made @ mistake by selling what was valuable to them. > WORDS FROM THE TEXT (EG) vocasuiany PRESEwTartON 4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: 1 how long something is (lines 7-10) jtems you own (lines 11-15) ‘moved like water (lines 24-25) harm (lines 31-34) survived (Lines 40-43) CD woman any ety pote eh 5 Complete the sentences below with your own ideas. Pay attention to the words In colour. 11 You might find objects of value in places such as ‘museums and. 2 We may envy someone who is talented or. 3 Things that shine include a diamond and 4 It’s common for ears to form when people cut ‘onions or when they are. 5. Even though they're quite worn, I really like our old sofa and 6 People stand still on certain occasions to show British / US English US English has many words that are different from British English, sofa (Br. English) ~ couch (US English) gorcien (Br. English) ~ yors (US English) Other words are the same, but are spelled differently. centre (Br English) ~ center (US English) 6 Match the British English words to their US equivalents, British English US English 1 parcel ‘a elevator 2 wardrobe bb salesman / saleswoman 3 shop assistant —€ package 4 flat closet 5 litt apartment he Gift of the Magi adapted from the story by O. Henry ‘one dollar and eighty-seven cents, Three times Della counted it. Even if she had twice as much, she realised it wouldn't be “enough. And the next day would be Christmas. There was {ng to do except sit down on the little couch and cry. When she had finished crying, she stood by the window and looked. ata gray cat walking along a gray fence in a dull gray yard She had been saving every penny shecould for months, and she “had only $187 to buy a present for Jim. Suddenly, she turned. ‘the window and stood before the mirror, Quickly, she dow her hair and lett fall to its full ength Now. there were two possessions the young couple were very. ‘proud of. One was Jim's gold watch. It had been his father'sand grandfather's, and would have made the richest king jealous. ‘The other was Della's hair, which the most beautiful queen, yould have envied, hha reached below her knees, shining like a river of brown, ‘water. She put it up again and stood still while a tear o two fell, the worn red carpet. On went her old brown jacket;on went old brown hat. Then she hurried out the door and down the tothe street. stopped ata sign which read "Madame Sofronie, Hair Della ram into the store and asked, “Will you buy my. ce your hat off and le’s have a look at it said Madame. wn flowed the magnificent brown hait. enty dollars” said Madame. Adin fe/ me Listen and repeat the words. Match the bolded letters in each word to the correct phonetic symbol above. 1. enough 3. Christmas 2 scream 4 three ——— — -— ‘The next two hours raced by as Della searched the stores for Jim's present, She found it at last -a beautiful gold watch chain. It seemed made for Jim. Twenty-one dollars she paid for it, and. she hurried home, (Once there, she took her hairbrush and tried to repair the damage made by her generosity and love, Suddenly, she heard Jims step on the stair and turned white for a moment, ‘whispering “Oh, please, let him think 'm still pretty” ‘The door opened and in walked Jim, thin and serious although only twenty-two. He stood stil, Joking at Della. There was an expression in his eyes that she could not read, an jit terrified hher. It was not anger, surprise, disapproval or horror. It was none of the reactions she had been prepared for, “Jim, darling” she cried, “don't look at me that way. Icut off my hair and sold it because [couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving you a present” “You've cutoff your hair? asked Jim,asif he couldn't understand. “Cutt off and sold it said Della. ‘Dor‘t you like me now? I'm. ‘me, Jim. Tm the same without my hair* Jims expression suddenly changed, and he embraced her. Then he took a package from his coat pocket and threw iton the table, “Nothing like a haircut could make me ove you any less” he said. "But if you open that package, you may understand.” ten Se see De cuestin What special gift did China siveto the United States? LD th video a ) Bee 7 H| = 4 ae | a ! : [GRAMMAR 3 ~~ . 8 ‘ } ‘Sb? 1H SEB Go] ewan S a - > AA Read the dialogue. Which conditional is used in each B Read the text messages below. Do the time clauses In ‘sentence? Which tenses are used in the different parts. ‘of each sentence? FEGEIE 161 had known about Em’s birthday earlier, 1 could have planned a party DLEE Lc1’s meet atthe pizza place and surprise her If you order large pizzas, you get iree salads. EEE Good idea! °1F 1 suggest going out for pizza, she'll probably agree. WUIBE 1f | had time, {would buy a present on the way, but BEBE Don't worry, we can buy her something ‘on Saturday. 1 Choose the correct answier. bold refer tothe present or the future? 1. They will announce / announce their engagement when everyone arrives. If you don’t love her, she deserves / wil deserve to know. If my parents hadn’t encouraged me, I couldn’t have succeeded / couldn't succeed. If I were you, { would have broken up / I would break up with Ron as soon as he gets back ‘When you care about someone, you would want / want them to be happy: I won't go / wouldn't goto the party unless Jackie i invited, too. If she had been / was: nicer to me, | wouldn't have ignored her. eu 2 complete the sentences using the zero, first or secand conditional, or atime clause. @ 1B Read the first sentence in each pair. Then write the continuation using the words given, Use the third ~ FACTS: STRANGE BUT TRUE Ifyou and your loved one are too similar, your love... (not last) very long. ‘When someone . (look) directly into your eyes, your body produces a chemical that may make you fallin love. Stress hormones can cause pain in the heart. If this (not be) true, tove wouldn't hurt so mucht you hug someone you love, you... better. hy? Because when we ... (touch), our brain releases a pain-reducing hormone. If we took the time to tell our loved ones how thankful we are, we (also | feel) happier ourselves. ~~ » conditional. 1. You forgot Dave's birthday. ‘you not forget /if you / write it down / 2 [first saw Janet ata party. if /1/ not go to the party / we not meet / 3 Fiona’s parents got divorced. they / not get divorced / if they get along better / 4 Kim ignored Tom on Saturday. she /not do this /ifhe / not be rude to her / 5 Sam and I went on our first date. itbe a great evening / if it/ not rain / 4. complete the website with te correct form ofthe words above each section. Use conditionas and time clauses. Uae aaa ate WHAT IS A FOSTER HOME? nothelp tive ‘Afoster home isa temporary home where children. » .ifthey can't stay with their own parents. These children would have no one to love them and nowhere 10 goif foster families THE HASEMEYERS STORY cannotfind ask be Jaci Hasemeyer, teacher and mother of three, was handing out free tickets for the ice-skating rink. A ‘ten-year-old Boy returned his, saying, “ive in a group home, and if1> goskating, no one would take me. if! take this ticket, it*...a waste.” Jaci was so upset that she decided to start her own foster family. The Hasemeyers. hhave had 30 foster children so far. They've decided that ‘when child another home, they will adopt that. child. To date, they have adopted nine childrent ‘Twenty more families in the neighbourhood have become {foster families and have adopted another so children. This °_ ifthe Hasemieyers hadn't inspired them. f you to help children, click here and join us! Complete the sentences In a logical way. Use a conditional and the correct form ofthe words below. If you tell anyone my secret, I {can't borrow my brother’s clothes unless I If you hadn't given me such good advice, 1. I woulda’t have known about the wedding if Jake. He would make a better impression if he — 6 Complete the article with the verbs in brackets. Use conditionals and time clauses. Then listen and checkyour answers. MUETECS I you didn’t have money for a plane ticket, '... ou (tide) a bicycle 3,600 km to marry the woman you lover PK Mahanandia was nine years old when his mother read his horoscope to him. It said, “When you... (grow up), you will marry @ woman from faraway. She will be a Taurus, love music and own a jungle.” Years later, PK, a street artist in Delhi, drew a portrait of Swedish UMM USUSA) tourist Charlotte Von Schedvin. RUM eset she had been happy with the JAAGeM AEE picture, he 2... (might never see) USO MESS her again. However, she retuned [UUM for im to correct it, and PK had a wonderful feeling, “If she answers all my questions comrecty, 1 4 (know) she's the one,” he thought. Charlotte was a Taurus, She played the piano, Her family owned a forest: she was his future wife ‘The two fell madly in love, Eventually, PK followed Charlotte to Sweden. He would have flown if he ® (ave) the money, but instead he cycle the entire way! Forty years later, PK and Charlotte are still happily married, Ther love was clearly written inthe stars! Tell your partner what you would do if you > were ten years older > could date your favourite celebrity > were the mayor > hadatime machine [[vocasutary (GE) vocasurany mresenranion ) Verbs and Prepositions Certain verbs are usually followed by a specific preposition Would you participate reality dating programme? My brother ond always argue about football NEE 1 Choose the correct preposition that follows the verb Incolour, 1. 