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NAME: Osman Abdi Kulane___________ GROUP: 4________

MATRIC NO.: GS57840_________

Revise and edit your essay after checking. Include a reference list for all in-text
citations in accordance with APA style. Your essay must be typed using font Arial
11/Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing.

TOPIC: internet brings more harm than its good____

Generally, the internet has been of the most remarkable factors that rigorously
affected human life. It has been using more than forty years; however, it has both
disadvantages and advantages. Because it takes part people’s life to develop, on the
other side it backward the life and the health of people on another side. So, it’s of the
most controversial issues in every society. Therefore, the internet brings more harm,
due to bringing health issues and security problems.

First of all, the internet without a doubt brings more health problems. People use computers,
smartphones for much time; they get eye problems, back pains, even mental issues. For
example, the teenagers spend unlimited time on social media, they use offensive words, doing
fake relationships, and together these problems they are bringing unlimited. In 2014, a man
has died in the USA, after playing video games 7 consecutive hours. So this information
explains how to sever effects the internet created for the people in the world. So it’s very
crucial to be careful, so that means that the internet has more risks to society in terms of
health and safety. Lots of mental health experts are rigorously worried about the effect that
the internet caused on mental health. Some researches show that the daily interruption of the
internet takes part in the reduction of focus durations. Moreover, countless individuals that
always use the context of the internet such as social media tell that they have a high risk of
worries and depression. [ CITATION Agb19 \l 1033 ]. On the other hand, some people believe
that the internet has brought more benefits such as the prompt news from around the world.
Of course, it cannot be denied this idea, but most of the news is fake news, so still, it has
other bad sides and creates violence and spreads fake news among society.


Secondly, One of the biggest issues of the internet is about bringing security problems. In this
developed life, people use many programs that need to be protected; these programs are used
among institutions such as, governments, banks, and other companies in the world. In 2019,
Somalia, there have many private companies that have been using the famous online business
which is called “Forex” less than one year they lost more than 100m, and the problem was
that the people cannot control the online business once started, unless they benefit or lose, so
that means the internet has more dangerous to society in terms of online activities. Private
data and privacy can be simply chopped and distributed on the internet that should cause
economic damage and lose not only that but also individual life. Likewise, Many Facebook
and Twitter have been hacked in previous times and the hackers have posted a thing that can
cost the owner to return his accounts. [ CITATION Agb19 \l 1033 ] . On the other side, many
experts believe that the internet has created many life benefits such as, people use online
education, and it’s very comfortable in somewhere in the world, Its right that people use the
internet for online learning, but this online education has less quality than the face to face
education, so still the problem is existing.

In conclusion, even though the internet becomes one of the life elements, but it brings health
and very bad security problems, which can lead to a human being in a dark situation. And I
would recommend that people use the internet in a proper manner that can save lives and
develop to the world, and also contact the doctors especially optical doctors and psychiatric


Luper, A. (2019). the use of social media is causing more harm than its
good among society. Academia, 3.

1. B.De WeverH.Van KeerT.Schellens. (2011). Long-term study of safe Internet use of young
children. science direct, 4.

2. Bron, s. (2012). Internet Voting -. Victoria University of Wellington,, 6.


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