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Building Rule: What May be Built Where?

Gold Exchange
Road: A Road costs one brick and one wood to build and is Two gold dice can be used to replace any one resource. For
always worth one victory point. The first Road (Start Road) is example, two gold can replace one ore, one brick or any other
already is built and costs no resources. Each additional Road must resource. Gold is not used to build anything, so it is worth nothing
be constructed so that it is adjacent to an already existing. A Road itself. A single gold die is worthless.
which borders on a City or Settlement does not hinder the further
Road construction – even if the Settlement and/or City has not Game End
been built. The game ends after 15 turns when every player has filled all 15
Settlement: A Settlement costs one wood, one brick, one grain boxes of their score track. The players add up the points in the
and one wool to build. A Settlement can only be built if the Road score track and subtract two points for each cross in the score
reaching it has been built. The Settlements must also be built in track. The player with the most points wins.
ascending order of their victory points. The first Settlement built
Autor: Klaus Teuber
must be the one worth 3 points, and then the one worth 4 points, Web:
etc.. Grafik:
Illustration: Tanja Donner
City: A City costs 3 ore and 2 grain to build. Cities are built like Lizenz: Catan GmbH ©2007
Settlements: A City can only be built if the Road reaching it has
been built. Cities must also be built in ascending order of their © 2007 KOSMOS Verlag
Pfjzerstraße 5-7
victory points. D-70184 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711-2191-0
Soldier: A Soldier costs one grain, one wool, and one ore to build. Fax: +49 (0)711-2191-199
The Soldiers must be built in ascending order of their victory
points. Once a Soldier has been built it may used once as a Joker
for the resource indicated in the picture beneath it (see next
paragraph). Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Resource Joker S23761
Each field has a symbol on it. During the trading phase, a player
may cross off the symbol in a field guarded by a soldier (the
player must have built the soldier first) and change any one of
their dice so it shows that resource type. Each field may be used
once per game, but any number of fields may be used in a single
When the last soldier (with the number 6) is constructed, the
player may use an any resource as a Joker.

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