'm starting to worry for / about /of it. 2. Icouldn’t concentrate on / in from my homework. 3 Tean’t blame him to of / for that 4 My friends don’t approve of ‘about / on my new boyiriend, '5. Sometimes I think they're laughing to /on/ at me. 6 Thave to start believing about / in / from myself. 2 Match Aand B to form logical sentences. A ‘My mother always complains .. He couldn’t stop staring ... can always depend .. He spent an hour searching. Her parents tried to prevent her He finally succeeded B at the girl across the room. ‘on my best friend for help. about my messy room, from marrying him. for my key. in convincing them to come. TRUE ORFA [LUSTENING Monologues 3 You are going to hear four students talking about relationships. Read the extracts below. Which relationship is. ‘each student discussing - family, romance or friends? someone = ase ssc) 4 Listen tothe students. which student (1-4) mentions thefollowing? MIETETS BE on starting o appreciate the friends have. Bem Learning how others think. IB My frlonds think I'm making a mistake. BB Fm potas happy as l imagined be, '5 Listen again and decide if the following sentences aretrue or false. MUFTITS Student 1 The girl is taking her friends’ advice. Student 2 ‘The type of relationship that the boy is discussing is considered unusual. Student’3 ‘The boy's brother didn’t feel the same way he did. Student 4 ‘The boy was happy with his social fe when he was younger. E? [SPEAKING speculating about a Picture 6 Lookat picture Aand match the questions to suitable responses below. ‘Then practise the dialogue with your partner. 1 2 3 4 5 Who do you think the people inthe picture are? Where do you think they are? What do you think they are doing? How do you think they feel? ‘What do you think will happen next? They’re probably at home, I suppose the mother will make a comment or criticise her daughter. They might have an argument. ‘We can see that the daughter is reading something on her phone. Maybe she’s just received a message. Her mother is watching her ‘The mother doesn’t look happy at all. She seems (o be upset or angry. It could be that she thinks her daughter spends too much time on the phone. It looks like a mother and her daughter. 7 Look at pictures B and C. Which sentences could be used for each picture? 1 2 3 4 ‘We can see that they're in a classroom. ‘It could be that the girl is jealous. She probably feels left out It looks like they're flirting with each other Discuss pictures B and C with your partner. Ask and fe in colour a Ercan ane aristapte Hlbygu chatting couple When you want to react to your partner's ideas, tase the fllowing expressions Do you realy think so? Why do you say that? Really? You re probably right Pick a photo from your photo gallery. Show it to your partner and M ask him / her to speculate about it ] EXTRA SPEAKING PRACTICE ) 67 |) EWaitInG a Narrative Work with a Model Anarrative tells story. It presents a series of events and usually reveals | the thoughts and feelings ofthe people involved. 1T_Read the narrative below. How does the writer realise that she and Ter | had grown apart? a They were rarely in touch | They had lite otk about © They didn't make an effort to get together. | 4 She didn’ like Ter’s new friends. MOVING ON | Opens...) when Terri moved away fet that my wold had ended. We had been best friends since we were Set he sca. little, and | couldn't imagine lie without her. We did everything together and no one understood and introduce rie ae ! foe me the way she did. } Atfist, we kept in close touch. ! kept her up to date about everything that mas going on, and she } Body told me all about her new life. Inthe beginning, she seemed lost and lonely, but after a while she began mentioning new friends. ‘As soon as summer came, Teri rote that she was coming to visit. | couldn’ wait to see her again When she arrived, we stayed up and talked all night -or tried to. Somehow, we didn't have as ‘much to say as in the past. I felt strange and uncomfortable. | “ell the events of | the story and how ‘the chavacter's felt | ite During Ter’ wst realised that we had grown apart. She had a new crowd of friends, and | had | aia started taking guitar lessons and was really geting into music. When we said goodbye, | knew | | of the story that our friendship would never be the same, It was sad, but | don't blame her for it. We have both moved on. | | 2 imwhich paragraphs dowelearn..2 1 ow te relationship between the characters changes what the writer concludes about the relationship how the write feels about what happened the main evens inthe narrative who the main characters are | Time Expressions and Connectors of Sequence | Time Expressions We use time expressions to describe when something | happened. Some examples are: during, while, before, ofter, | when and as soon as, | Connectors of Sequence We use connectors of sequence to make the order of events, clearer, Some examples are: in the beginning, (at) first, then, later after a while, eventually, at last, in the end and finally. | = ae Loe Hes (UB 3 Find three time expressions and three connectors of sequence in the model. 4, choose the correct answer. At last / At first In the end, Sam wasn’t popular, but people soon began to like him. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘Tent said goodbye to everyone before / then / after she moved They began dating, and im the beginning / first / eventually they fell in love. Why did you look at your phone before / during / while I was talking? My parents looked at my low marks. Finally / After /‘Then, we had a long talk. My mum and I went to a show while / when / during che summer holiday. Write a Nawvative Write a narrative of 100-120 words about a relationship of yours that has changed. 1. Readers of a teen magazine were asked about @ relationship in their life that had changed. Read what they said, TEENS SPEAK "TEENS SPEAK ABOUT. CHANGING RELATIONSHIPS 2. Match each person's response toa short summary below. a Afamily relationship has improved. b_ She's made a new friend, ¢ He's upset with an old friend, d_ Afamily relationship has got worse, RUBY | ove my parents, but recently, weve been having a lot of arguments. They don't understand me, and I'd rather spend time with my friends, EMILY When {first met Holly, she seemed like a snob, Then | realised that she was ust shy. IF | hadnt started talking to her, we wouldn't have become friends. no! BEN My litte brother and | used to fight all the time, but now that we're older, it's different. We're 400d friends and we love going to Football ‘matches together. ADAM When | told my close friend ‘that | liked a girl in our class, he = Sm, promise to keepitasecet Wel, 3) D> he didn't. Now half the class knows! Bey just don't trust him any more. wy 3. Decide ona relationship you want to write about. Make notes about what you are going to include. 4 Organise your ideas into paragraphs according to the model on page 68. Use the ideas above to help you. 5. Write your narrative ERLRIAINTA waces T_ watch the video of Emily getting ready for a party and answer the questions. 