I Have An . I Like This Fruit So Much. A. Grape B. Mango C. Orange D. Jackfruit E. Watermelon

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 I have an …………. I like this fruit so much.

a.    Grape
b.    Mango
c.    Orange
d.    Jackfruit
e.    Watermelon

Wednesday is … Tuesday and … Thursday.

a. before-after

b. after-before

c. between-before

d. after-between

4. He … (eat) noodles, when the phone … (ring).

a. is eating – ring

b. was eating – rang

c. ate – was ringing

d. ate – rang

My sister feels drowsy ______ she has a long time fever.

a. Because
b. So
c. But
d. Until
 My lecturer smokes ____ he never drink alcohol.
a. And
b. But
c. For
d. Since
pete : “How about having dinner with me tonight?
Kate : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
a. kate declines the the invitation
b. pete want to hve dinner
c. kate love pete
d. pete invites kate to have dinner together
e. pete make a date with kate

The boy : “……, madam.Would you mind if I sit beside you?”

The old lady : “ By all means.”
a. Hi
b. Excuse me
c. Hello
d. How do you do
e. Nice to meet you

I ____ always ____ to the dentist

a. Do not, go

b. Does not, go

c. Do not, went

d. Does not, went

Water will freeze if the temperature …. below 0 0

 gone
 went
 is going
 goes
 going
Sam is not eating his food. He …. be hungry
 must not
 may
 must have been
 can not
 must to
  Rina would have visited me if………….
 A.    She had had a lot of free time
B.    She has had a lot of time
C.    She has a lot of time
D.    She had a lot of time
E.    She had have a lot of time
 If I were you,……..
 A.    I will attend that international conference
B.    I attend that international conference
C.    I would attend that international conference
D.    I would have attended that international conference
E.    I attended that international conference
 Questions 1 through 5
 Lichens, of which more than twenty thousand species have been named, are
complex affiliations between certain green growth. The lichen itself is most
certainly not a creature: rather it is the morphological and biochemical result of
the affiliation. Neither an organism nor an alga alone can create lichen. The close
relationship between these two living parts of lichen was once mistakenly in spite
of the fact that to speak to mutualism. In shared connections, both members
advantage. With lichens, be that as it may, it shows up the growth really
parasitizes the green growth. This is one of the conclusions drawn from tests in
which the two parts of lichens were isolated also, become separated. In nature,
lichen growths may experience and become around saveral sorts of green
growth. A few sorts of green growth the growths may slaughter; different sorts it
may dismiss. Lichen green growth are autotrophic, significance they make their
own nourishment through photosynthesis. Lichen growths are heterotrophic,
significance they rely on the green growth inside of the lichen to supply their
nourishment. Up to ninety percent of than nourishment made by the green alga
cell is exchanged to the parasite. What, if anything, the organism adds to the
affiliation is not surely knew. Lichens are scarcely. The develop in numerous
environments furthermore, are frequently pioneers in threatening situations
where couple of different creatures can thrive. They have been known not
endolithically, having been found flourishing inside of rocks in Antartica. Lichen
help lessen disintegration by settling soil. Saveral sorts of creepy crawlies paste
lichens to their exoskeletons for disguise. Numerous types of fowls utilization
lichens as building materials for homes. Human have utilized lichens for colors
and anti-toxins.
 1. Which of the accompanying best portrays lichen affiliation?
 A. Straightforward plants made of two diverse autotrophic organims.
B. A common relationship between an organism and an alga
C. A parasitic relationship between two organisms, one autotrophic, the second
D. A union between a parasitic organism and an autotrophic alga
 2. “Scarcely” in line 26 is clossest in intending to
 A. Delicate
B. Strong
C. Furnished
D. Gainful
 3. In Biology, mutualism happens when two diverse living being live near one
another and
 A. One creature parasitizes the other
B. Both creature advantage from the affiliation
C. Both creature are hurt by the affiliation
D. One creature advantages while alternate does not or is hurt by the affiliation
 4. In line 7, “cozy” is closest in intending to
 A. living
B. Phenomenal
C. Natural
D. Close
 5. Lichen serves as cover for which of the accompanying?
 A. Creepy crawlies
B. Winged creatures
C. Reptiles
D. Well evolved creatures

 I watched Fast and Furious 6 at the cinema yesterday, ………..

