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1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down.

p down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

Meet Me in Provence Cardigan by

DROPS Design

Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top

down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DROPS

DROPS design: Pattern e-280

Yarn group A
Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
DROPS SAFRAN from Garnstudio (belongs to yarn
DROPS 186-32
group A)
350-400-450-500-500-550 g colour 05, light blue
50-50-50-50-50-50 g colour 17, white

Piece can also be crocheted with yarn from:

“Alternative yarn (yarn group A)” - see link below.

DROPS CROCHET HOOK SIZE 3.5 mm - or size needed

to get 22 treble crochets x 12 rows = 10 cm in width
and 10 cm vertically.


NO 600: 7-7-7-8-8-8 pieces

Yarn prices (per 03.01.2021)

Yarn (weight) Content UK
DROPS Safran uni colour (50g) 100% Cotton 1.15 GBP

You can get the yarn to make this pattern from 9.20£*.

(*) Pattern prices are calculated from the smallest size / cheapest colour. You will find a prices table in
this print to help you calculate the price for other sizes.

All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at 1/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

Pattern for DROPS 186-32


See diagrams A.1 to A.5.

Begin every treble crochet row with 3 chain stitches (replaces first treble crochet).
When sleeves are worked in the round, begin and end every round in A.1 as follows:
Begin 1st and 2nd round in A.1 with 3 chain stitches (do not replace first treble
crochet) and finish with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch at beginning of round
Begin 3rd and 4th round in A.1 with 3 chain stitches (replace first treble crochet) and
finish with 1 slip stitch in 3rd chain stitch at beginning of round

In the first 3 repetitions of the diagrams vertically work 1st and 2nd row with white,
work the remaining rows in light blue purple - read COLOUR CHANGE. Then work the
remaining repetitions of A.1 in light blue purple.

When changing colour work as follows: Work last treble crochet with first colour but
wait with last pull through, switch to next colour and work last pull through, then
continue working.

To calculate how to increase/decrease evenly, use the total number of stitches to be
increased/decreased over (e.g. 24 stitches) and divide stitches by number of
increases/decreases to be done (e.g. 3) = 8.
To increase evenly in this example work 2 treble crochets in every 8th treble crochet.
To decrease evenly in this example work every 7th and 8th treble crochet together.
Decrease 1 treble crochet by working 2 treble crochets together as follows: Work 1
treble crochet in/around first stitch, but wait with last pull through, work 1 treble
crochet in/around next treble crochet/stitch, but on last pull through pull yarn
through all 3 loops on hook.

Yoke and body are worked back and forth from mid front, top down. Sleeves are
worked in the round. Band and neck edge are worked back and forth at the end.

Work 144-154-158-168-168-175 chain stitches (including 3 chain stitches to turn 2/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