3 1. What’s wrong with Nick? 2 Why does the doctor think Emily has spots? 2 Read the medicine labels. Then decide which medicine each person below should take. 1 Its spring and Kathryn is allergic to the pollen in the air. She's sneezing a lot. 2. Ben has a toothache. He's (en years old. 3. Kates allergic to strawberries, She has itchy red spots on her arms. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY, ‘SHAKE BEFORE USE. Use 2-3 times daily One spray under nose as often ub gently on skin as needed, Do not use around eyes. KEEP IN FRIDGE, AGE 6-8: one spoon (6 mi) AGE 9-10: one anda half spoons (75 mi) ‘AGE 11-12: two spoons (10 mi) ‘Do not take more than four times in 24 hours. symptoms persist after five days, see your doctor. ‘What should you do ‘Which of the following is with this medicine? true for this medicine? a Swallow it 2 Not to be used by children under 12, Which of these sentences are true about this medicine? Choose two answers. 2 6-10 B-year-old children should take one spoon, b Do not take for more than 24 hours, € Ifyou are not better after five days, 0 to your doctor, bb Putiton your skin. 'b Use once a day. € Do not leave in a warm place. Rubi over your eyes, 4 watch the Instruction labels in Exercise 3 to the medicines in Exercise 2 5 Listen to the dialogue and decide ifthe statements below are true false or doesn't say. UPTITI 1. Ruby is col. 2 Ruby should take one teaspoon of Panavil four times a day. 3 Ruby hasn't eaten yet RING sane LOTS lee [VOCABULARY Woney mmm (EG) wocnsuiany reesenmrion 1 How money-wise are you? Take this quiz to find out! Pay attention to the words incolour. rrr an EY OU onev-wi$e? (GB You'd ke a new phone, but it's not in your budet. You try to convince your parents to hep you purchase it sell your old phone and use the maney for anew phone © start saving for a phone B Your grandfather gives you 1 €50 note for your ita. You a buy T-shirts, decorate them and sell them open a savings acount and deposit the money celebrate Have a right out or buy some clothes D ws yourtienas birthday and you don'thave the money fora ice present. You a Soro money and buy something great share the costo a gift with other friends © make a git athome GB Your friends want to go out, but you're short of money. You a suggest a cheap restaurant val ’b eat at home and moet your frends for coffee barrow cash rom your ends € ourfriend asks you to end him money. You give him the money and forget about i 'bFequenty remind him that he has to pay you back € say no. You know he spends too much Including rent and groceries. from her dad every month. from her job as a medical secretary. ‘because she pays €10 for the bags and sells them for €20, 4 Lowe my brother €10, Questions 1, 3 and 5: aH OOP g aol You're very careful about money. Buy yourself Ee SR a Ee Ce ry OU Ct uc 2 Match Ato Bo form logical sentences choose the sentence that correctly describes the ist statement. Pay attention Pay attention to the words in colour. tothe words in colour A 1 There’ a discount on smartphones this month 1 She earns quite a high salary a. They're €200 now instead of €150. Soi eae b They’te €150 now instead of €200. 3. She has got ots of expenses, 2 ant aford these shoes. 4 She makes a prof, ‘8 They cost €30 and Ihave €20, i b They cost €20 and Ihave €20, 3 split the cost of Mel's birthday present with Ella ‘a It cost €40, and Ella paid for it bb It cost €40, and we each paid €20. 2 [took €10 from my brother. b My brother took €10 from me. 4 Ly what other words do you know connected to money and spending? [LUSTENING A Podcast or false, KOETEER 1. Cathy’s finance blog is aimed at teenagers. 2. Cathy doesn’t think teenagers should work. It's better for teens to ask parents for money when they need it than to get pocket money every week. ‘Always put sone money aside before you spend any of it ff) Tolearn about your spending habit, keep track of what you buy. Don't worry about minor expenses, such as meals and drinks. g Sart shoppers > compare prices | before they buy. 5 Youare going to hear a podcast about finance for teenagers. Listen to the first part and decide ifthe statements are true G Listen to the second part of the podcast. Which statements. below reflect what Cathy says? ETT Many teens can't work because ‘they can't find jobs. [SPEAKING 7 withyour partner, askand answer the question below. Explain your answers. Would you prefer to...? Pee Tig pag 2 tarather: > Iprefer.. > Iesbetterto.. > Thatway, > ..sothat.. [PREADING social Reading Strategy 7 Identifying Fact and Opinion ‘Many texts include facts as well as the writer's personal ‘opinion. Facts are statements that can be proved, while ‘opinions describe the writers beliefs, feelings or thoughts. 11 The following are mentioned in the social media posts on pages 74-75. Which are facts and which are opinions? 1. Rentez-Vous is a clothes-sharing website 2. Drivers use their own cars to transport people. 3. When customers are offered a cheaper service, they'll always prefer it! 4 Amoldo is the perfect host! 2 Read the social media posts by four people who participate In something called the sharing economy. Which writer ..? MBETET 1 has learned that you don’t have fo own things to enjoy them 2. is planning to use the service for a short time 3 found that things were not as they expected ‘4 mentions people who aren’t happy about the service 5_ is impressed by the service’s technology 6 tried to have a positive attitude 7 uses the service to solve a frustrating everyday problem 3 Answer the questions. 1 For how long can people keep items from Rentez-Vous? 2. How can you eam money on Rentez-Vous? 3 According to BizWiz, in what two ways is Uber better than taxis? 4 How did the Airbnb flat differ from its description? According to Jem22, what are two advantages of staying in an Airbnb property? 6 Why is TaskRabbit suitable for people like CleverAlex? > WORDS FROM THE TEXT (Ze) vocasutary Presenrarzon 4 Find words or expressions In the text that mean: 1 pay to use for a period of time (ANGEL) 2 ask for (BIZWIZ) 3 price for a service (BIZWIZ) 4 things (IEM22) 5 is right for (CLEVERALEX) DENISE || We hear so much nowadays about the sharing economy, the new ‘way of doing business that’s taking ver the world Now we canal share personal skills and possessions using websites and apps Does anybody have any experience with this? ANGEL || Absolutely!Do you ever fee like you've gota wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear? Do you get tired of your clothes, but you cant afford to buy new ones? Me too! That's ‘why Iwasso happy when Iwas told by a friend about Rentez-Vous,aclothes-sharing website based {in London and Paris. The dea is that you rent clothes and accessories from other people for one ‘week, for far less than what you'd pay to buy them. ‘You always have something new to wear without going broke, and if you need extra cash, you might consider renting out your own clothes! BIZWIZ || Not being acar owner, 1 sometimes use taxis - or I did until Uber ‘came along! With Uber, drivers use their own cars to transport people, When you request a trip using, ‘the Uber app, the nearest driver will automatically \besent to you. The fee is set and paid directly ‘through the app, which isan amazing advantage, as you don't have to worry about having cash. And ‘best of all, they charge less than taxis. I know tax drivers in many cities are protesting against Uber, ‘which is understandable. But when customers are offered a cheaper and more convenient service, they'll always prefer it! know Ido! JEM22 || My mum was keen on trying Airbnb instead of a hotel for our family trip to Rome. She spent hours on the company's website comparing ‘homes that people were offering torent out an finally booked one that had been given great reviews: Modern, spacious and clean! and Arnoldo was the perfect host! Well, the flat was large, ut our host hadr't had it leaned for ages and his stuff was everywhere, Arnoldo ‘wasa nice guy, though ~heeven showed usaround the city one day ~so we decided torelax and make the best. oft [stil prefer hotels, but it was interesting to live like local - and my parents saved lots of money. (CLEVERALEX || I'm a drama student, and can only work part-time. That's why TaskRabbit isthe perfect solution Its. service that matches clients who need to get odd jobs done with people who want to work Ti notified by the app ‘whenever there are jobs nearby, and can select whatever I want. I've doneall sorts of things like saving place in a queue for the new iPhone, assemblinga dining table and even helping decorate forabirthday party. Working at TaskRabbit really suits me, even though Icant see myself doing this forever. never get bored, and dont have to ‘workif "ve got lessons or exams. a we .... BRE (ic Is) cae sans icy ma = Fa vit we in Money Counts AE 5 Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. gobroke | showyoularound charge queue makethe bestofit | edd jobs 1. There's often a long 2 Would you like me to at the hamburger place. the neighbourhood? 