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(Health 7 - Quarter 2 - Weeks 7 and 8)

Name : _____________________________________ Grade & Section : ______________

School : ____________________________________ District : ______________________


Learning Competency: Applies decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent

nutritional problems of adolescents. (H7N-IIg-h-27)

 Identify nutrition-related problems that are common among
 Create a poem/brochure/poster that shows on the prevention of
nutritional problems among adolescents; and
 Appreciate the value of having a healthy diet.

Schedule Activities


Challenges for Adolescents

Despite parent’s efforts, some nutritional problems can still P.E and
arise or worsen during adolescence. These problems include problems HEALTH 7
of overeating and/ or consistently making poor food choices, resulting Material
in obesity. Conversely, other adolescents develop problems with pp. 322-327
unhealthy and extremely restrictive dieting without meeting the
minimum nutritional requirements necessary for healthy growth and
Nutritional Impact in Health
Skipping ■Breakfast skippers tend to eat more next meal,
Breakfast or nibble on high calorie snacks to avoid hunger.
■ Poor Performance

1|Page Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North
They accomplish less work and are slower at
making decisions.
Eating in Fast ■Low Energy Levels
Food (Food Fast food puts your metabolism under
high in stress. It causes your blood sugar levels drop,
Preservatives) thus leaving you feeling weak and fatigued and
Most of the will leave you unproductive, struggling at work or
Time with what activity you are dealing with.
■ Damage to Your Liver
Having too much fast food brings in huge
amount of oils, calories and fats to your body.
With these, your liver will suffer and will lead to
organ failure similar to the ones caused by
excessive alcohol intake.
■ Obesity and Related Diseases
Eating too much food high in preservatives
will lead to obesity, which is a gateway to a
multitude of diseases such as heart diseases,
diabetes and certain types of cancer.
■ Heart Problems
Fast foods are like salt and cholesterol
waiting to explode. These two are proven to be
the major causes of heart attacks and other
related cardiovascular diseases.
■ Quality of Living Suffers
Grabbing fast food on a regular bases not
only weakens our health but it also, in a way,
decreases the quality of life we are living.
Junk Diet ■ It can cause type 2 diabetes:
One of the major contributing factors for
the emerging diabetes epidemic is unhealthy diet
full of junk. The reason why your body gets a
steady supply of glucose, which helps maintain

2|P age Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North
insulin sensitivity. Since junk food lacks fiber
content, its consumption directly results in a
spike in sugar levels. Further junk food
consumption leads to obesity, one of the main
reasons for insulin resistance and development
of diabetes.
■ It can trigger digestive problems :
Fatty junk food eaters are bound to suffer
from digestive problems because junk food is
deep fried. The oil soaked in junk food gets
deposited on the walls of the stomach lining,
thus increases acid production. Spices loaded in
them irritate the stomach lining. Lack of fiber in
them hampers digestion, increasing problems
like constipation.

■ It causes abnormalities in blood sugar levels

Junk food is high in refined sugar which
exerts stress in your metabolism. Refined sugar
causes the pancreas to secrete more amount of
insulin in order to prevent a instant increase in
your blood sugar levels, and causes it to drop
suddenly after you eat. This makes you feel
irritable and further increases your craving for
more junk food.
■ It can cause kidney disease
High amount of bad fats and sodium
from salt disrupts the sodium- potassium
balance of the body and causes hypertension.
Since the kidney has to filter all the toxins from
the blood, eating a lot of junk food has a direct
effect on the kidney functioning.
■ It can damage your liver

3|P age Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North
It is the high level of trans fats found
in a number of junk food which causes liver
dysfunction due to deposition in the liver.
■ It increases your risk of cancer:
Lack of fiber is the main reason why
junk food consumption is linked to an increased
risk of
cancers of the digestive system.
Healthy Eating During Adolescence

What is healthy eating?