with) on hook size 3.5 mm with light blue purple. Work 1 treble crochet in 4th chain
stitch from hook (= 2 treble crochets) - read CROCHET INFO, 1 treble crochet in
each of the next 0-3-0-3-3-3 chain stitches, * skip 1 chain stitch, 1 treble crochet in
each of the next 6 chain stitches *, repeat from *-* = 122-131-134-143-143-149
treble crochets.
Work first row from wrong side as follows: Work 1 treble crochet in each of the first
18-21-21-24-24-24 treble crochets, * work 2 treble crochets in next treble crochet,
1 treble crochet in next treble crochet *, repeat from *-* over the next 22 treble
crochets (= 11 treble crochets increased), 1 treble crochet in each of the next 42-
45-48-51-51-57 treble crochets, repeat from *-* over the next 22 treble crochets (=
11 treble crochets increased), 1 treble crochet in each of the last 18-21-21-24-24-24
treble crochets = 144-153-156-165-165-171 treble crochets.
Work next row as follows from right side - read STRIPES:
Work 1 treble crochet in first treble crochet, A.1 over 21-24-24-27-27-27 treble
crochets (= 7-8-8-9-9-9 repetitions of 3 treble crochets) (= left front piece), A.2 (=
2 treble crochets), A.1 over 12 treble crochets (= 4 repetitions), A.3 over 1 treble
crochet, A.1 over 12 treble crochets (= 4 repetitions), A.2 over 2 treble crochets (=
left sleeve), A.1 over 42-45-48-51-51-57 treble crochets (= 14-15-16-17-17-19
repetitions) (= back piece), A.2 over 2 treble crochets, A.1 over 12 treble crochets
(= 4 repetitions), A.3 over 1 treble crochet, A.1 over 12 treble crochets (= 4
repetitions), A.2 over 2 treble crochets (= right sleeve), finish with A.1 over 21-24-
24-27-27-27 treble crochets (= 7-8-8-9-9-9 repetitions) and 1 treble crochet in last
treble crochet (= right front piece). REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION!
On last row in A.1 to A.3 increase 0-0-3-3-3-0 treble crochets evenly over each of
the front pieces – read INCREASE/DECREASE TIP and 0-0-6-0-12-3 treble crochets
evenly over back piece (= 0-0-12-6-18-3 treble crochets increased in total). When
A.1 to A.3 have been worked 1 time vertically, there are 202-211-226-229-241-232
treble crochets on last row. Piece measures approx. 5 cm.
Continue to work 1 treble crochet in first and last treble crochet and A.1 as before.
Repeat diagram A.2 over the 2 middle treble crochets in each repetition over A.2 0-
0-1-1-2-3 more times (i.e. A.2 is worked 1-1-2-2-3-4 times in total vertically), over
the remaining stitches work A.1 (i.e. work 2 repetitions of A.1 over every A.3 on
sleeves and work 2 repetitions of A.1 on each side of A.2).
When A.2 is done there are 202-211-274-277-337-376 treble crochets on last row.
Piece measures approx. 5-5-8-8-12-15 cm.
Now work A.4 over the middle 2 treble crochets in every repetition of A.2 2-3-2-3-2-
2 times in total vertically, work the remaining stitches in A.1. I.e. over every A.2
work as follows: Work 2 repetitions of A.1 (= 6 treble crochets), A.4 (= 2 treble
crochets) and 2 repetitions of A.1 (= 6 treble crochets). Every time A.4 is repeated
work 16 repetitions more of A.1.
When A.4 is done there are 250-283-322-349-385-424 treble crochets on last row.
Piece measures approx. 12-15-15-18-19-22 cm.
Now work A.5 over the middle 2 treble crochets in every repetition of A.4 1 time in
total vertically, work the remaining stitches in A.1. I.e. over every A.4 work as
follows: Work 1 repetition of A.1 (= 3 stitches), A.5 (= 2 stitches) and 1 repetition of 3/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

A.1 (= 3 stitches).
When A.5 is done there are 278-311-350-377-413-452 treble crochets on last row.
Piece measures approx. 15-18-18-21-22-25 cm.
Now work 1 treble crochet in first and last treble crochet and A.1 over the remaining
stitches (= 92-103-116-125-137-150 repetitions of A.1) until piece measures 17-19-
20-22-24-26 cm.
Now work body and sleeves as follows:
Work 1 treble crochet in first treble crochet, work pattern as before over the next 39-
45-48-54-60-66 stitches (= 13-15-16-18-20-22 repetitions of A.1 = front piece),
skip the next 57-66-75-81-84-90 treble crochets (= 19-22-25-27-28-30 repetitions
of A.1 = sleeve), work 12 chain stitches under sleeve, work pattern as before over
the next 84-87-102-105-123-138 stitches (= 28-29-34-35-41-46 repetitions of A.1
= back piece), skip the next 57-66-75-81-84-90 stitches (= 19-22-25-27-28-30
repetitions A.1 = sleeve), work 12 chain stitches under sleeve, work pattern as
before over the next 39-45-48-54-60-66 stitches (= 13-15-16-18-20-22 repetitions
of A.1 = front piece), finish with 1 treble crochet in last treble crochet.

= 188-203-224-239-269-296 stitches. Work 1 treble crochet in first treble crochet,
work A.1 as before until 1 treble crochet remains (= 62-67-74-79-89-98 repetitions),
finish with 1 treble crochet in last treble crochet.
When piece measures 1 cm from where body was divided from sleeves, decrease
treble crochets evenly every time A.1 is repeated vertically, decrease on 3rd row in
A.1 as follows: Decrease 6 treble crochets 3-3-3-2-2-2 times in total and 3 treble
crochets 0-0-1-0-1-1 time in total = 170-185-203-227-254-281 stitches. Now repeat
A.1 56-61-67-75-84-93 times in width. When piece measures 14 cm from where
sleeve was divided from body, increase on every 3rd row in A.1 as follows: Increase
15 treble crochets evenly 0-0-1-1-0-0 times in total, increase 9 treble crochets
evenly 3-3-3-2-4-3 times in total, increase 6 treble crochets evenly 1-1-0-1-0-1 time
in total = 203-218-245-266-290-314 stitches. Work the increased stitches in A.1.
Repeat A.1 67-72-81-88-96-104 times in total in width.
Work A.1 until piece measures 34-34-35-35-35-35 cm from where body was divided
from sleeves (51-53-55-57-59-61 cm from neck edge), finish after 1 row with treble
crochets. Fasten off.