3. Jack does .., such as washing windows and hanging pictures. 4 If you keep spending like that, you're going to... ! 5. It’s disappointing, but let's 6 How much does your dentist for an X-ray? Gerunds and Infinitives Gerunds are used: 1 aftr certain verbs: Consider renting out your clothes. 2 after prepositions: My mum vias keen on trying Arb. 2 after certain expressions: ‘can see myself doing this forever. 4 asthe subject ofa sentence: Working here suits me. ‘Some verbs are always followed by an infinitive: cant afford tobuy new clothes. ‘Other verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an Infinitive. However, in some cases the meaning changes: ‘He stopped using taxis: (He no longer uses taxis.) The driver stopped to take orest, (He stopped in order to rest.) 6 complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use a gerund or an infinitive, buy borrow meet stat stay plan Took open 1. Try to avoid ... money from my friends. 2. ..atan Airbnb might save you a lot of money. 3 I can’t afford a new bike. 4 We're looking forward to — our host, 5 She's excited about... her new job. 6 I've decided ...a savings account. 7 Consider... your budget more carefully 8 At the top of dhe mountain, we stopped ._at the view. Choose a city anywhere in the world. Then look on Aironb and find the most unusual accommodation that is being offered. HED] what's the easiest way to register with Nextbike? [crammar (Blase) | i Explain your answer. got ¥ ai 9 | minute ago and | was offered the job by the manager! I'll be I for homework and a social Ife. | won't be paid very much, but employees are given a 25% discount, s01'll save money on ciathes! Paper banknotes... (actually / make of) cloth / special paper. The first banknotes appeared in Europe in the 17th century, 4 ‘Your hands (should / wash) after touching banknotes | but they — (invent) 1,000 yeas eartier in Egypt / China. 6 because they cary germs / poisons that can make you il. HH) | Fewer physical banks _ (need) in the coming years as, the popularity of digital money / euro notes grows. I | 2 complete the passage with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check your answers. ETE i ‘The most valuable banknote that. (ever / print) |s a $100,000 / $1 milion gold certificate. In the year 1661, the first European banknotes * .. invent) by the ‘Swedish. In Sweden today, however, cash ?.. (hardly / use) at all Banknotes and coins >... (now / replace) by digital cards and apps. With these, money *... (can / transfer) instantly and cheaply from one bank account to another. ‘These methods have become so popular that cash *... (not accept) at all in many shops. Amazingly, even some banks dont keep cash, and in the past few years, many cash machines °... (remove). In the next few years, this trend in Sweden’... (probably / follow) by most European countries, making banknotes a thing of the past. ay oes HE 3 Write questions in the passive using the words below. © Complete the passat srbs in brackets, Then see how many questions you can answer correctly. eee Use the active or passive, MONEY IN THE WIND One afternoon in February 2015, people in Kuwait City suddenly saw something that was hard to believe. As they watched, thousands of banknotes ' .... (blow) across the road by strong winds. Seon, the road was full of cars that... (leave) by their drivers. People * (un) around tying to collect as much money as How long /euro/ use /? 2. What types of structures / can / see / on euro notes /? 3. Why /euro notes / design /in iferent sizes /? 4 Inwhich four Westem European courtres/ euro / never / adopt /? 5 inwhich country tra use / before the euro / Why / holograms / print /on euro notes /? possible. The amazing scene * _ (film) by @ passing ‘motorist with a mobile phone. So far, no explanation 5. (give) as to where the maney ~ about $750,000 ~ 4. Complete the stories with the verbs above each story. ‘came from, butit may have flown away while a nearby Use the active or passive form. bank * .. (fil) its cash machine. People say that notgive split do hide sometimes good luck comes when it”. (not expect). Bob Kitts" ..enovations in a hore when he found $182,000 that Inthis case, it’s quite truet > ‘though. It...with the owner ofthe house, who got a lot more ‘than Bob cid earn nottake == own sound >... £2 milion like a lot of money? Those are the fees that © last year by supermodel Choupette, a long-haired white ‘cat who ? by the director of famous fashion house Chanel. However, Choupette works only when she * all over the ‘world in her owner's private jet. 5 Complete the sentences using the active or passive form. Do not change the meaning ofthe first sentence, 1. You can't rent jewellery on this website. Jewellery o 2 They're going to charge us £100. Discuss how technology has We—. changed the way people spend money. Use 3. Are your expenses paid for by your parents? the passive and some of the ideas you've read Do. us = fee about in this unit, including the ideas below. ‘4 The government may have discussed the budget. > pay through the Uber app ‘The budget may > buy things from all over the world 5 You can buy boots ata discount in this shop. > apps to keep track of your spending This shop > delivery of food and other items 6 Allthe bargains had been taken by the time we arrived. By the time we arrived, they... 7 How much money did people spend online last year? How much money ..? [/vocaBuLary (ncuron) OS common Expressions ‘There are many expressions in English connected to money. Dave and Gina really splashed out on the party - even hiring a coterer and a Di! (splashed out = spent alot of money) 1 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in colour. 1 After working for years / winning the lottery, she used her hard-earned money to buy a small flat 2. Role-playing his job interview was worth it. Ithelped / did not help him get the job, 3. I woulda’t buy this without shopping around. You shoul Ask if they deliver / check the prices in other shops. 4 L want to send her these expensive / cheap flowers, ‘even if they cost an arm and a leg. 5 They're going out of business, so they're having a sale the week they open / close down. 2 complete the sentences with the expressions below. costanarmand tee hard-earned money | going out of business 1 Ws easier to. and compare prices online 2 Sadly, inthe UK, shops that have been around for decades are 3. Ithas to setup, bu they think iL ‘4 Will tbe effective in getting customers to spend their .? ‘shoparound — beworthit 3B Match the sentence beginnings in Ato their endings in B. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. a 1. If you spend more than you've got, you're 2 Ifa restaurant gives you something for free, it's 3 If someone pays for something, they 4 If you go shopping and buy more than usual, you're on 5 Ifyou need more money than you've got, you can’t B on the house. b make ends meet ‘€ -» living beyond your means. 