A.    But my friend didn’t

B.    But my friend doesn’t
C.    But my friend does
D.    But my friend did
E.    But my friend hasn’t

3.    I will go to the traditional market tomorrow,………..

A.    And Maria would too

B.    And Maria will too
C.    And Maria have to
D.    And Maria will go to
E.    And Maria will go to the traditional market tomorrow

 Neither my father………..my brother went fishing yesterday.

A.    Or
B.    Nor
C.    And
D.    But
E.    Than

7.    I sweep the floor every day,………..

A.    And so did Risa

B.    And so does Risa
C.    And so was Risa
D.    And so is Risa
E.    And so were Risa

8.    I was watching Super Junior concert last week,………..

A.    And they were so

B.    And so were they
C.    And so was they
D.    And they was so
E.    And are they

9.    I love watching Korean drama as well as………..

A.    To listen Korean songs

B.    Listening to Korean songs
C.    To be listening Korean songs
D.    To be listen Korean songs
E.    To listening Korean songs

10. Andy is not only handsome ……….. diligent

A.    And
B.    But
C.    But also
D.    Also
E.    So


The swimming instructor came... if the apartment was still available.

A. to see
B. seeing
C. saw
D. for seeing

The sentence should be read "The swimming instructor came to see if the apartment was still
available." Therefore, you should choose A.

Now begin work on the questions.

1. The committee has met twice and ....

    A. they reached a final decision
    B. a final decision was reached
    C. its decision was reached
    D. it has reached a final decision

2. The manager won't be able to attend the shareholders' meeting tomorrow because....
    A. he must to give a lecture
    B. he will be giving a lecture
    C. of he will give lecture
    D. he will have giving a lecture

3. Brenda's score on the test is the highest in class.

    A. She should study hard last night.
    B. She should have studied hard last night.
    C. She must have studied hard last night.
    D. She had to study hard last night

4. To answer accurately is more important than...

    A. to finish quickly
    B. a quick finish
    C. you finish it quickly
    D. quick finish

5. Having been served lunch,....

    A. the problems were discussed by the participants.
    B. the participants discuss the problems.
    C. it was discussed by the participants.
    D. A discussion of the problems were made by the participants.

6. East Kalimantan relies heavily on income from oil and natural gas, and....
    A. Aceh province also.
    B. Aceh province too.
    C. Aceh province is as well.
    D. so does Aceh province.

7. The participants have had some problems deciding....

    A. when they should announce the result of the meeting.
    B. when are they sgoing to announce the result of the meeting.
    C. when should they announce the result of the meeting.
    D. the time when the result of the meeting to announce.

8. This year will be more difficult for our organization because....

    A. we have less money and volunteers than last year.
    B. there is a little money and volunteers than last year.
    C. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
    D. it has fewer money and less volunteers than it had last year.

9. Professor Baker told his students that...

    A. they can turn over their reports on Mondays.
    B. the reports can turn over on Monday.
    C. they could hand in their reports on Monday.
    D. the reports they can hand in on Monday.

10. The adder is a venomous snake ... bite may prove fatal to humans.
      A. its
      B. whom its
      C. that
      D. whose

11. .... a bee colony gets, the more the queen's egglaying capability diminishers.
      A. It is more overcrowded.
      B. The more overcrowded.
      C. More overcrowded than.
      D. More than overcrowded.

12. The chairwoman requested that ....

      A. the participants studied more careful the problem.
      B. the participants study the problem more carefully.
      C. the participants studied  the problem with more careful.
      D. the problem be studied more carefully.

13. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ... once every ten hours.
      A. the rotation of Jupiter
      B. Jupiter rotates
      C. Jupiter rotation
      D. Jupiter rotate

14. Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.

      A. the
      B. it is the
      C. is the
      D. where the

15. The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.

      A. whose
      B. how they are
      C. have
      D. their


1. D                         11. B                      
2. B                         12. B                      
3. C                         13. B                       
4. A                         14. A                       
5. B                         15. D                      
6. D                         
7. C                         
8. C                         
9. C                         

Read more: http://www.kursusmudahbahasainggris.com/2013/10/contoh-soal-toefl-structure-

I watched Fast and Furious 6 at the cinema yesterday, ………..

