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Fork in the Road

Maria Angela V. Salas

When we are going to college, our school and the whole world expects us that

we already knew what we want to do for the rest of our lives. We have this concept

that through studying, we can turn our dreams and passion into reality and we will be


My family’s financial problem trebled. I always wanted to help my parents

from our burden. But I am afraid that I might not be able to convert my passion into a

source of income right away. I realized that passion is not all unicorns and rainbows. I

decided to fleetingly set aside my dreams and find other options; options that could

make me more money to help my family. So I decided to make a move.

I engaged in buy and sell clothing business few years ago. The investment was

not huge because I didn’t had enough funds. However, I was able to reach more than

50% of profit from my investment. It was enough to sustain my tuition fee way back in

college. Since then, I focused my attention to my small business but it didn’t became

successful in the long run. Due to the pandemic, the demands of clothing decreases. I

had less buyers and lesser interested customers. Because of this, I came up with the

idea of shifting my business that suits with the demand of the situation today. After

several evaluation, I came up with the idea of business operations. I realized that I

lacked outlining. Drafting key targets and determining attainable financial goals should

be the steps. Of course, business is nothing without profit. Next phase is figuring out if
this type of business is the preference of the people today. In other words, if it is timely

and in trend it can be a great advantage in marketing your products or services I had

my experience of business failure because of not having prior research of what is more

essential today. COvId-19 made vast changes from all walks of life globally. What

implies to this is we also have to make changes and adapt to what our society needs.

We can start by small business ideas like selling goods or foods online with delivery

services or any products will do. Since the virus is still around the corner, online

business can greatly suit for now. The most interesting part is that we can do our small

business while we are studying or working.

To be honest, business was not really my passion. But I cannot make enough

profit by focusing on my passions alone. Bills, expenses, and debts don’t care if we are

passionate or not. As time passes by, our demands increase. Our needs and wants

become more complex. We cannot only decide to choose the path that leads only to our

personal interests because we also care about other factors. Those factors might

include poverty, parents’ directive, and societal pressure to name a few.

Money and passion both buy a certain threshold of happiness. Not everyone has

been given a chance to be on both track at once. But deny it or not, we desire

guarantees in life may be it on a state that is monetarily profitable or a phase that is full

of passion and love or both for some. We always do our utmost to achieve our desires.

The leap of faith might be risky but we will never know if we don’t try. The ball is in our



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