4. foot the bill a shopping spree. [/USTENING Radio Programme 4, what do you think shops are doing to attract more ‘customers? Choose from the Ideas below, or add your own, 1 using technology 2. giving things away for free 3. offering discounts 5 You are going to hear a radio programme about a new kind of shopping Listen to the first part. Which ofthe following, does the presenter mention? MWETEE) 1 countries where shops are closing down 2a way to attract customers to shops 3 the type of customers shops want to atract, 14 factors used to create “experience shopping” ‘5. when “experience shopping” began 6 Ustento the second part ofthe radio programme and complete the chart. MIETEZS Patan 3D printer 2 machine personalise jears with designs interactive * choose o finess tracker hakdresser get 7 Usten to the third part of the radio programme and answer the questions. MUPTESS 11 What can customers see sales assistants doing at M&M's World? 2 What are two ways you can personalise M&M's chocolate? 3. What do professionals provide at PGA Tour Superstore? Moves Cowes AREY [SPEAKING Reaching Decision 9 Two people are discussing the options. Read their dialogue below. Which expressions in colour are used to... ? 2 ask or an opinion b refertoa decision © agree 4 disagree B Twenty pairs of teens were given a voucher for two to spend at the local shopping centre. Look atthe options they can choose from. Which do you like the most? Which do you like the least? TE How about going to Bug? They've got some brilliant stuf BE Yes, but the problem is that I don’t need anything there, And anyway, it’s really expensive, Sood point, So what do you think of having dinner at the steak restaurant? I'm not so keen on that idea, because it’s the kind of place you have to get dressed up for, | think we should get the VIP cinema tickets You know what? You're probably right EE OK, so we agree! Yes! Le’s go for it! Practise saying the dialogue above with your partner. Read the lst below. Which might be advantages? Which might be disadvantages? Match the ideas n the list below to the places in Exercise 8. Ideas may be used for more than sree 2 teste ae fetus > kibfeyemuy/col- 8 expire NEWSTYLE ree teed Finny amos 2 grodenipment 1 anopposaiy oy , 50% OFF ‘F-SHIRTS ONLY charges more than inconvenient = = iS q io q lo lo iS Imagine that you and yourpartner can choose “A svencher Discussthe advantages and disadvantages of ach ofthe options in Exercise 8. Then decide which ptionyou want ouse When you want ta say no to your partner's suggestions be palit. Use the following expressions Pavather not Trmnot really interested in. ‘Actually, I prefer... Would you mind Py oe [WRITING An informative Essay ‘An informative essay contains factual and objective information about. topic. The type of Information included in an Informative essay abouta business or company would usually Include historical detail, facts, figures and names. Sie a BEN & JERRY'S . Pe... Ben & Jenry's was founded in 1978 by fiends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield Their smal lutroduce the topic rneighbourtiood shop has grown into the world’s fourth largest ice cream company, with §,812 } anal basic facts shops in over 30 counties. | > ital began when Cohen and Greenfield opened ther fst shop in Burtngton, Vermont. Ther {i Body... homemade ice cream soon became popular among locals. In 1987, inorder o expand thei 111) Present more ‘business, the two friends drove a van across the United States, gving away free ice cream. The | ] information Such as Brand Soon became famous i the country and then international. | history, how it developed, Ben & Jory's has always been active in social and environmental causes. For example, they refuse \\| what makes it special to use mik from cows given hormones so thatthe ice cream wil be more natural, and they use only l i | ‘eo0-flenaly containers so as not to cause unnecessary waste. The company is aso known for > constanty experimenting with new flavours and gWving them amusing names. Cosi | " eae >> Ben & Jerry's is a successful company that focuses nat only on profits but on how it can benefit, pape society. fun image and delicious favours continue to make it popula all ver the world | 1 scan the first two paragraphs of the model essay. Which information below can you find? i 1 the year the company was established 5 _ where it operates today } 2 who established it 6 what its yearly profits are 3. where it was first set up 7. what the company is famous for 4 how many customer it has | 2 Read the essay, Whats petal about Ben & Jerr? Choose two correct answers. | 1 Ithas become iter sionaly famous 2 Wiscommited to helping society and the environment 3 Wolten offers new creaively-named ice-cream flavours 1s the fourth largest icecream company inthe word 3 inwhich paragraph could the writer have included the sentences below? 1. They had leamed to make ice cream through a $5 correspondence course, 2. They make sure farmers are paid fairly for things like cocoa, bananas and sugat. 3 Today, the company has annual sales of over $1.23 billion, ‘4 People loved their unusual combinations of ingredients. 5 Its story is one of amazing growth, continual innovation and social responsibility Connectors of Purpose ‘Connectors of purpose introduce the reason for an action. The connectors in order (nat to, 3005 (not) to and to are followed by the base form of the verb. They use eco-friendly packing in order to reduce waste, ‘The connector so that is followed by @ noun or pronoun + will ora modal verb. ‘They gave away free samples so that customers could taste their products, (PRIEST Pmoc & Find three connectors of purpose in the model. What structure are they followed by? 5 complete the sentences with a connector of purpose. ‘There may be more than one correct answer. People pay with apps... they won't have to carry cash. ‘We should arrive early... wait in a long queve. We are learning how to invest our money .. make a profit, She bought a smaller car. save on petro. He cut down on his spending... he wouldn't go broke, Write an informative essay of 100-120 words about a famous company. 1. Read the fact files about famous companies. Which words and expressions below could be used in an essay ‘about each company? Some words and expressions may be suitable for more than one company. ‘trendy affordable | popularwith young people latest designs | familiar togo convenient | largeselection | goodreputation delivers to customers’ homes is EO Ls FOUNDED BY JefF Bezos, 1994 FOUNDEDBY Amancio Ortega, 1975 FOUNDEDBY Ingvar Kamprad at age FIRSTSHOP Online bookshop, run INNOVATION Fast fashion - Win 1943 rom Bezos' garage low-priced clothing, with new INNOVATION Chic, low-cost TODAY Largest Internet-based products twice a week. furniture sold in flat packages to be retailer inthe world, with marethan FUNFACT Originally named Zorba, assembled by customer 304 million customer accounts, but the name was changed because FUNFACT All products have names FUNFACT Robots now help workers, local bar had the same name. because dyslexic founder Kamprad ‘who walk mare than 20 kmsa day : found this easier to remember than in huge warehouses tofill orders. numbers, 2. Decide which company you are going to write about. You can write about one of the companies in the fact files or a different company. 3. Research the company and make notes of the information you want to include. Use the ideas in the model and in Exercise 1 to help you. Organise your ideas into paragraphs. 4 Write your essay. 1. Watch the video of Emily and Kate buying clothes ‘and answer the questions, 11 Why does Emily need to buy clothes? 2 Emily says the sweater Is very expensive. Why does she buy it? 2 Read the refunds and exchanges policy for a clothes shop. Then listen to the mini-dialogues and decide f the shop assistant made the right decisions. We offer a full refund or exchange on all items within 28 days of purchase. You must provide the original receipt ems must be returned unworn and h the original tags still attached. If the item was purchased with cash, you may receive a cash refund. If you paid by credit card, your card will be refunded. Due to hygiene reasons, we do not offer refunds on swimming costumes. We will offer a refund for faulty items within two months of purchase), as Jong as there has been normal use. 3 You bought the followingitems. Can youretun them? Wete the number from the refunds | and exchanges pole above that helped you decide. 