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C= Total Cost
x= Compound 1
y= Compound 2
z= Compound 3
a= Compound 4

OBJECTIVE FUNCTION *What is the objective fun

Minimize Cost: 20x + 30y + 20z + 15a

SUBJECT TO CONSTRAINTS *What are the constraints

Percentage A 35x + 15y + 35z + 25a >= 25
Percentage B 20x + 65y + 35z + 40a >= 30
Percentage C 40x + 15y + 25z + 30a >= 20
Side effects of:
Compound 1 x <= 25
Compound 2 y <= 30
Implicit x,y,z,a >= 0

Chemical Composition
x y z a Available
Percentage A 35 15 35 25 25
Percentage B 20 65 35 40 35
Percentage C 40 15 25 30 20
Side Effects Compound 1 1 25
Side Effects Compound 2 1 30
Cost/kilogram 20 30 20 15


x y z a
Unit Produced 0 0 0.2381 0.6667

Minimize Total Cost $ 14.7619 *How much is the minimu

Constraints: Amount used Amount Available

Percentage A 25 >= 25
Percentage B 35 >= 35
Percentage C 25.95 >= 20
Side Effects Compound 1 0 <= 25
Side Effects Compound 2 0 <= 30

*What is the optimal solu

If the cost is $20, $30, $20, and $15 for compounds 1, 2, 3, and 4, there
should be 0 of compound 1, 0 of compound 2, 0.2381 of compound 3,
and 0.6667 of compound 4 to minimize the cost up to $14.7619.
*What is the objective function of the given problem?

*What are the constraints of the given problem?

*How much is the minimum cost?

*What is the optimal solution?

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