Sleeve is worked in the round, top down. Beg by working mid under sleeve as
follows: Work 1 double crochet in the 7th chain stitch of the 12 chain stitches worked
under sleeve on yoke, 3 chains (= 1st treble), work 1 treble crochet in each of the
next 5 chain stitches, work A.1 as before over the 57-66-75-81-84-90 stitches, finish
with 1 treble crochet in each of the last 6 chain stitches under sleeve = 69-78-87-
93-96-102 stitches. Continue with A.1 in the round (= 23-26-29-31-32-34 times in
When sleeve measures 1 cm, decrease treble crochets evenly every time A.1 is
repeated vertically, decrease on 3rd round in A.1 as follows: Decrease 6 treble 4/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

crochets 0-1-3-5-6-6 times in total and 3 treble crochets 5-6-4-2-0-0 times in total
= 54-54-57-57-60-66 treble crochets.
Repeat A.1 18-18-19-19-20-22 times in total in width.
Work A.1 until piece measures 38-36-35-34-32-30 cm from where sleeve was
divided from body. Adjust so that last round is 1 round with only treble crochets.
Then work an edge around the sleeve as follows: Work 1 chain stitch, * 1 double
crochet in first/next treble crochet, 4 chain stitches, skip approx. 1 cm *, work from
*-* around the entire sleeve and finish with 1 slip stitch in first double crochet at
beginning of round. Fasten off. Work the other sleeve the same way.

Worked back and forth. Work from right side with light blue purple as follows: Work
1 slip stitch around first treble crochet, 1 double crochet around same stitch, * 2
chain stitches, 1 double crochet around next stitch *, repeat from *-* down the
entire edge on jacket, finish with 1 double crochet in last treble crochet. Then work
approx. 112 to 134 treble crochets around chain spaces evenly (make sure to avoid
tightening or widening piece). Continue with 1 treble crochet in every treble crochet
until band measures 3 cm (= approx. 4 rows). Fasten off. Work the other band the
same way.

Work back and forth over chain stitch row in neck with light blue purple as follows:
ROW 1 (= from right side): Begin on band, fasten yarn to piece with 1 slip stitch in
first band stitch, work 2 half treble crochets (first half treble crochet on row is
replaced with 2 chain stitches) around every treble crochet row on bands, work 1
half treble crochet in the gap between every treble crochet on chain stitch row in
neck = approx. 138-147-150-158-158-165 half treble crochets.
ROW 2: Work 1 double crochet in every half treble crochet (first double crochet on
row replaced with 1 chain stitch) = approx. 138-147-150-158-158-165 double
crochets. Fasten off.

Sew the buttons on to left front piece as follows: Sew first button approx. 1½-2 cm
down from neck edge, then fasten the remaining 6-6-6-7-7-7 buttons approx. 8-9
cm apart. Button through treble crochets on right band.

Diagram explanations

= chain stitch
= treble crochet in stitch

= treble crochet around chain stitch

= work 4 treble crochets together as follows: Work 1 treble crochet around chain
stitch, but wait with last pull through, work another 3 treble crochets around 5/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

same chain stitch, but wait with last pull through, pull yarn through all 5 loops
on hook.
= this row has already been worked; it shows how the next row is worked
in/around the stitches. NOTE: The diagrams are worked over the number of
stitches on this row. Ie: the stitch/stitches on this row, that are NOT worked in
are skipped

Diagram for DROPS 186-32

Diagram for DROPS 186-32 6/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

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Use me to measure your project!

To get the measurement tape to be 100 % accurate, you have to print out the pattern in full scale
(and not use the print option "fit to page").

Do you need help with this pattern?

You'll find 9 tutorial videos, a Comments/Questions area and more by visiting the
pattern on Have you purchased DROPS yarn to make this
pattern? Then you are entitled to receive help from the store that sold you the yarn.

We take pride in providing patterns that are correct and easy to understand. All patterns are
translated from Norwegian and you can always check the original pattern for measurements and

If we get a report of a potential error, we will review the pattern and make the correction if necessary.
This will be done normally within 7 to 10 working days. If no correction is made, it means that we
weren't able to find any error/mistake.

Wondering where you can buy the yarn for this pattern? 7/8
1/3/2021 Meet Me in Provence Cardigan - Jacket with lace pattern and stripes, crocheted top down. Size: S - XXXL Piece is crocheted in DRO…

Try a DROPS Super Store!

- LindeHobby
- Wool Warehouse Direct Ltd
- Ritohobby
- Purple Sheep Yarns

© 1982-2021 DROPS Design A/S. We reserve all rights. This document, including all its sub-sections, has copyrights.
Read more about what you can do with our patterns at the bottom of each pattern on our site. 8/8

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