1 The second time you pu on your new jeans, the ip broke 2. You bough a swimming costume last week. You have the receipt and haven't wor it \} | 3. You want to return a jacket you bought three weeks ago. [tis still in the original packing, (cide Units 5-6 ~ STANDARDS ASSESSMENT [|WRITTEN COMPREHENSION ey 7 Understand relevant details ./ Understand information related to practical questions 1 Read the webpage and answer the questions. 1. How can you contact the crisis line? 2. What is one type of crisis mentioned in the FAQs? 3 List two qualities you need to become a counsellor. ‘4 What don’t Jason’s close friends know about? 2 becide ifthe following statements are true or false. Find evidence in the text to justify your answers, 1 TeenText4Help is available anytime. 2 TeenTextaHtelp charges a small fe. 3. The maximum length of a conversation is, 30 minutes, 4 Teens can get their medical questions answered by the crisis line. 5 Amelia regrets contacting the help line. Oe keywords to find the relevant part ofthe text. Compare the sentence and the text carefully - sometimes one word inthe sentence makes t false. wmmwer, eenText4Help + Teenifext4Help is a help line that provides crisis counselling through text messaging, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. * Our counsellors do not give advice. Instead, they “listen’, ask questions, and help you work outwhatyournext step willbe. >>> TT’ FAQs How does it work? It’s simple: ¥ Send a text to 555911, with a word or brief sentence describing your problem '¥ An automatic response will be sent, telling you your message was received ¥ Within 3-5 minutes, a counsellor will text you. '¥ An average text conversation lasts about 30 minutes but ‘can be longer. A conversation ends only when you feel calmer and ready to move on. f you want additional help, counsellors can provide information on where to get it What isa crisis? It’s crisis when you ¥ feel that you might physically hurt yourself or someone else, ¥ are being bullied or hurt by another person. 'v have any urgent problem that you can't deal with alone. Can counsellors give medical advice? NO. For e medical crisis, contact your doctor or go to a hospital emergency room, Clicker for more FAQs Become a Volunteer Crisis Counsellor IFyou're at least 18 years old, are a good listener, can get along with people and treat them with respect, you might make a good crisis counsellor. Interested? Click here to complete anontine application People are saying (Fi hadn't texted you, | would've broken up with my boyfriend fora silly reason. The counsellors support prevented me from / doing something ld regret. Amelia F.17 A Thong fa wan, recounatiorFmstednae week when {felt like | couldn't live through more of imy parents terrible fights: Ive never tlked about them, not even tomy close fiends. twas 0 relief ] heapriciwoe nents J 83) [J ORAL COMPREHENSION presentation Understand main ideas and relevant details Understand points of view and opinions Listen to a presentation about the Importance of money management. Complete the sentences below with 1-3 words. =r 1. Teens don’t usually have much... to manage. 2. Arecent survey showed that many UK teens are ... by the time they are 17. 3. In Marilyn's opinion, i's ... that financial education is ‘a compulsory school subject. ‘4 Marilyn suggests using online ... to test your financial knowledge. 5 David James and Michael Carroll are examples of people ... all their money. Before you listen, read the questions carefully and think about the information you need. [J ORAL PRODUCTION Transaction \/ Express reasons and points of view / Express agreement and disagreement You want to organise a birthday party for a good friend. ‘with your partner, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Ideas below. Then decide which idea would be the most successful. ‘have a barbecue in the local park + order pizza to your house and wateh a film ‘+ meet ata fast-food restaurant + add your own ideas [WRITTEN PRODUCTION An Application Form Transmit information and ideas Y Explain motives You are applying tobe a volunteer forthe organisation below. Complete the application form. VOLUNTEER FOR TEENS HELPING TEENS (THT) THT is setting up a crisis text service for students in their first year of secondary school. We need volunteer counsellors, 16-18 years old, with good listening and communication skills. You must be able to attend a weekend training session, and volunteer at least two hours a week. APPLICATION FORM Personal Details | 4d 3 a TEL: HE a ‘Write a personal essay of 80-100 words describing ‘yourself, explaining why you want to volunteer and why ‘you think you would be a good counsellor. | Winner Takes All unr conrexr spor feported Speech Mogan ate Anincerew: AReport ‘Ging Reasons; Comparing Petures ‘Biography Membership Rules [VocaButary sport cI (Co) recrsra reson ) 1 Read the descriptions of some sports events, paying attention to the words in colour, Which event... 1 2 3 4 DE Rafael inan effort tocomfort the man he had just defeated. A year earlier, at ‘Wimbledon, Nadal had also defeated Federer. But in the 2017 ‘Australian Open, it was Federer ‘who defeated Nadal forthe first time in years! 2 Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false Ina great display of sportsmanship, ‘was a victory over a team from the same country made people pay more attention to a sport \was the second victory aver the same opponent ‘made someone famous for the first time Pa Nadal hugged Roger Federer DE Fans shouted for joy asthe Chicago (Cubs iefeated the Cleveland Indians in the United States annual baseball finals, After 108 yearsof letting its fansdown, the team finally gave them a victory tocelebrate. sentences without changing the words in colour. A tournament isa series of games. Players often receive a trophy when they lose. Athletes get awards for performing badly. Speed is important ina race. Ac snpionship isa high-level competition, Relatively unknown runner Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce was sn the lead from the start and set record.asthe first Jamaican woman to win gold Inthe 100-metre race. She has since gone on to brealc more records, Together, sheand ‘Usain Bolt were known asthe King and Queen of Speed! Goel Spectators were thrilled ‘when Great Britain's team won their match against {formidable opponents, Brazil, 4.0. The only goal was made by Stephanie Houghton, who sees this achievement asone that increased interest in 3 complete the sentences with the words below. ‘wentwild beat” cheered | scored 1. When our team won, I. s0 loudly that my throat hurt, the next day! 2. When he scored a goal, the fans .. running onto the pitch to celebrate. 3 Great news! Our football team ...the Bue Cubs 1-0, 4 He... wo goals in last night’s match. 4, Es How many pieces of sports equipment can you name? [/USTENING An interview 5 Lookat the chart below. what do you notice about. ‘he results? OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALS SPRINTING EVENTS Wier Takes A) TRE ISPEAKING Giving Reasons 8 witha partner, answer the following questions. Use the Ideas below and your own ideas. 1 Why do / don’t you like playing sport? 2 Why do// don’t you enjoy watching sport? keepfit —lotsoffun not into sport notenoughtime exciting challenging boring support my team 2008 = 20122016 100 m men Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica 100mwomen Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica 200mmen Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica 200mwomen Jamaica USA Jamaica 6 Vou are going to hear an interview about Jamaican sprinters. Listen to the frst part ofthe interview and choose the correctanswer. METIS Why does the interviewer find the Jamaican sprinting results surprising? {2 Jamaica isthe smallest Caribbean island, 'b_ Jamaica is a poor nation with a small population Jamaicans don’t do well in other sports. 7 Listen to the second part of the interview and choose the correct answer. EYE 11 Why did running become a national sport in Jamaica? 2 It was a sport people could afford bb Jamaica was influenced by the British and ‘Americans. € Professional coaches were brought to the schools. 