Theoretical Framework Assessment

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ASSESS Module 2

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

A. Read. Indicate the answers to the questions below.

Here is a sample theoretical framework:

“A popular and validated method od assessing learning is the Kolb’s Learning Style
Inventory (LSI), which allows comparisons of learning styles. It measures both an
individual’s learning potential when placed in different environments and his learning style
when challenged to acquire new material (Dibartola, 2006). This method is based on the
theory of experiential learning, separating learners based on the y-axis of information-
perception (learning by doing or reflecting). Learning is thus divided into four stages.
Active experimentation (AE) (doing), abstract conceptualization (AC) (thinking), concrete
experience (CE) (watching), and reflective observation (RO) (feeling) (Jack, Kenkara,
Sarilla,2010). Ideal learning incorporates all four components, but individuals tend to have
stronger preferences toward specific methods. Kolb established foyr categories of learning
styles: diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating (Caulley, Wodet, freeman,

1. What are the variables investigated in the study?

2. What are the patterns for the interpretation of data?

3. What are the central concepts integral to the study?

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