Eating healthy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and
something that should be taught at a young age. There are guidelines
in helping an adolescent to eat healthy. These are some
recommendations to ensure that an adolescent is following a healthy
eating plan.

■ Eat 3 meals a day with healthy snacks.

■ Increase fiber in the diet and decrease the use of salt
■ Drink water. Try to avoid drinks that are high in sugar. Fruit juice
can have a lot of calories, so limit your intake. Whole fruit is
always a better choice.
■ Eat balanced meals.
■ Try to bake or broil instead of fry when cooking.
■ Eat fruit or vegetables for a snack.
■ Decrease the use of butter and heavy gravies.
■ Eat more chicken and fish. Limit red meat intake, and choose
lean cuts when possible.

4|P age Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North

Directions: Copy the table and answer each statement by checking

Always, Sometimes or Never.

Health Habits/Practices Someti

Always mes Never
1. I eat a full breakfast.

2. I eat a balanced diet.

3. I always eat my breakfast on time.

4. It is my habit to skip breakfast.

5. I am eating in fast food most of my

6. I am into a junk diet.

7. I like to eat salty foods.

8. I like to eat sweets like cake and

ice cream.
9. I like to eat fruits.

10. I like to drink soft drinks/ soda.

11. I like to eat raw/uncooked foods.

12. I like to eat vegetables.

13. I eat 3 times a day with healthy

14. 5I prefer to eat delicious food
than nutritious ones.

15. I drink 8-10 glasses of water in a


5|Page Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North

Directions: Read the situation and answer the questions.

A freshman student wants to be popular and attractive to

everyone. She is not happy with her weight, so she tries to skip
her breakfast always. When she is hungry, she buys junk foods

1. What nutritional problem/s does the freshman student


2. What are the dangers if this problem is not corrected?

3. What can you suggest to overcome her problem?


Directions: Write one- stanza poem with 5 lines that expresses on

the prevention of nutritional problems among adolescents.

5 4 3 2
Organize The The The The
sequence of sequence of sequence of sequence of
words and words and words and words and
phrases is phrases is phrases is phrases is
logical, and some what very random.
the reader logical and confusing The reader
is able to the reader and the can find no
follow is able to reader evidence of
ordering of follow may need thoughtful
ideas ordering of the ordering of
easily. ideas With determine ideas.
minimal follow
effort. ordering of

6|Page Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North
Word The poem The poem The poem The poem
choice and uses many uses uses uses
main idea precise, several general or general or
vivid and descriptive ordinary ordinary
descriptive words to terms to terms to
words to develop a develop a describe
develop a main idea main idea the object:
main idea or message or message. the words
or message do not
develop a
main idea
or message
Spelling There are There are Numerous Numerous
no or very spelling spelling spelling
few spelling errors. errors errors
errors. Which may impede the impede the
They are or may not reader from reader from
developmen developmen understand understand
tally tally ing the ing the
appropriate appropriate poem poem.
and do not however, message. Errors are
impede the they do not Some of the not
reader`s impede the errors are developmen
understand reader`s developmen tally
ing of the understand tally appropriate
poem ing of the appropriate and should
poem , but others have been
should noticed and
have been corrected.
noticed and

7|Page Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North

Directions: Write a short attractive statement that relates to the

importance of practicing a healthy diet.

(self-checking of all activities guided by parents or learning


1. As you are approaching adolescence, why do you think that

meeting the nutritional requirements necessary for healthy growth
and development?

8|Page Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North
2. As a student, how are you going to help others prevent nutritional
problems especially among adolescents?

9|Page Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North

Answer may vary


Answer may vary

Answer may vary

Answer may vary



Lourdes R. Siobal, et. Al., 2017. Physical Education and Health- Grade 7 Learner’s
Material, First Edition, Published by the Department of Education.

Genevieve C. Awa, T- I. HEALTH – Grade 7 - Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)

Published by the Department of Education- Region 10

10 | P a g e Writer : Feliciano S. Asis Jr.

School/Station: Baculin Integrated School
District: Hinatuan North

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