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the Jamaicans’ success? a food climate € personality 3 Compared to Jamaicans, East African runners are. a ess successful bb successful in a different event © more successful “4 What makes Jamaicans and East Africans good runners? fa the “speed gene” b two different genes € different varieties of a gene Jamaicans are good sprinters due to @ their genes the influence of their environment © bothaandb (One reason is ‘that playing sport See ke watching sport because it's exciting, > think... because > Onereasonis that > Anather reason is... [READING A Magazine article 5. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the : wordsin colour. Reading pata) erage torre 1. The fre football camp I large billboard Trthors writs for cferen reasons to describe (descriptions sign of the (eam commitment to eee Neer (eee etm ere ee reports) and to persuade (opinion essays, for and against essays) 2. The coach they hired was surprised wo get / lose the job. ‘1. Read the magazine article on page 89. 3. They want him in their team, no matter ‘What isthe author's purpose? EYE how much it costs. They are / aren't willing to pay millions of pounds. = toi pecoumle young people te Playray 4 [can’t cope with the way the coach b toentertain readers with stories about famous rugby players Gaauirae [bieuas Gn to inform readers about a famous sports team 5 es bad spartans to URUAE anger! 4 to describe how sports psychologists work {friendliness to an opponent. 6 They're playing two days in a row —on 2 vecide ifthe following sentences are true or false. ‘Tueaday and Thursday Wednesday. Find evidence in the text to justify your answers. 41. The writer finds it surprising that Williams gave bis medal to Charlie Line, MQ Compound Nouns 2. The All Blacks performed better in other matches than. ‘Compound nouns are formed when we take two in the World Cup. words and put them together to create anew 3 Enoka changed the rules for the team’s physical training, word. SL Nl tats aac ad 4 Enoka's guidelines had a positive effect. amine anton ikite i 5 All he team members are Maori ang ee ee Kick + off = kick-off 3 Complete the sentences using your own words. 1. The All Blacks have won more games than any 2 Enoka told the team that people often “think red” when they... Complete the sentences withthe compound 3 To prevent players from thinking that they're special, after nouns below. Then choose the correct answer. matches they all have to. a é ath 4 Even a very talented player won't be accepted if his Sa aa Ht 5 The All Blacks intimidate their opponents by De | 1 Since winning only one gold medal in the 1996 Olympics, Britain has made a real ‘When writing sentence completions first find the Bogle hey wanar fa paragraph that contains the necessary information. Once You have found your answer, check for any grammatical changes that you may have to make when writing your answer. 2 Atthe 2016 Olympies, Usain Bolt / ar! Lewis smiled for the cameras before reaching the — 3. There are new — for preventing brain injuries in sports such as football and tennis | rugby. VOCABULARY PRESENTATION 4 Michael Phelps is a swimming .. who bas ‘won 26 / 28 Olympic medals, 4, Find words in the text that mean the opposite of: 5 Inthe Olympics, the winner gets a gold a weaisess cunesiietag} uaeiae medal and the...gets a silver! bronze one. > WORDS FROM THE TEXT 2- not want to (lines 27-33) 3. proud (lines 34-41) 4 afore (ines 3441) 5. disrespected (lines 42-46) a 1h was the final of the 2015 Rugby World Cup in London. New Zealand's 11 Blacks had just won a great victory against Australia In all the excitement, 14-year-old fan Charlie Line ran onto the field but was {immediately pushed to the ground by a security quard, The next thing he knew one of the All Blacks’ superstars, Sonny Bill Williams, was helping him up. Incredibly, Williams took his gold medal, the one hed just worked so hard to win, and hung it around Charlies neck. When reporters asked Williams why he had done it, he replied that it, ‘would help Charlie remember the day and that he too might become an 1 All Black one day. In fact, Williams was showing the spirit and culture of the most successful sports team in history. The All Blacks have won 75% oftheir games over the past 100 years ~ an ‘achievement matched by no other elite team in any sport. But despite t {fantastic record, the All Blacks had a serious problem: they simply could ‘The All Blacks may be humble, but they make 15 not win the World Cup. rugby's most important tournament. In 2003, after y Ee ae on ss formidable opponents. The haka, the fierce Maori four World Cup losses in a row, discipline and morale were bad. The pimepsia : team’s management knew changes were needed and asked sports| ‘Year dance they pero ea aaa intended to scare their opponents even before the kick-off. Its also done as a sign of the close ties between the team and the country’s native Maori «© culture ties that are felt by Maori and non-Maori psychologist Gilbert Enoka for advice. Enoka gave them rules to help them cope with pressure and improve their +» mental strength. Pressure, he said, makes people ‘think red’, meaning they panic and become emotional. He told the team to think blue’ — logically iam Tniceaty-soteyou perso artery Urbieny te ARMA Fut ecieptetrateund he] Word pte ‘LNW Dl wee gt par oh ans Fess) oo aid mes Arr rs ® won, 24 years after their last World Cup triumph - and then went on to every victory is coupe Gays of a aaa nS chin etee einen Es have no plans to let their country down. Something else that helped change the team attitude is “Sweep the Shed! ‘which stops players’ fame from going to their heads. After every match, the players clean the locker room themselves, In addition, teammates are LS + willing to sacrifice their own goals for the common good. Since there's no Hilti dcs 7 Hi room for people who wont cooperate, the team does not hire players with inflated egos, no ‘matter how talented they are, Pea ea ey 78/ door /1d/ did /1/ ell aaa aeecerre Listen and repeat the words. Match the verb endings to the correct phonetic symbol above. MUEYET] I cheered 3 decided 5 helped! Zworked 4 asked «6 defeated What does the presenter consider to be a reat team activity? Why? great team activity? Why’ nF [crammar Read the extracts from an interview and an article Inasports ‘magazine. How do the verbs in colour change in reported ‘speech In each type of sentence? ‘Natalie: Statements and questions Reporter: You've just won the race! How co you feel? Natalie; I'm feeling great! It was amazingt When | osked Natalie how she elt, she replied that she was feeling great, She sad it/ad been amazing. 1. choose the correct answer Eb iy sister scored to goa ast Saturday! Bill old me tha his sister had scored scored two guts the previous Satur. We haven't lost single match this yer! Sane said hat they didn lose had Tost single match that year: Local companies willprovide the team kit next year | ‘The principal said that local companies are providing / would provide te team kit the following year Do you respond to fans’ comments on Facebook? ‘he reporter asked i he would respond / responded 10 fans’ comments on Facebook EB PLease tll me what the problem is. {asked hiro tll/ that he tll me what the problem was. Bm ou shouta tryout forthe swimming team She suggested trying out / to try out forthe swimming eam. i ib Dorit nol the racket so tightly The tennis cooch tld the player not to hold to not hold the rocket so tightly. | i Orders, requests and suggestions Reporter: Losked herto give some advice to other young athletes. She told them not 1 give wp. She ‘suggested that they practise every day and they would get result. Please give some advice to other young athletes, ‘Don’t give up! You should practise ‘every day and youl get results. 2 Read the phone messages left atthe Broadfield Sports Centre. Then complete the notes the secretary made, 1 'mNeil Henders. How much do karate lessons} cost? | want to register my daughter. : D> Mr Henders wanted to know ) He said that he — . 2 This is Mega Sports. You ordered 30 basketballs. We can deliver them later. > Mega Sports reminded me that. They said that 3 Hi it's Katrine, We're going to use the gym for © the volleyball game tomorrow. Please make sure no one else is using it Katrine mentioned that they > she asked me a) eats is Mate rons Ryan's ater There were 30 children in Ryan's swimming i _group yesterday. You should divide them into two classes. > Mr Evans complained that > He suggested 3 Complete the sentences in reported speech. Choose a sultable reporting verb in brackets. 