A.    But my friend didn’t

B.    But my friend doesn’t
C.    But my friend does
D.    But my friend did
E.    But my friend hasn’t

3.    I will go to the traditional market tomorrow,………..

A.    And Maria would too

B.    And Maria will too
C.    And Maria have to
D.    And Maria will go to
E.    And Maria will go to the traditional market tomorrow

1. Valentine's Day ___ on February 14th.

a. celebrates
b. had celebrated
c. is celebrated
d. celebrated

2. Cupid is the most famous ___ of Valentine.

a. symbol
b. sign
c. motif
d. hint

3. It's known that this mischievous ___ child shoots darts of desire and make men
fall deeply in love.
a. swinged
b. wigged
c. winged
d. winded
4. The ___ of Saint Valentine's Day had its origin in a belief that birds began to
pair on February 14th.
a. costume
b. habitat
c. custom
d. customer

5. The festival became associated with the ___ day of two Roman martyrs, both
named St. Valentine, who lived in the 3rd century.
a. fast
b. feast
c. feature
d. fist

6. Valentine's Day became the date for exchanging love letters and sending lovers'
a. tolls
b. tools
c. trots
d. tokens

7. St. Valentine has been regarded as the ___ saint of lovers.

a. patrol
b. patron
c. patroness
d. patronal

8. Today's celebration of Valentine's Day ___ of a tradition that began in the

Roman Empire.
a. grew out
b. grew up
c. grew
d. grown up

9. The cards, known as valentines, are often ___ with hearts to symbolize love.
a. desired
b. signed
c. derived
d. designed

10.Roses are the most common flowers given ___ this occasion.
a. on
b. in
c. after
d. under

The population of Canada in 2005 was almost:

A.   ?    13 million

B.   ?    23 million

C.   ?    33 million

D.   ?    43 million

The capital city of Canada is:

A.   ?    Montreal

B. :-)  Ottawa

C. X  Toronto

D. X  Vancouver

E. In what country, the world's seventh largest by geographical area, is Christmas known as
Bada Din (the big day)? India
F. Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, is a territory of which country? Australia
G. 'Three Kings Day' is known by what numerical name (that's 'name', not 'date') in Britain?
Twelfth Night
H. The North Pole, said to be Santa's home, is located in which ocean? Arctic Ocean
I. 'And all the bells on earth shall ring, on Christmas day in the morning...' is from which
Christmas carol? I Saw Three Ships
J. Marzipan is made (conventionally in the western world) mainly from sugar and the flour or
meal of which nut? Almond
K. What is the technical name of Mistletoe plant genus, and also Latin for
glutinous? Viscum(hence the words viscous and viscosity, referring to semi-solid/semi-liquid
and thick sticky substances - derived from the sticky quality of mistletoe berries, and also an
early word for birdlime, a sticky substance made from the berries, used to trap birds)
L. Peter Auty sang Walking In The Air in what film? The Snowman
M. Which Christmas condiment is made from fruit sometimes referred to as marshworts?
Cranberry sauce
N. Which American-born English poet, having first names Thomas Stearns, wrote the poem The
Cultivation Of Christmas Trees? T S Eliot
O. Which Christmas slogan was introduced by Clarissa Baldwin of Dogs Trust in 1978? A Dog
Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas
P. Which British monarch (born 1865, died 1936) introduced the custom of giving thousands of
Christmas puddings to staff? King George V
Q. In the UK it is traditionally believed that eating a what each day of the twelve days of
Christmas brings happiness the following year: Sausage; Mince pie; Carrot; or Turkey
drumstick? Mince pie
R. The fortified wine drink Sherry is named after what town? Jerez (Spain - in Spanish, sherry is
called Vino de Jerez)
S. In Coldplay's 2010 Christmas single video, the Latin phrase Credo Elvem Etiam Vivere (seen
above the stage) loosely means what (combining an ironic rock'n'roll myth, with a seasonal
sentiment popularised by Greg Lakes's 1975 Christmas hit - and for two bonus points: name
the Greg Lake song, and the Coldplay 2010 Christmas single)? I Believe Elvis Lives (Greg
Lake's song - I Believe In Father Christmas; Coldplay's 2010 Xmas single - Christmas
T. What is the surname of the family in the 1989 film 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'?
U. Who composed the music known as The Nutcracker Suite, for the Christmas themed ballet
The Nutcracker, premiered in St Petersburg, 1892? Tchaikovsky
V. Which southern central US state, whose capital city has the same name, was the last to
recognize Christmas as an official holiday? Oklahoma

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