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Partial Differential Equations

Dr. Q. M. Zaigham Zia

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad
Lecture No. 19

Fourier Series for Even and Odd Functions


Fourier Series for Even and Odd Functions

Method of Separation of Variables


1 Method of Separation of Variables

The Heat Equation

1 Method of Separation of Variables

The Heat Equation

1 Method of Separation of Variables

The Heat Equation
Method of Separation of Variables
The Heat Equation

Rod with zero temperature at the end points

When we have zero temperature at the ends points of a rod, then the
corresponding initial boundary value problem is

ut (x, t) = uxx (x, t), 0 < x < L, t > 0

u(0, t) = 0, u(L, t) = 0, t > 0, Boundary Conditions
u(x, 0) = f (x), 0 < x < L Initial Condition
Method of Separation of Variables
The Heat Equation

Find the solution of initial boundary value problem

ut (x, t) = uxx (x, t), 0 < x < 1, t > 0

u(0, t) = 0, u(1, t) = 0, t > 0, Boundary Conditions
u(x, 0) = x, 0 < x < 1 Initial Condition
Method of Separation of Variables
The Heat Equation

Find the solution of initial boundary value problem

ut (x, t) = uxx (x, t), 0 < x < 1, t > 0

u(0, t) = 0, u(1, t) = 0, t > 0, Boundary Conditions
u(x, 0) = x, 0 < x < 1 Initial Condition

Find the solution of initial boundary value problem

ut (x, t) = uxx (x, t), 0 < x < 1, t > 0

u(0, t) = 0, u(1, t) = 0, t > 0, Boundary Conditions
u(x, 0) = sin 3πx − 2 sin 5πx, 0 < x < 1 Initial Condition

1 Method of Separation of Variables

The Heat Equation

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