1 Noweanlaot My coach (complained / mentioned that) My coach My mother —. (threatened / reminded me) ‘The team captain... . (ordered / promised us) My teammate ... (wondered / declared) I... (euggested / warned) 4 complete the passage with the correct form of ‘the verbs In brackets. Then listen and check youranswers. SHEYICS ‘Why couldn't the Chicago Cubs baseball tam win a World Series for 108 years? Some say it was al because ofa goat ‘Many years ago, a man named Wiliam Sians arved at a World Series game wit his pet billy goat, Murphy. The fans. ear him complained thatthe goat. (sme, so the guard {old Sianis that he... (can not/ keep) it inside, When Sian insisted, they ordered fim... (eave). He was furious and said that the Cubs *.. ose) the game and that they °. (never win) ‘another World Series. As they lost for decades after that, fans claimed that Sianis*. put) @ curse onthe tear. Thankfully, the curse was finaly broken in 2016, when the Cubs won the Series. Wve Taos AN BRET 5 Areportertalked to Cathy Sake, who recently participated ina twathion for teenagers. Match the questions he asked nA with Cathy's replies in B. A How long have you been raining? How long is each part ofthe withion? Did you do well? Must you be very athletic to try i? 8 2 Inthe jnior competition, we swim 1 kilometre, run kilometres and cycle 20 kilometres, No, but you must be ready for intensive taining € I did’ break any records, but came fifth, 4 started about six months ago & Rewrite the conversation in Exercise 5 in reported speech. Use as many different reporting verbs as possible. The reporter asked Cathy how long she had been training. She replied that 7 Rewrite the sentences using direct speech or reported speech and the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning. 1 ‘The coach predicted that I would be one ofthe best players in the team. (will) “You...” 2 “Don’t run onto the field!” the guards warned the fans. (not) ‘The guards 3 Harold asked me if my friends played basketball there. (play) “Do...” ‘4 “We should buy tickets forthe mate (buying) My friend 5 “How long have you been training today?” my trainer wanted to know. (asked) My trainer suggested my friend. mm With a partner, ask and answer the following questions. Then report what your partner said to the class. Use reported speech. > Have you ever been ina sports team? > Doyou like watching sport on TV? > Isit important to teach sport at school? > Which sport do you want to try? ~~ [vocaButary [USTENING AReport (Ge) vocrsuiany raesewiow ) 3B end the two quotes below. Which do you agree wit? Why? HOISTS Cottocations 6 6 It's not whether you Many allocations in English are formed from an adjective win or lose that ;nd a oun (right jut verb and an ae i nee eee counts, it's how you — play the game. a \ adapted froma quote by complete the collocations in colour with words from the list, sports reporter Grantland Rice y below. Use the glossary to help you. highly vast top injured aware 66 1 The — majority of people have never heard of this medal. Whoever said it's Her knee was badly... not whether you win He was well. that this was very lucky for him. or lose that counts Tewas now unlikely that he would win probably Lost. ay They were running at... speed. acd eat — Fi tennis player Everyone else was alia. Martina Navratitova aurun 2 choose the correct word to complete the collocations. Ie yoranseces i tha essay 4 Usten tothe first part ofa report abouta special Olympic award, the Pierre de Coubertin medal. Which ofthe following 1 The children are probably asleep by now. (hard ast) dowelearn? MET i 2. We were stuck in traffic on the way to the match. (heavy / strong) why the medal was named after Pierre de Coubertin 3 Their coach has been in. health, (sad / poor) what the medal is made of 1. what the medal is given for 2 3 44 think the coach is making a. point. (valid / right) 4 when the modern Olympics were founded 5 6 i 5 She speaks perfect English but still has a... ‘where the first modern Olympics were held French accent. (small / slight) i 6 Adolescence is normally a time of .. growth. (rapid / quick) how many times the medal has been awarded 5. Now listen to the second part of the report and complete the sentences with 1-3 words. NET 1. The 1964 Winter Olympics took place in 2 Due to the help he gave the British team, Eugenio a Monti did not... Lawrence Lemieux rescued two members of 7 That athlete has a. future ahead of her: (bright / fortunate) In the race, Lemieux came in place. D'Agostino realised that her knee was Hamblin encouraged D’ Agostino to Go ontine to find out who Tana Umaga is and why he was awarded the Pierre de Winer Takes i (ORE [|SPEAKING Comparing Pictures 6 ookatpieturesAand 8 What sport does each show? What doyou think the people in each picture ae wating for? 7 sten to two students comparing pictures A and 8. Which ofthe expressions below do they use? ETE! Comparing and Contrasting m Picture A shows... , and so does picture B. = The pictures both show ‘One thing they have in common is im However, there's a big difference, One difference is that Picture A shows ..., whereas picture B ... Speculating mt looks like a He/She / They must be m Peshaps Ws probably When speculating about a picture, there are no right or wrong answers. Use your imagination. Compare Pictures Aes er eae upset teamistosing / winning thrilled player can't believeit disappointed shocked scored goal TRA SPEAKING PRACTICE 93, WRITING A Biography —Work with a Model = ‘Abography sa description of persons fe and achievers The cts are sual presented In chronlogel order. information does itinclude? a date and place of birth who discovered him the name of the club he played for ‘what he became known for ryear he received Player of the Century award ‘year he received BBC's Lifetime Achievement Award when he retired ‘what he is doing today | 1 Read the biography about Pelé below. Which of the following j THE KING OF FOOTBALL = ‘Many people agree that Pelé, the legendary footballer, is the best player of alltime. During his career, he was worshipped ‘Sag who the person is and eee eee nay etal Le eames by millions of fans for his extraordinary accomplishments. ©) pele was born in 1940 in Tes CoragDes, Brazil. Growing up in poverty his | childhood football was a sock filed with newspaper. At the age of 15, he was discovered by retied footballer Waldemar de Brito, who predicted he would Body. | become the best player in the world. Sent to play for Santos, a professional | Give details about the football club, Pelé quickly became the club’s top goal scorer. | person's life in ‘The talented teenager's incredible skill and spectacular goals quickly made chronolagical ovder ‘him a worldwide star. In his career of slightly over two decades, he led Santos to many thrilling victories and helped Brazil win three World Cups. © He received countless awards, including FIFA’ Player of the Century and, in i 2005, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the BBC. Closing, ele’ brilliant technique and the joy he demonstrated while playing Summavise the person's revolutionised football. He made the sport more exciting to watch, increasing ! achievements and / oF the game's popularity all over the world. Many years after his retirement, | furoave plans Pelé is still considered the King of Football. } 2. inwhich part of the model essay could the writer have written the following sentences? 1. During his career, Pelé scored 1,281 goals in 1,363 games. 2. Asa child, he worked polishing shoes in order to help his family make ends meet. 3 He especially raised interest in football in the United States, where it was not a well-known sport. ‘4 The Brazilian government named him a national treasure, which prevented him from playing for a club in any other country. yy, Adjectives ‘Adjectives are used to describe nouns. Using a variety of adjectives ‘makes your writing more interesting. When you write about @ person ‘and his /her life, adjectives can help make your description more vivid

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